
Immersion Quotes

There are 6327 quotes

"If you've ever gotten so caught up in a good movie that you forget you're watching a movie, that's a hypnotic-like state."
"The sense of scale portrayed in this game is stellar."
"Suspension of a player's disbelief is a difficult job, one that's bolstered heavily by a game's presentation."
"It's so easy to get lost in Hyrule, so easy to get distracted from your main objectives, so easy to fall in love with the visuals, the towns, the characters."
"The best way to learn a language: immersion. Living where the language is spoken and using it every day."
"Practice to maximize the immersion and deep thought; that's where real creative thought will happen."
"I wanted to feel like a pirate, and that means doing piratey-ass things over and over again."
"The Witcher III's world, every side quest, every NPC really has a bit of care put into them that makes exploring every inch of the map just truly worth it."
"Make the world bigger, more expansive, more immersive."
"Until you don't become the experience itself, you don't understand it."
"It pulls you into a world that is very specific and everything in it feeds that sense of adventure."
"The sense of immersion and adventure in this game is top-notch, really one of the most immersive games that I've played in some time."
"This all-new land completely immerses you in the world of Star Wars."
"When you walk around that bend and then Falcon's just like straight in your face and you're like wow, this is real life."
"Historical fiction brings in a whole level of immersion because these people really existed."
"I just play it as if a normal person would play the game."
"This game's being designed with so many great RP features to really add that extra level of immersion."
"Is it going to make reading even more immersive because the reason I love reading fiction is because it feels like I actually get transported to wherever I'm reading about?"
"Nintendo even brought a real treasure chest on set to emulate Link getting items."
"This what you're seeing on the screen is exactly as I'm seeing it, and it is incredible."
"This game loves its music...and I just found myself completely taken back by the use of musical score and themes throughout my playthrough."
"Disco Elysium seems to cast a spell on you, hypnotizing and paralyzing you in its tractor beam as it pulls you into its world."
"Historically, the best video games I've ever played are unique in as many ways as they possibly could be, but what they shared in common were three things that they absolutely excelled at: They immersed, they challenged, and they rewarded."
"Batman: Arkham Asylum really made me feel like Batman."
"It's very clear that Rockstar really wants you to slow down and truly feel like you're living in Arthur's custom crafted immersive moccasins."
"There are some sections in this book that have given me chills like no other Halo book since the Forerunner Trilogy."
"The world envelops you in its lush sounds and colors."
"The visual style, soundscape, and sense of immersion are what really grabbed me here."
"I feel like I'm in the real world. Actually, no, this is more realistic than real life."
"Rockstar gave players the tools to live out their Wild West fantasies."
"To make a world that's actually highly constrained because it is a video game, after all, and make it feel as though it is utterly unconstrained, is really a remarkable feat."
"The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 does so well that needs to be lauded and praised is the fact that rarely do you think to yourself, 'I am playing a game'."
"The challenges and achievements may break immersion a little, but the spirit of what Rockstar is trying to evoke is incredibly powerful."
"Snowpeak encompasses everything that Twilight Princess is to me."
"Immersion is a quality of good storytelling."
"The audience wants to believe your lie. They want to forget they're watching fiction. They want immersion."
"System Shock 2 is widely regarded as one of the most immersive and chilling experiences PC gaming has to offer."
"This virtual world is so immersive that you might not notice when your girlfriend moves out and takes half the furniture with her."
"Virtual reality is Total Immersion; you step out of the real world and step into this game world or this experiential world."
"The Rift features an integrated VR audio system designed to convince your ears that you're truly there."
"The best way to learn a language is to speak it from day one."
"Middlebury has been offering these language immersion courses for more than a hundred years."
"In just a few months, it's possible to learn a new language with stories completely from home and to be able to get it to a point where you can speak the language, live the language, and have the language as a part of your life."
"Effective language learning involves avoiding the native language and focusing on input and interaction in the target language."
"Disney's Hollywood Studios, the park that drops you into your favorite movies and lets you become the star of the show."
"We want to make you feel what it was like to be a slave, or what it was like to escape through the Underground Railroad." - Bob Weiss, Imagineer.
"The only way to really understand a country is to visit it and, in particular, to spend time there—not just a few days, not even just a few weeks, but to spend a few years living in that country."
"A game is not just seen, or heard, but felt."
