
Oppression Quotes

There are 1558 quotes

"Our ancestors built this country and we got nothing for it but extreme oppression."
"The African National Congress has always stood with the people of Palestine in their struggle against oppression and injustice."
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions."
"Race in America is a social construct; white means that you can oppress, and black means that you or if you have a person of color because they are two different things, black and person in color, means that you can be oppressed."
"According to Amélie, her writing about the Affinites’ oppression was a reaction both to the way she had been treated as an immigrant in America and her own experience witnessing slavery in China."
"These people use their religion as an excuse to oppress people."
"Just because you were oppressed doesn't mean you can't simultaneously be an oppressor."
"That's a part of the oppression that we deal with every day that makes us depressed and makes us angry."
"Anything you do is a form of oppression until you relinquish all of your power to someone who looks differently to you."
"It does feel a little bit like banging my head against a wall talking about this stuff because there are genuine problems that are occurring, many of them to people that are in minorities or groups that are genuinely oppressed."
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
"If we grant that at any point in history, race has been used to genocide... it might well be a good thing... to study these things to understand how oppression... has occurred."
"Oppressed people can simultaneously try to advance their best interests while also perpetuating their own oppression."
"The Israelites were subjected to a highly oppressive regime that made their lives incredibly challenging."
"Oppression just means that you are preventing people from pursuing what they naturally need. People need loving relationships, people need loving committed long-term relationships, people need family."
"Darkness always favors the oppressor. So the oppressor wishes for darkness."
"The fundamental spirit that has imbued the West is the only spirit that has ever actually lifted people who are oppressed out of their oppression."
"Democracy can be used to exploit and to oppress in ways that are so fundamentally obvious."
"To loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke."
"Decolonize our minds in her writings on gender, race, teaching, contemporary culture, and other topics, she reminds us that these are all topics that must be understood as interconnected through their ability to produce and perpetuate systems of oppression."
"You pound and pound and pound a people because of their religion... and they will turn on you."
"Tyranny requires constant effort; it breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle; oppression is the mask of fear."
"We recognize inequities built by past and present traumas rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism, and all forms of oppression."
"Most people love their oppressor. I don't know if it's Stockholm Syndrome or just massive self-excusing."
"The definition of oppression is really quite simply prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control."
"Oppression can still happen even with a legal system that is on paper completely equal."
"In order for certain people to experience privilege, by definition, other people have to experience oppression."
"This violence and oppression of Asian Americans is not a new occurrence by any means."
"How long can you opiate the people? Ultimately, the French Revolution showed that people will break out in extremely ugly ways."
"Even the people who are oppressing have it within them the majority of the time to make things better."
"The human spirit has a way of conquering the worst of oppressors."
"Justice is the foundation of all dominion, and oppression heralds the end of a dynasty."
"Feminists were seeking to address a broad range of issues--which makes sense of course because women, depending on class and race and experience and profession, were oppressed in a broad range of ways."
"If you create a system to oppress other people, the only thing you need to do for it to be used against you is wait."
"Allah responds to the call of the oppressed."
"Why is it that you don't see a lot of vocal outspoken Chinese people? It's because they can't."
"You're dealing with a terrible system that will shut you down if you try to do that."
"You've been through so much oppression... a lot of your truth has been stripped away."
"The 'soft touch' approach to depicting a society under the thumb of a ruling state power is more complicated, but it pays off when done well."
"If an oppressed people believe they are already free, they will not pursue freedom."
"Society has been stuck in its oppressive ways for too long and needs to change."
"Oppression is bad no matter what. I'm not a big fan of oppression because that leads to hate and discontent, and then people will rise up."
"Oppression is oppression, regardless of who does it and who it's done against."
"The greatest weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."
"The technologies are already existing in systems of structural oppression, structural racism, global social, political, and economic inequality." - Sophia Noble
"No other country in the history of societal development has ever stood idly by when oppressive state machinations have overturned the democratic processes."
"Racism is more accurately defined as the oppression of a racial other, backed up by social or institutional power."
"It's the oppression of other human beings; there's a slaughter of other human beings."
"And remaining silent in the face of an oppressive status quo, is support for the status quo."
