
Mars Colonization Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Musk estimates that it would take around 1 million tons of cargo to build a self-sustaining city on Mars."
"The idea is to expand out, start not just with an outpost but grow into a larger base, not just like there are in Antarctica but really a village, a town, growing into a city, and then multiple cities on Mars."
"We are going to try to eventually figure out how to live off the land to support human missions to Mars."
"We will have city-states on Mars, vibrant, optimistic centers of invention sporting lively and novel cultures."
"Through his company SpaceX, Musk has been working on developing the technology needed to transport humans to Mars and establish a sustainable human presence on the planet."
"I'm excited for Mars internet. I hope Mars internet is pretty fire."
"You got to have a tremendous amount of ego to say you're going to colonize Mars."
"Mars colonization will be hard and deadly, but there's a wild card here: We talk about terraforming Mars to become more like Earth, more hospitable to humans, but we can also alter ourselves to better suit Mars."
"Starship is capable of getting a million tons to the surface of Mars and creating a self-sustaining city."
"Elon Musk is out to prove that not only is this a possibility, but that it can be done and it may just be the reason for the survival of humankind."
"But let’s say all these difficulties are overcome and that the colonists reach Mars. Where would they settle?"
"Civilization is feeling a little fragile these days... we got to protect the downside here and try to build that city on Mars as soon as possible."
"About a thousand Starships will take about 20 years to build a self-sustaining city on Mars."
"Now it's official, there's now multiple robots on Mars, and we can technically say Mars is colonized by robots."
"Elon Musk is driving for nothing less than the permanent colonization of Mars."
"We are close. By 2030 if SpaceX has its way and some decent successes, there could well be the beginnings of a colony on Mars."
"The idea of living on Mars is nothing new—it's been a staple of science fiction since the 19th century."
"Anyone who is a strong advocate for Mars, I think this really makes a difference." - Elon Musk
"To create a backup plan in case our ecosystem fails, humans decide to change the atmosphere of Mars and make it suitable for human existence."
"We need to colonize Mars within the next 100 years because we may not survive climate change diseases and other troubles we have caused ourselves in this and the last centuries." - Stephen Hawking
"When we go to Mars and start a new culture, we should bring dogs with us."
"That's the first step to humans actually putting a base that we could live on on Mars."
"Musk's goal of building a city on Mars seems much more feasible."
"We have all the technology necessary for self-sufficiency on Mars."
"Eventually they’re going to get Muslims on Mars."
"I love the thought experiment of like once Elon Musk succeeds and we start colonizing Mars what are the relationships and social structures in the Mars colony is going to look like."
"Building bases or even cities on Mars will require huge amounts of cargo and eventually crew so we're designing Starship from the beginning to carry hundreds of tons of cargo into space."
"We gotta have a base on the moon... getting people to Mars."
"Utilizing MOXIE, humans will be able to breathe on Mars or at least make a breathable environment inside a Mars base."
"But in being the man who built, and therefore owns and operates his proposed Martian colony, Musk also takes the role of the head of the meritocracy."
"Some researchers have put a lot of thought into what it would take for those circumstances that promote human habitability to be reproduced on another planet like Mars."
"I'm trying to make Mars seem possible to show that we can do it."
"This is one of the fundamental Technologies that's necessary to build a city on Mars."
"Mars is the next natural step; it's the only planet we have a shot at establishing a self-sustaining city on."
"Methane makes the most sense for interplanetary trips because you can produce methane on Mars."
"The overarching optimization is what is the fastest time to a city on Mars and then subset, fastest time to a fully usable rocket, subset fastest time to orbit basically."
"This is hopefully the first step on a journey towards civilization on Mars."
"Humans are the custodians of other life on Earth. Let us bring life to Mars."
"We already have the technology to bring humans to Mars and to set up small settlements."
"Surely if we want to thrive on Mars – to turn it into our second home – these settlers, or their descendants, will need to be able open the airlocks, shed their spacesuits, and step out onto a survivable surface."
"Elon Musk's vision is to take both humans and equipment to Mars with the goal of setting up a colony."
"Mars is a real possibility in the foreseeable future."
"Let's light these candles!" - Future Martian 97
"If we are able to build or if humanity is able to build a city on Mars, people will probably remember which planetary conjunction they came on."
"The key to Musk's vision for colonizing Mars is Starship."
"SpaceX put in the Starlink terms and agreements that there's bylaws in regards to how their service will be treated for people on Mars."
"We've got our first martian born finally. Hey, nice!"
"I want Mars to become the home of a new branch of possibly several new branches of human civilization."
"Reducing the cost of space travel means that we could really bring people to Mars."
"From the founders' set foot on Mars, we have dreamt of a day we could tread freely upon the red sand. Today the dream is finally manifested into reality."
"Elon Musk has even bigger dreams that might just take him farther than anyone else. You know, one must goes a step further, Earth not big enough. SpaceX, he literally wants to go to Mars."
"Remember that public support for life on Mars is critical to making it happen."
"If you have ever dreamed of living on Mars, of being a pioneer for humankind, and also to be able to see the planet from your bedroom window, well, we are getting closer and closer!"
"The first steps on Mars were taken not by astronauts, but by barefoot children on lush, green grass."
"The dream of having biospheres on other worlds such as Mars vanished."
"In many ways, mining on Mars is probably the most cost-effective and most vital of the potential ideas that we've talked about."
"In the future we'll be able to fly over to our colonies on Mars in just 10 minutes."
