
Logistics Quotes

There are 1354 quotes

"Musk estimates that it would take around 1 million tons of cargo to build a self-sustaining city on Mars."
"Moscow now has lost one of its most vital airlinks to the outside world for air cargo."
"War is a test of will, but it's also a test of logistics."
"The biggest defining feature of Space Exploration is its multi-surface logistics."
"This means that when you shop online, products are readily available, cheaper to ship, and since they are waiting at a center near you, they will ship to your doorstep faster."
"Amazon has managed to build a 21st-century logistics network using 21st-century techniques and technologies."
"Building bases, or even cities, will require huge amounts of cargo and crew, and that's where Starship comes in."
"Come join us at Celadon, empowering the future of logistics."
"The attack on the Rosneft diesel fuel tank underscores a growing trend in modern warfare: precision attacks on critical logistics points."
"Amazon is in many ways technological wizardry, in that they deliver practically anything, extremely quickly, to almost any area of the developed world."
"I think that the place where robotics is having the profound impact is in the industrial setting and in logistics. That's where I think the impact of the robots will be most felt."
"Logistics is the city operating system, the global operating system enabling us to run the whole economy on it."
"The Allied Forces were suffering the usual fate of modern mechanized armies that advanced too fast and too far for their support elements to keep pace with them."
"This corridor will enable the distribution of up to 2 million meals every single day."
"The logistics industry, that the truckers of our country do not get the appreciation and the credit they're due, because without them, our society wouldn't be possible the way it is today."
"America's truckers, shippers, pilots, and delivery men and women play an important role in delivering the goods needed to keep our economy going."
"Don't underestimate how much ammo you need on a daily basis for a real war."
"We're also doing what we can to help smaller packets of grain go through land routes."
"Imagine the preparation for a Super Bowl... the logistics alone and security."
"We need to be able to tackle logistical costs because when you look at what affects our inflation, there's logistical cost to a large extent."
"The realities of war were that we needed to get those MRAPs to Jalalabad City, and then on to what initially was called COP Bulldog."
"This ship becomes a shipping ship that ships shipping ships!"
"Our progress these past hundred days against one of the worst pandemics in history has been one of the greatest logistical achievements this country's ever seen."
"One solution is to speed up the reverse logistics process."
"Warehouse management structure: storage types and sections."
"Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics."
"As has been said, amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics. So let's talk logistics."
"Are they going to have sufficient fuel to land on the moon?"
"Logistics: the key factor for any armed force's success."
"Chinese logistics: an ingenious system of supply centers and nobility incentives."
"We've been working literally around the clock to make sure that our healthcare workers, the people on the front lines, have the personal protective equipment and also the ventilators to be able to meet this moment."
"The job of FEMA and Admiral Polowczyk has been to make sure that we're getting the real data from the cities, from the states, that we can make real-time allocation decisions based on the data."
"Forces, especially forces in combat, consume a lavish amount of materiel every day."
"If you're staying on the monorail Loop wrapping around the Magic Kingdom area, you'll just need to transfer monorail lines when you arrive at the transportation and Ticket Center."
"You can't just drag 15-20 people off the street and get a GT4 car and go racing."
"Now, all we gotta figure out is where we place the set."
"Putting all these new systems in place is an incredible task."
"At their heart, wars are often a test of will and logistics."
"It would be very, very easy for NATO to surge supplies across that border."
"A skillful soldier does not raise a second levy... bring war material with you from home but forage on the enemy."
"Understanding your costs, understanding your 3PL costs or your delivery cost, and then holding your providers accountable for those costs."
"Tesla hasn't changed their plans to ship the Cybertruck in Australia but likely has a huge backlog of orders that will take them years to satisfy."
"Some kids aren't able to go back to school for a lack of bus drivers. They had almost 18 months of a break here that a lot of these districts who ended up not keeping their bus drivers on the payroll, they found other jobs elsewhere."
"If we stopped every vehicle, gosh, there would be some pretty long tailbacks, wouldn't more border staff pay for itself?"
"They are nonetheless throwing in reserves there they are preparing new reserves they have now new moved a new Battalion there but the question is how will they deploy it there on roads that are controlled by our artillery."
"When we need something, because of the Act, when we need something, we order something."
"Once they're done with that they'll pick that up, lower it down to horizontal."
"A battle is won logistically before it is even fought."
"The steel delivery is in, I think they're heading over."
