
Space Technology Quotes

There are 479 quotes

"Moxie is a new oxygen generation device that will test a vital technology for any future human mission to Mars."
"The first stage... gets reused over and over. In fact, the dark sit that see around the lower part of the first stage are remnants from its previous nine launches."
"It's crazy these days, that's like, 'Oh, it's only flown six times,' when, you know, some of the other fleets, you know, 18 plus times. It's absolutely crazy."
"You know, the parachute has to go right. We don't open parachutes on Earth going Mach 1.5, more than 1.5 times the speed of sound. You just don't do that."
"The largest space observatory ever built had to be folded up to fit inside a rocket."
"If you want to learn more about the Falcon 9 booster and all the other things... EverydayAstronaut.com, I've got you covered."
"The payload was five Earth observation satellites being launched into a sun-synchronous orbit."
"Sierra Space performed a spectacular full-scale pressure test of their LIFE module."
"Falcon Heavy could potentially do a Mars sample return with a single flight."
"We pioneered a new generation of rockets, one that gave small satellites affordable, dedicated access to space for the first time."
"NASA is testing out a surgical robot on the International Space Station."
"Our knowledge has grown exponentially with advancements in space technology and exploration."
"Studying the Trojan asteroids from hundreds of millions of miles away requires a highly advanced set of instruments."
"Landing on a barge like a little postage stamp practically sized barge out in the ocean with an entire rocket after having launched something to orbit is wild and a technical feat that should be applauded."
"By having a fully reusable system you vastly increase capabilities and reduce costs."
"You have to refurbish and re-fly those vehicles, then you have to rendezvous starships together in orbit, dock them together, and transfer cryogenic propellants over, which has never been done before. So, it's a very complex dance."
"It's like great, Starship is huge, it can carry so much down to the surface of the moon and bring so many rocks back up, and then you're gonna stuff them into Orion?"
"That's going to aid things like maintenance and inspections and things on a reusable rocket."
"Space exploration and settlement could potentially lead to technologies we can implement to help the planet."
"The gravity tractor... you build a really big spacecraft something very big and heavy and you park it next to the asteroid and then you just sort of let the gravity of the spacecraft pull on the asteroid."
"The environmental impact of rocket launches could eventually lead to a shift towards space elevators or other non-rocket launch methods to mitigate the effects on Earth's stratosphere."
"This is a spacecraft that for the first time will help astronomers discover hidden details of some of the hottest, densest, and most extreme cosmic sources."
"One of the beauties of having your own launch site... it's fluid, they can change and they can react to everything that's happening."
"It's game over the second Starships are online."
"The Starlink satellites will soon deploy their single solar array and over the course of a few weeks, distance themselves from each other."
"Absolutely incredible, 85% by mass 3D printed."
"Dyson Swarms work perfectly fine even when just composed of a few hundreds objects absorbing a millionth of the sunlight, and you just keep adding to it with time."
"It doesn’t stop there either, because a power satellite grid also provides the infrastructure for pushing lasers for shoving spaceships up to high speeds and beaming power to them."
"The entire vehicle will be capable of lifting 100 metric tons."
"Starship good, SLS also good though I wish it was less expensive and less late."
"The ISS affects your everyday life even if you've not thought of it much."
"Successful Landing of both Falcon Heavy side boosters on Landing Zone 1 and Landing Zone 2."
"I actually do think there's a decent chance we'll see the 33 engine static fire this month."
"With the success of Ingenuity, we've basically kind of unlocked an aerial dimension to exploration."
"Elon Musk may not be the best rocket builder who ever lived since the Big Bang."
"This booster is flown 19 times before going for the big 20 today."
"This booster still holds the record for the shortest turnaround time."
"The Falcon 9 rocket is now fully fueled with 1 million pounds of propellant."
"Booster 1062 has successfully landed on the Drone ship."
"The R-7 is easily one of the most notable rockets and was on its way to fulfill many important tasks."
"Rocket that could land itself, that was massive."
"Build a space economy optimize the research you're getting in space with some tier 2 or tier three Habs and some directed space stations."
"Wouldn't it be great if American rockets could be deployed... from anywhere on earth to anywhere in space?"
"The heat shield will protect the crew as Dragon re-enters Earth's atmosphere, reaching temperatures over 3500 degrees Fahrenheit."
"The ODST bodysuit doubles as a pressure suit, allowing for extra-vehicular activity by maintaining a pressurized atmosphere inside the suit."
"Reusability doesn't work for rockets? I think SpaceX begs to differ."
"Ingenuity, as you know, is continuing to operate on Mars and it made a historic flight."
"This was the 15th flight of Falcon 9 booster 1071, the 317th Falcon 9 launch to date."