"I don't fear the truth. I feel the truth is a very powerful weapon on the side of the oppressed."
"I never fear the truth. I feel the truth is a very powerful weapon on the side of the oppressed."
"The oppression of the Palestinian people for many decades has been absolutely outrageous."
"This is not mere vandalism; it is a statement about the obfuscation of oppression, the effects of which are obviously still being felt."
"Oppression takes away from you your self-worth... if you're not worth anything, then your thoughts are not worth anything."
"As the shadow of the empire reached ever further across civilized space, the galaxy entered an age of darkness and tyranny unlike anything in its history."
"People who lack talent stick together and oppress those who do possess talent."
"The best thing we can do at this point is consider elevating their quality of life and the structure of their oppression that they currently feel and endure."
"Feminism is defined as 'an emancipatory, transformational movement aimed at undoing domination and oppression.'"
"Institutionally oppressed... just simply not being able to have a credit card, not being able to have your own bank account."
"Remember only their greed, their cruelty, their pride. Is anything left for us but to retain our freedom or to die before we are enslaved?"
"If you want to picture the future, imagine a boot stamping down on a human face—forever."
"Joy Boy wanted to bring freedom to those who had none, to those oppressed, to create a world where everyone was free, one where all could sail the seas in adventure without being shackled down by the restrictive mindset of society."
"This belief that the oppressed class only seeks revenge against its oppressors relies on the assumption that one must only be able to exist within its reflection."
"Control of money throughout the world as a tool of oppression and I kind of wanted to destroy those tools."
"I was very attracted to the cryptocurrency space because I saw control of money throughout the world as a tool of oppression."
"We don't have too many tribes in Nigeria. We have only two tribes: the tribe of the oppressed and the tribe of the oppressors."
"To be forced to believe two plus two equals five is to be oppressed."
"Rebellion is heroic defiance against oppression, born from genuine suffering."
"The first is a forceful call to consciousness, crippling to the logic of oppression; the second is a show of force and an act of oppression in and of itself."
"The greatest weapon in the hands of our oppressor is our memory of who we were before we were oppressed."
"This has everything to do with the ongoing oppression of the Uyghur Muslims."
"There is a pattern consistent throughout history of oppressed people turning on the oppressors."
"It's understanding that it's real and do you think that the patriarchy is oppressive? Absolutely oppressive to everybody."
"If you cannot give an explicit reason for why you are oppressed, you are not oppressed."
"Denying a people's culture, denying a people's language, denying a people's identity, and calling their nation a Bolshevik construct."
"Whiteness is not skin color, whiteness is a system of oppression."
"Courage is one of the rarest qualities in a totalitarian society."
"Oppression isn't just an idea, it has results and consequences for real people's lives."
"I meet women coming from Somalia and Egypt and Iran which is a kind of you know talk about a Handmaid's Tale I mean that's like 1984 for women."
"If a poor nation wants to abandon capitalism, or if a poor nation threatens rich nations... they are violently crushed."
"If you said one bad thing about the party or the government, you were taken away."
"They will torment you to make sure you don't set a precedent."
"There is a right to resist racist and colonialist regimes and foreign military occupation."
"It's actually hard to imagine a more oppressive policy than that trying to control your ability to breathe fresh air."
"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X
"The events in Baluchazon last Friday on the 30th of September showed the scale of the crackdown and is an extreme manifestation of the deadly crackdown that the Iranian authorities have long waged on Iran's oppressed minorities."
"We swore to live free or die, and that is the power that those attempting to oppress must attempt to take away."
"Silence favors the oppressor; neutrality in the face of atrocities favors the oppressor."
"There is no singular source of the sickness in society that isolates us from one another, that suppresses us, that brutalizes us, that exploits us."
"These are regular scenes in Nabi Saleh: Israeli soldiers firing tear gas, skunk water, rubber-coated steel bullets, and even live ammunition, while unarmed Palestinians march carrying flags and banners."
"Is the world built in the image of our mind, or is it built in the image of our oppressor's mind?"
"Israel's regime of oppression is in bed with the anti-semites of the world."
"Oppressing others and burying your problems creates the illusion of safety."
"The content of your consciousness is governed by the one who oppresses you."
