
Deservingness Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"You deserve a great love in your life, through romance, friendships, family, through everything."
"Know that you are deserving of all the good things coming to you."
"Please take care of yourself because you deserve it, you really, really do."
"Please take care of yourself and other people because we all deserve it. We really, really do."
"You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved, you deserve to feel safe and protected."
"You deserve it, and I will experience great Schadenfreude."
"The universe is actually going to surprise you and deliver a little bit extra towards you because you deserve it."
"They're coming to give you that clarity, that truth, because you deserve it."
"You deserve a loving, whole experience in your life and for your life to be surrounded by that exact energy within you."
"You are worthy and deserving of pure, pure, pure love."
"They're creatures that I honestly think we don't fucking deserve."
"I deserve to be happy. I deserve to have an amazing relationship. I deserve to have peace and contentment."
"Everyone deserves that kind of authentic, unconditional love."
"You deserve someone who will treat you really well and be there for you."
"You guys be good to yourselves, man. You guys deserve it."
"Attractive people deserve good things, unattractive people deserve bad things."
"You deserve good things; don't feel guilty when they happen."
"You deserve to live a good life, to be loved, and to be happy, period."
"You have such a kind heart and soul and deserve the best."
"You're deserving of somebody who is actually great, who is actually amazing."
"You want more for yourself and you deserve more."
"This is a beautiful connection, it's something that you just deserve."
"You deserve happiness, you deserve love, you are a being of love and light."
"Remember you're attracting somebody who deserves you."
"When good karma arrives and you kind of know that it's deserved and it's right that it's happening, it's just beautiful."
"Ultimately, you're going to get what you believe you deserve."
"That girl deserves to be happy. She truly does."
"Despite what someone else might say, you deserve it."
"You deserve whatever gift he gave me you deserve this more than ever."
"Starting over doesn't mean you're getting further away from what you deserve, it means you're getting closer to it."
"You deserve the best, but you have to be willing to do the necessary work to get there."
"You deserve someone so good and loyal and true to you."
"We all deserve to be happy we all deserve to have what we desire."
"Trust in the new connection you deserve this."
"You deserve someone who not only wants you but is ready for you."
"I think it's time for an upgrade and it's well deserved by her."
"You deserve this, you can do this, you are worthy of miracles."
"You will bring the kind of person into your life that you deserve to have."
"You deserve all the good things that come your way."
"You definitely do deserve more always be conscious you deserve love you deserve to have the right person you deserve commitment."
"You deserve to receive the energy of this knight of cups."
"You deserve to be cherished and treated like everyone."
"You deserve that ten of cups ribbon of energy."
"You deserve so much, and they want to give it to you."
"This is why you are deserving of nothing but the best."
"You deserve love, of course you do, you are lovable."
"You deserve a partner who will cherish and love you forever."
"You guys deserve nothing but the best in relationships."
"Maybe you didn't know your Worth maybe you didn't know that you deserved the best."
"You are worth it, and that man did not deserve you."
"You guys be good to yourselves because you guys deserve it."
"You deserve it, Kathy. I know you deserve it."
"Treat yourself with that kindness because you're bloody well deserved."
"This is someone that authentically wants to give you what you deserve."
"You deserve every bit of happiness and love that life gives you."
"If anyone deserved its wrath, it was the fabled."
"You are valuable, you do deserve to be fought for."
"Realize what you truly deserve in a relationship."
"You deserve this cancer, you deserve love, you deserve all the happiness in this world."
"The law of vibration activates the law of attraction, and through the law of deservedness, you attract what you send out."
"You need to deserve success, wealth, and health by vibrating at a higher level."
"True love, unconditional love, that's coming in. The divine is bringing you this because you deserve it."
"You deserve the utmost, period, and I'm talking about in general, not just love."
"I think everyone deserves to find their person."
"You deserve all of the happiness that comes along with it."
"Go towards the light, go towards the place of standing in your own integrity about what you deserve."
"I think this weekend I'm actually gonna do some self-care and I'm really looking forward to that because I just want to say I deserve it."
