
Medical Advice Quotes

There are 935 quotes

"In my 20 years of experience as a medical doctor, if I can help my patients make some small changes each morning, it can have profound effects on their negative thoughts, their moods, their stress, their anxiety."
"If you get off a video game and you start hearing voices telling you to do bad things, you need medical attention."
"This is not a margin of error. This is a pattern of behavior that shows these doctors don't always know what they're talking about yet they're going to talk about it anyway."
"I think that in an ideal world, trans kids and their supportive families should have the ability to engage in important conversations with psychologists and doctors about what treatment path would work best for the kid."
"Matthew Lany emerged as a prominent figure, presenting himself as a beacon of medical expertise on TikTok."
"For things so important like medical advice, people should be certified to make this type of content, and there needs to be stricter measures to combat such deceptive behavior."
"It's a very individual conversation about your circumstances, risks, benefits, and for you to make the right choice."
"We have a responsibility during a global pandemic, which we're still fighting every day, to rely on the advice and guidance of our medical experts."
"If you're having those big flashes of light, blind spots in your vision... stop the video and call your eye doctor right now."
"Every time you take a course of antibiotics, you're killing all your bacteria as well in your gut."
"We should hope to encourage accurate and helpful self-diagnosis because how can you possibly get a diagnosis if you're unable to be aware of your own situation?"
"But of course, if I was a betting man, I'd say let's get a vaccine as soon as possible, because that's the best way to control a viral infection."
"If you're struggling with chronic illness, I do encourage everyone to work with a doctor and have a relationship with a doctor."
"Loud snoring is actually a sign that there is a blockage in your throat."
"Informed medical decision-making... It is imperative for consumers to learn how do we evaluate information."
"If a patient suspects they have HIV, they still need to abstain from activities that could transmit it until they have confirmation."
"My advice to doctors listening is to tell your story, share with your patients. Don't have this doctor-patient relationship which is very distant and estranged. Be a human."
"If you have a medical concern, please go see a licensed professional and seek their individual advice."
"Vaccines provide a much better level of protection with just two shots versus Ivermectin, which you have to take continuously."
"Sublingual... under your tongue... it's very vascular and that means that your body absorbs it very, very quickly."
"Diuretics as a whole get rid of everything, except the special ones. Luke diuretics get rid of everything."
"Listen to doctors. Don't listen to anybody else. Listen to experts."
"Self-diagnosis should only be a basis in order to see if you need specialist help or not."
"Can you diagnose yourself on the Internet? Generally speaking, I wouldn't recommend it... educate yourself, formulate hypotheses, and try to share those as transparently as possible with a medical provider."
"Blood pressure is so important that if you're doing everything you can, you're optimizing everything, it might be worth talking to your doctor about getting on medication."
"Get a medical opinion from your doctor, get a second or third opinion, and do what you feel is right for you. Be responsible for your health."
"Transitioning is faulty. It's not something you should take lightly or rush into."
"So, if you can find a doctor that's not afraid to say 'I don't know,' you found yourself a really good doctor."
"If all Joe said was that if he was advising a person at 21 whether or not to take the vaccine if they were healthy and they weren't going to take stupid risks he would advise against it."
"We can have medical advice for everybody that is beyond what we can get today."
"He gave them to people because he felt that made the diet more palatable, not because it slows the disease."
"It's unlikely to see long-term side effects down the road."
"This and the aspirin they say I have to take for at least a year so this and the aspirin they say I have to take for at least a year."
"Giving a patient nutrient supplements that fight inflammation could help ease their symptoms."
"Your inner ear looks okay, it's mostly just the canal that's a little bit red."
"From everything we've seen so far, [the vaccine] looks to be safe in pregnancy."
"The earlier you catch it, the less likely you are to have these complications."
"The ketones stick around for 6 to 8 hours which is very helpful for the healing process."
"Testosterone replacement therapy is a great way to help with all those things."
"Moral of the story: see your doctor, get your levels tested, know your body."
"Every time your blood glucose spikes up, you are effectively toasting your brain, your eyes, your kidneys, your vessels."
"Coronary artery disease really need never exist and if it does exist it need never progress." - Dr. Esselstyn
"You don't want to plan to improvise when it comes to life-threatening bleeds."
"Fasting has been known, has been shown to reverse all of this."
"Once you understand the principles in that book, you're going to be able to give your little one the gift of a normal hemoglobin A1C for the rest of their life."
"PCOS is not a life sentence. When you address the root cause, it can be reversed."