"Isn't it coincidental that they stole your spirituality, made your systems evil, and now you're scared to look at your systems?"
"Cyber-Stein enables oppressive and unfun fusion monsters to see play, turning duels into one-sided affairs."
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever."
"As long as society insists upon viewing things only through the lens of individual people who are at fault, oppression will never be sufficiently addressed."
"On the masculine front we we tell young boys that while the world's a terrible patriarchal tyranny and all of that patriarchal tyranny which is the whole explanation for history has done nothing but oppress and exploit people."
"The private tyranny of universities, professional associations, and tech platforms is a greater threat than the tyranny of an oppressive state."
"In this type of scenario where an oppressive power has a stranglehold over society, subterfuge and targeted violent action is likely the best method one has available to them to instigate any sort of change."
"It's the one thing they cannot imprison: the mind."
"The only thing they have left is truncheons."
"What is the veil? Is it a sign of multiculturalism or is it a sign of oppression?"
"This type of upheaval is like gravity, is to be expected when you kind of just suppress and depress a group."
"Muslims have been the biggest object of Oppression in the past 200 years throughout the world."
"They'll punish you and persecute you for violating their speech codes and oppressive mandates."
"This is why gamers are the most oppressed class."
"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave."
"You oppress people by lying to them and making them believe something that's not true."
"The logical conclusive conclusion of critical theory is you have to get rid of the oppressor class."
"We were attacked, the whole goal was to silence the church, to get them to submit to evil."
"The major systems of oppression are interlocking."
"I'm not stop asking the oppressed people to join forces and to come to kumbaya moments with people who literally want to see them die."
"They're a bit scared and that's why they're clamping down."
"CLA, you couldn't share the truth about David Miscavige's brutality."
"The government's just been weaponized basically against people who dissent from the regime."
"White people are so devoid of having actually been oppressed, they have to co-opt oppression."
"How can you expect the laws that oppressed you to liberate you?"
"The easiest way to resolve this is to say that the Matrix is at least an allegory about oppression."
"Standards are oppressive... they are genuinely oppressive. That's actually correct. They are there to oppress criminals."
"We had an agenda to understand that the reason we remained oppressed in America was because there was this fundamental 400-year-old existing system that had oppressed us as a group in the beginning."
"Critical Race Theory is not the bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat. It’s white people oppressing people of color."
"You cannot expect our demands of equality to be met with any real legislative policy and change when y'all turn around and inflict the same kind of hate and oppression on us."
"It's so funny when Christians will look at like Muslims and they'll be like you wear the hijab like how oppressive and then they'll turn around to like a woman in a mini skirt like what a disgusting for I hope she gets a rape."
"Don't ever be a slave to anybody. If you're a slave, basically you're just nurturing your oppressor."
"Each of us can be subdivided into so many group identities that there's at least one dimension along which we're all oppressors."
"It's as though the souls of these adults have been crushed so much that their desire to live has been destroyed in the deepest parts of themselves."
"Reconciliation involves recognition that the state, which should have nurtured and protected its citizens, was at one point their oppressors."
"They are so much afraid of this repression, they're really literally scared."
"You could really feel the emotion and the effects the oppression had."
"Racists view things through the lens of race to oppress and subjugate minorities."
"Despite brutal suppression from the CCP, Chinese people can still tell good from bad."
"It's about liberating their fellow citizens who are living under just objectively just barbaric conditions."
"People should not suffer under dictatorships."
"We cannot allow it to destroy our freedom, our hope, our very lives."
"A real fast is when you stop oppressing your workers and let the captives go free."
"Every time we get something popping, they find a way to sabotage it."
"Once civilizations began, ordinary people have lived under the foot of tyrannical rulers—kings, emperors, the upper echelons of society."
"Sexism isn’t just, like, bad in the abstract. It is a system of power that oppresses people."
"The regime oppressed large sections of its people throughout the 1970s."
"Your interests cannot be exclusive to others. If your worldview revolves around oppressing people, then shut the [__] up."
"Our oppressors know that as long as they can keep us disconnected from our power, they can continue to control and manipulate."
"True oppression is not knowing that you're oppressed."
"The people around you are oppressing you because they see the blessings in you."
"When you conceal knowledge, you only leave room to make slaves out of people."
