
Racial Equality Quotes

There are 516 quotes

"Affirmation Tower will be owned and developed by Black people."
"The Black Lives Matter movement saying much the same about the horrible ongoing racial inequality and discrimination."
"Black lives matter... it's an important thing to address."
"The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white unemployment rate."
"On July 26, 1948, [President Truman] issued executive order abolishing segregation in the armed forces and ordering a full integration of all services."
"In 1948, Harry Truman enacted Executive Order 9981 which directed equal treatment and opportunity for all in the United States armed forces, leading to the end of racial segregation in the armed forces."
"You have to end the profiting from mass incarceration, which is that whole system that put the knee on George Floyd's neck."
"Discrimination against Asian Americans and Asian immigrants during this time is unacceptable. Public health concerns do not target any group by race or ethnicity."
"The racial IQ difference between black and white people has been collapsing massively with time."
"We are not staying silent and we are not standing by. The fight against racial inequality, injustice, and straight-up racism doesn't stop with financial donations and words of support."
"The single-handed way to make America great is to invest in the black man."
"I want to be able to give back and help other young African-American kids and really just kids of all races and colors."
"We can get closer to racial equality, we can build cultural and economic ties with other countries."
"I am taking a hard look at the meaning behind white privilege and am committed to growing from this experience."
"Jesus, as a Jew, is depicted as black because recognizing his identity is inseparable from acknowledging and addressing the injustices faced by black people today."
"Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier, and we say he broke it because he broke it; he smashed it."
"The appropriate goal here...is to arrive in some happy future where race simply does not matter."
"The use of race in college admissions to achieve racially diverse classes is critical to improving cross-racial understanding and breaking down racial stereotypes."
"The Internet has helped so many black people."
"Decency, fairness, and freedom does not have to be re-earned every time a black person steps outside of their house when white people just get to be white."
"We need to have our white allies understand that this is not race, this is justice."
"Can you not hire a black woman to cater to black people, to get black dollars, and then be mad at them when they stick up for black causes?"
"I won't be satisfied until I can wake up and have kids, and have them not fear their lives, just for being black."
"It's really dope to watch Melissa...that is a big deal for black entrepreneurs. We do not get the same handouts, the same help, the same promo, the same promotion, the same support, you know, even bank loans."
"I do disagree on what you said about affirmative action because I feel like without that legislation, I don't think black people stand a chance. We had to create the legislation to even have a chance."
"Zugzwang is when one player has a good position and they would like to just pass their turn but they're not allowed to, and since they're not allowed to pass, they have to make a move which is a bad move."
"I don't necessarily see a reason why evolution would lead to different racial groups having inherently different intelligences."
"America has basically achieved equal opportunity in terms of race. We have chased away the Jim Crow bugaboo."
"We're not saying, 'Hey, let's improve black employment.' No, okay, actions speak louder than words."
"Black people literally fought in wars before they could vote."
"The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin... is an impassioned plea to end the racial nightmare in America."
"I've made advancing racial equality a priority throughout the campaign, in our transition team, and I'm gonna make it a priority in our administration."
"I want to live in a world where like, I don't have to be afraid just because of the color of my skin."
"The Voting Rights Act of 1965 gave not just Black Americans but all non-white English-speaking U.S citizens the right to vote."
"Make the right to vote and the right to equal protection real for African Americans."
"It is the processes and liberties guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that have allowed for the massive change that has led to racial equality in the United States."
"It's time for African Americans and those that consider them allies to do what needs to be done. Voting to get the people in our country that are in office that feel as if African Americans and their lives are not valuable, get them out of office."
"Blacks are still doubly unemployed than whites... How do you close the race gap in wealth? How do you close the wealth gap in home ownership where banks don't discriminate?"
"We as black Americans have always wanted what the Constitution stated: All men, black, white, and today Latino, Asian, Italian, etc., should be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness."
"It's hard to be free in America as a black person when you don't own anything."
"True justice for Black Americans can only come through a complete revolution of values."
"I do not view colorblindness or post-raciality as an ideal. That's not aspirational for me."