"Understanding your insulin profile is essential to understanding your health."
"You don't have bad cholesterol, you have bad information."
"Super physiological stuff is a protection of youth from the deleterious outcomes of hormone exposure."
"One size does not fit all when it comes to health."
"It's not worth it, at least speak with your doctor about it."
"Please don't be dissuaded about getting treatment that could help you."
"The more readings you have, the better. The more important it is to take them all into account."
"When a nurse says there's a problem, you listen."
"Ivermectin is not FDA approved for COVID treatment, but it's an essential drug for many reasons."
"Anyone that's perhaps hesitant for getting a vaccine, because you're maybe needle-phobic or you have a reaction like I do, there is... it's easy for me to say there really is no reason to be."
"Puberty blockers before Tanner stage 2... between ages 9 to 11."
"I want to stress that vaccines remain our best line of defense."
"Statins do work that fast, diet works that fast—they both can precipitously drop cholesterol in a matter of days."
"It's entirely possible they may be ineffective or even harmful."
"As always we at medcram believe in the Swiss cheese approach."
"The presence of mucus in your stools... a sign your body's fighting an infection."
"Naturally you're absolutely safe if you're using natural methods your testosterone will regulate itself if you're taking it obviously you really need to speak to a doctor have blood work done because you don't want to take that test too high."
"With an easily spread [virus] infecting bunch of people, it would be prudent to reduce your exogenous [steroid] at least down to therapeutic levels."
"I've started to think about it this way which is when one recommends an intervention one has to think very carefully about the side effects."
"You're not doomed to that condition." - Dr. Ken Berry
"I think there's every reason to believe you are better protected with ivermectin than you are with the vaccines."
"I think when it comes to the internet stuff, people might see a general claim or a general thing that doesn't apply to them unless they talk to a doctor."
"Early treatment is critical. Every household should take Math Plus upon first symptoms. Totally agree, and I highly support this. And of course, you should consult your own doctor."
"The most difficult card to acquire in a PSA 10."
"Fasting is one of the most healthy things people can do, as long as they don't have diabetes or a risk of developing hypoglycemia."
"Diet and exercise can improve cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and improve insulin sensitivity simultaneously."
"So if you were in my clinical practice, I would probably do a complete digestive assessment... to fix the leaky gut and address the digestive enzymes."
"Supply chains break down, you can't get the medicines that you need... If you or someone you love takes any daily medication, you need to check out jacemedical.com daily."
"Make sure you're in the hands of a specialist."
"Get a couple of opinions from doctors, and then do your own research as well."
"I don't want to hear from Donald Trump or any pundits on this [__], only hear from the doctors."
"Just take COVID seriously, that's the only medical thing that matters. That's the only threat that any of us face. Even Omicron, which is nothing but a cold for almost everybody."
"Ignoring or reducing the body's warning signs of pain with either guided meditation or self-hypnosis is not advised unless you are under the responsible care of a suitable medical treatment plan."
"Understanding the biology and understanding the symptom is so important because a person's reaction to their symptom can keep them stuck."
"A second booster for anyone 50 years and older from the FDA is coming soon."
"You don't fix that problem by giving more insulin."
"Healthy living can decrease the quantities of the visceral adipose tissue, and the visceral adipose tissue is the problem."
"Nerves grow very slowly, nerves regrow very slowly... don't expect overnight results."
"Do not change the bandaging until a doctor or emt does it for you."
"Aspirin thins the blood and helps prevent blood clots from forming."
"Most patients assume that if their doctor gives them some medical advice that that's based on sound replicatable research."
"I'm sick of this, I'm not gonna go to a doctor and say, 'Well, I don't care what you think about vaccines.' I'm gonna go to them and say, 'Yeah, you're the doctor, I'll take your word for it.'"
"It's like if you have skin cancer and the doctor says, 'Well how about let's put a band-aid on it.'"
"Lowering LDL provides no benefit because LDL alone does not cause heart disease."
"I hope that my work helps people sort of reverse the type two diabetes."
"Find a middle ground between don't listen to your doctor at all if they say you should lose weight and doctors prescribing weight loss for every goddamn thing under the sun."
"Don't confuse your Google search with my medical degree."
"If we're not explicitly helping people to reduce the inflammation in their brain we might just be spinning our Wheels here."
"What if someone avoided seeking medical attention because they thought, 'Oh I'm eating this healthy raw food diet that's good like that's all the medical attention I need right it'll protect me?'"
"Anticipate damage, heal through it, and heal early and often."
"The best way to not ever get diabetes is to understand where it starts."
