
Technology Advancement Quotes

There are 648 quotes

"Perseverance is benefiting from almost 10 years of advancement in technology; it's packed with fascinating and novel technologies that will form a stepping stone in humankind's eventual first steps on the surface of the Red Planet."
"Once we get read-write capabilities, we're basically entering this position where technology will rapidly escalate beyond our wildest dreams."
"We're getting very close to the point where AI video will be indistinguishable from reality."
"The advancement of modern technology and our ever-growing scientific knowledge truly is remarkable, and a feat that we should marvel at."
"It took Amazon six years to get 100,000 robots working for them in their warehouses, but in just the last two years, that number has already doubled to 200,000 robots."
"GPT 5.5 is only a few months away from deployment. We're not slowing down, are we?"
"The recursive iterations took years... except now these incredibly innovative breakthroughs are being measured in days and weeks. That's incredibly profound."
"Based on the specifications that we have available, Switch 2 is kind of like a proper generational leap."
"I think it's incredible, you know, how far we've come with the technology."
"The future is now. It's happening. Oppo, congrats. Xiaomi, congrats."
"Lack of regulation can arguably facilitate technological advancement, but for technological advancements to benefit everyone, regulation and oversight can be critical."
"If technology continues to improve at its current pace, we will soon reach a stage where it not only matches but surpasses the intelligence of a human."
"As technology continues to advance, there is concern growing in the minds of those who have freed themselves from The Matrix long enough to realize that there is an issue."
"Open AI announces GPT 4.5 turbo, a new model that surpasses GPT 4 Turbo in speed, accuracy, and scalability."
"The holy grail of computer graphics, Ray tracing, is now possible in real time."
"A lot has changed since then. Namely, we've got 5G now is a lot more prevalent. We've also got Starlink, which is really, really cool."
"It's probably the best available AI for generating images. They look very realistic, they are extremely compelling, and highly intricate."
"To get from 100 to 5 million transactions per second, it's not like one improvement. It's actually like a ton of stuff."
"This movement alone is huge in the future of where crypto, blockchain, Web3, the really kind of the advancement of technology here in the United States, is going."
"These computers are more powerful than my computers were when I was growing up."
"Auto-braking systems are pretty well understood these days. The tech has really come a long way."
"The second Starship is running, everything else will be antiquated."
"Digital night vision can see in color, which is kind of a big deal."
"AI is going to change our jobs faster than any previous labor Revolution."
"We see a clear path to full self-driving being 10 times safer than the average human driver."
"Quantum supremacy means we have a real problem running on a real quantum computer which in real-time, runs faster than the same problem on a classical computer."
"Core for core, Zen 5 is greater than 40% faster than Zen 4." - Leak about the performance improvement of AMD's upcoming Zen 5 CPUs
"Artificial intelligence is the engine of prosperity and wealth."
"The new processor will increase the F-35's computing power by thirty seven times."
"More cores and more threads just gives you more future and more performance, and it's a nicer experience."
"Hugging Face is making the best NLP technology available to any researcher or business."
"Bill Gates declared that we have entered the age of AI."
"Transparent solar panels have a clear advantage over partially transparent versions since they can turn any glass sheet or window into a photovoltaic cell."
"New materials... appear to hold the promise of making our current lithium ion batteries old, obsolete, and clunky."
"Advent of 5G and connected devices and as customer transactions increase so will the challenge of managing data and getting actionable information in real-time."
"So the real bottom line is Mobvoi has genuinely pushed forward with the TicWatch Pro 3."
"The tech gets nice and small and it looks like a pair of glasses."
"Widgets are now interactable meaning that if you have let's say you have a to-do list app with a check box you can check the box without opening the app."
"Nanotechnology boosting the efficiency of aircraft fuels."
"AI is disrupting jobs we didn't quite imagine be disrupted first we thought it'd be accountants or whatever and what it ends up being is artists creators."
"A new generation of gaming is upon us with home consoles such as Sony's PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Xbox Series X set to release in late 2020."
"HyperSmooth is absolutely amazing, it means that we don't need gimbals."
"I think it's really impressive looking. This one's looking like it's taken to the next level."
"Our mission is to lead real-world performance for modern JavaScript and WebAssembly, and to enable developers to build a faster future web."
"Tesla is one of the more straightforward and significant beneficiaries of the advance in neural network Tech."