"Listen to those who are oppressed; we know better."
"My favorite comic book character of all time is Magneto and he's a villain but I feel like he does things for righteous causes he's fighting for the purity of the mutant race he doesn't like the way the mutants are getting oppressed."
"Sometimes it's about taking action against oppression, not just being passive."
"Effie's fashion: a silent protest in a world of oppression."
"Consciousness and the expansion of consciousness are being oppressed... that's why the exploration of self is quintessential."
"Luffy's whole existence is the antithesis to Darkness oppression and poverty but now Oda has given us the biggest hint to why the Nico fruit gives the ability to stretch."
"Moldmen backstory as one of the saddest in the lore of scorn, a class who have been modified and enslaved having no rights whatsoever."
"A dictator will never erase a people's love for liberty."
"White privilege isn't real and minorities aren't oppressed in this country."
"Black people are comfortable in our oppression."
"We live in fear and intimidation and it's like we are bullied in a way."
"We need to be united against oppression, torture, and violation of the rule of law."
"Doesn't matter who is the oppressor or oppressed."
"He was jailed for being rude to a bureaucrat."
"After all, those who are silent in the face of oppression, by default, choose the side of the oppressor."
"Feminism is a movement to end actual oppression."
"Brutality will never grind down their will to be free."
"He drove some people to madness by having them under surveillance 24/7."
"In China, when you're oppressed you know why and you also know who's done it and why they've done it, and it's the state."
"Citizens in North Korea are expected to never speak out against what is going on in the country."
"It was actually a quite evil but very clever way to justify the structural forms of Oppression that black people were subjected to."
"If we can agree that Christians can be oppressed then we can agree that other classes of people can be oppressed."
"We as women have suffered a common oppression which is gender specific."
"Homie preaches that for humans to succeed, for humans to thrive, all that is really needed is to escape oppression, all that is needed is to be left alone to their own devices."
"The system that oppresses us has no right to tell us how to fight for our freedom."
"People don't really realize how bad it is until it's too late and often will actually welcome in their oppressors."
"You will never shed enough blood to warrant continents to the cookout. You will always be seen as a Defector by the oppressors if you Ally the marginalized."
"There is conspiracy. There is crafty council against our race, against our nation of people."
"People want a symbol to represent what they believe oppresses them or causes them problems and harm."
"Repression against you is seen as legitimate as long as it aligns with the ruling ideology."
"The deprivation of agency is one of the most effective tools to marginalize a target group."
"History isn't destined to move in a progressive direction. Oppressors will always try to oppress."
"It's not oppression if you're free to fight back."
"In just one visual image, we get the sense that the Empire has a firm grip over the rebels."
"This is racism. They've got clowns and you've got pounce. No, it's racism. I don't need this. What, we've been oppressed? We've written some black people, huh?"
"Oppression is bad. It doesn't matter who they are, it's really bad."
"Literature plays the role of the famous parrot or canary in the mine shaft... in oppressed societies when literature is stifled, when writers are arrested or tortured or executed, when books are banned and suppressed."
"Religious extremism denies us our most basic human rights."
"We're not trying to strengthen the system that's been oppressing us."
"The wealthier you are, the harder it is to oppress you because people are fearful of attacking people with wealth and power."
"If reason is a tool of oppression, emotions guide reality."
"China centralizes Authority and targets political opponents in an apartheid-like way."
"Start waking up get angry get real angry because we're all slaves and we're heading into more slavery."
"A country's government that freely uses other platforms to promote oppression but then in their own country blocks that, yeah, that to me is not freedom of speech. That's hypocrisy."
"This is about flipping the tables and completely upending the system of oppression that is global."
"We didn't forget, it was knocked out of us, beaten out of us."
"Human beings who had no choice in what they could do in their own lives. They were essentially slaves."
"What separates America from China? Ideas. We believe in freedom, they believe in oppression."
"Despots will take advantage of this, and then you will not know freedom; you'll forget it."
"The true beauty of the human spirit is stifled to keep things running smoothly."
"People instinctively fight their own oppressors."
"The day slave's words hint at the hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall, where some dream of reforming the world and taking control of their own fate."
"Climate change will persist as long as we have systems of oppression."