
Life Story Quotes

There are 495 quotes

"He's been working 15 hours a day his whole life."
"Your life, your destiny...your life could be a movie."
"If you're not living a healing story, how are you going to heal?"
"You are the author of your autobiography. You write the story of your life."
"So let's start from the beginning. Let's start with the day when she was born, because that was an important day."
"Life is a story being written by God, and we don't fully see the extent of our character or the unfolding story that we're actually in."
"We're autobiographical authors, we have the fun habit of constructing and revising a narrative of our life at every turn."
"My mother passed when I was like eight years old. I went to live with my grandparents. And so, how old were you when you got involved in selling drugs yourself? Around 12. 12 years old."
"Someday your life will be nothing but a story, a story told by a lot of authors that aren't you."
"I'm giving you my life story, Monique. You're going to write a book about it. My name won't be on it because I'll be dead by then."
"Roxy ended up passing away from breast cancer when she was only 66 years old."
"Dan was a daughter, a sister, a mother, a fiancée, a friend, a student, and a human being."
"Despite assumptions, she's not a spoiled rich kid; her story tells otherwise."
"Everyone is the protagonist in our own stories."
"And finally, after a lifetime of narrowly escaping death, and days after his 73rd birthday in 2002, Selak's luck finally hit a fever pitch as he played the lottery."
"I took on the identity of a born American who had passed away at the age of 11."
"By all accounts, Cynthia Anders had been a fun-loving woman with a zest for life."
"This is the gripping story of one man's search for the truth about the life and death of a beautiful young woman named Ashley Cordova."
"He died as he had lived: As a rotten coward, through and through."
"I hope that I am one that when I pass on that the story that people tell, that little Dash between when I was born and when I died, that it's one that's worthy of great celebration."
"Every person is the author of their own story."
"His story is an inspiring example of humanity."
"Shannon's life had been cut short before she could accomplish her dreams."
"His whole affair was amazing, his whole life was something to marvel at."
"His life and career were cut short by pancreatic cancer at just 32."
"Henry Hill for example... lived the rest of his life... they never came from it."
"Tell the story of your life the way you want it to be."
"He was a proud working-class lad from Leicester and he'd led this fantastic life."
"Stanley lived an amazing life and he has one hell of an amazing story."
"No one and nothing writes your story but you."
"The tree man and the relationship with his lovely wife."
"Ellen's life has been anything but easy to get to where she is today."
"Ellen's life has been an evolution beyond just personal growth."
"Week's reputation was in tatters and he ended up moving down the Mississippi where he started a large family and ultimately passed away at the age of 43."
"I told the story many times, but I used to be a bad person until very late in my life. I haven't done it in many years."
"Czel's story isn't just about survival; it's a testament to living life to the fullest no matter the age."
"I never really went to school, my whole teenage years were involved in me being in jail, yeah, youth authority at 13 I was in, I was in jail for, uh, I went to jail for murder and uh, that changed my life, you know, changed my life completely."
"I'm a billionaire, but seriously, I went from nothing to billionaire so insanely quickly, what in the world?"
"The world's dirtiest man: a story of homelessness and survival."
"It seemed that Blaine had lived out a real-life horror fantasy."
"The film also serves to document Tommy's personal life."
"It's a heck of a story that happened to him, not just his whole life, but there at the end, how it ties in with everything else."
"Life story, it's gonna be a lot of sad [ __ ] but it's gonna be a lot of funny [ __ ] right? My life is from a joke."
"I really appreciated how the story itself was kind of told in a disjointed, almost stream of consciousness way as one person is kind of recalling their entire life in important moments."
"Margot Hemingway's life was a poignant tale of beauty, fame, and tragedy."
"Each and every one of us are main characters in our own life."
"Frankenstein is the tale of the mad scientist's entire life, illustrating how everything led to the moment of the creature's creation."
"Proof is in your story; your story contains struggles, sufferings, fueled for your future."
"You are being the hero or the heroine of your own story."
"Zero to $200,000 by age 25, and here's the kicker: I worked at a convenience store. This is a story of my life, and I'm very happy to share it with you guys."
"Life is nothing but a wild adventure, let me show you how I got here."
"Write a love story with your life that you'll feel proud to tell."
"It's destiny, and I feel like it's a story."
"The bigger story does not revolve around you."
"No matter what life throws at you, you are capable of literally recreating your story."
"You are the main character in your life."
"Her life story is love and the people it is that she's been attached to."
"I'm thinking I'll major in English; after all, I've got plenty of stories to tell, especially the horror story that defined my life on that terrifying night in January."
"My life's an open book. You read?"
"His countenance marked by the passage of hard years seemed to recount tales of struggle and conflict."
"Each chapter in her life added depth and richness to the narrative, revealing a woman of resilience, compassion, and unwavering authenticity."
