
Manifesting Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The combination of meditation and manifesting is infinitely more powerful than either one alone."
"Manifesting locates and amplifies the power inside of you to do the work to get those things."
"The more consistently you do it, the more manifesting becomes a habit. It becomes a way of thinking, it becomes a way of acting, and it becomes a skill that you can rely on to help you get absolutely anything."
"Manifesting is about understanding how to create your own reality."
"You hear people say, 'Oh, this is that new age stuff.' No, no, no, no, no. Manifesting is ancient."
"You are manifesting a soul2soul relationship. You are connecting to the soul of another."
"You're making your own luck... thoughts becoming things."
"Your dreams are seated there in the universe now ready to take shape ready to take form, that spark of inspiration, that spark of intuition has been delivered has been heard all that's required from you now is trust and action."
"True manifesting is about receiving what is of the highest good for all."
"Success will come if you ask the universe, believe you will receive it, and stop worrying about it."
"Manifesting dreams, manifesting the type of relationships that you truly desire."
"You guys are alchemists, excellent manifesters."
"Manifest from a much higher paradigm of abundance."
"This is manifesting and thinking on a whole different level, basically, and coming from a whole different level altogether with your thinking, communication."
"Allow the power of manifesting to start now by staying focused on the present moment."
"Consciousness is the key to demonstration. It opens your mind to limitless possibilities."
"When we say yes, we're creating our lives in accordance with our own desires."
"Manifesting is believing you can achieve a goal, seeing that goal, getting that goal. That's basically straight up what manifesting is like. You just see it for yourself and you work to get that, you feel me?"
"Manifest that good news, manifest those good vibes."
"Embrace the energy you want, and you will get it."
"One of the greatest blocks in our ability to manifest our greatest desires is an inability to allow ourselves to receive."
"Manifesting an opportunity, ambition is returning."
"Believing in yourself, manifesting your dream life."
"There is no destiny other than that created out of imagination of man."
"Manifesting is declaring what you want. 'I am committed to creating financial freedom in my life.' And then once you declare what you want, manifesting is about the actions and empowering yourself to go get it."
"Wishing and hoping makes you present to what you don't have. Manifesting makes you present and feeling empowered about what you want and your ability to go get it."
"Manifesting is easy and it's not about forgetting about what you want."
"The reason why you don't want to manifest your person based on anything material or physical is because you want to manifest your person based on how they make you feel."
"Abundance manifestation, how we're magnetic, how to flow with our lives."
"You're manifesting changes, with a big part involving your relationships."
"You're manifesting from a very strong place."
"Manifesting solutions to your financial difficulties."
"Master manifesting energy. Stay on a high vibrational path, let go and let God, and you'll realize that upgrade comes with good, positive returns."
"Starting from November very strongly... you can start manifesting new contacts."
"You are definitely manifesting a new beginning."
"Focus on exactly what you want with them and you'll get it."
"The most basic manifesting tool you have is your gratitude."
"Your soulmate is already with you, believe this and it'll manifest."
"You're not waiting anymore, you're manifesting new opportunities."
"Cutting ties with inconsistent energies, manifesting solid foundations."
"Start manifesting what you really want, if you want to fix it with this person, fix it with this person, if you want to be with someone else, be with someone else, manifest it Gemini, manifesting, you are the magician, manifest."
"Try the 10-minute manifesting method. It's scary fast."
"Projection has been reclaimed; women moved onto co-opting manifesting."
"Manifesting collectively, we're stronger."
"Think of manifesting as nothing more than transforming waves of possibility into particles of reality."
"I guess you'd call it manifesting. That worked."
"Manifesting is self-development, it is a way of living, it's the umbrella of which all healing falls underneath."
"If you're fascinated or interested in manifesting with the moon or learning about the influence of the Moon, do check it out."
"You're planning, you're moving forward, you're manifesting."
"They're really good at manifesting. It feels like people always see them as somebody who has it all, who always is able to get what they desire in life."
"They have a really big imagination and they're really good at manifesting."
"Make it fun. Another thing is a lot of people don't make this thing fun anymore. There's a lot of resistance, there's a lot of anxiety when it does come to manifesting a specific person. We have to make it fun."
"I really do believe that this is a topic that really isn't talked about enough in the manifesting community."
"The goal here is to make manifesting a lifestyle and to really create a lasting lifestyle for bringing about the world that you want."
"Never forget the manifestation formula of imagination plus faith. You can go anywhere that you want to go. Happy manifesting, y'all."
"Manifesting isn't about getting anything; manifesting is about feeling good."
"We're already grateful, you know, it's that zone of manifesting when we are emanating that energy."
"Manifesting is about aligning with something that already exists in the quantum field."
"I've always felt in life like just dreaming and speaking out the things you want make things happen, and I've learned this year it's called manifesting."
"I'm working towards greater abundance, manifesting, and self-love."
"That's how you use manifesting to get what you want; that's how you leverage all the science and research to train and prepare your mind, body, and spirit to help you get what you want."
"You gotta let the manifesting, the training, and preparing that you're doing by seeing it and feeling it and teaching you to believe that it's possible, inspire you to take action."
"Manifesting is not an action; it's an allowance to receive what you've asked for."
"You must incorporate manifesting into your day-to-day life; the more consistently you do it, the more manifesting becomes a habit, it becomes a way of thinking, it becomes a way of acting, and it becomes a skill that you can rely on to help you get absolutely anything."
"When you use manifesting properly, you are removing the mental obstacles of self-doubt, resistance, fear, perfectionism, feeling overwhelmed, other people's expectations."
"The way you shut down your internal conversation that is holding you back is manifesting."
"The amazing manifesting power of gratitude and the extraordinary potential available to you."