"It's time for us to stand up in George's name and say, get your knee off our necks."
"Elvis often made it clear to his audience that black musicians should be credited for the music he performed."
"We must refuse to live in a country where black families going to the store or black students going to school have to fear being gunned down because of the color of their skin."
"The most powerful thing is lifting up a black woman."
"We want policy that creates a black middle class."
"True justice looks like a black man not having to worry about being harmed or killed while on a jog, while sleeping in his bed, while living what should be a very long life."
"Whites looked inside themselves and said, you know what? Why should black kids go to second-rate schools?"
"Black lives matter because we made them matter."
"Ending racial violence and increasing police accountability."
"Black lives matter is obviously a necessity if you look at the racial disparities if you look at just the videos and if you just look at the numbers and the data and all the studies you know it's a necessity something that needs to be here."
"We need to face the possibility that you know until the end of this country um black people might never be equal that's impossible."
"Reparations are due to all black people on earth."
"The attacks on DEI they are absolutely anti-blackness."
"Black lives matter in anti-racism protests continue around the world."
"They're realizing that young black people and people of color, that all human beings especially Americans, we just want the same thing."
"Black people aren't inferior. How about black people are just the same as every other individual in American life?"
"Don't judge a man by the color of their skin but the content of his character."
"Stop treating brown and Asian kids differently, stop treating black kids differently based on the color of the skin."
"No more than we should demonize somebody for the color of their skin..."
"This isn't to tear their brand down this is to bring black women up this is to acknowledge issues that we face that we are sick of and that we are tired of and that we are going to change."
"There should be no color lines as far as love, companionship. We're human beings, man."
"I don't really care about black people catching up, I don't care about black people achieving equality, equality don't exist."
"I simply ask people, do you agree with the dream of Dr. King that one day his children will be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin?"
"The goal is still the same: freedom and liberation for black people."
"If we had one generation in America where black men experienced the same sort of odds of economic mobility that white men experience that would have completely narrowed the gap."
"We have to support and listen because this country has had way too much of white people talking over everyone else."
"America is a racist state that doesn't have equality and justice for all if Derek Chauvin isn't found guilty."
"Being black in America is not a death sentence."
"Until the death of a black mother son is as important to this country as the death of a white mother son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest."
"There was absolutely nothing that I cannot do as a black American in this country that a white American can do."
"I'm not a racist person nor am i person that hates certain individuals I love all of humanity."
"Peaceful protesters are out there trying to make this country a more perfect union, trying to make sure that their Black and Brown daughters and sons are safe and survive police encounters."
"We need to invest more in education and training targeted at communities of color."
"The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed racial discrimination in employment, businesses, public housing, state and municipal facilities, schools, and any program which received federal funding."
"It's the character of who you are, not the skin color. Remember that."
"The gap between the unemployment rate for black workers and white workers has gone to an all-time low."
"I think ending race segregation is a good thing."
"Bringing an end to Black discrimination in Brazil is an ongoing and complex struggle."
"The very survival of this nation depends on are being able to take advantage of all the Brilliance that is in those minds of people of color."
"The Black Lives Matter movement is not saying that only black lives matter; it's just saying that at this current moment in time, our voices are not heard enough."
"There's nothing in there that says black people can't vote."
"What I want to see is black women, black mothers educating their boys, raising them up as kings, empowering them so that they know that they are good enough."
"Black lives matter cannot be said enough times."
"We need black people to stop being afraid to demand our fair share."
"We're all the same race and yet the US does not subscribe to that."
"Malcolm X, when he went for pilgrimage, he had such a profound transformation because he prayed with the whitest of the people, he ate with them, he did rituals with them."
"Start acknowledging and working towards a new reality where Black lives actually matter."
"The whitest American cannot be free until he gives his hand to the blackest American to make him free."
"I am Pro black lives matter because after quite a long time of learning experiences I have learned that black lives do matter."
"It's about action. It's about making sure someone like George Floyd never dies in that manner ever again."
"It's bad to hate someone or distrust them or sell them short because of the color of their skin."