"I'm an old New Mexico cowboy who spent years in the oil patch."
"I think my life would make a good musical."
"My life story has been an honor and a privilege."
"In the big picture of all, this is just a blip in my story."
"Coming from the streets of Lafayette, Louisiana, his life story is as if the universe tested the limits of one man's resilience."
"It's not always how we act, but how we react that tells the story of our lives."
"His story is full of tragic moments."
"Love and appreciate the love and support that you guys have been giving to the My Two Cents, my two story rather, seen me appreciate the support and enough for them I come cause my life full a story, real."
"The story of your life must be written by you."
"Your life is so interesting it could be literally a story for real, you could write a Netflix series on your life."
"His life was a fascinating one born in 1915 in India moved to England in 1920 living there in England in the post-world war one years when there was such despair."
"His life story was so incredible, they turned it into a movie called The Great Impostor."
"My life could be a lifetime movie. It just, how everything went down, the whole process over almost 10 years."
"These revealing testimonials set the scene for reliving the astounding tale of an extraordinary life story."
"People are jealous of your life story, the bonds you've broken out of, the things you've achieved."
"If you take away anything from this video, it is this: you are the author of your own life story."
"Well, let's go back. You've led such a interesting, colorful life."
"Ori had an incredible life story that includes an on-again off-again relationship with his Greenwich Village roommate Cary Grant."
"If you've ever told your life story, you know it's complicated."
"My story was not and is not insane."
"...we're all incredibly inspired by the little we already know about your life."
"...you can keep going you know that your your life uh story is not over yet and you have the power to write your happy ending for yourself..."
"John Vizi was born in 1960 and he would talk pretty openly about his life."
"Your story is still being written."
"I don't want that to be the story of my life. Anybody agree?"
"Your life story is all about the habits that you have, not about the goals that you have."
"I'm writing a book at the moment, you know, my life story. I'm doing it right now."
"Was there a picture recently made based on allegedly the story of your life?"
"That's how my life more or less started."
"it doesn't matter in the end neither the orangutans nor myself became the biggest part of my story"
"I had always been an insignificant part of her life and I know that I was okay with only being a footnote in her story"
"Life for this multi-millionaire was not always so fortunate, having spent his life in foster care."
"Just hindsight 2020 now it all looks like it feeds into this great story."
"You've really got a great life story."
"There's a real story of humanity there at the end of his life."
"You can always rewrite your life story, but number one, you gotta take responsibility for whatever you did wrong."
"Every decision you make has an outcome, a consequence, a result. Maybe good or bad, desirable, undesirable, expected, unexpected. Whatever the case, that outcome becomes a permanent part of the story of your life."
"We write the story of our lives one decision at a time, whether it's a thoughtful response or an emotionally fueled reaction."
"But the truth is, I was a trap baby."
"You become the empowered scriptwriter of the story of life."
"Life moved on for everyone, well except for Bud of course. His life was ended and was silenced for eternity."
"It's been such a career highlight for me personally to have the opportunity to go into such depth with you about your truly extraordinary life here today."
"We write the story of our lives one decision at a time."
"So when the decision you are in the middle of making right now is nothing more than a story you tell, what story do you wanna tell?"
"I just write my life. I don't count them but that's what they saying, you know what I mean?"
"Albums that you would use as the soundtrack for a movie about your life. That's a good-ass question."
"We're in a grand story on a long arc with massive eternal implications."
"A life of crime, sure, but he died a hero."
"Your life wasn't defined by sadness. The ending might have been, but I think it was my job I chose to illustrate the life that went before."
"He's 30 year old man right now out here in the free world doing good, but at once upon a time he was a 15 year old juvenile who got caught up in a situation."
"I had to overcome adversity. It's the story of my life."
"...your life will be a movie, it'll be a documentary, there'll be books, it'll be everything."
"A story which begins in hello and ends in goodbye."
"You're either the star of your own movie or you're the cameo in someone else's movie."
"When I was 22 I got involved with the Russian mafia."
"He achieved fame and infamy, wealth and destitution, military command and court marshal."
"Your life is a book... when we flip through your book of life, your legacy is everybody you come in contact with."
"My father was a farmer when I was born. The farm burned, he became a preacher, he died when I was nine years old."
"If a movie were made about your life, what would the title be?"
"She had such an amazing life. What a perfect character for a book."
"His life was a tapestry of incredible highs, heart-wrenching lows, battles, victories, and above all, resilience."
"He had a diary that was one of the most unbelievable things I have ever witnessed in my life."
"The role you play in the story of your life will determine your character."
"The infinite being has always been present, it's been there watching the story of Ted unfold."
"Catherine's life is a tragic romance."
"Jane's maybe is the most tragic because she was so very young."
"It's a story that chose me rather than I chose it."
"My life is a movie, I swear to God you can't make this up."