"I can feel myself getting super engrossed in this game."
"Immersion is a tricky subject; it's very difficult to describe and talk about a phenomenon which by its nature is deeply personal."
"The immersion level that you get with a VR headset is just way above and beyond anything that's even possible with a triple screen setup."
"The immersive experience is shattered by the real world, and boy, has Disney been breaking the immersion recently."
"This film blew my mind. It changed cinematic immersion for me forever."
"A game enables you to experience a perspective, a point of view in a way that is deep and immersive unlike any other form of media."
"What I love though, is that virtual reality can allow you to tell stories in such amazing ways because it immerses the audience in an environment that they've really never immersed themselves in quite in this way before."
"It's just nice to have other players there, acting as free-thinking, feeling background characters framing your own adventure."
"At its best, Cyberpunk 2077 has a simulational pacing. It wants to be immersive."
"Being drenched in God's love is like waterfalls of love washing over you."
"Stories are iconic and rarely bring the world to life, quests, quirks, and characters."
"You can literally feel the blast almost as if you were in the game. The realism here is crazy."
"The world feels so much more alive and realistic when the non-playable characters can develop stories of their own without our input."
"I wanted you to feel what it's like to be in that room."
"I hope this music is an experience, creating another journey where you could close your eyes, start from the beginning, and never stop."
"Analog horror...they kind of immerse you in this like you're playing a movie and the movie is just really catered towards you."
"The atmosphere and immersion in Bloodborne is on another level."
"This makes the game's world feel a lot more interesting, and it makes the world and your journey feel more immersive."
"The immersion factor happens regardless of a lack of realism, and some of the best VR games that I played have used unique graphic styles."
"Our goal is for Ghost to be immersive, mysterious, and worthy of your time and investment."
"In general, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a really great game...I think this game is something special, and I think it's one of the most immersive games that I've played in recent memory."
"In a game which whole goal is to allow one to live in the Star Wars Universe, immersion was absolutely Paramount."
"The game is very immersive, the writing is compelling, the characters are vividly portrayed, and the music is delightful."
"It really is easy to fall into this world and get lost within it."
"One of the most effective ways to immerse a player into a virtual world is to give them a place to call home."
"I think the weather in this game is really well done, whether it be a rainstorm or just some fog."
"The flow state is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation where the person is fully immersed in what they are doing."
"The reward is immense for learning how to play this game mode because it's so immersive, large-scale Star Wars battles like you've never seen before."
"The value is there once you realize how immersive it is."
"If you love Star Wars or live-action role-play environments, then it is incredible."
"What's important to us over here at Squad Ops is immersion, fun, and realism."
"We are excited to welcome you aboard to begin your fully immersive experience."
"Though the story and gameplay are both brilliant, it is the environment that really makes Ghost of Tsushima something special."
"Nothing elevates the level of immersion better than VR. It goes one step further from immersion to deliver presence."
"This is definitely an essential mod for anyone who wants to really get immersed in a playthrough of Skyrim Special Edition."
"I had to gather all the food in game and then whatever I gathered I could eat in real life. That's the next level immersion, I think."
"Renaissance Fairs... immerse yourself into something fantastical and amazing."
"People love having an escape...it's just about everybody feeling like, 'Oh wow, this is a new world. This is dope.'"
"Finding these encounters organically would also make them feel more like a real part of the world, which would be more immersive."
"The sheer scale of some of the combat scenes you’ll find yourself in really feels impressive."
"I absolutely loved playing through Signalus this past week. I really lost myself in it, and I absolutely could not recommend it anymore. It's just incredible."
"My point is, with the first run, when you're engaged with the story and you're in it, you're immersed."
"Even to this day, there are two things Gothic does better than most other games released before or since: immersion and progression."
"Gothic's design is immersive, even by today's standards, and this really helps bring the setting to life."
"I'm telling you, this is an immersive graphic novel. You will open it up and immediately be struck by just the high-quality, premium nature of this."
"Going from ghouls kind of running like injured humans and generally shambling in New Vegas to them lunging and flinging themselves at you with terrifying speed is amazing."
"Flow is what we see a lot of people enter into when we see musicians, artists, swimmers, runners...people are just completely immersed in the moment where they experience states of flow."
"Immersion is the name of the game with LA Noire, and it tends to expertly bring it to the table during the majority of your playthrough."
