
Slavery Quotes

There are 1212 quotes

"The White House that Biden is sleeping in was built by slaves."
"If somebody else has control over your body, that means you are the slave, and they are the master."
"We owe black people something; we have a legacy of slavery. Immigrants haven't even been in this country."
"Slavery was once the norm in human civilization, and now it is much less, and where it does happen, we recognize it's a crime we ought to stamp out."
"Colonialism and slavery have been sort of human constants until quite recently... our great experiments with liberalism seem to be what have ended colonialism and ended slavery."
"I freed many slaves. I would have freed many more if only they knew they were slaves." - Harriet Tubman
"It is no secret that slavery was a dehumanizing institution where human beings were treated as property and denied their basic rights."
"Some institutions are inherently evil. Slavery seems to me inherently evil."
"One of the things that I would consider to be a moral absolute is that it is morally wrong everywhere at all times for one human being to own another human being as property."
"We want to make you feel what it was like to be a slave, or what it was like to escape through the Underground Railroad." - Bob Weiss, Imagineer.
"Islamic teachings on emancipation were revolutionary, aiming to end slavery through practical and spiritual means."
"Commonly it is considered a great misfortune for America that Negro slaves were ever imported."
"There clearly is some impact in the echoes of slavery and then after that, Jim Crow. There's clearly some impact in these deeply impoverished communities that don't seem to advance."
"End slavery, end Jim Crow... achieve civil rights and... economic inclusion."
"Those who would live without law are destined to live under slavery."
"Any amount of effort and any amount of money over any length of time would not be enough to compensate for the losses and suffering caused by slavery."
"Slavery was and is an abhorrent blight on human history."
"It ought to be considered as a great point gained in favor of humanity that a period of twenty years may terminate forever within these states, a traffic which has so long and so loudly upbraided the barbarism of modern policy."
"The idea that Madison is espousing here is he thought, and a lot of the founders did, that slavery would go away a lot earlier than it actually ended up going away."
"When such a significant and horrific thing like slavery is portrayed as it is in this film, it's impossible to not notice it and to call it out."
"The condition of the African slave in the American southern colonies during this time period was horrible."
"Even the most mundane moments of their lives represented an irreversible psychological harm."
"This reality of slavery is not how 'The Patriot' portrays it."
"But to the enslaved people who were behind the stage about to be auctioned off, this wasn't Hiring Day. They referred to it as Heartbreak Day."
"Slavery is not what defines Western civilization; the fact that we ended it is one of the things that defines Western civilization."
"Every civilization in all of human history, since the Agricultural Revolution, had slavery. Slavery is not what defines Western civilization; the fact that we ended it is one of the things that defines Western civilization."
"When the New York Times launched its 1619 project last year, it sought to reframe the country's history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative."
"What happens within you if it's determined by somebody else, this is the worst form of slavery."
"The US Constitution acknowledged that it was a story we invented, allowing for its amendment to outlaw slavery."
"The sanctity of the individual, the sanctity of individual life, and the autonomy of every individual were at the absolute base of the desire first of all to ban slavery in the British Empire."
"The whole theme of the Bible is freedom from slavery."
"It seems to me that we should absolutely celebrate the end of slavery."
"Thomas Jefferson, despite owning slaves, was deeply affected by the death of his lifelong servant, Jupiter Evans, suggesting a complex relationship with the institution of slavery."
"Enslaved Africans were brought by the Spanish to Puerto Rico and the Caribbean at large."
"Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' the best-selling novel of that era, exposed the terrible cruelty of slavery to the world."
"Europeans did not invent slavery. It has existed in every part of the world. The only difference is that the volume of slaves in European slavery is higher than anywhere else ever."
"Nebraska repealed language that allowed slavery, or involuntary servitude, as a legal punishment for crime."
"I gotta be honest, I have no earthly idea how anybody who spends more than five minutes studying the American Civil War... could possibly say it had nothing to do with slavery."
"It was about them wanting the right to keep slavery and not have it interfered with, and spread that slavery to new states."
"Thousands committing suicide to escape means hundreds of thousands enslaved."
"The arguments used to abolish slavery were entirely biblically based on the moral component, not the economic component."
"If America never declared independence, slavery would have ended 20 years earlier."
"The only proper treatment of slaves is their emancipation."
