
Reparations Quotes

There are 592 quotes

"This country owes Black people a debt for 250 years of free labor and another 100 plus years of Jim Crow."
"Reparations have existed in this country, and it seems like literally everybody else is able to get reparations but whenever it comes to Black folks, all of a sudden white people start getting really scared about it."
"In California, economists have worked alongside us over this past year to come up with potential estimates for what reparations in the form of compensation or cash payments can look like for African-Americans."
"I'm a big fan of structural reparations not based on race but rather based on targeting neighborhoods that need it the most."
"Reparations mean repairing the damage historically and institutionally inflicted on a specific group of people."
"Whether we do or go initiate anything like reparations, it is going to succeed or fail on the basis of whether or not we have a larger framework for the conversation over race and Black America specifically."
"Any amount of effort and any amount of money over any length of time would not be enough to compensate for the losses and suffering caused by slavery."
"We can recognize these treaties where we can give restitution, give reparations in ways that don't hurt others."
"If the nation has done something special against the Negro... for 240 years, the nation must do now something special for the Negro."
"The conversation about reparations is not just about slavery; it's about systemic oppression, redlining, and more."
"A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for decades of harms they've experienced."
"Reparations now... is about repairing the material conditions that have been drastically undermined as a consequence of chattel slavery."
"If we truly want to repent of the history of racism in the United States, we must be willing to repair the damage it has done to generations of black Americans."
"Reparations are necessary...but giving somebody money doesn't mean anything if they don't know what to do with the money."
"The government owes reparations and affirmative action is just a conservative part of it, because it was the law that we couldn't read and write, and that we couldn't make money. It was the law, so the government has to undo what the government did."
"Reparations should be paid because morally, they are owed to the descendants of slaves."
"The goal of reparations should be to substantially improve the material as well as societal, and hopefully mental well-being of a lot of Black people that were disenfranchised and are actively being disenfranchised by systemic racism."
"I 100% agree with the moral case for reparations."
"Germany should have made vast reparations to the Jewish people."
"Reparations is to make us whole again, or to at least attempt to repair the damage done."
"California just became the first state in the nation to mandate the study and development of proposals for reparations."
"Policymakers should take responsibility to embrace ideas that not only prevent the deepening of inequality but also begin to compensate for the errors of the past."
"Reparations is an important way to start reinfusing our communities and our society with money that should be there, should have been there from the beginning."
"Reparations debate, they go they're gonna talk about studying it the same way they do all the time and then you know in another four years they'll be studying it again."
"Reparations are not only morally justifiable."
"The matter of reparations is one of making amends and direct redress but it is also a question of citizenship."
"Reparations, the idea that some sort of compensation needs to be made."
"Reparations are about so much more than money."
"Evanston will make reparations available... discriminatory housing policies."
"Reparations is not the way to right our country's wrong. If we're sincere about repaying black Americans for a loss, let's give us back our history."
"That's why we ain't trippin on how fast the reparations come."
"The idea that we're gonna go to slavery reparations now... obviously it's just a pandering move."
"Reparations: making a wrong right, acknowledging the past."
"Germany pays a monthly pension to survivors of the Holocaust."
"When I talk about reparations I am talking about America as a country as a state as a society I am NOT talking about white people."
"Reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of the supply chain."
"If reparations are going to be paid, shouldn't they be paid to the families of those who died and sacrificed themselves to end slavery?"
"Reparations are due to all black people on earth."
"Reparation proposals are incoherent because they rest on the speculative notion that descendants of slaves are in a worse place today than they otherwise would have been if their ancestors were never enslaved."
"We should all be demanding this justice; we should all be demanding reparations from Shell."
"Reparations is about repair. It's a debt that's overdue."
"Any descendants of enslaved African Americans living in the United States prior to the end of the 19th century would be eligible for reparations."
"The proposal lists specific areas for reparations: mass incarceration, discrimination, unequal access to high-quality housing and healthcare, and environmental injustices."
"The task force announced that black Californians with lower average lifespans and lower access to nutritious food would also be eligible for reparations."
"Your reparation is that you now get to live in the most advanced and prosperous civilization in history."
"We must bring the descendants of slaves into equality with this."
