
Museums Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"This is why the museums are very important. When [people] start talking this way, they got a museum in Detroit, they already got a museum in Washington, D.C., I don't want to hear that [stuff]."
"Find yourself a museum, whether it's an art museum or a history museum or a weird museum, whatever. Or an aquarium or a zoo."
"Art like that... it should not be owned in the private sector; it should be in a museum."
"Museums are full of these little clay figures, and I think people probably made these before they made pots."
"Seeing something in real life and seeing it on the computer is not the same thing, and that's why we need museums to continue to exist."
"The concept of a universal museum is something which has only been constructed... We do have a choice... or believe that Britain actually wants to appeal to Britain's own better instincts than the rather arrogant acquisitiveness which has been displayed at times in the past."
"I believe in museums. I do still believe in museums. I just think that something has to happen, something has to change."
"Museums are an integral part of any country's history, and they keep history alive."
"If truth matters to you, go to your local museum."
"The legacy of LA’s natural history is just as epic as any Hollywood blockbuster."
"Museums are sick, they're not boring. Screw you, the science museum!"
"The Louvre: probably one of the greatest art museums we have on the planet."
"Buda Castle in Budapest overlooks the river and is home to museums."
"If you like science that's going to be the Powerhouse Museum."
"The lack of visitation in 2020 has affected all museum ships and other museums for that matter."
"One attraction that I'm particularly excited for is the opening of the Pinball Hall of Fame Museum."
"There's a subtle but important difference between a stuffed animal museum and a taxidermy museum."
"I recently had a conversation about going to museums, exhibitions, but for me personally..."
"Fairy godmother, hey I heard her wand is in some boring museum."
"What I'm most proud of is actually the association of video games with museums and art."
"The way that things were done for 150 years in museums is not the way that things are done today."
"I went for the first time the other day to the Imperial War Museum, it's the greatest museum I've ever been to in my life."
"I love museums, you learn something, that's for year two."
"Digital museums in the metaverse is the best way to probably onboard anyone in the world into the metaverse."
"Museums have these incredible archives and archives are kind of this forgotten treasure trove of story."
"These treasures don't really belong in museums, they belong in the hands of the cultures whose histories gave them meaning."
"I feel like I could spend an eternity in here and still not see everything."
"Jackie Kennedy's gown is still preserved today at the Kennedy Library in Boston, Massachusetts."
"The world's most visited museum, the Louvre, is open again after 113 days."
"Let's see if we can get kicked out of the museum, that could be kind of freaking."
"Why do old things belong in museums? Because history and nostalgia rely on the same thing: a letting go."
"There are over a 100 museums and some you've never heard of are simply wonderful."
"Museums should be both educational and entertaining, where one's mind may be expanded upon and interested by way of discovery."
"As I travel to different cities, I do love to just pop in to the local museums."
"I might trigger liberals if I said Museum."
"It's almost like the Aria Hotel is a museum, but just more spread out."
"The treasures origin have been subject of speculation over the years with museums and wealthy individuals vying for its pieces."
"Museums in Paris are wonderful. Even if you don't love museums, you'll love these. They're in beautiful buildings, the architecture is great, and the art collections are staggering."
"I'm a big fan of Fine Art Museums; making art, I'm there for it all."
"Hundreds and hundreds of them have been scrapped, but some have been saved and have now become museum exhibits."
"One sign of a good museum is when you leave knowing more than when you went in."
"Several powerful museums are dedicated to telling the story [of Warsaw]."
"Who doesn't love museums? If you just want to be bored to death...I'm just kidding."
"You can't be creepy in space. There's no air in space, but there is an Air and Space Museum. Nothing creepy about that joke, just a good solid wholesome joke."
"We always say cars end up in museums but not the buildings they came from."
"Technology has also allowed people to virtually visit museums from their own homes."
"What is clear is that museums remain a vital pillar of education."
"That's cool, it sounds like it's going to be an adult science fair, science museum. Science museums are cool because you can go around and touch everything."
"I really wish that there was like art museums that operated like science museums where they would like make replicas of the paintings and then just let you touch them."
"This cutting-edge technology is used in high-end museums around the world... and conservators used it to clean the tesserae without damage, safely and effectively, in a fraction of the time it would have taken to do it by hand."
"...is the first national public museum in the world opening in 1759."
"...one of the largest museums in the country."
"Some people just build their own. Like Jay-Z has a cool Museum in Brooklyn, allegedly."
"It's the support of patrons that actually allows us to travel to these museums."
"America's great museums, their stories are our stories."
"If you gave back every stolen artifact from a museum, you'd be left with an empty building."
"I love museums because in museums, you can learn about your story, the history. It's very important."
"This is one of the world's most famous museums housing an extensive collection of Art and artifacts."