"The Russians are getting many more shells to their soldiers than the Ukrainians are."
"The most important thing is to get Mike restocked, get the food that he needs, and then get him out the door." -
"Made in one piece more than three kilometers from this side."
"The distribution of millions of vaccines that need to be stored at subzero temperatures, provided to high-risk groups, that's a really tall order."
"I get excited about supply chain management."
"Possibly 300 and 400 years ago we couldn't move food around... so you're right on."
"Ocean liners aren't like cruise ships when bad weather comes up they can't just go around it like a city bus they have to maintain a regular schedule so if there's a storm they have to go right through it."
"Air transport was the key element to the most demanding supply efforts of the shadow war."
"The load shift while docked, in vessels of this type is frequent, due to various cargoes being repositioned every time the ship puts in."
"Supply chain troubles could last into next year."
"Novices argue tactics, professionals plan logistics."
"We actually must physically be present at their main processing distribution center."
"The key to solving these logistic problems is by using trusted suppliers and warehouses."
"If you're going to take a large on load, it's nice to have."
"If you're piggybacked on somebody else's schedule, you have no control... So you can pay the same amount, get a first-class service delivered exactly where you want, on your schedule, on your time frame."
"Worry about growing your customer base. Do not worry about how those orders are going to be shipped. That is the job of ShipStation."
"Truckers...move the goods that Canadians need at all hours of the day and no matter what the weather."
"We've done everything in our power to keep our truckers safe, fueled, fed, and on the road."
"Every piece, every address, every day, everyone in the chain of custody for mail made sure every piece got as far along in the system as it could. And if it made it to my hands in my office, it was getting delivered." - Postal Worker
"Ships never making it to port? I mean, what do you do if you're attacked?"
"So if there's a buyer found or no buyers found, and once the buyer has been found, you can ship it to a mailbox and they'll be whisked away."
"We need shells. If we have shells, we will have everything."
"That poor guy sat here for like three hours this morning because Samsung hasn't been paying their warehousing fees, I guess."
"Returns are by far the largest challenge to e-commerce, and I think to commerce in general for both retailers and manufacturers."
"Other countries need to look at their weapon stocks. If they were thinking of sending or selling something to someone else, halt that sale, send it to Ukraine." - Hillary Clinton
"Transport mats effortlessly between bases without inventory management."
"It feels big and expensive and getting all these parts to fit together seems like an impossible challenge."
"The troops that are presumably been withdrawn and those troops that have been presumably sent to replace them they're having to travel along these country roads and across those fields."
"We're thinking about lunar delivery, we're thinking about the next step."
"Hannibal's crossing of the Alps is simultaneously a monumental achievement of logistics and willpower while also being totally metal."
"The problem is with oxygen in Delhi and surrounding parts because of a transportation problem."
"Starting a trucking business can make a lot of money."
"It'll come back weighing right at six thousand pounds a little bit less but still fairly heavy nonetheless."
"Battles and even entire campaigns have been lost on the basis of an underfed army."
"Always take those, let's get, I think we need some microprocessors, so let's get five of those, all the oxygen, all the ferrite dust, all the sodium."
"Our job is to keep our supply chain operating fresh, affordable food and essentials."
"We're not there to replace the Postal Service, we just want to help them improve like FedEx did."
"Interstate 69 would be a superhighway that could allow travelers and long-haul truckers to traverse the middle of the United States with ease."
"These efficiencies allow key vertical our goods within minutes of an order allowing the remaining human workers to ship up to four times more packages in an hour."
"If all those become fully electric by 2030 or sooner, Amazon is going to lower costs of deliveries."
"Armies at war eat ammo, they eat missiles really, really quickly."
"Tonight, I'm announcing we will increase the average pace of shipment across the country of free monoclonal antibody treatments by another fifty percent."
"Over the past few hours, police in Poland began to clear blockades going into Ukraine, allowing supplies to start flowing back into that country."
"The swine flu program was marred by a series of logistical problems ranging from the production of the wrong vaccine strain to a confrontation over liability protection."
"We cannot haul all the food we'll ever eat to Mars."
"This is one heck of an overwhelming live performance to put together, how do they do that?"
"This film is filled with logistical issues because of all the complicated work that goes into it."
"The mere convenience of the stadium in proximity to the hotel where the players are in proximity to where other hotels are for everyone to stay there..."
