
Potential Impact Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"This next achievement can change the face of space exploration forever."
"If you stopped wasting time and if you stopped lying and if you oriented yourself to the highest possible good that you could conceive of and you committed to that, how much good could you do?"
"Finding amino acids on an interstellar meteorite would be a world-changing discovery."
"The potential for gene editing to be impactful in terms of quality of life, I think that potential is high."
"Whatever may come could be the biggest Eureka moment of all time."
"The emergence of fusion technology holds the potential to transform our current world."
"He struck me as somebody that was really trying to do something transformative."
"The humanitarian impact threatens to be enormous."
"Blockchain has the potential to change every industry."
"The metaverse... it could change our lives in many ways... the future is gonna be wild."
"Human beings found out we're not alone, that would be awesome."
"It really does feel like this is the start of a brand new cover story series that could actually play a quite crucial role in the story going forward."
"And it could be one of many sparks that eventually do ignite real lasting change."
"and this technology was still brand new this shoe could have had the potential to revitalize a lot of the hype behind the brand obviously hype doesn't always"
"Even if we don't get to the point where factories in space are making our cars up in orbit, space manufacturing has the potential to completely change the world in pretty profound ways."
"I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world. And that's our job."
"Interesting addition...could be really transformational."
"Science is powerful and in the right hands, our hands if we had hands."
"Henry Cavill rules, I think it makes perfect sense to put Henry Cavill in the MCU. He'd be a huge get for Marvel."
"What Allah will do if you and I can maintain sincerity if we can maintain sincerity we don't know what what good can come from a good word."
"Teach them that their agency matters and they can do great things if they are good people and virtuous."
"This awakening... once it manifests into actual actions or non-actions... the whole game is over."
"I see a chance to change how it's seen, perceived."
"If this device really works, this could be revolutionary."
"NFTs are showing us that this is possible right so I think something is changing."
"It's going to be really difficult to ignore."
"Never underestimate the potential of one encounter."
"This is potentially a real game changer for anyone."
"Liverpool could get Chua many, it would be pretty transformative for that midfield."
"Elon Musk's potential involvement could be a new currency challenging the US dollar."
"It feels really exciting to be involved in blockchain. It feels like we're at the forefront of something that has at least the potential to transform."
"And I think autonomous driving has huge potential to actually make a big difference in safety in the world."
"Antonio Johnson is a potential impact starter for them right away in some capacity."
"AI holds the potential for some of the biggest advances we're going to see."
"If one shot can do it, that thing is absolutely golden."
"This is something we can turn around and save an awful lot of kids."
"Don't underestimate your potential impact; set an intention, hunt for ideas, play with mental Legos, distribute your ideas."
"This could really be one of the great discoveries of all time."
"If AGI is even half of what people say it is, I think it's going to change everything."
"This has the potential to be the greatest night of fights in the history of Combat Sports."
"It's a shocking discovery that could rewrite history if it turns out to be correct."
"It seems incredibly weak on surface level and it really is by itself but it has the potential to just stop your opponent from being able to play the game."
"This has the potential to completely change the entire consumer VR industry moving forward."
"This concept has the potential to revolutionize huge aspects of respiratory medicine, potentially saving millions of lives."
"Please continue to share out details about this story, it will go potentially a long way."
"What difference might the police national database have made."
"Teleportation technology could change everything."
"If Ronaldo owns a football club, it would be massive."
"We've just seen one startup company, there are thousands, and what they're doing is amazing and potentially world-changing."
"Could become a defining moment for the entertainment industry."
"That's the kind of thing that could make a huge difference on the run."
"Every decision is pregnant with a potential to produce a season."
"How incredible that would be. Well, that's what this device will do."
"Ways to make the world a better place: this Hextech dream of yours has the potential to do that."
"I'm excited about this campaign and what we can pull off."
"Ethereum actually may be the one to keep an eye on."
"We're so early into NFTs no one really understands the potential of it."
"If Hikaru wins the candidates, it would be massive for chess."
"Running for Senate is not something I thought I'd ever do... it would be very valuable that a guy like me actually did run for Senate."
"This 5g things gonna be bigger than people realize it"
"To me, like the Karen McDougall testimony is going to be devastating..."
"Literally within a month maybe shorter I'm like wait a second this this will change the world like this is a major major thing."
"Jonah is a gift, and he might just change the world."
"Davidson is devastating... his production should carry over to the next level."
"The motives are at least as strong if not stronger given the fact that this new technology could become even more Universal."
"If Overwatch released today it would light the [__] gaming world on fire."
"Mario Maker and Nintendo Land could have changed the system's fate."
"It can be absolutely massive, we'll see you then."