"The establishment of the Louvre set a precedent for other museums during the nineteenth century, benefiting from the dual act of looting and preservation of cultural heritage."
"Now museums are saying come and explore with us. We will share with you the different periods of history."
"Ah, look, we learned a lot today, guys. We got to see all the museums, a museum aisle, and some, uh, you always wondered what the museums are here next to the park."
"Institutions, you know when you look at all the polling data, faith, their confidence in institutions, what institutions are their confidence in actually turns out, museums are one of the most trusted sources of information, historical knowledge, and so forth"
"The only other well-preserved ancient leather scale armor with a known provenance is housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City."
"We're passionate about museums and their role in our communities and our society."
"Taking stuff and putting in a museum, careful now."
"If you're in London and you're not visiting the museums, you're making a mistake."
"Museums have become public spaces where everyone's role is education."
"What I love more than anything else is that when museums work, it means that the public owns the history, the science, the art. And boy, there's nothing more special than that."
"I love modern artifacts, I love going to museums and seeing all the cool crap people collected, you know what I'm saying?"
"...museums are notorious for embracing the most extreme antagonism even towards themselves sometimes."
"Learning about history in a museum is awesome, but when you can go to the actual places where the history happened, that's just priceless."
"Queer lives tours are going on across 2020 and they're just a really exciting kind of querying of this what we might think of as traditional museum space."
"Be sure to look out for free museum days... a lot of the museums in the city are actually free on certain days."
"I've enjoyed my time in Washington DC I thought that was pretty cool like all the museums there."
"If you ever get a chance to visit a decent aviation museum, you can get up close and personal with the armament that these war birds carried."
"Yes, it's so wonderful to think that with further understanding and as museums themselves evolve that actually they can get better and better by truly connecting with the people behind the things and asking for understanding as opposed to sort of deciding on knowledge."
"The museums are for smarter people than me. I like to meet the people on the street."
"I spent hours in art museums, trying to piece apart how an artist had created an effect."
"Let's stop by another Museum downtown that feels more like a toy store with a history."
"The Museum of the Year awards were launched in 1973. They've become the focus of stiff competition between the great national museums, the museum's funded by local authorities, and the increasing number of independent institutions."
"The Smithsonian is basically the national franchise museums of the United States. All the Smithsonians are free."
"Amsterdam, a city with more museums per square mile than anywhere else in the world."
"That look really like the person. They'd be having them in like those museums and stuff of like celebrities."
"...Frederick decided that if he was going to run the museums he was gonna make the best museums in all of Europe."
"Aquariums are awesome. My favorite type of museum, I would say."
"Annie and I are gonna go to some museums."
"It's the kind of stuff that you see in museums and art galleries, etc."
"You know, the car museums like this, they have a unique smell to them, the smell of oil."
"Both of these museums really are kind of the heart and the soul of what museums ought to be."
"One nice thing also is that local folks are able to loan things and that way their story can be told in these museums as well."
"Pretty much every Museum or museum ship I've been to in Europe is open now without any kind of significant restriction."
"When you visit these museums when you're in a different city, you can usually find a few amazing things inside you wouldn't otherwise get a chance to see."
"Washington DC boasts a lot of amazing things: countless museums that don't charge a fee to visit, some of the craziest drivers I've ever seen, and some of the best Indian food I've ever eaten."
"Thieves operate in a mysterious underworld, so museums and galleries need some security secrets of their own."
"The Getty museums are some of the country's best museums to visit."
"The museum was actually pretty interesting; we managed to rally a little bit and learn a few things."
"Museums and galleries' primary objective must be to protect the art and antiquities to keep them safe and sound."
"Don't think you're going to have to pay for the museums; the public museums here in Uruguay are free."
"I'm over here on the National Mustard Museum web page, and I'm just having the time of my life."
"University Circle is also over on the east side and it's home to multiple and major world-renowned museums."
"An ultimate dream of mine would be to have a children's museum."
"Anything with the word Museum in it probably has something cool to offer."
"There's a level of trust that we have when we go into a museum, there's a level of trust we have when we watch television."
"This is absolutely one of the must-see museums in Los Angeles."
"It's one of the great museums in this country, especially for children to go to."
"These relics... serve as living museums that keep the past alive."
"Most of our major museums and galleries are completely free to visit."
"It's not a very big museum, but it's pretty cool."
"Here at this museum, you're not only allowed to touch things, you're encouraged to."
"You can go to Soweto, you can experience the museums, amazing art."
"The Smithsonian institution... is home to 17 of the country's most amazing museums and galleries."
"Chicago has probably the most amazing museums that I've ever gone to."
"She's a fantastic professional artist who does work for museums and things like that."