"Don't just measure glucose, don't just measure A1C... measure the thing that controls glucose."
"So long as Cheryl was still taking Ethan to the doctors, it doesn't seem more likely that one of their medical recommendations was sticking than the scent of balance in his room."
"Take cancer seriously folks. Get checked often, get a second opinion when necessary, and, most importantly, listen to your doctors."
"I think my doctor told me that most people don't know that they're actually deficient in vitamin d."
"Read the warning labels, talk to your doctor, and do some research before you commit to a pill, any pill," she said.
"Deep breathing increases intrathecal pressure forces fluid in the discs, the discs are 70% fluid you're gonna get the curve back in the neck, I mean brilliant this is how you actually adjust."
"Every doctor in America at every hospital in the CDC tell you two things: they tell you to get vaccinated just as soon as possible but there's no good reason to wait."
"Having an AED on hand and knowing how to use it drastically ups the odds of you or a loved one surviving a cardiac arrest."
"The committee for tactical combat casualty care just released new recommendations for tourniquets for the first time since 2004."
"The first shot of eg Moderna... provides much higher protection than not absolute against symptomatic illness and also even higher protection particularly for those who are vulnerable underlying conditions..."
"I wonder, left leg amputated? Yeah, I think you'll make it, actually, just giving my opinion. The no black pill zone."
"I remember thinking to myself, you know what he's right, this doctor doesn't know me, he doesn't know what I'm capable of doing, but what I'm willing to do to get to where it is I want to go."
"Time is hair... act quickly on your hair loss... see someone as soon as possible."
"If there's a way for you to feel better without surgery, then I would say try that first because surgery is just, it's more uncertain."
"You shouldn't be getting medical opinions from TikTokers, you should be going and talking to your trusted medical professional."
"I think the best way to think about this is the relative risk-benefit that you get with the vaccine." - Dr. Amish Adalja
"A lot of the risk factors come down, and so we know that things like diabetes, for instance, diabetes is probably the biggest driver of heart disease."
"We have to provide some way for people to trust the medical system."
"If people are thinking, you know what some of that's resonating with me, is it getting in touch with your GP?"
"TIAs are extremely important, a warning sign for a future stroke."
"Even though WebMD says you cannot reverse your osteoporosis, I have seen multiple patients in my clinic follow these steps and their DEXA scan from year-to-year get better every year."
"It's important to advocate for your own health."
"Just know that accutane is not the end of the world. You can get different variations of it and just talk to a doctor, or talk to multiple doctors, get multiple opinions and see what the best regimen is for you."
"The earlier you can get to your doctor, the better."
"Timing, timing, timing! You've got to start your treatment early."
"Treat the virus in the viral phase and treat the immune system in the immune phase."
"Your protection against death and hospitalization, in particular against severe disease, is the same... So that are also very very good news for all of us."
"When somebody is having a heart attack, when somebody's having a stroke, how many of y'all know that you don't supposed to say, 'Okay, let me put you in the car.'"
"Always teach clients to finish the entire course of antibiotics."
"The main thing... is if you catch it, will you be able to fight it?"
"Stay on top of your health, make sure you are getting proper biomarkers assessed during pre-cycle, mid-cycle, post-cycle."
"You need your groin. You need both of them. Groin index dot com. Don't forget about groin index, doctor."
"Just if you can get desiccated, I would definitely choose that."
"Never hesitate to seek out for help, do your GP first if needed."
"Don't ever let patients talk you out of making it tight, tight, and you want that pin right on top of the iliac crest bilaterally."
"Turning a patient on their side is the smartest move."
"Don't transition if you don't have dysphoria."
"Make sure you're sure before making irreversible medical decisions."
"Balance, eyes, face, arms, speech, time. Call 9-1-1 now. Be fast."
"If you're suffering from this, find a reputable doctor."
"Treat patients early. Do not tell them to go home and wait till they collapse."
"Stop listening to the conspiracy theories. I'm not asking you to listen to Dr. Fauci. If your mind is too twisted by all the lies that Facebook has shown you and politicians have told you, just go talk to your family doctor."
"Listen to the doctors, listen to people who actually know."
"The only thing he did wrong was not turning the guy on his side."
"Reducing the protein in your urine should be the main goal of treatment."
"Consider using skin glue for closing wounds; it's quick and painless."
"Changes in moles: a potential sign of trouble. Get them checked."
"High index of suspicion can save lives. Early treatment is key."
"I have heard from some reputable sources that it's actually something that can help your hair."