"The notion that an airplane will wear out or there's some kind of age limit on an aircraft doesn't really make much sense anymore."
"Buying a gasoline car that's not full self-driving is like riding a horse and using a flip phone." - Elon Musk
"DLSS, which is the upscaling technology on Nvidia's cards... it's quite impressive."
"What does a next generation title really look like?"
"Stadia is the cornerstone to take YouTube to the next level."
"What if you could achieve near master series level of performance with even greater brightness for about say half the price?"
"The solid state battery can hold 82 percent of its charge after 10,000 cycles."
"These new machines, in fact, are a lot—they're so much stronger than PS4 and Xbox One that it's actually looking upwards, I'd say it's more positive."
"The good news is that as a result of this study, a lot of these conversational agents have now been updated to recognize what these phrases are."
"Unbelievable! It's been a dream to see real-time ray tracing come true."
"Unreal 5 is definitely going to be a huge improvement."
"The magic of the quantum computer... with cubits."
"The Roc RT 730 lawnmower is a symbol of progress and breakthrough in the agricultural industry."
"Superfast charging and wireless charging, get excited about weird things."
"The Apple watch Ultra essentially doubles the battery life claim of other Apple watches with up to 36 hours."
"Smartphone cameras are becoming ridiculous like they're better than professional cameras from like 10 years ago."
"Micro LED is the successor to OLED, if Micro LED is done right, in theory, it can be better than OLED."
"For Overwatch 2, we're upping the bar. It's kind of five games in one. It's a huge undertaking. The new tech and the new aesthetics for the new looks bring you closer to the characters that you love, and we're just getting started."
"I feel the quality has increased and we moved into the photorealistic phase of look and feel."
"Your phone or your tablet or your laptop can begin to interact with you in a way which is more intuitive which is easier to operate is smarter because it's got all of these transistors to help it think."
"UE5 will provide a generational leap in fidelity for realistic and immersive worlds and characters."
"But what absolutely isn't controversial and even those who will argue against the fact that it is a fundamental component or not will say this in terms of neuromorphic computing in terms of mimicking here it is a massive step forward"
"It does look like they are actually trying to push the state of the art in VR here."
"Microchips are enabling our devices to develop better software, run faster, and predict our needs."
"Population One is really a testament to the amazing technology within Unity."
"A decade's not that long. We do see a lot of really big promises from a lot of these companies as far as building EVs and that infrastructure in the next one to two decades, which is promising."
"The future of smartphones: zero bezels and zero compromises."
"HBM3 offers a few advantages over the previous generation HBM2E."
"Constant innovation in an industry that was almost asleep before companies like SpaceX entered it."
"Jaw dropping graphics that will approach photorealism."
"Epic's engine technology pushes the industry forward and provides competition."
"It's going to be smarter... it's going to be better at everything across the board. This is a bigger deal than it sounds."
"Technology is getting more and more powerful while the level of consciousness is far behind. If we don't advance consciousness faster than technology, we're done."
"This technology can advance us, benefiting humanity in countless ways."
"Solid state batteries can hold up to 50 percent more energy than lithium ion batteries."
"What changes with 5G? It's not fully there yet because it just takes some time. So 5G is going to take pain points in your life today and develop a solution that wouldn't have been possible in a 4G world."
"Ampere really blew away almost everything that came before it... the price of the 3080 TI spiked."
"No question the future of work is shifting... Applications are going to completely change the way businesses are able to drive results."
"We're working towards a 1 million mile battery life" - GM representative
"A quantum computer could be a thousand times faster than a conventional computer."
"EIP1559 also proves to the world that the Ethereum ecosystem really is capable of making big changes."
"Solid state technology promises significantly higher energy density than current lithium-ion batteries, with ultra-fast charging times and much longer operational lifetimes."
"Currently, SpaceX plans to send cargo flights to Mars as early as 2022 to confirm water sources and install power and life support infrastructure."
"The technology behind fingerprinting had changed and improved considerably."
"The new order takes place a few years after the events of the 2009 game with the Nazi forces overwhelming the Allies thanks to their new advanced technology."
"High resolution prototype gets to 55 pixels per degree across your field of view, significantly higher than anything at scale today."
"I do want to commend Gigabyte for a strong showing with their first monitor... this is a much better product than I expected from a first-generation product line."