"The immersion, the world, the character drama, and the tragedy of it all wrapped up in a satirical world."
"Learning a language is like swimming; you can't learn it just by listening. You have to dive in, make mistakes, and figure it out as you go."
"If you can really manage to get inside a character's head, you can really immerse yourself in their perspective, which helps you understand it."
"I truly believe that to learn a language you really have to immerse yourself and have an interactive experience."
"The gameplay of Outer Worlds, the moment-to-moment stuff, it's just fine. It's not mind-blowing, but what elevates Outer Worlds I think to the next level is this sense of immersion."
"You can pick a nice environment to watch Netflix, and it'll be like you have a big screen, like a giant screen."
"I want to focus on...lore buildings or little tiny spots, campfires, ruins, that make the world feel more lived in."
"The resulting effect is the ability for games that are fully immersive from start to finish over hundreds of hours of gameplay."
"Human beings can get incredibly great at anything they put their minds to. Total Immersion at any topic, most human beings can become great if they give themselves enough time."
"This is the most immersive Battlefield yet in a World War II you have never seen before."
"So for the first time, I want to REALLY shout out the music in this game."
"There's something about the outer worlds that allows you to get into the flow state so quick."
"Meta is the enemy of fun. It ruins immersion, diminishes accomplishment, leads to less experimentation, less individuality, less agency."
"Exploring this world feels like stepping into a painting."
"This blending of storyline and gameplay immerses players like no map has ever done."
"This sense of motion helps immerse the player immediately into this cinematic world."
"Even more than in a lot of its high-quality predecessors, it just feels more like a living, breathing city."
"Focusing on the character you're playing and not on heroic fantasy."
"That was the most highly themed, totally immersive dark ride adventure that I've ever been on!"
"Gaming is so interactive, by the end of it you think you are Spider-Man."
"The best way to learn a language is through immersion."
"The more things you touch and interact with, the more it immerses you into it."
"Having props in the world is crucial to the immersion level."
"Immersion is one of those things you have to experience."
"The deepest way to know a thing is to be a thing."
"It looks photoreal, it looks super immersive."
"It's such a small detail that makes the whole world you're in feel that much more alive."
"The world feels much more richer, much more alive, much more in motion."
"This straight up looks like a movie but like I'm controlling the character, this is [__] crazy."
"The true beauty of great game design is when all its artificial justifications, quest indicators, loot to find, experience points to earn, melt away, and you really feel like you're in a creepy place looking for answers."
"All this great stuff, a bed roll, all that stuff, and you know in D&D we loved that stuff, that fantasy of looking through this list for the first time."
"The seed of the entire Elder Scrolls series is a promise of stepping into another world."
"It feels like you're actually immersed in a pretty crazy world, which is pretty believable and is what I feel is very authentic to the time period."
"It kind of really makes you feel like you're part of the faction because you're like."
"I'm actually choking real life. It's too immersive."
"Every sensory input amplifies the experience."
"It's not just about making a video game, it's about creating a visceral experience that immerses players in World War 2."
"Sonic had established for itself with a rewarding soothing atmosphere."
"It really just delivered on those small moments that you just want to self-insert into so badly."
"Do you know what it's like to read all of that at two in the morning by yourself in a dark room? It feels like a drug."
"The sound design is used masterfully, drawing you into the world of the film and making you fear the slightest pin drop."
"Make sure you can see your own character's breath."
"You're completely surrounded by a wall of sound."
"If you really want to grapple with this game and its world and its characters, you can do that as well and that's really only possible because the writing is so damn solid."
"It's all about the spectacle, it's all about the immersion."
"Every single set shimmers with a period-appropriate naturalism and never showy but ever-appropriate amount of detail, that honestly makes us feel like Coppola had somehow shot this thing through a portal into the past."
"an elegantly designed, interconnected world that is just a joy to get lost in."
"It makes the world feel alive, and less like the game revolves entirely around the player."
"Tim kept telling her, 'Just rip the band-aid off, say goodbye, and leave.'"
"This was the first game where I felt like I was actually role playing in a game."
"The small things you do to make things believable go a long way to making me love the world you've built."
"Ghostwire's version of Tokyo is so dense with visual detail... every single inch of this world is so full of things that look so interesting and so real that you just want to reach out and touch them."
"Some people want a little bit of bass, even if it doesn't sound amazing. They want something that has a little bit of rumble, more immersion."