"Why is slavery wrong? ... It has to do with the fundamental sanctity of the individual."
"We can't get past slavery because we can't have a race reconciliation dialogue about it. Nobody's ever apologized to us for slavery."
"There are more slaves in the world today than ever before."
"The very first enslaved Africans were brought here over 400 years ago. Since then, no part of America's story has been untouched by the legacy of slavery."
"Reparations should be paid because morally, they are owed to the descendants of slaves."
"Cassius Marcellus Clay...decided that he did not like slavery at all, went home, freed all of his family's slaves."
"My paternal great-grandfather was born a slave in South Carolina and joined the Union Army."
"Slavery is a commonplace of human experience going back to antiquity. Emancipation, freedom for the slaves, the abolition of slavery, that's a new idea. That's a western idea. That's an enlightenment idea."
"The United States had probably the largest slave economy...but what it also had that never gets mentioned is the largest mass movement against slavery in the modern world."
"The lands of Nurn had to be exceedingly productive, because they would become a large reward for those who underwent the horrors of slavery at the hands of Sauron."
"Most slaves were brought to Brazil than to any other place."
"Was it ever okay to own a person as property and beat them as long as they didn't die? No."
"The 13th Amendment says neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States."
"Everything that's been built in this country came off of the backs of African slaves."
"What surprised me the most is that most southerners did not own slaves."
"This is about slavery and trafficking in persons."
"How do you fight to be free if you don't know you're a slave?"
"Most people are not taught that the original Constitution protected one piece of property, enslaved people."
"We went and kidnapped a bunch of people four hundred years ago and made them work for free and say, 'Boom, greatest nation in the world.'"
"Slavery was not a small deal, it wasn't just agriculture."
"The United States federal government who made money from slavery helped the south to rebuild."
"If we don't fully understand and account for this history... we won't fully understand how slavery shaped the political, economic, and social infrastructure of this country." - Clint Smith
"There should be a day that speaks to slavery in America."
"That is the day that chattel slavery in this country ended for our ancestors."
"The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a single slave. Process that for a beat. Not one."
"Even if they owned no slaves, they still believed in general in the institution of slavery and the racial hierarchy that made the southern society work."
"The Network to Freedom advances the idea of resistance to slavery."
"The Underground Railroad Network to Freedom program helps us to understand the breadth, depth, and diversity of experiences."
"We have the problems that come from the psychological trauma that we suffered in slavery."
"The Legion's only commodity is slaves... that kind of society can only be held up for so long."
"There's no history of America without taking into context the history of slavery and injustice."
"What if you never heard of this story in school before? How would you even know about slavery?"
"Slavery can be endured and overcome; it cannot be repaid."
"Contrary to popular belief, African-American history did not start with slavery in the New World. An overwhelming body of new evidence is emerging..."
"There's no such thing as a little bit of slavery."
"We are the testimony... We are the descendants of those who were enslaved in this country."
"Free people will always be vastly more hardworking and imaginative than a population of slaves driven by fear."
"Slavery is bad, forget the moral argument, it's money!"
"We ended slavery, okay, that's the important thing to consider here."
"Life was unfair to him since he was a slave."
"The lives of slaves were dominated by work and terror."
"Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery."
"Fighting modern manifestations of slavery gives us this opportunity... to aim for something that is more."
"White men didn't invent slavery but they did abolish it."
"The civil war ended slavery and the idea of a divisible Union."
"The Missouri Compromise: every state above 36 degrees 30 latitude would be free."
"The Bible does not mandate that people keep slaves. The Bible has historically been used as a freedom document."
"There is a kind of spiritual slavery that Satan wants to bring to the church."
"Slavery is the reason for leaving the union."
"In slavery, we were forced to raise our own oppressors. We nurtured our own oppression."
"Expanding slavery was the first step toward the eventual extermination of slavery."
"Imagine being in the time of slavery and being like trying to be a Centrist where you're like well, you know, I personally think it's wrong but I'm not gonna abolish it."
"The albatross around your neck, tied back to slavery, is the thing that's most consequential."
"There is not a redeeming quality in slavery."
"We've imported all these slaves... and at some point we need to pay the piper for that."
"The process for ending slavery actually began with the beginning of the Mesopotamian Empire."
"America has a history of 200 years of slavery."
"Slavery built the entire economy of this nation. Let's be clear. It wasn't no five percent or nothing. Slavery was the main event."