"Elon Musk's Starlink plan was approved for Australia."
"Space Shuttle Columbia launches, becoming the first reusable crewed spacecraft."
"Some people always comment like couldn't they launch like another rocket next to it so we can see like side views of the rocket, well there you have it, they stacked two of them, that was amazing."
"Building bases or even cities on Mars will require huge amounts of cargo and eventually crew so we're designing Starship from the beginning to carry hundreds of tons of cargo into space."
"Each Apollo space mission, including all of the components of the boosters and the Apollo system itself, comprised over 5.5 million individual parts, any of which could have led to a catastrophic failure."
"Splashdown of Electron's first stage confirmed, recovery ops are underway."
"Get starship going asap and put all that money and development money into starship."
"All right, the Falcon 9 second stage has done its job, delivering our four crew into orbit. Dragon SpaceX, go for launch!"
"I think SN15 is gonna be the one that sticks it and lands and lives to tell about it."
"Did you know that the Soviets designed an even better fully reusable version of the Buran with complete recovery of all the Buran and Energia components?"
"Rockets have to deal with not just ground winds but upper-level winds and the Atlas 5 is a little more susceptible to being able to handle higher upper-level winds."
"The twists and turns make this season highly addictive in every sense of the word."
"Wow, that is a lot of nothing. Okay, there's a beautiful shot of the engines. Wow, look at that. That's the cleanest shot of the engine bay we've seen, isn't it? Really crisp."
"And again, business as usual. SpaceX managed to land B1061 once again."
"So the Earth does not currently have any ability to stop asteroids now with Starship that we then have some ability to stop an asteroid."
"It's sort of our first little... dropping a satellite off in low earth orbit... it's starting to change my mind of how I think about space travel."
"Space technology isn't just about exploration; it's about revolutionizing how we generate power."
"In space, every watt counts: NASA's quest for efficient power systems."
"Morning to see the first operational flight of Launcher One and a success. So wonderful, wonderful."
"The x-37b is a reusable spacecraft, autonomous, and flies without crew, rapidly reconfigurable to carry a wide variety of experiments."
"X-37b can be compliant, as evidenced by the last mission's duration of 780 days, setting records for time in orbit."
"The x-37b stands on the shoulders of the Space Shuttle, being a quarter-scale of it, but with differences like autonomy and duration."
"The learning on x-37b over the last five missions is that we can advance the whole space ecosystem with rapid learning, perfect for the US space force."
"Stoke Space hits another massive achievement!"
"It's basically like the RL10 that they use on the Centaur upper stage is bought from Aerojet Rocketdyne."
"Falcon 9 has landed once again; that is number four for this first stage booster and the 58th overall of an orbital class rocket."
"SpaceX has made the regular reusability of rockets seem almost routine."
"These were like almost two years of work between start and delivery of these rockets, and we're almost out."
"Space at the service of a better life on earth." - Arianespace CEO
"We have to talk about SpaceX's launch calendar."
"We're hot firing the vehicle all four engines on Saturday, and if that goes well, we're lifting off, you know, on a test flight the week after."
"Innovation such this is vital and the testing phase now underway will help achieve that objective."
"Space assets are quite vital to the Department of Homeland Security's ability to respond to disasters and address the threat that climate change poses to the nation."
"Access to space and cutting-edge Earth observations are fundamental to addressing climate change and enhancing global resilience."
"The thing that's really important to revolutionize space is a rapidly reusable rocket that's reliable too."
"SpaceX made it so that Rockets are actually being able to reused."
"Tractor Beams are another example of how we might warp space."
"A major major thank you to our Starbase team."
"Elon Musk says SpaceX is going to double Starlink satellite internet speeds."
"It's not quite the Tardis hurtling through the Galaxy but it is an unimaginable achievement and one that will be surpassed sooner than we think."
"The highest resolution infrared image taken from space ever."
"Quantum computers: revolutionizing space exploration."
"Once you've demonstrated it in space there's a lot less of a barrier for somebody to go and say 'oh let's do it again we already did it we know the technology now.'"
"More power than Saturn V, more power than the space shuttle."
"Once the limits of being able to construct objects in space expands, so do the possibilities of what we can do."
"The space shuttle program ended for a lot of reasons but its core idea of reusability is more popular than ever."
"A rapidly reusable orbital rocket is the holy grail of space."
"Solar panels is how starship will be powered."
"This is excellent excellent progress from SpaceX."
"Fly reusable rockets over and over instead of throwing them away."
"Why throw away super expensive multi-million dollar engines and a massive fuselage and all that extra stuff when you could just reuse it, right?"
"Launch is a giant engineering compromise so you're always trading one thing for the other."