"Find something you love and lose yourself in it."
"Internal realism: Does the world feel real despite being unrealistic?"
"When we kissed, it showed how completely involved they had become with these made-up people's lives."
"There's nothing else like it. It's one of the most immersive and enjoyable space Sims."
"Active audio, like audio cues, adds to the gameplay."
"This game was awesome, the story was like watching a movie."
"When the game is cinematically running on all cylinders, it's truly sublime."
"The best way to practice listening is to just start listening expose yourself to native speakers as much as possible."
"In Condemned, you're forced to get your hands dirty."
"You feel like a visitor in Bareilles rather than it being a place you own..."
"Passive listening is one form of language immersion. As you listen to the background music over and over and get more comfortable with it, you'll start to notice key words, intonation, grammar patterns, and so on."
"The atmosphere, what the purple sky in the background, the full movement of the parts inside the temple with the candle life and text on the wall, it just feels like we're traveling closer and closer to the center of this incident is an actuality."
"Solid mechanics, a palpable sense of threat and kickass theming."
"It combines essentially every element of horror into one nerve-wracking package."
"Final Fantasy 6 still holds up as one of Square's best RPGs that not only is incredibly easy to get into but gets you immersed in its robust cast and interesting world to explore that never drags never gets tiring"
"Elegy is that, for Skyrim. The amount of changes is huge... in a line... it kind of de-gamifies certain aspects and moves the needle a little bit more to realism... or immersion."
"The lack of UI... allows you to just take in the world as it is."
"Mad Max offers a depth in landscape design, with locations interacting with the land, making each place feel connected and purposeful."
"Mad Max's world feels inhabited, with locations repurposed for survival rather than being built from scratch, adding to the immersive post-apocalyptic setting."
"Video games are better at background storytelling."
"The gameplay needs to immerse you in the world, give you as many interesting actions to survive, and overcome obstacles."
"This is probably as close as you can get to a total immersive experience."
"It feels like a really good role-playing experience."
"If we can see and hear other students in the castle receiving one just like Ron did in the Chamber of Secrets in the Great Hall, so I think that would be an incredible detail and a lot of fun if it did make it into the game."
"I couldn't believe that I was looking at World of Warcraft."
"The immersion and atmosphere of the open world is incredible."
"I love everything about the game I love the narrative the characters the voice actors The Studio that made it I love the cats I love everything."
"The leap from characters being mere vessels for gameplay to becoming these relatable entities with whom we can actually resonate with is a significant milestone."
"The stakes are so high so it just it completely transports you to this gritty landscape of a world where the axis powers won."
"You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner. You're in one."
"This game really makes me think I'm going crazy half the time."
"With a game like Fallout, immersion is everything."
"New Orleans Square is the most well-themed, most immersive, and most entertaining land Disney has ever built in any of their theme parks ever."
"It’s not a series for everybody, and the impatient will find almost nothing to enjoy, but those willing to take the time will find an immersive and engaging experience like few others."
"Training games in career mode can be very tedious, but let's start with the immersive aspect of it."
"If you do not immerse yourself, you are not doing it right."
"It's completely interactive. You're actually in the middle of it."
"The world is affecting, interesting, and thoroughly detailed."
"The sound in this game is great. It adds to the intensity of the gameplay."
"We really wanted to bring that cinematic experience into the game."
"VR makes it feel real, and when you put that into a multiplayer experience, it just raises it to a whole nother level."
"Immersion, a quality that I personally feel is paramount to a decent game, comes very easy to the open world survival format."
"God of War wants to show you the brutality and skill of Kratos. It wants you to feel involved in and responsible for every gory strike and it wants to do it all in one take." - God of War
"Metal Gear 5 was oozing with thousands of little details... it made the game feel vibrant."
"Here because of the first-person perspective it all just kind of happens without pause and it feels so natural the way."
"Tenchu didn't need to look the best or sound the best. It just needed to make you feel like a ninja and it does."
"Ultimately, you know, we're doing all these technology upgrades, but the intent is to just lose you in the story."
"The haptics and adaptive triggers make an immediately noticeable difference in games."
"War Thunder is a fantastic, highly detailed, and immersive war game."
"Playing modded while being clueless was an experience close to magical."
"It's so surreal just because I grew up watching these movies and to actually be in that world, it still takes my breath away."