"Sony has delivered throughout the PS4 generation but right off the bat they're continuing to deliver with the PS5 generation with a healthy next-gen leap thrown in the mix."
"This is probably the most feature-rich smartphone camera out on the market."
"I think by 2025 we should definitely see hopefully even a catch attempt of the booster and hopefully an actual Landing attempt of Starship."
"Blockchain technology is actually growing exponentially very very very fast."
"Our vehicles have now driven nearly 60 miles in full self-driving beta mode and this number continues to grow exponentially."
"2022 was the year AGI arrived just don't call it that."
"This seems as though it's going to be that game that really defines what the generation at this point can be."
"We believe that technology and the infrastructure already support ramping up things like way higher resolutions and higher frame rates and better lighting."
"It's fascinating to watch from a marketing perspective rolling out with the best of the best is essentially laying a statement for the future graphics technology."
"DLSS is the most promising aspect of our RTX to date." - Nvidia
"This is the future and it's coming faster than we think."
"Valve is gonna take a huge step forward in bringing VR to the mainstream."
"Storm is Coming, the most raw power I've ever put in a computer."
"Modern Warfare demonstrates a pretty significant leap forward technically for the Call of Duty series."
"Just imagine when this technology reaches our smartphones or better yet, our smartwatches. A new level of interactivity with our digital world and each other will be born."
"Welcome to the next generation of open-world adventure."
"Auto HDR is coming to Windows to expand dynamic range for non-HDR games. Pretty neat."
"Competition means we get better cameras, cooler tech."
"I hope we get some decent affordable monitors with an FALD backlight that's suitable for gaming."
"This generation is gonna be a bigger leap than any generation we've done before."
"Phones are now democratizing advanced photography and editing tasks, and they're doing it in camera better than standalone cameras."
"But I'll just say I think this year is going to be a pretty awesome year for night vision."
"Progressive censorship based on temporary social expectations is a shrinking island."
"With these advancements Optimus plans to become a reliable partner in various application fields from manufacturing to services and even exploring new spaces."
"Better than 540p to 1080p even, so I think that's where they would want to push it."
"Apple's new A13 processor is still around one to two years ahead in terms of raw performance when compared to the competition."
"Augmented reality is slowly but surely taking you from the step of that mobile phone to the next step of actually wearing a glass or wearing some sort of a device."
"This is something that iPhone can now do with the power of the A12 Bionic chip."
"This is electric cars have won. There's no real reason to continue this exercise that we've loved our entire lives."
"The iPhone camera technology has developed and really left cameras in the dust."
"Alonzo purple has arrived, one giant step closer to Cardano's smart contracts."
"With technology advancing every day, we see more and more people installing security cameras on their homes, in their offices, and their cars."
"Happiness starting anew every day: Panasonic's quest for innovation never ends."
"We need to raise our Collective conscious to the point where we can understand that we may actually have anti-gravitational technology."
"I'm convinced that the technology is much more advanced than we've been told."
"There's a solid movement of games getting their movie adaptations now with the tech and experience to actually make it good."
"The most powerful and brave response to the kind of message that says you're not valuable... is for people to use every means possible to express the counter view."
"Samsung's OLED technology is at least a generation ahead of LG."
"I really do think we are so close to getting to the point where we can just chill in the backseat."
"The enhanced edition is essentially that future arriving and being brilliant."
"AI is advancing at warp speed, outstripping our ability to work out the ethical issues."
"All of the new Ryzen 3000 CPUs announced today are 7 nanometer."
"Who cares if they have the source code? Tesla has already improved on it multiple times."
"Neuralink's ambitious pursuit of connecting the human brain to a computer leaps forward."
"These cat GPTs will far surpass the human brain capacity."
"Microsoft released its Orca 2, which is a pair of small language models that actually outperform their larger counterparts."
"The recently released PS5 roguelike shooter Returnal delivers one of the most impressive developer glow-ups in recent gaming history."
"I don't understand how games have gotten so realistic. I mean this is ridiculous, that windshield, the water, the way it behaves, not even the way it looks, the way it behaves is just like real life. That's impressive, that is impressive."
"I want the satellite equivalent of space wi-fi and the satellite equivalent of gas stations."
"The James Webb Telescope will be the biggest thing for space science for potentially decades to come."
"Collaboration is a new feature... multiple people will be able to work on the same document at the same time."