"The defining divide of American life begins in 1619 with the introduction of African slavery."
"I never forget that I wake up in a house built by slaves."
"The hope and the dream of the slave was not to sit on the Supreme Court. Some of the hope and the dream of slaves was to cut the throat of their oppressors."
"If history were written from the perspective of enslaved Africans... our understanding of US history would be vastly different."
"You know it was divisive slavery slavery was divisive."
"The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves."
"Enslavement shaped every crucial aspect of the economy and politics of America."
"We can learn a lot about how the enslaved viewed themselves and others through the stories they told."
"There's hardly a culture in the world that has not practiced slavery including Africa but the West was the society that developed the abstract ideals of humanity."
"Juneteenth is pretty much the diversion of July 4th for slaves."
"Slavery arrested our psychopolitical development."
"The church's failure to speak out against slavery remains sustained on its historical record."
"The tragic tale of slavery and its ties to religion reveals a profound contradiction between the church's teachings of love and compassion and its historical support of human bondage."
"No small part of the distortion and confusion about the history of slavery comes from attempts at scoring points."
"The real history of slavery: slavery was an evil of greater scope and magnitude than most people imagine."
"Western civilization today, it seems so obvious that if slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong."
"What was so patently wrong about slavery in the eyes of Western civilization of the past two centuries was almost incomprehensible to many non-Westerners."
"Slavery was unashamedly at the heart of the secession of the Confederate states."
"You will never be able to reach the level of productive output as slavery."
"That's it. The reason I'm choosing this as the divergence is simply, well, what other option is there? If the south mass-produced cotton in any way then slave politics continue surviving."
"The next 200 years would be absolutely abhorrent for the enslaved people of surname, even by the standards of slaves in other parts of South America, North America, and the Caribbean."
"Slavery in the Bible was more like employment, not the same as historical slavery."
"Yes, the South seceded to protect slavery. They even say so here and here and here and anywhere else. Just research it yourself."
"Black people at the time I'm pretty sure were not fond of being enslaved."
"The truth of the matter is that when the British first declared their promise of freedom to slaves, it scared the [ __ ] out of the Americans."
"Unfortunately, with the increase of cotton production goes the increase of slavery."
"Life under slavery sucked no matter who you were."
"Part of what made Django such a memorable film is that they were willing to explore all the horrible aspects of slavery."
"We should teach about slavery... give them the complete picture."
"Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation issued not long after the Battle of Antietam would reframe the Civil War in the eyes of the world as a fight to end slavery."
"Just what the hell, this struggle, the realization of how pervasive this activity of owning people."
"They don't realize that enslaved people built the wall after which Wall Street is named."
"Southern plantation owners' money couldn't be kept under mattresses; American banks accepted their deposits and counted enslaved people as assets."
"Racism is systemic and racism was drilled into the world through the slave trade."
"The 1619 project proposes that we should talk a lot more about the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black people when we talk about the foundations of our country."
"Slavery thrived under colonial rule. British and Dutch settlers relied on enslaved people to help establish farms and build new towns."
"People in non-slave areas, Britain, and free US states routinely did business with slave owners and slave commerce."
"Our economy, our wealth, our privilege relies very heavily on a century of horrifying slave labor camps."
"That's not freedom, that's slavery, that's bondage."
"Slavery, exploitation, and war have definitely been a part of British history and basically every human history."
"Every single time you have slaves who want to be free... new civilizations are born."
"Okay, that's like somebody saying slavery didn't happen, you know what I mean? It's the biggest deal, you know what I mean? Everything in there, that's the one."
"We have now reached a stage where just about everybody in the world thinks that slavery is beyond the pale."
"People should take the struggle to the areas that still have people enslaved."
"He actually called slavery evil in a letter that he he freed black slaves on his own plantation"
"The legacy of slavery isn't unique to America, and slavery has existed worldwide."
"It's the American consciousness distilled. It really is. This book is not just Huckleberry Finn sort of discovering the immorality of slavery, it's not just the slave looking for freedom. It's also all the fakes and phonies along the way."
"The movement against slavery, for example, remember, slavery was considered normal, it existed all over the world, in China, in India, in ancient Greece and Rome."
"It's estimated that 60,000 to 100,000 slaves were employed to complete the Coliseum."