"No matter what happens, nobody writes your story except you."
"You hold the pen that writes the chapters to your life; make your story an amazing one."
"You hold the pen that writes the chapters of your life; make your story an amazing one."
"It's a beautiful gift to get to see your parents' lives told in that totality, to have a life well-lived and see that captured on screen."
"To see his entire life leading up until that time laid out so poetically and cinematically has been a real gift for me."
"Every detail, every emotion, and every memory played out like scenes from a movie."
"You have to be the hero of your own life story."
"I think we can all take inspiration from Richard's truly remarkable life story."
"Not part of the plan, trusting God with the twists and turns of your story."
"You are a chapter in the big book that the god or the universe is writing."
"The film more celebrated his life, showed the life that he led both the ups and the downs."
"Your story is not a story of from drama to drama but our stories from grace and blessing to Grace and blessing."
"It's such a heroic life that he lived."
"Every one of us is the protagonist of our own story; we don't get to choose the plot points, but we choose our goal and how to respond to each one of those challenges."
"You are the one living and writing your story."
"Keep pressing into His presence, trusting in His goodness, and watching with expectancy as He unfolds the beautiful story He has written for you."
"When they write the history of my life, I want to include you."
"What's a narrative? It's kind of like the story of your life."
"The ascendant to the first house would be the plot, how things unfold, how the uniqueness of our story comes to life through us and for us."
"Every day you are writing your autobiography."
"It has been an epic journey so far with plenty of highs and lows."
"Love it or hate him, he is a fascinating character with an incredible life."
"First love of my entire life was motorcycles."
"Expired friendships... it's impossible to tell the story of your life without mentioning those people."
"Remember that the decisions that you make today will become part of your story that you'll have to tell tomorrow."
"Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been the champion of the world."
"We dedicate the story of Nancy's life and this interview to the total and complete eradication of ignorance and suffering."
"The story of the life of Christ is the story of giving the Atonement. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of receiving the Atonement."
"I always think of my life as an autobiography and what chapters are going to be cool."
"The American Dream is cute, but there's a much bigger story being played out."
"Be the hero in the whole narrative of your life."
"Every man has a story, the journey of his heart in this world."
"A man's life, the book of a man's life, cannot be judged by reading just one chapter."
"Every man has a story, and our story is the journey of our heart through this world."
"I was born absolutely at the right time; that's the story of me, great timing."
"That is one incredible life story."
"Who has the pen to your life? When you're writing your life story, who has the pen?"
"...his life is a story of hope and success."
"I know what it means to hate, and I know what it means to love. I have a name, and I have a story."
"The book chronicles the final years of Audrey Lacoste's life."
"The great challenge of your life will be how to live out your personal story in a world that is getting better, not worse."
"In a way, her life had all the ingredients of a fairy tale."
"All of our lives are a story, make yours a good one."
"It turns out he was a really cool guy, led an amazing life and was well liked by other customers that came into my store."
"I was a good person before it all went down. It was good, my entire life."
"I want to rap my pain, I want to talk about my life."
"As we reach the conclusion of our journey through the life of Bobbi Kristina Brown, we are left to reflect on the profound impact of her story."
"This speech has been writing itself for 43 years."
"Fishing's always been a part of my life."
"Unsurpassed in his heroism, matchless in the dramatic circumstances of his short yet eventful life."
"I see an album as a document of a person's life and a snapshot of a moment in time."
"Every soul has a story to tell, a journey unique and a destiny that unfolds in the hands of the Creator."
"We lived a real Cinderella story, and the book hopefully will be uplifting."
"Nobody ends up the way they end up just by chance or just for the hell of it; everybody's got a story and lots of contributing factors that fit into them becoming the people they became."
"What kind of story do I want to be able to tell to myself and to people when I'm 80, 90 years old on my deathbed?"
"Bioarchaeography is using the archaeology of someone's life to tell their story."
"It's the story of my life, somebody giving me a chance that nobody else gave me, and I just try to make the most out of it."
"At the end of the day, you write your story."
"This story is a Year's worth of a man's life."
"I've always viewed myself as the main character in my movie."
"This was a great story about resilience and strength and overcoming so many obstacles in life."
"I try to make my life a living comeback story."
"We all have a story, and my mom had a really rough go at life."
"There's a finite number of pages in all of our books, and they all end the same way, but in between, the story is all yours."
"We had a period of time, a window opened through the luck of life; I happen to be one of those kids who made it through that window."
"You are the author of your own story."
"I've been told by many people that I should write a book about some of the things I've been through because you can't make this stuff up."
"It's written to be a chronological perspective of someone's life."
"It's been a good ride all those years."
"Write your book, you lived on this earth 20 years, 60 years, 35 years, I have activated your memory in a way you'll remember everything you've done."
"That's how he succeeded his life in South Korea."