"Reparations are about development, justice, and moral obligation."
"Robert Johnson, the founder of BET, wanted something like a 14 trillion dollars set aside for black Americans."
"Reparations are an integral part of Justice."
"Reparations are being considered because they know something is coming."
"Restitution was due 100 years ago and restitution is still due now in my opinion."
"If we can spend trillions in Afghanistan, there's no way we can't put a down payment on reparations."
"Reparations would mean a revolution of the American consciousness."
"Reparations is a way to disrupt these policies and address generational gaps and systemic racism."
"We want the whole package and that's reparations."
"You're actually campaigning for whatever other position you want because you become so famous when you run for president."
"We haven't wavered, man. We're going to stand on this reparations business."
"One of Ireland's richest men is demanding slavery reparations from Britain for the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade."
"Democrats love to bring up the issue of reparations."
"So the idea of a people that has wronged another people giving financial restitution in acknowledgment of that wrong is not a fringe idea and should not be treated as such."
"Reparations are not just a demand but a moral obligation, an acknowledgement of the unpaid historical debt."
"We deserve reparations. We deserve equality and justice, no question about it."
"Stop listening to these people. We're not going to not get reparations because of other people."
"She wanted her people included, so you cannot pay homage to Harriet Tubman and do not pay homage to her children by giving them reparations."
"Teach people about reparations, you teach them about justice, you teach them about Christianity."
"Reparations has nothing to do with taking anything from anyone but it's about repairing and making wrongs that are right."
"Are those people or their descendants not... in some way being repaired for the harm, the wrong that was done?"
"It's time we had a serious discussion about how to right that wrong and how to compensate people."
"I'm arguing that they did not provide reparations for the harm that they caused because... they completely parroted exactly what police say."
"We want tangibles for our vote. We're not playing games with these folks."
"November 5th should be National Reparations Day."
"Reparations should happen. Let's start right here."
"How could they sit back and let other people get reparations two times and we've not even gotten it once?"
"No other candidate supports reparations. Can Bernie Sanders improve on this issue? Absolutely."
"Germany's voluntary payments for past wrongs amount thus far to more than 55 billion over a period of six decades and are unparalleled in history."
"We need both federal reparations and real institutional accountability."
"Reparations has to be accompanied by a set of policies, a multi-generational set of policies."
"Reparations is about restoring that wealth that was stolen from us so that we can be true American."
"Reparations are about paying a debt that's owed."
"The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves."
"Reparations are not about alleviating the suffering of black America, reparations are about paying a debt that's owed."
"What's going on in the black community? We need to unite, get reparations, and help one another."
"Reparations will be the only thing that will save us."
"Reparations would give us the ability to be whole and fully American."
"Reparations is essential because we've done too much and contributed too much."
"You need the smartest people at the table when you talk about reparations."
"You need fact, you need data, you need information."
"We have to measure what we're owed and demand it."
"Why would you want to reward them for what they've done to you for 465 years?"
"We want reparations too, my people were starved, enslaved."
"Reparations won't end everything but it will be a profound gift."
"Reparations were promised to black people but were never given to black people."
"Reparations payments for centuries of slavery and Jim Crow semi-slavery can take many forms."
"He just sat here and told you - the whole reason you vote for politicians is the exact reason that you can't get reparations for black folk."
"If we focused on reparations primarily, I promise you we'll get reparations."
"Reparations are exclusively for foundational Black Americans who were enslaved here in America."
"Reparations for black people? Sounds good to me."
"We want reparations for foundational black Americans who descended from slavery exclusively, that's what we want."
"San Francisco panel proposes giving every qualified black resident 5 million dollars"
"If somebody works your ass for 400 years and don't pay you, don't they owe you?"
"Before you can talk about external reparations you have to talk about internal reparations. What do we owe ourselves? What do we owe our people? What do we owe our community? What do we owe our ancestors?"
"He does have a realistic perspective of what's going to happen if we don't give reparations."
"Reparations is never a topic because the people that are supposed to be representing us, at least in the mainstream media, never bring it up."
"Anyone who was dealt an injustice by the United States government where it was calculated and intentional should receive their just due."
