
Support Seeking Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Ask for support if you need it...it's okay to ask for help."
"Don't be afraid to reach out for help. There is somebody who is emotionally invested in you."
"Our life we live with this every day and we're not advocating and doing this for entertainment; we're doing it to get help and support."
"The message I want to get across is that when you reach out for help, when you actually speak up, when you shout about it, when you talk about it online, when you do all those things, It's actually your way of saying, 'Hey, I need help.' 'I need support.'"
"Be okay with asking for assistance or help; there's no shame in asking."
"You're asking for permission instead of support because it is your life not theirs."
"Trust yourself, trust your ancestors, ask for support."
"Getting help is a critical part of getting better."
"There's no reason to take risks that you can avoid if you can reach out for help."
"Don't be afraid to ask, if you need help, speak up."
"Nothing to be ashamed of, and if it ever happens to you, you should feel comfortable reaching out and getting help."
"Take a pause, ask for help, try and lighten the load."
"It's not a weakness to find someone who can assist you in figuring out coping skills or prescribe you medications."
"Don't be afraid to seek help and don't feel weak because you are not alone."
"If you're out there right now experiencing something like this don't be afraid to get help and move on."
"You don't have to do everything on your own, it's okay to ask for help."
"Reaching out for help with other people is the quickest route to success in overcoming addiction."
"People see it as crying wolf or attention seeking... But I was actually crying out. I wanted to get better."
"Please open up and let someone know, whether it's a therapist, a good friend, or family member."
"You're operating out of a pseudo-self, find support during this vulnerable stage."
"I think it's where it should be as far as the collective thought is that it's an important part of growing yeah and it's asking for help which is actually a strength."
"Identify maybe one problem you'd like to work on... just one and then find support to take positive actions toward changing it."
"Making lists has changed my life. It takes all that stress and puts it onto paper."
"Always, always ask for help when you're down."
"There's no such thing as being weak for asking for help."
"Ask for help, seek support; you are not alone."
"I know I need to ask for the things that I need help with or that I want help with."
"You don't have to be this stubborn and you don't have to do this alone."
"Now is the time to seek out those who will support and encourage you."
"Sometimes one of the reasons many of us share our plans with others is to find support. However, you must make sure that those surrounding you actually care enough to support you."
"It’s okay to talk to others and it’s okay to seek help."
"I finally realized that I can ask for help, and it's okay to not be okay."
"Who will help me get through, who do I turn to, who do I look to?"
"It's okay to pay for help, it's okay to ask for help, or pay for it, or both."
"Give yourself permission to be vulnerable and tell other people, 'I'm really feeling down right now.'"
"It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to take breaks when you need them. And most importantly, it's okay to ask for help."
"If you ever need help with anything in your life, try not to internalize it too much. Try to reach out to someone, talk to them about it."
"You're ready to ask for help, admit you can't do it all alone."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help... You deserve support through it."
"Strength lies in embracing vulnerability and asking for support when needed."
"It's always okay to ask for help. There's nothing to be ashamed about. There's nothing to be ashamed about!"
"Your time to shine: if you feel completely stuck... look within, ask for some help, you're going to find a solution to this."
"If you're scared, borrow the strength of others who will be there to help you."
"Some people can and you guys fantastic but for those of you out there who have tried constantly and you failed, why not ask for help?"
"It's not a sign of weakness to ask to talk to someone about it."
"Don't fear asking for help or accepting help if someone is willing to give it."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help, you might be really surprised. I got really good openings that happened each time I put myself out there."
"It's good to talk about these things and we should just openly address how we feel and share it with others and seek help."
"There is no shame in asking this, there are so many people out there that I know that once you know their spouse isn't working or somebody's lost their job or their hours have been cut back, get these resources now while you can get them."
"Ask for help if you need it, there's support available."
"I've been trying to do this on my own. I can't. I need help."
"You are stronger when you ask for help than when you assume you can do it all on your own."
"It's no shame in asking for help really, and a lot of people will be happy to do it."
"Set boundaries, advocate for yourself, ask for accommodations, inclusions, supports."
"If you are struggling with something, and maybe you need some help, maybe for mental health, maybe for addiction, whatever you might be struggling with, there are ways. It's okay, there are resources."
"One of the biggest signs of strength in mental health is asking for help."
"I think the answer is always reaching out and asking for help when you need help."
"Wherever you are in your deconstruction, it is okay to seek support."
"I felt proud of myself actually for asking for help."
"My life is out of control. I have no family. I'm about to lose my job. I just want to talk."
"Asking for help is also an act of courage."
"Some things are just too big and too hard to handle by yourself."
"It's okay to not be okay, and if you're struggling, just please talk to somebody."
"You're not alone, and asking for help is totally acceptable."
"Seeking support is not a sign of weakness; it's a demonstration of strength."
"I just needed a friend to talk to."
"Let go of guilt, and don't be afraid to ask for help."
"You should never be afraid to ask for help or be afraid to lean on someone."