"Starship holds immense potential for pivotal Endeavors such as lunar Landings and Mars colonization."
"When we colonize Mars and we're trading with aliens, we're going to be trading Bitcoin."
"Our remotely controlled eyes and hands on the Red Planet's the drones and Rovers our goal is to secure a foothold for Humanity by building the first Martian dome."
"Spacex would detanking following up with inspections, and that is very good progress towards the goal of being able to simply hop in and go to Mars."
"This is called a terraform, they're trying to create an artificial magnetic field all around Mars."
"Think about this on Mars when we colonize Mars which I think is a given what currency would they use? Well they use the US dollar and monitor fed broadcasts? I don't think so. I think they'll use Bitcoin."
"It's the same idea of Elon, he wants to get us to Mars."
"Elon Musk's secret master plan appears quite simple: accumulate a colossal amount of resources doing good on Earth and then deploy that capital to help back up humanity by colonizing Mars."
"Transhumanism and Mars are directly linked because Mars is obsessed with science."
"I still think that we should try to extend life beyond Earth and have a base on Mars."
"If life can continue to persist and even thrive here, there's hope that some form of life could be able to call Mars home."
"The first home designed for humans to live in on Mars will be unveiled."
"Most people that go to Mars will probably never come back to Earth." - Musk
"Ultimately, we'll need all these things: lots of power generation, mining in general, ice mining, propellant production, long-duration life support, and a lot of construction and Global Communication."
"Whether that is a propellant well, or refining, or a pizza joint, or a bar, you know, there'll be an opportunity to do all the things that we like on Earth on Mars."
"So if you do 10 launches a day at 200 tons per launch, you net that out to 4 million tons to Mars per opportunity."
"I'm certain that success is one of the possible outcomes for establishing a self-sustaining Mars colony."
"Mars might be a lifeboat for Earth if we needed to go the other way."
"If you want to go to Mars, you cannot do it in 30 years, you can't do it in 20 years. You gotta do it in 10 years or less from program start or you are more or less guaranteed political failure."
"At least a million tons would need to be shipped from Earth to the surface of Mars."
"Heinz is unveiling a Martian-grown ketchup, the company says it has made the first Mars edition ketchup made with tomatoes produced on Earth but in Mars-like conditions."
"To have a healthy competition though and to be able to colonize Mars as Elon Musk wants to, there needs to be more than one company working on it."
"SpaceX needs at least 1,000 Starship spacecraft to achieve Mars colonization."
"SpaceX is gonna build 1000 starships to move one million humans to Mars. One million humans want to go. So what's not to like?"
"If we're gonna survive on Mars, let's survive on Mars properly."
"Congratulations, the first step towards turning Mars into a lush green heaven!"
"To live on Mars, we must have a self-sustaining city."
"But all of that having been said, which one is going to represent the biggest benefit to colonizing mars, to spacex's long-term objectives?"
"Elon Musk's vision for life on Mars is easily the most ambitious plan set out by any modern leader."
"Building habitats on the surface of Mars before astronauts arrive... requires robots that are going to have to operate entirely on their own or with painstaking instructions."
"Mars has a permanent human presence in 2050."
"If Elon Musk had his way, the world would be totally powered by renewables and he'd be colonizing Mars."
"It's gonna be harder to live on Mars than people currently think."
"Serious plans are underway for the transformation of Mars, with the ultimate goal of making it habitable for humans."
"It's exciting to look up to the stars and dream about us humans colonizing Mars, colonizing other planets."
"You don't want to be left on Mars without the ability to build from scratch, right?"
"Life on Mars might be the model for future civilizations, free from the constraints of the culture built on Earth."
"The logistics of supporting an entire city on Mars are daunting and will require millions of pounds of cargo flown from Earth."
"I mean we will have to [grow plants on Mars] otherwise."
"Mars is very different to Earth, but the differences that we adapt to will depend enormously on to what degree our technology addresses those differences."
"The inevitable divergence between Earth and Mars will eventually lead to speciation."
"Based on the data we have, humans are going to land on Mars, move to the Jupiter's moon within about 50 years from now."
"Let's see how well you do on Mars before it's terraformed by Elon Musk."
"Mars has the elements needed for life; it means it has the elements needed for civilization."
"Elon is using Mars as a narrative to organize us, to reacquaint ourselves with our need for space."
"We have tons of different varieties of plants because we want to see what types of things we could grow on Mars."
"Humanity within the next 100 years will come to call Mars our second home."
"We're going to go to the Moon, we're going to have a base on the Moon, we're going to send people to Mars, and make life multi-planetary."
"There will come a time when Mars will not need Earth to sustain itself."
"These Martian lava tubes might be the key to surviving on Mars."
"Mars can be the beginning of a whole new life for the human species."
"I look forward to the day that humans are on Mars and we can do fieldwork the way we do it on Earth."
"Elon Musk wants to put human beings on the planet Mars."
"We are officially on Mars, we have set up base camp."
"We would love to see your Mars-based designs, thinking of power and buildings and food."
"Mars could be the very first place where a direct democracy could actually work."
"Working together as a species is more viable on Mars."
"On Mars, you need to ensure that one of the most fundamental things inscribed in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution is the right to have breathable air."
"I think it's important that we strive to have a self-sustaining city on Mars as soon as possible."
"Yes, there is the possibility of people living on Mars."
"Solar is the way to go, initially, for a Martian settlement."