"Reparations are never a topic because the people representing us never bring it up."
"Everybody wants that chance and everybody deserves that chance and black people deserve reparations in the form of land, in the form of cash payments, and in the form of some type of tax consideration."
"If y'all don't agree that we should get reparations cuz we were never we didn't because we didn't do the work we were never enslaved you don't get to get your daddy's money."
"Talking reparations: America won't be great until they give us compensation."
"A presidential candidate invoked reparations. This is awesome."
"You cannot pretend like just because we don't think reparations will solve every problem that does not mean that that money's not old."
"Reparations should be universalized, it needs to be globalized."
"If you want to predicate the dispensation you're giving to black people... on the fact that our ancestors suffered X Y & Z, then it's a cold fact."
"The economic calculation of reparations is a difficult one. That's the bare minimum, giving immediate financial restitution for some of these wrongs is just a starting point."
"Jews received reparations for the Holocaust and are still receiving them, and in my mind, that's what should happen."
"30, 40 trillion dollars in reparations? That's a good start."
"Listen, family, we made history this Saturday. There's never been a reparations rally in this country that galvanized thousands of people like that in a day."
"Your voice don't matter here if you ain't talking tangibles, cut the goddamn check, and reparations."
"Never in a million years would I ever think that would replace the vast systemic multi-trillion dollar debt that is owed to black people for reparations."
"No amount of money can fully compensate for the atrocities; reparations would serve as a testament to the evil Deeds committed."
"Reparations would serve as a testament to the evil Deeds committed involving the forceful removal of millions of industrious Africans from their Homeland and their forced uncompensated labor in the Americas and the Caribbean."
"Slavery reparation becomes not only essential but a moral obligation."
"I do not believe in reparation because what reparation does, it points to a certain race, a certain color, and it points them as evil."
"How about a Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought in my race?"
"Reparations, it's going to have so many restrictions on it."
"So instead of us waiting on the politicians to change why don't we just decide as a people that we're not just going to want people to give us reparations but we gonna take what's ours."
"The Biden administration negotiating a financial settlement for families torn apart at the U.S. border."
"A financial settlement of hundreds of millions of dollars for families who were torn apart."
"Bernie Sanders is in favor of reparations just so long as reparations is never anything financial."
"We just want what's owed to us if you guys are going to still practice racism talk amongst yourselves on why you're going to do that racism is a problem that the dominant society has inflicted on us."
"Reparations have international implications for all of those actors who were involved initially in the expansion of the maafa or the slave trade."
"Reparations as a process, not just a one-time one-and-done transactional kind of notion."
"Reparations really means a corrective action by the government."
"They've consistently given reparations to everybody but black folk."
"Blacks should be reparated for 360 years of slavery and having saved this country."
"Blacks must have resources and money, and the only three ways they can get it: by practicing group economics, creating money, or getting reparations."
"You gotta do more. Labor has to have more power. My people need reparations. My kids need this. My grandkids need that."
"Slaves built this country and we do... we do 40 acres and a mule, you can keep the mules, keep the 40." [Applause]
"Reparations and very simple forms in a very simple form cut the check."
"What makes me qualified? If you did the math of the 40 acres and a mule given that there was four to five million slaves at the end of the Civil War, it would finally include dental care, hearing aids, and eyeglasses."
"We're in severe pain. That's what reparations is important because part of reparations is self-repair."
"We need to say to them thank you now that you guys are acknowledging America's history of medical malpractice intentional and malicious that also is a reason for reparations."
"Reparations has to be three-pronged: recommitment to strong enforcement of civil rights laws, a really large investment of resources into the black communities, and a cash payment."
"The only way America can make America equal is to give African people our cut of what we built for this nation."
"The surest way to get reparations those of you reparations advocates is you negotiate from a position of strength you don't get reparations by coming and saying please."
"Reparations is cutting big fat juicy checks for foundational black Americans who built the country."
"Elijah Muhammad was ahead of his time, laid out a blueprint for reparations."
"The first step in reparations is self-repair. No foundation, no corporation, no check, nobody can do that for you."
"Material redistribution in the form of reparations... 100."
"Reparations are necessary for America to come to terms with its history of racial injustice."