"Significant jump from today's version of the beta."
"This is one of the greatest AI stories of our time."
"Support for new technologies like Ray tracing is only a positive."
"The Xbox one X actually has a 10% faster processor."
"The 5700X if nothing else has made it more clear to us why AMD went back for X370 owners."
"Genuinely feels like a Natural Evolution from PS1 to PS2."
"DDR5 memory offers increased speeds, higher total memory capacity, better power efficiency, higher bandwidth, and a better architecture than DDR4."
"We need to be empowering the new generation of technologies... emphasis is on decentralization."
"The dream of no load screens and superfast streaming to become a reality."
"Electric vehicles aren't golf carts anymore."
"PSP would be the all-in-one portable device you'll want to take everywhere with you."
"We've created GPT-4, our most capable model, and we're starting to roll it out to API users today."
"We're interested in moving the boundary forward in what robots can do."
"AMD's showing is a performance uplift higher than what Zen three brought overall."
"Real-time ray tracing has gone from a pipe dream to reality."
"This is the latest in tech for computers, mini LED, something we have seen exist in the TV world for a while."
"VR is Leaps and Bounds ahead of anything that I thought was possible."
"Notably, Vitalik Buterin moved up the launch date of ETH 2.0 from January 2022 to December 2021."
"I wonder why have we not been able to master or even significantly improve AI in the last couple of decades."
"If somebody makes a better electric car than Tesla...I still think that's a good thing for the world." - Elon Musk
"Introducing lidar technology into production vehicles is a breakthrough in popularizing autonomous driving." - X-pung
"Apple's chips are about 100 square meters and they have... more than 10 billion transistors."
"Up to 69% more performance for graphics from having PCI Gen 4."
"Exciting times for those after a new high-end gaming monitor in 2024."
"A leap over the Galaxy Gear: Gear 2 shows significant progress. Exciting to see what's next!"
"I was just blown away yesterday at the announcements that Insomniac made for their upcoming next-gen console video games."
"Starlink is just one of those funding platforms to allow SpaceX to push the next generation of space exploration well beyond what has been achieved in the past."
"Let's stick on this conversation about the next-gen consoles."
"The new consoles are really giving budget PC gaming a real run for their money now that like just the PS5 is a 360 Ti."
"You can earn more innovation points... spend them to unlock technologies."
"AI is having a very busy year, the biggest computer companies on the planet are right now in a scientific arms race for the best and brightest AI."
"When it comes to technology, we are living in an amazing time."
"Get ready for the future of augmented reality as we know it."
"Neural machine translation changed the game."
"It's absolutely impressive that you can go out and spec a laptop like this now that can basically be a true desktop replacement."
"Visible increase in resolution between it and the earlier marks."
"We are unquestionably living in the Golden Era of AI where our dreams and science fiction are becoming a reality."
"Their CPUs are amazing and now their GPUs are too."
"One of the new features of the Air 2S is this nice new camera. It now has a one-inch sensor."
"The camera can now send out a 16-bit raw over HDMI. This is brilliant."
"LYRIQs get up to 312 miles of EPA estimated range on a single charge."
"Faster loading times are a thing. Yes, here's me fast traveling, and here's me recovering from a death. As you can see, load times are pretty much gone. Thank you very much, PS5 SSD."
"The iPhone 12 is powered by Apple's new A14 Bionic chip, the world's first five-nanometer processor that, according to benchmarks, blows its competition out of the water."
"Brian is kind of back, it's our latest and greatest engine for a sequel."
"PCIe 6.0 will double the bandwidth of previous versions."
"This is one of the most powerful mobile workstations."
"It's truly a generational difference and it's hard to imagine going back to the game and playing without ray-tracing honestly."
"Loading times are essentially a thing of the past now."
"Sony thinks the console generation leap is really important."
"The Volocopter 2X... just another step closer to the game-changing world of airborne taxis."
"Technology was finally able to deliver what Nintendo had promised."
"It's the next generation of battlefield according to EA and DICE, powered by cutting-edge technology."
"What's so incredible, though, you guys, is that as technology advances, the discoveries become more frequent, the discoveries become bigger."
"Incredible DNA data storage might be one of the most dense data storage mediums."
"The new machines will actually have a modern CPU architecture that delivers a proper generational leap."
"From Jaguar to Zen, a true generational leap."