"Incredible to see that a Falcon 9 Booster can stick the landing coming in so hot!"
"The Raptor engine is the perfect fit for your interplanetary spaceship."
"The overarching optimization is what is the fastest time to a city on Mars and then subset, fastest time to a fully usable rocket, subset fastest time to orbit basically."
"I wouldn't put it past them to be able to fly a booster 40 times."
"Reusability will become so prolific and so the norm."
"Starships will enable us to increase the amount of payload delivered to orbit per year maybe by a hundred-fold or more."
"This capsule has been through this three times before, this is its first fourth space flight."
"Starliner is the only spacecraft that has requested that extra thrust for its abort trajectories."
"Unlike Hubble, which orbits around Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope will orbit alongside Earth in the L2 Lagrange point."
"New technology is cutting costs and increasing launch frequency."
"We already have the technology to bring humans to Mars and to set up small settlements."
"The launch of Burkina Faso's first artificial satellite, the Burkin Sat 1, symbolizes the nation's determination to assert its digital sovereignty and contribute to advancements in space technology."
"Some have asked why Webb cannot be assembled and tested in Earth’s orbit, but this was studied and found nearly impossible to pull off."
"X marks the spot for yet another picture-perfect landing of the Falcon 9."
"Webb's instruments will operate at minus 389 degrees Fahrenheit or less, that's colder than the surface of Pluto."
"Nasa now has a sophisticated mobile science laboratory on Mars connected to Earth by the most advanced communications link."
"For M4, we pushed the envelope, executing aerodynamic maneuvers on the propulsion module and crew capsule on re-entry."
"We need the ability to turn the rocket around quickly, reuse it again, bring down the cost of access to space."
"China is helping Africa develop space technology and narrow the decades-long Gap."
"There is no such thing as an unarmed spaceship."
"By the time Starship makes it to orbit, Blue Origin will have done more promotion for it than SpaceX."
"It's absolutely useful to do that, even though I totally expect them to stack a ship on a booster before everything is ready."
"SpaceX makes it clear that service will improve as the company launches more satellites."
"They are essentially replacing the first stage of a traditional rocket with an easily reusable kinetic launch system."
"Rocket Lab's mission is to open access to space."
"The first functioning ionic electrostatic engine was created in 1959 in the United States."
"The main disadvantage of such engines tends to be that their use is confined exclusively to space."
"Telescopes work by collecting and focusing light from celestial objects to create an image."
"Is it just a coincidence that booster landing and second stage cutoff occur nearly simultaneously..."
"Before performing any grinding, Spirit returned microscopic images..."
"The ship designer, our science ship is the O'Hare class. We stuck a giant gun on it, we've sort of wrote a story."
"The liquid oxygen and methane that are going into the second stage go through that quick disconnect."
"Block 5 should be the final iteration of the Falcon 9, allowing for multiple reuses, and rapid turn around, hopefully even under 48 hours with no refurbishment."
"The pacing items are environmental control and life support."
"At the top and bottom of the minute, we're launching every 30 seconds to double the amount of opportunities to deliver the spacecraft into the desired orbital plane."
"We brought back that first stage to our drone ship of course I still love you for the thirty-ninth booster landing for SpaceX."
"SpaceX wants to certify all Block 5 Falcon 9 first stages up to 40 flights, which is insane."
"Responsible deorbiting of second stages is crucial."
"This is Bob and Doug's booster so I think it's super important to get the cruiser back."
"Starship will be more important for its ability to deliver large amounts of mass to low Earth orbit and be fully reusable. That's the real transformative power assuming they can pull it off."
"If vacuum fluctuations can be harnessed for propulsion, the purely engineering problems of interstellar flight would be solved." - Arthur C. Clarke
"The geostationary transfer orbit turns it from a tight circle around the Earth to a big egg shape."
"FTS is armed Falcon 9 is in startup and is now controlling dragon is in countdown."
"Astra's mission is to improve life on Earth from space."
"Boosters 1058 safely on Just Read the Instructions, the second successful landing for this booster."
"That is precisely the plan proposed by NASA scientists. A radio telescope on the far side of the moon, using one of the many craters pock marking its surface."
"Space Systems Command is the US Space Force's field command responsible for acquiring and delivering resilient capabilities and groundbreaking Technologies to protect our nation's strategic advantage in and from space."
"Every single person knows the Hubble Space Telescope."
"The importance of the satellites that Ula puts up for this nation cannot be overstated."
"The Miri instrument on the James Webb opens up an entire new way for us to investigate the reionization period of the universe."
"We did the math, about three whales could fit in the New Glenn fairing."