"France demanded an indemnity so crippling it choked the newborn nation's breath."
"The world has shifted five times and y'all talking about reparations. Y'all waiting for Joe Biden to give y'all money. You got one life left, you got one life."
"Reparations would help, but it won't solve all problems."
"Reparations is necessary because of deep miseducation."
"It's a metaphor; you're a loser. You're beautiful but no one gives a [ __ ]."
"You have to more clearly define the parameters of the debate: who are you talking about reparations from, and to whom."
"Understanding who you are and how you work is the most important factor in making the right purchase."
"They should be given reparations for what happened... actual living people that actually suffered some sort of grievance have a right to such things."
"Reparations are necessary to address systemic racism and its effects."
"The racial wealth gap is out of line, quantifiable enough. That is your case for reparations right there, that's it."
"You don't have 400 years, I don't care what you going through, you've had 400 years to make this right."
"If you're not gonna give us reparations, we're not gonna vote."
"I can't vote for you if you're not on a bill to study reparations."
"I want to understand the best reparations argument out there... Marianne Williamson is the only one offering it..."
"Marianne says she based her 200 billion dollar figure loosely on the abolition era promise of 40 acres and a mule..."
"Marianne Williamson mean hero of the first debate... a hundred billion dollars in reparations to be distributed over ten years..."
"It sounds like she's revised that plan to two hundred billion dollars... something we can vet and scrutinize and debate..."
"There is no greater witness than when demanding reparations than Obama himself, acknowledging centuries of slavery and discrimination as the primary causes of our gaps."
"Reparations is a part of our destiny, no matter how unlikely it seems."
"Reparations is about balancing the universe."
"We're talking about getting some damn reparations."
"This system is stacked against you you just gotta understand that and move forward and try to find a way try to believe in something like reparations."
"As part of a class-action lawsuit, the US government paid 9 million to the surviving participants and their descendants for many people though the pain can never be healed with money."
"Fundamental question: are we denouncing white supremacy and giving reparations, retribution, and rehabilitation?"
"It doesn't take away the fact that you hurt us but we're not gonna come back and ask for more reparations after you just gave us ten trillion dollars."
"Who is included when you do reparations? That is the people who bear the cost. Those are descendants of American Shadow slaves."
"When we say 'cut the check,' when we say 'tangibles 2020,' when we say 'reparations,' when we say 'pay your bill America,' reparations is a bill, it's a justice claim, it's a debt owed."
"Reparations is not philanthropy, it's not you showing goodwill, white America, it's you paying your bill."
"Only those who can prove their direct lineage to an enslaved ancestor should be entitled to some type of reparations payments."
"To pass the first and only reparations bill in the history of this country would be significant."
"We're owed money and everybody who came over here and everybody who was here before benefited from foundational black Americans being enslaved."
"Reparations would be a great step to healing. That would be a great faith step to say, 'Hey look, we want to do the right thing as far as people in the dominant society.'"
"Reparation is the federal government repairing the damage they have done to Black Americans."
"The church should be leading the way in reparations."
"Reparations are like demanding back what was stolen from you, with compound interest."
"Reparations are justified, but cash reparations are not going to work."
"Reparations is more broader than that it's broader than just cutting a check it's not even about stability it's it's more about correcting the issues that happen."
"Reparations is not a government handout, it's a debt America owes black people."
"So cut the check and don't you ever forget your mothers and fathers who created this America."
"Do you support reparations for black people?"
"If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain."
"Reparations is transformational. American black folks need transformation."
"We are not talking about reparations as a tool to empower anybody, they're a tool for you to atone for the wrongs that have been done."
"Accepting the principle that reparations are owed is what's required."
"We need reparations, we need tangibles, we don't want to hear nothing else right now."
"Give them what they're owed, don't worry about what they got."
"That's reparation, they stole trillions of dollars out of eight to nine million black folks that worked hard every day."
"Reparations is priority but we're going to do some other stuff too."
"Yes, we do [need commissions and studies]. Because we might not get a three trillion dollar check of reparations, but there can be some repair being done."
"Reparations must be the correct what what has happened to black folk."
"There is no argument against ADOS reparations. Not one. It doesn't exist."