"All of this contributes to a single task, which is still very much a work in progress, making sure that once the bunkers run dry, there's enough newly-produced ammunition to keep the Ukrainian artillery in the fight."
"Game changer, we can like haul large furniture items."
"You actually get incredibly good rates with UPS inbound through Amazon."
"We don't have the capability to collect our people. We just don't. We can't do it."
"Putin experienced a shortage of ammunition as a result of the Ukrainian Army conducting operations almost daily targeted at ammunition Depots and supply routes."
"I need to pick up court documents from different law firms or courthouses, driving depositions, cash checks, some of the things."
"Ah, sweet release. I mean it must have been just so satisfying to dislodge this big beautiful vessel and finally allowed the trade to flow, just a relief."
"All right, couple things you got going wrong here: one, you need scale tickets; two, this is addressed to the convention center."
"If you're buying seven Sonos for your offensive lineman, I can't imagine you're sitting there scrolling through Amazon like, 'Hey man, what's your shipping address?' and you're shipping them all yourself, like, who does this, what's the logistics."
"Logistics are very often overlooked... without logistics, those big exciting battles very rarely if ever occur."
"Surprise! We're not going to pick up a race car. If you want to pick up 20 tons of statues, wow."
"Cargo carriers can essentially have their cake and eat it too."
"The longer your supply chain for food, the less healthy you are likely to be."
"Plans are being put in place to allow students home safely for Christmas."
"I'm still waiting on mine, and I moved so I guess they're trying to find my ZIP code."
"Iteration and optimization are at the core of any logistics game."
"We've defended Karelia, kind of ambushed a supply convoy."
"There are even professional sports leagues that already regularly require travel over similar or greater distances."
"It was a blast tonight, really a historic night in banana land."
"It's all about traffic management, sending them to where they need to go."
"If we go to war today, we can't win a single conflict. We have no ammunition."
"A global pandemic has shown us in no uncertain terms how important supply chain is..."
"You gotta have a dock over here, a port where ships are coming in."
"The refrigerator requirement makes the J&J vaccine extremely helpful."
"So every trophy where they all are, so look, so we go trio screws for here, trio of screws for here."
"What we were missing was a vaccination campaign in a way that actually ensures we get from vaccine to vaccination."
"You're going to need to get this guy and you're going to need to email it to yourself."
"It's not pick up, they don't have to drive here. We're gonna ship it to them."
"Once this Corridor is functional the existing 7500 M journey of the oil transportation to China will be reduced to just, 1500 mil this is estimated to save China $2 billion per year."
"For the order fulfillment, mark order as processed and mark as shipped as well."
"Excellent access here, perfect spot for our festival area."
"I could see people doing logistics for like Walmart basically from their home computer at some point in the future because the software is basically telling them what to do."
"It opens up endless possibilities so now I don't have to say sorry guys we can't do that bike because there aren't enough parts available."
"This is really the anatomy of the supply chain how to win a war."
"Yay, we can quickly carry multiple items between buildings!"
"The Arctic convoys were vast logistical operations involving huge amounts of international cooperation."
"So the pandemic hits and all the rental car companies have these lots at airports and on main drags all over the country, just packed with cars."
"Print to demand by ordering through stores is not as easy and it takes much longer so you're gonna see a discrepancy in when people get those products which leads to that."
"Logistics wizard is God like literally God like."
"With a sales record of 600 million sales per second, the delivery from Amazon's warehouses needs to be streamlined."
"For now, only factory workers will receive shipment, but once they're able to use the naturally infused cuteness."
"This thing can actually do logistics, it can do medical support, it can do maintenance."
"Think of how many bodies I just put on the ground. The logistics of just dealing with that..."
"The only way to really keep it cold cold cold is to ship it with dry ice."
"We were all moving huge volumes of PPE, vaccines, medical related shipments, but also e-commerce."
"You can't not have the contribution from cargo. It's a very, very valuable business."
"E-commerce continues to be a long term tailwind for air cargo, especially in regional networks that have yet to be built out in other parts of the world."
"The Los Angeles port is going to operate around the clock... commitment from one of the nation's busiest ports."
"Living rurally kind of forces you to make your lists a little more careful so you don't have to run back and forth to the store because you forgot something."
"That's a huge job we have thousands and thousands of parts."
"You must...come through that cutting up, getting two or three boxes, getting a bit of paper, and it's a good turnover."
"It takes a lot of logistics to send food and fuel and resources down to Antarctica, nothing is plentiful down there."