"What makes the United States unique is that the slave owners were expropriated their property... Haiti was obligated to pay back the enslavers."
"During the carnage, many slaves looked to escape and formed free communities."
"Reparations would serve as a testament to the evil Deeds committed involving the forceful removal of millions of industrious Africans from their Homeland and their forced uncompensated labor in the Americas and the Caribbean."
"The compromise reached was to count each enslaved individual as 3 fifths of a person."
"The story of slavery is much larger, much deeper, much wider-ranging than the version they tell in schools, in the media, in Hollywood."
"I'm not proud of you, I'm super proud of you."
"America is founded on slavery and rooted in slavery."
"The only moral thing that a wise being could say about slavery is 'Thou shalt not own another human being as property.'"
"By 1860, there were 393,397 slave owners, comprising 3% of the population."
"Being a cook, being an enslaved cook, was a tremendously important job."
"It is certainly plausible that slavery and jim crow have affected how people's paths have gone in life and the circumstances of their birth."
"Nobody alive today owned slaves and nobody alive today was ever a slave."
"The horrors of the transatlantic slave trade should not be ignored, downplayed, or excused."
"Slavery itself was a declaration of war against black males."
"The fact that their connection to their African heritage was erased by the slave trade is an indisputable irredeemable heartbreaking fact."
"Presidents of the United States were slave owners... it is brutality and it's evil any way you look at it."
"Slaves built this country and we do... we do 40 acres and a mule, you can keep the mules, keep the 40." [Applause]
"This country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country."
"The first legal slave owner in history was a black man."
"There's no such thing as a good slaveholder."
"He would buckle us across a log and whip us until we were unable to walk for three days."
"Slavery is a trauma that black people to this day are still dealing with."
"The reality of our historical past, particularly with regard to slavery, is a hideous legacy of one of history's most tragic events."
"What distinguishes colonial Latin American slavery from other places in the Western Hemisphere is the degree to which the African experience was defined not just by slavery but also by opportunities to obtain freedom."
"They never freed the slaves, they realized they don't need the chains."
"America is by no means perfect... but we sure as [ __ ] don't do slavery anymore."
"There are a lot of ways to talk about this in a way that is respectful, but it's not slavery. Don't do that because that's the only tool in your wheelhouse."
"Slavery is wrong by Nature it is wrong according to God."
"The mainstream Republican position... new territories are being added to the union and we're not going to allow slavery."
"Marking a pivotal change in American society by formally ending legal institution of slavery."
"As long as you continue to remain unto them, you will be their slave. You will not take it all."
"All Africans on a plantation whose mother was raped by the slave master, did anybody ever call him biracial or multiracial? No. They called him the n-word just like the rest of us."
"The scars of the Civil War fueled by the issue of slavery left an indelible mark on American history."
"Christianity is the reason we overcame slavery."
"The slave took his name... from slavery to citizenship... quite unique."
"This was a place where slaves could be flogged but also a town where they could be freed."
"There's a reason I repeatedly use slavery as an example. It very clearly exposes the mental gymnastics that apologists have to go through."
"The only moral instruction to give slaves is to do everything in their power to free themselves and everyone else who's enslaved."
"Slavery is the great shame of America's history. No one denies that. But it's to America's everlasting credit that it fought the most devastating war in its history in order to abolish slavery."
"The magnitude of this achievement is hard to appreciate without first recognizing that slavery was a worldwide institution."
"It's a metaphor; you're a loser. You're beautiful but no one gives a [ __ ]."
"Slavery for the elite is not essential like it was back in the days."
"Slavery, the moral justifications for slavery... were religious, were Christian, were based in the Bible."
"Sometimes it seemed like the British created slavery so that they could take credit for abolishing it"
"It becomes us as a Christian people... to remove from our midst an institution no less the cause of moral corruption to the master than to the slave." - Elijah Parish Lovejoy
"Slavery is the ultimate example of self-bias, plantation owners seeing slaves as subhuman."
"The ultimate end goal is to have a two-tiered slavery system."
"These laws are not simply describing the way that the ancient Hebrews kept slaves, they were prescriptive. God was telling them how he wanted them to go about it."
"Government without the consent of governed is the very definition of slavery. Jonathan Swift."
"We bought our slaves from the nations around us, we treated them like property, we inherited them to our children who could make them property for life." - Scott