"I'm interested in creating a world where darker-skinned people don't have to do this."
"What we do not teach in Texas public schools is not one race is inferior or superior."
"Monroe's advocacy through relationships underscored her commitment to challenging racial Norms in Hollywood."
"Marilyn Monroe's support for Ella Fitzgerald and her collaborations with African-American performers were groundbreaking acts of defiance against racial Norms in Hollywood."
"There is no superior race. We've been lied to. It hasn't anything to do with race."
"It's more important now than ever to uplift black voices."
"Understand, acknowledge, and work towards getting to a new reality where black lives actually matter."
"A black man jogging shouldn't be seen as a threat."
"Destroy white privilege, white supremacy, and cut the check."
"If you do not stand with the descendants of American slaves, then you are standing with injustice."
"Engaging black voter engagement does not and cannot take the place of a black agenda and black policy."
"Black lives matter and they are just as important as white lives."
"I have a dream that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers."
"I just want people to stop being given inferior medical care, employment, social standing, police treatment, education, and simply because they are a different skin color, they're people."
"Black voters are tired of trying to survive, we want to have an opportunity to thrive."
"He's coming back again for men and women from every race."
"The 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race."
"We must also realize that the problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power."
"Our black voices won't be stopped. It is our time to receive justice and we're going to break through."
"Civil rights becomes more identified with Blackness and black equality."
"I don't want black people getting charity from my Nike or Air Jordan, I want black people doing business with Air Jordan."
"You deserve to live in a world where you as a young black boy are allowed to exist."
"Joe Biden knows that when white supremacy and black excellence are in the same room, the black excellence is a disinfectant that kills the germ of white supremacy."
"Do majority white companies genuinely care about Black people?"
"And when black people are good in this country, everybody's going to be good."
"Every single celebrity who's posted a black Square I'm posting a black Square to show that I'm not a racist."
"You're still getting the historical issues that have existed within the music industry promulgated even as we see more black executives and black ownership celebrated."
"I'm tired of black people accepting people telling them that they're not good enough."
"Your advice, President, on dealing with the current race crisis is spot-on."
"Black kids need the same exact thing that white folks need."
"If you want a world where race is no longer relevant, you need to address pre-existing racial biases."
"Made a bold statement about racial equality."
"Joe will bring us together to squarely face and dismantle racial injustice."
"Martin knew that ten years ago, that there will be a day when you as a black human being, with a right or another black human can go all the way across this country."
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or bridged by the United States or by any state on account of race color or previous condition of servitude."
"Black union leaders play a vital role in addressing systemic issues within organized labor and advocating for black communities."
"What does it look like to build a world where black girls wake up every morning and they feel safe?"
"It needs to be a damn black woman. Black women are the most disrespected."
"Black lives matter, our black children's lives matter."
"Benjamin Banneker, a self-taught astronomer, challenges racial inequalities and contributes to science."
"Just like we hold those black lives matter signs up our black life has to matter and it does."
"The point, though, is colorblind. It does not mean you can't see race. It means that at the structural level it plays no role."
"The law aspires to be colorblind, it has to be the right objective. There's no other decent way we're going to be able to run civilization."
"It's hard to see a place where, as a black man in America, I can't think of anything I cannot do through God's grace."
"The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"You shouldn't have a gun and a badge and use deadly force simply because you don't have cooperation from a black man or brown man or woman on the street."
"It says so much about both of them and their roles in trying to maintain racial equality."
"There is nothing now or I'm pretty sure that has ever existed that has said that non-white people need to live next to pollution or that makes non-white people live next to pollution."
"Affirmative action acknowledges the systemic oppression of people of color."
"Together we stand in solidarity against racial injustice, together we fight against systemic racism, together we are relentless in our pursuit of justice, together we join our hands with our community and take action, together we make a difference."
"Is there anything more white supremacist than that like you think you actually have learned that you are better than me and maybe telling you that know Barack yeah we're on the same playing field buddy."