"I'm so happy her career really is blowing up because she totally deserves it."
"Especially in regards to being picky about who you're in relationship with, you deserve that."
"We all deserve respect. We all deserve happiness."
"You're about to receive the love that you truly deserve."
"They deserve to have a lovely, joyous, fulfilling lifetime."
"Open up yourself to deservingness. You deserve this."
"Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child."
"You're definitely getting the love that you truly deserve."
"Everyone deserves to have a loving relationship."
"You're getting what you deserve and exactly what's meant for you."
"You deserve love and only deserve the love of someone who is also willing to provide that intimacy, that loyalty, that devotion, that honesty, that trust."
"Believe in yourself and the fact that you're deserving of all the goodness that's already in your life."
"Happy surprises are coming in perfect timing, and you deserve it."
"You're someone totally capable and deserving of being with somebody who's really excited to have a marriage with you."
"You deserve all the good things in this world."
"Value yourself enough to know that you deserve it."
"You deserve love. You deserve the highest love of all."
"You know you're special and you know you deserve nothing but the best."
"All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids."
"Upgrade your lifestyle only when you're worthy and deserving of it."
"It's a new emotional beginning; they're making the effort because they know you deserve love."
"You deserve love, put love in this situation, unconditional love."
"You deserve the good that is coming to you."
"We are all deserving of love, and you can find love and keep love."
"You are so worthy, so lovable, so deserving of love."
"You deserve so much more than than what your life is right now."
"You deserve love, you deserve this love."
"I deserve to do something nice for myself."
"Trust yourself and focus on what you deserve."
"I see you feeling really expansive, and it's like you know that you are deserving to receive what the universe has in store for you."
"You could have had a belief that what was creating some blocks or resistance with receptivity or receiving what you deserve was this belief like, 'Oh I have to really earn it or I have to work so hard to receive anything.'"
"Regardless of what it is that is going on, you do deserve to be happy."
"Being empowered enough to realize that you are deserving of more, you are worthy of more."
"You deserve to have your cups filled, you deserve to be somebody's wish fulfillment."
"Allow yourself to have this because you deserve it."
"You deserve all the blessings that are coming in for you."
"...I feel like I deserve it and I love that for me."
"You deserve to be the one on the throne."
"He feels like he doesn't deserve it."
"This is your happy ending, this is what you deserve."
"Never doubt that you deserve this person."
"Always go back to the one thing you need to find love: you're worthy of it and you're deserving of it."
"Trust the situation. It's calling for you to have a little bit of faith in yourself and in your ability to honestly, your ability to have someone love you and to be deserving of that. I feel like sometimes you don't feel deserving of that and that's so untrue."
"You deserve a healthy relationship."
"Know that you are deserving of all the blessings headed your way."
"Recognize what you deserve and what you don't."
"You deserve wonderful things, and it's there."
"You deserve all the love and happiness in the world."
"You deserve someone who can truly receive your love and focus it back on you."
"You are deserving of health, happiness, and healing."
"This journey has taught me not to change who I am, but accept it. I deserve all the good things."
"You have a huge heart. You absolutely deserve it."
"You are absolutely worthy of all that you desire."
"You deserve to have everything you want in life."
"You're worthy of someone being that person that you know you deserve. I think that you're good and on track."
"You're about to be eating no crumbs, or eating greedy for real, for real, 'cause you deserve it."
"You know what you want and what you deserve."
"This year has prepared me for a lot, and I'm so deserving of something great."
"You deserve it all, the Divine says that you deserve it all, you earned it."
"You deserve the best in life, and you are going to get that."
"I love it for me too, as you deserve."
"Nothing is going to happen, baby. Nothing you don't deserve."
"You deserve so much, everybody who chose this second card, you deserve so much."
"I hope all of you have a beautiful day because you deserve it."
"The mandatory requirement for good people to win is they believe they deserve it."
"I'll tell you what, I deserve this."
"It's going to feel so good, and you deserve it."
"Of course I deserve luxury of course I deserve a high standard of living of course I deserve the best."
"You are deserving of whatever came through."