"With this victory, I'm speculating that we will see real focus to push towards an orbital flight with starship number 20 and the first booster."
"Solar panels in space running electricity right down a cable to a city is not producing one extra drop of heat on Earth that isn’t in the grid."
"Having the collector in space handily gets around a lot of the transmission losses and other problems we discussed."
"Hubble represents so many different pieces of this planet working together in harmony."
"A rocket that doesn’t break up while pulling high G turns during flight is pretty much over-engineered."
"And that is the 90th successful landing for an orbital class rocket and the very first for our new drone ship 'A Shortfall of Gravitas'."
"There's nothing in our current technology or understanding of physics to say that either the nuclear salt water rocket or Orion would not work."
"These new iROSA solar arrays will ultimately boost power generation up by 30%, increasing the station’s total available power from 160 kilowatts up to 215 kilowatts."
"We take pride in using low-cost materials and trying to lower the cost of access to space with our vehicle."
"It was such an amazing dance it all had these gorgeous flower crowns."
"Astronauts replaced Hubble's gyroscopes, batteries, and its insulation while repairing and installing new Optical instruments."
"It's not about what the mass ratio is or the ISP or anything, although we're aiming for, you know, to have a great mass ratio, great ISP, everything. But it's really, what is your fully considered cost per ton to orbit."
"Russia never left space exploration and will continue to develop its space expertise."
"Starships will be insanely cheap due to the way they’re made."
"The more you understand about the process involved to make those moments possible, the more astounding it all is."
"I mean, yeah... they're landing rockets. It's amazing."
"You think about putting a little something-something on the next satellite launch."
"Also that year, Air Force Captain Carol Danvers, who uses the callsign 'Avenger,' volunteers for a test flight of a lightspeed engine powered by the Tesseract."
"Ravioli ravioli, what can you tell us about X37B's OTV payload?"
"The final launch for the first shell of the Starlink internet constellation from Cape Canaveral."
"The two big advantages are obvious, it cuts down on supply costs and problems when you can grow your food near at hand, and the very nature of extraterrestrial habitats means you have a very artificial and controlled environment."
"Solar sails work by having a large sail that used the energy of sunlight to propel itself."
"To make money by solving a problem... Elon Musk stated that Starlink would help provide SpaceX with the revenue needed to fund the company's long-term ambition to establish a base on Mars."
"Elon Musk's primary goal sounded, albeit eccentric but still extremely inspiring: he intended to change the internet traffic situation in space."
"The main problem I see with a neutron star slingshot is by the time we had all the technology involved to make it work, we wouldn't need to even attempt it."
"The rocket is... a falcon 9 block 5... I love that that's becoming a normal thing."
"The Falcon 9's computers have taken over the launch countdown."
"Reusable rockets make the cost of launching things into space an order of magnitude cheaper."
"It's exciting to work on something that's so critical, that keeps crew members alive and safe."
"I think my favorite part of this is finally being able to visualize the consumption rate of liquid oxygen before MECO."
"As long as you put it in geosynchronous orbits, the sun is never going to go down, increasing the efficiency of solar panels by a factor of four."
"Space-based solar power provides continuous power generation, security, and resilience to political or terrorist action."
"Protecting space-based assets is critical infrastructure."
"The X-37B can remain in space for over two years."
"The reusability of rockets is so important to keep costs down."
"Payload to orbit per year of Starship fleet is the most mind-blowing metric as it's designed to fly three times per day, which is a thousand times per year."
"NASA will announce the winners or the contractors who are going to build the spacesuits for the next generation spacesuits for Artemis and things like that."
"Falcon Heavy is going to be the world's most powerful operational rocket."
"Do you have any more color on what those 85 satellites are? They really run the entire gamut here."
"This one's doing an RTLS and transporter one did a drone ship landing and I'm jealous because RTLS is probably the one of the coolest rocket-related things I can think of."
"Spacex doesn't need to close down and evacuate every few days like we've seen more recently right now Spacex are completely dedicated to preparing for the first orbital flight with the full super heavy and starship stack."
"This is essentially the structure that will feed the liquid methane down from the header tank through the much larger liquid oxygen tank to be fed into the three raptor engines at this point."
"Nature's great ballet while we actually get power back because of course the satellite is orbiting the Sun."
"Well, at least even if we don't all have ice cream, we all get to watch booster 7 roll out."
"This video is intended to be a general overview of deorbiting re-entry and landing."
"Pikax is spacex's variant of the NASA-designed phenolic impregnated carbon ablator."
"Plans to offer internet from space may sound familiar as both Facebook and Google have considered developing these kinds of satellites before."
"SpaceX's utilization of its renewable Falcon 9 rocket dramatically decreases the cost of sending satellites into space."