"This can really change mobile games forever in a good way."
"Imagine how powerful something like dlss or dlss3 would be in a game console. That would be such a game changer."
"This is potentially World conquering information, technology that can change the course of mankind."
"Virtual reality has the potential to be the next big leap in gaming."
"Our poor kid, you know, poor kid... He's going to help a lot of people."
"Good job, kid. You're going to help a lot of people."
"Airbnb has the potential to revamp the rental market."
"If Elon Musk just buys Twitter and then just turns it off and that would be like, next to like, the Gutenberg press, that would be like the greatest thing that's ever happened in human history is to get rid of that completely disastrous platform."
"The potential for Tesla to create a prototype bot... is just off the charts."
"IDORs are really simplistic but their potential impact is practically unlimited, right?"
"What we're about to do might change the world."
"This is such a good example of what we could be doing. I really, really, really love this."
"Declan Rice at Manchester United would be a revelation."
"I think this is gonna take the world by storm."
"Will is the feathered touch which can move mountains."
"The implications of this are just tremendous and if executed properly they could be mind-blowingly epic."
"Bitcoin could force that change essentially."
"I think there's value in a guy who is still relatively young played through injuries last year has scored double-digit touchdowns in both of his NFL seasons."
"It could have been a light new deal, do you understand? Like this could have been regarded as potential new deal of our generation."
"For me, Anthony is the most exciting signing of the summer if it happens," Mark reiterates his excitement for the potential acquisition.
"If I could project on a screen from my mind the things that I've seen with my own eyes this world would be would be changed overnight."
"I'm really freaking excited about this project."
"Web development is a superpower. It's gonna boom."
"One of the things I was so excited about was the fact that each one of those people has the ability to impact so many people in their lives."
"If there was ever a time that could make a freaking breakout, oh my god, this is the hugest thing in the world: an anime Yu Yu Hakusho remake."
"5G: Huge potential in infrastructure, manufacturing, and research."
"None of that would have been possible if the censors had had their way."
"If the pass serves as any indication this strike will completely kill or severely hurt a lot of TV shows and movies."
"He had such a future ahead of him, helped so many people."
"Could time travel be the ultimate weapon in the hands of humanity?"
"If extraterrestrials visit us, the outcome might be similar to when Columbus landed in America."
"I'm fascinated by what they're attempting here. It seems pretty ambitious."
"Ultimately, all that matters is that the next book you buy might just change your life."
"Hear me out he was he was young he was hot he was well spoken from all accounts I really think it would have been different had he lived longer all right say had he gotten old enough to get bitter all right just hear me out."
"Signing Harvey Elliott is gonna be massive for the series boys."
"I think he's got everything to actually bring something extra to Barça, Barça is already top with Memphis Depay will get to the next level."
"It's the Tene side who could cause a few stirs as they look to continue their growth."
"This discovery could change the foundation of science."
"So it could potentially be a really, really good finding."
"Oh boys and girls, this could be the signing of the summer."
"The contribution that Daka could put forward could be season defining."
"Agents of Mayhem 2 would be the sequel that blows everyone's mind."
"Is this a kind of could this conjunction also be a spark that kind of ignites a bigger fire"
"That damage certainly has potential for a bit of a double swing."
"Even a much lesser event than the Younger Dryas could cause mass mortality on a global scale."
"If this becomes a thing, it's gonna massively advance all the rest of it, grow exponentially."
"This really is a potential sea change moment."
"This could potentially be very very huge in crypto... the biggest project in 2022."
"We could have done and left that country better like the people that we had there the troops that we had there the capabilities that the United States of America has there's no doubt in my mind that we could have truly made a difference."
"Unlike those poor souls in the distant future, we can do something about it."
"You trying that one different style of video could be that one video that pops off and blows your channel up."
"Stand for the gospel, you might get rejected but you know what you might end up winning somebody."
"I really think this could revolutionize the coffee industry."
"An eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano would cause widespread devastation across the United States."
"Halo Infinite could be the make it or break it for the series."
"Four star players means that the guy is gonna be a good NHL player."
"They've got to find something from somewhere because it's...you know, I want to be careful in saying that there is long-lasting damage."
"I just want to help and hopefully by doing that I might be able to. So you never know."
"This is a very powerful tool if used correctly."
"If just one of these cases turns out to be true, it's going to change the world."
"I am optimistic...this game has the potential to be one of those once in a generation sort of experiences."
"Think about what you can use that to do, how you can use that to transform the world for the better."
"Bro, I'm still reeling off the ball bruh. Like, uh, I feel like the potential for the event itself can do so much good bro."
"Best discovery of the year for sure, maybe best discovery in all of human history if it gets confirmed."