"I try to put in a concept like this, it takes a lot of logistics to send food and fuel and resources down to Antarctica."
"Providing military assistance to Ukraine has been and continues to be a colossal task; it is arguably the largest logistical operation undertaken by the West since the second world war."
"It's not the size of the US military but the size of a ready, willing and able coalition backed by the logistical arm of the U.S. that allows security to prosper."
"Putting something on a and expecting it to end up at b is a core concept."
"So faster to allocate stuff, faster to collect stuff."
"Supply chains are the biggest concern that people have."
"Cargo Dragon takes flight continuing a busy year of deliveries to a crew of seven aboard the International Space Station."
"So we did we got we heard back on on the following Tuesday and they made arrangements to deliver today and now you saw what happened they show up he walks in the door and all of a sudden he's like whoa I wonder if it's going to fit."
"Flights can be canceled for many reasons, including mechanical and weather issues."
"Rolling out a vaccine at a global scale like this is a massive undertaking."
"Logistics is so much more important than actual tanks on the front lines."
"It would have been really hard to get out here with all the kids."
"Even if we end up shipping it from our homes so again on behalf of the entire Wow team thank you Wow." - John Hight
"The principles are the same, prioritizing ammo storage on the front."
"Make shipping the easiest part of having an online store."
"Legitimate or not, each return goes on a winding, costly reverse logistics journey."
"We've got more than a full ship load and it's delivering 23 fuel chi-ching so 85,000 for that and it's picking up a full load of fuel to be shipped off excellent."
"Uber Freight should be an absolute game changer."
"The port operators were busy unloading ships."
"Cool, we'll wait to move this guy, right? I don't want to wait here."
"We're almost there, we've gotta deliver the van to the warehouse."
"FedEx ground sets the rates and those rates change and update anywhere from one to three years."
"Shipping times make a huge difference for your customer feedback ratings."
"UPS is an important indicator for the health of the economy."
"It meets the Department of Defense logistical supply chain requirements with the three-year shelf life."
"Let me figure out a clever way to get those shirts to people."
"Tristan da cunha: where even grocery shopping requires weeks of planning."
"The boat could hold approximately 180,000 animals."
"Truckers are what gets us the product... Without them, we literally don't have what we need."
"Why has no one ever thought to put the bodies in the flatbed of the truck... it's the most simple explanation."
"The simplest explanation would be to back up the truck into the garage and load the bodies onto the truck."
"Wow this is already a disaster at what five trains were halfway there is this good this is gonna be terrible once we get to ten trains this is way more accident prone than I was expecting."
"So, if you order a book they're going to first of all make sure that it's in stock pack it well pick it pack it ship it right."
"So yeah so I want to go around sort of individual questions for each of you and Bob starting with you I want to talk a little bit about bagman which seems like it was the logistical challenge to end all logistical challenges."
"Started with research went online looked for warehouses look for a bunch of them and they these are the four that they liked the most."
"They've got shipping times I have one two three days which is absolutely insane."
"Our challenge is to find a big enough cab to fit our luggage just to take to our condo so wish us luck on that one. Mm-hmm because I don't like going by myself in case this guy gets lost in my luck. No sim card, no phone either."
"A good amount of things we've got to get pulled packed and shipped today, figured we'd take you guys along for the ride."
"General Christopher Cavely, the U.S European commander, on April 26th, told U.S lawmakers that 98% of NATO allies' combat vehicles for Ukraine had arrived."
"Fulfillment's job is to look after the product, make sure the product quality is good, make sure that they're getting fast processing times and fast shipping times."
"We're seeing a very fragile ecosystem in logistic terms through outsourcing and globalization."
"Ultimately, the world will be won by those who have better logistics and provisions."
"They have over 10 of those on the team for sfe."
"That's insane! I've got six more spaces as well so you must have about... it's more than ten slots which is good."
"You don't win a war without logistics, without supply lines, without trade routes, without infrastructure."
"Sending NATO tanks to Ukraine solves a lot of logistical problems."
"This is nice, by the way. Teamsters, I can make them move stuff 50% faster."
"The Russian army, with increased ammunition and supply problems, became unable to move."
"If this had been 20 years ago, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to get those boots on the ground."
"If we do not get these ports back open, there's a chance that millions of people could possibly die."
"These supply chains ensure that food fuel and life-saving medicines reach people on both sides of the border."