"I don't give a [] I don't think there is an end-all be-all in any race black white brown whatever that can define who can do what say what be what how they should be there is no end all [] be all."
"Justice looks like all black people all and all people particularly all oppressed people being able to live within our full dignity."
"President Trump is one of the last politicians in America actually fighting for a colorblind society."
"Black lives matter emerged because clearly black lives don't matter."
"I believe black people need to own more businesses so we don't have to work for white people anymore."
"I want our little pocket of black people to literally be so powerful, so well informed, so intelligent, so strategic, so capable that when we step in the room, we will dominate any form of white supremacy."
"We assure the integrity that black people are not being taken advantage of."
"You are not born evil because you are white. You are not born better because you are black."
"This generation of black folks must be willing and have a tenacity and have the audacity to be willing to challenge white supremacy in 2020."
"Racial justice demands it. It's really not so much to ask when you think about it."
"Black lives matter should be at the forefront for every policy that we ever do in this country."
"Do black lives matter? Absolutely. Black lives are precious."
"We need to address racial and social justice."
"I have a dream... that no black child with smart parents is ever going to have to work for anybody their whole entire life."
"Stax was always a place where the color of your music was far more important than the color of your skin."
"When someone says 'Black lives matter,' they are not saying you don't matter. They're just saying that this community has been under attack for centuries and it's never stopped."
"Black Lives Matter is not inherently political. It's a movement of dignity."
"We should not be seeing people and judging them and treating them on the color of their skin but the content of their character."
"Not because he's Black, but because he's Black and qualified. Because he has the skill set, the plan, the vision, and the ability to do the job."
"This is a major victory for black women and girls."
"Respect me like a white man because we all know it's different."
"All lives matter and we know that all lives matter but for right now black lives matter [ __ ]."
"The fight for racial justice is also their fight."
"Black lives matter, black citizens matter, and black families matter."
"The frightful veil of prejudice is torn to pieces and is so forever."
"It means that this government henceforth recognizes Blacks as citizens capable of a national life. Not as chattels who have no rights, which White men are bound to respect."
"When we see our sisters and brothers who are running a business under white supremacists are attacking, then we put our hands out there to make sure they're good."
"If you're gonna go after the black folks, go ahead and go after the white folks. They're doing just as bad if not worse."
"Black owned media deserves the same level of respect as white mainstream media."
"We have to have a conversation about just how to affect the best consequences for black people for white people for every ethnic minority for Americans as a whole."
"Their skin color is clearly not a barrier in the same sense."
"How do we make sure our black brothers and sisters aren't being murdered on the pavement?"
"Blacks can compete with anyone without the benefits of lower standards."
"That's something that black people got to learn. If a white person wants to encourage or empower white, I'm not against that. I'm just against it when you tell us we can't empower black. We should be able to do that. Everybody empowers."
"Our people, we have got to stop being so focused on white validation."
"I have never expressed agreement with the idea that one race can be said to be the master race over all the others."
"My mom and dad taught us to not focus on color but to focus on our character."
"We will never go back. The only way forward is a multi-racial democracy."
"The color of the skin should never be a factor."
"Be careful what you store on your device... if yes I think you know what I'm going to say, get rid of them."
"We'll reform the broken and racist criminal justice system."
"America, understand, acknowledge, and work towards getting to a new reality where black lives actually matter."
"It showed me the power of community believing in children, believing in the black youth."
"Unemployment for African Americans is at the lowest level in history."
"When we say black lives matter we're not trying to suggest no one else's life matters."
"Black lives matter they have always mattered and they always will matter."
"A chance to educate a new audience and open more opportunities for black people in racing."
"Imagine a president who believes in racial equality."
"Women are now the fastest-growing population in prison... something's wrong."
"There's no such thing as one race being more superior or inferior."
"All lives matter... cannot be true unless black lives matter too."
"People should not be judged by the color of their skin by the content of their character."
"In Islam, it's not 'hey you're black' or 'hey you're white,' it's about your manners and humanity."
"Black lives matter and there is much to be done to drive real and meaningful change."
"There is no master race, that is a scientific truth."