"This has the potential to be a real game-changer."
"There's something going on. Could be the start of something very powerful."
"This is crazy, absolutely crazy. This could be the worst decision we've ever made."
"Doomerism is unproductive. You have no idea what potential good you can do by maintaining a decisive and active attitude."
"Neural enlightenment... perhaps save the world."
"The Brookings report asked the big question: what would happen to our planet, our beliefs, and our way of life if NASA discovered extraterrestrial life or even just extraterrestrial artifacts?"
"I think they could do amazing things in the decades to come."
"Words so innocent and powerful as they are, standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them."
"There's just so much potential in the future for this type of technology."
"I think it's gonna be really important down the road."
"I'm just really looking forward to getting the product in hand and seeing what it's capable of."
"If we can change the game at Amazon, then literally anything is possible."
"What Dion is building at Colorado could pay dividends way quicker than all of us expect."
"Congratulations on finding this potentially game-changing video."
"Voice chat update could change Brookhaven forever."
"I think the Ethereum merge has the potential to be one of the biggest crypto catalysts ever."
"Trey Lance would slide into probably seven, that's what he would be in my top 12 for sure."
"Eventually it's all about empowering people and I'm convinced that the power of 3D and the power of sharing you digitally with somebody else and getting together has almost unlimited power right."
"I'd hit upon something that I think has this huge potential to change the world."
"Zero-point energy devices could revolutionize the planet."
"Has the potential to expand the MCU in significant ways."
"I think she's got a chance to be perhaps the most prominent vice president we've seen in a long time."
"I think we're going to have a powerful conversation. I think this conversation can maybe change some lives, brother."
"To dismiss it as a gimmick, I think, is to ignore its potential to completely shake up every aspect of how games are designed and played."
"Just imagine if this was so much bigger and if it was close to some of the metropolises on the west coast. Pretty nuts."
"It's inevitable that you are here to offer something big that will."
"Every single human application could potentially benefit."
"This patch on the face of it could be massive, it could be quite literally the best update the game has ever had."
"If we can pull it off, it will be incredible, truly special."
"Under a slight change of circumstances, this is going to be tremendously powerful."
"I think this is absolutely huge news if this ends up delivering."
"Selena would have gone on to continue to change this world."
"It can be really powerful if we really attack it the right way."
"The floodgates open and I think it's going to be very interesting."
"That's gonna be another one of those game changers if it happens."
"If this works in Manchester then of course I think, you know, in Leeds, in Liverpool, right across the North of England, but also in other parts of the country too, that's going to be a major thing."
"Blockchain will make the internet look like a sleeping dog in comparison."
"The fire starts the big fires start with the smallest thing."
"We are the decade that can make a difference."
"This is a project we're invested in, we've been invested in infinity for quite a while for full transparency but this is one we were super excited to get invested in because we believe big things are coming."
"The fate of the AFC could even spin based on what kind of quarterback he develops into."
"If every Christian tithed, the church would have an extra $139 billion."
"Just implementing this could completely turn your trading around."
"If this works, this is going to be very life-changing."
"I think this could be potentially really big not just for Jared Leto's career but for the DC franchise."
"Just imagine the power that that can determine if everybody was like on the same mid soon."
"That's why I have a video idea I'm sitting on that I feel like could be one of the best videos I ever make."
"She could be hugely important to the whole world."
"The true religion, the Catholic faith, will cause human flourishing more than we could imagine."
"If these polls are wrong, it will be earth-shattering, seriously."
"This should be a little bit of a game changer."
"Harry's book is going to help so many people."
"There's some breaking science that I think is so spectacular, so exciting."
"This is the kind of foundation model that really could change the world."
"This could change everything. This one is crazy."
"I've always liked qui-gon jinn and his effect that an older Anakin would really shake up the trilogy."
"I'm all for them trying something new with the musical aspect. This film could be something special."
"If they can be big big signings it could be a massive massive thing for us."
"This game is quite ambitious and could change RPG games forever for the better in some very interesting ways."
"I'm gonna do an update next week... this could be game changing."
"The real question is not whether Michael Cohen has stories that could damage the president..."
"Blended learning holds immense potential to revolutionize teaching and learning."
"What if from something like fortnight's launches in September?"
"Valiant is one of those companies that as you mentioned like no one's really excited about but their passion alone could spur like grand change."
"The light that you're going to be able to create with this new twin flame is going to be bigger than it would have been."
"Inspiration is a big thing. If we could inspire the minds of one, we can inspire the minds of a thousand."
"Hopefully a new book he's just released is going to change that somewhat."
"The world will change in six months... if it takes longer than six months, it's not going to happen."