"Masks are not theater. Masks are protective."
"You shouldn't have to go to a doctor and get this diagnosis and just be told, 'Here's your diagnosis. Go home and love your child. That's it.'"
"A little less intervention and a little more patient watching is what this doctor orders."
"Sick people need drugs... all you gotta do is just change your friggin' lifestyle."
"Lack of symptoms does not mean that you're healthy."
"Antibiotics: You need to kill the invading pathogen."
"Holding urine for extended periods may potentially lead to kidney damage through a process called hydronephrosis."
"You can have all these benefits with no side effects whatsoever."
"Nothing happens in the back, you don't get cancer overnight."
"Speak to your doctor if it's not improving after a week or if in that time you develop shortness of breath."
"The only negative is not using it as soon as possible because it can save, it can save their life if they, if they are overdosing."
"Make sure you're in the optimal range which I think is probably about 50 to 75 and then you adjust accordingly if you love that last video."
"Everybody should get their vitamin D tested. Vitamin D deficiency is a big problem."
"Health information is powerful and medically, early detection helps in any disease."
"Being overweight is a risk factor for like harvest every disease under the Sun."
"If you can hear 'boom boom bam,' something is going wrong with your heartbeat."
"Back pain with loss of bladder control? Go to the hospital immediately."
"Depression lasting more than two weeks? Loss of interest in hobbies? See a doctor."
"Initiating sleep troubles or feeling tired even after sleep? Check with a physician."
"Basically, I'm just doing what the people with 10-year medical degrees say to do."
"You gotta do the blood work, you gotta take care of yourself."
"If the treatment is more harmful than just letting things run their course, then we don't like to do it."
"At the end of the day, ask the medical professionals."
"There's absolutely no health benefits to colonic irrigation but loads of reasons that everybody should absolutely avoid it."
"Listen to your patient. When your patient tells you that this happens, it doesn't matter what the biopsy comes back and says to you."
"Medical advisors said that the babies have a 95% chance of growing up healthy."
"I don't take MRIs unless you're not getting better and you're getting worse."
"I trust the experts, and it's universally stated that it's [__] — that's how I know we trust the experts."
"The risk from masks for people who are otherwise healthy is very low."
"Flattening the curve and adhering to physical distancing will absolutely reduce the number of patients presenting to hospitals with COVID-19." - Dr. Callie Barrett
"Following the doctor's orders is always best."
"But who in their right mind would advise a 20 year old one week after recovering from Co from Omicron ba5 to get a booster against va5."
"Not proven doesn't mean it doesn't work just means it hasn't been proven."
"And it's not just like that a holistic doctor is saying this to you, no, no, no, actually real doctors will tell you, 'Oh, you should go to this spring source to treat yourself on the healing powers of these waters.'"
"The real key is that the virus doesn't spread by social community connectivity, it's by physical."
"Doctors should still perform a proper analysis; your weight isn't the only indicator."
"Optimal is often said to be where your systolic is less than 120... 120 over 80 plus minus 10 points or so."
"Dizziness, confusion, and anxiety... very important signs... you want to get that checked out."
"Everyone watching it, please, please just take him to a doctor's office."
"I mean Jane the Virgin really does stick The Landing beyond that even with my occasional narrative misgivings the characters were consistently spectacular the cast was consistently spectacular and that first season is really something special."
"Always getting a second opinion you know if you feel like you're not being heard."
"Don't ever hesitate with any kind of medical provider or medical service to get a second opinion."
"You don't have to give a combination of high dosages of a lot of things."
"But there is no evidence of that, and doctors say that the more people who sign up as organ donors, the better."
"I've been pretty much saying that all along. This was always a three-dose vaccine."
"Please do not hesitate in trying to get some medical help. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no stigma about it."
"If you're contemplating HRT, I don't care what age you are, go to the doctor, let the doctor decide."
"Is it an emergency for a healthy 18-year-old to get a fourth booster dose of the vaccine today? I don't think so."
"If you ever think there's anything wrong with you, it's spotting a lump or maybe a bit blood where they shouldn't be. Go see a doctor."
"Using this specifically I've been able to help, you know, to this day I have only had one patient I have able to help lose weight who has hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's using this sort of protocol that I'm talking to you about right now."
"Not one of those stupid doctors said maybe it's just your diet."
"Every patient is different. Blanket statements can be very dangerous."
"Just because a doctor prescribed me stuff doesn't mean you should do it."
"There's no need to wait for it to get bad enough. If you're experiencing symptoms, then you definitely need some treatment."