"I really do encourage you, if you've got the opportunity, to go to museums and things like that."
"Anthropology museums are good places to remember our childhood, or even better, the childhoods of different generations."
"I am not an expert in motorcycles, but that's why I go to museums, not because I am an expert, but because I go to museums to learn."
"DC is mostly known for being the capital of the US and for its massive amount of museums and monuments."
"Museums are strange, like you just steal people's stuff and put it in there."
"You know what people don't realize is that okay, you have things that museums put on display, but behind the scenes, you have really real treasure like heritage."
"I want to go to Nashville just to go to that museum because I just love nostalgic things."
"I love learning about things. I love going to museums, especially interactive ones."
"I love nothing more than just spending an afternoon at a wonderful Museum."
"Treat museums like a treasure hunt."
"The Art Institute was probably one of my favorite parts for sure."
"Let's talk about how museums are suffering by it."
"The kind of Norwegian Nordic history you do get here in Oslo with some of these great museums."
"Support the museum, do the thing."
"Los Angeles has a huge tourist industry and they're trying to drive that industry by opening museums like her."
"As the value and status of Stradivari violins continue to rise, more and more are now joining the Messiah in museums and institutions around the world, changing forever the connection between musicians and their instruments."
"This is an art town, there are world-class museums here."
"The best museums are fun and they teach."
"If you are a Dolly Parton fan, check it out, those museums are amazing."
"Museums play a very important role not only as a reflection of the time itself but they also make the time itself."
"Israel has the most museums per capita in the world."
"Museum is always great. I love going to museums on the first date."
"That was like the coolest museum I've ever been to."
"I love museums, and you know what, the thing is, I feel like being from a certain area, you don't look at the cultural experiences in that area."
"I wish museums were this interesting in person."
"Museums are moving from being about something to being for somebody."
"Berlin has more than 150 museums."
"There's a lot of cool stuff in Boston. The smaller community museums have incredible paintings."
"You don't come... It's not marching on museums per se, it's simply believing you belong in the conversation and speaking up."
"It's becoming the way that people can imagine seeing themselves in museums across the world and in spaces in which dignity is celebrated."
"Visit a Natural History Museum if you can, they're fun."
"Museums are generally considered to be pretty trusted institutions."
"Art Museum or History Museum? History, I love history."
"Do you know that the museums are free in DC? That's incredible."
"London has so many amazing museums and, of course, the British Museum is sort of the warehouse of all of Western civilization's treasures."
"This is the sort of stuff that advances the field, so that where we are 10 years from now is going to be completely different from now, based on what you guys, stakeholders in museum ships, are interested in and what you expect to see when you come out and visit these ships."
"The most pleasant part of the brewery museum is certainly the beer tasting."
"This is something we see in a number of surviving originals."
"I've always dreamt of spending the night in a museum."
"Mummies are the only one of these that is real and you see in museums."
"It's really hard to choose which museum is the best in DC, but the National Gallery of Art makes it hard to not choose this one."
"Museums do a great deal more than simply collect things. They display them and they help the public to understand more about them."
"We have the Gerald R. Ford Museum, the Grand Rapids Public Museum, and then we have the Grand Rapids Children's Museum."
"We have amazing museums, we have sexy people."
"Museums are places filled with valuable pieces, so people like to visit them. Museums shed light upon world history."
"The Treehouse Museum is one of my favorite museums in the entire city."
"What makes a person a collector and what makes a collection a museum?"
"The museum is a good place to learn about your past."
"I love this down here, as simple as it is; I'm probably a little bit biased there because I love Natural History Museum installations."
"That exhibit in specific touched a chord in people and redefined many people's experience when it comes to viewing exhibitions in museums."
"I love Southern museums; they are fantastic."
"I go for the historical major sites and, or museums. That's my preference."
"Museums shed light upon world history."
"If you want to discover a new museum every week, it will take you 20 years to do so."
"He's very mesmerized by this painting, to be fair, I found myself like this in museums."
"You're gonna collect what you love, that's one of the themes of Museum."
"The Te Papa Museum was a wonderland, my grandmother described."
"The main aim of a museum is to promote the enjoyment and sharing of cultural heritage."
"Museums are like the tip of the iceberg."
"I'm a big traveler... I'll probably plan a weekend like somewhere fun where we can go to museums. I love museums, very artsy."
"Museums are a great place for minds growing and flowing."
"You can judge a city by the quality of its museums."
"Museums are run by people who do all kinds of work; you couldn't have a museum without the people who wash the steps."
"I hope somebody buys it and puts it in a museum so everybody can see it."
"The world's most famous museum owners are bowing to the demands of public opinion around the management of historical artifacts."
"It is the early 20th century, and there is a worldwide Golden Age of museums going on."