"You are so deserving. Just because it's not arrived doesn't mean you can't create that environment for it to arrive in."
"If anybody deserves this kind of happiness, it is you."
"Create a space to nurture yourself, you deserve it."
"You are deserving of the joy and love you want."
"You deserve it. There's enough abundance out there and you'll call it in. I promise."
"I'm worthy of love, I'm deserving of love, I'm lovable and I'm letting the right people love me. I'm loving them back."
"I'm worth having a great guy. Let me know every day that I'm the most important thing in his world because I deserve that, and I'm worthy of that."
"You deserve a relationship where both sides are equally invested and enthusiastic."
"Be open to receiving. You do deserve to receive."
"Take care of you, you deserve it, the people you love deserve it."
"Deservingness isn't about having good things, it's about allowing goodness into our lives."
"I didn't expect the plot twist at all. It was so good. The people that this happened to, once again, they kind of deserved what they had coming."
"It's about getting the life you deserve."
"You didn't just deserve that, you were very kind-hearted."
"You are worthy and deserving just as you are."
"Understand that you are deserving today of those good things."
"Be gentle with yourself; you deserve to be gentle with yourself."
"Understand that you are worth it. You deserve the good things."
"Some of you really think that you don't deserve a good relationship, but it's available for you."
"Relax, sit back, be patient, and act as if what you want also wants you, and that you deserve what you want."
"The people that are deserving are the people that actually put in the work."
"Focus on what makes you feel good. Make time for self-love. You deserve all that stuff."
"Blessings come to you easily. They flow easily to you. Blessings are your birthright. You deserve everything."
"Luck energy, Jupiter energy, coming in for you guys. You deserve it so much."
"Good things happen to good people and do make you wonder, it's like yeah, that's definitely meant to be and fully deserved."
"I think that there's no more deserving winner that we've got in our series right now."
"I deserve health and wellness and goodness."
"You believe that you deserve something like this."
"She deserves someone who loves her unconditionally."
"...Jimbo totally deserved to win the roast."
"You're such a great person, you deserve success, you deserve love, you deserve everything that you wish for."
"You always stay focused on what you deserve."
"Bless what a blessing, you deserve that, you truly do."
"The answer to all is no...you've proved worthy of what you desire."
"You can have so much love to give, you can love to love in the way that you do, but you have to also know that the person that you're giving it to is deserving."
"The light shines upon you because you deserve it."
"You deserve people that are upfront and honest with you."
"You deserve people to really come to you and be authentic as you are, as authentic to them."
"You really deserve that back like you really do. 100 percent."
"You deserve everything that's gonna happen."
"Doris deserves all good things and she enjoys them out loud."
"You deserve it, every day and every night."
"As soon as you start to act like you deserve more, 'Who are you? How dare you want to deserve more? You [ __ ] idiot!'"
"You're being asked to rest and rejuvenate at this time because you're deserving of love and you are lovable."
"I pray that you get everything that you want out of life because you definitely deserve it."
"I know everybody talks about his cardio and he works so hard and this and that you know I don't wish bad on most on people man I really don't I wish good for people and in my opinion Leon is more deserving of the good."
"Erica deserves to win this game more than anybody in the history of this game."
"You deserve that peace and happiness."
"You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be healthy."
"You're alive. You deserve to be free."
"...you deserve it, you are worth that rest."
"I deserve to slow down at times. I deserve some alone time with my own thoughts."
"You deserve to ask for help from other people, and you deserve to get that help."
"Doesn't everyone deserve to be with someone they truly love?"
"You make other people feel so happy, you deserve to be happy."
"Your partner should love you just as much as you're gonna love them because you deserve it."
"You are so ready for this, you so deserve it."
"Self-worth is I am deserving of it no matter what happens in my life."
"Call upon the archangels to help keep you strong. What's coming in, you deserve."
"If you deserve to be treated like a queen, then you should be treated like a queen."
"Everyone deserves to make a living."
"I'm loving, I'm caring, and I deserve someone that's deserving of me."
"You deserve some peace in your time."
"I hope you’ll be very happy, Molly Hooper. You deserve it."