
Surprises Quotes

There are 1411 quotes

"Space always has a way of throwing us curveballs and surprising us."
"Expectations usually lead to disappointment. I prefer surprises."
"Other themes that are going to be important this month for you: equality, breaking down old paradigms and expectations, and this sort of element of surprise."
"These are my biggest surprises over the course of the year, pleasant surprises."
"Your hard work is paying off, and you have the adventure and excitement new options with the treat surprises."
"The fact that you can have a stable star with a neutron star for a core is really surprising."
"Life's an interesting journey, isn't it? You get all these twists and turns, and just when you think it's all over, something resurrects you."
"Unexpected relationship and unexpected money, and good money."
"Life is full of surprises if you are ready to receive."
"The truth will prevail, and the depth of the love that you share with one another is going to take you by surprise."
"Fun, exciting things, surprises that are coming into your life right now."
"You're going to be surprised with something when you least expect it."
"You guys are getting surprised with some sort of gift for sure."
"It's going to warm your heart in such a way."
"Life would offer me surprises that I could not conceive of... my life wasn't over."
"However, the koi remained hopeful; it knew that it could work hard and carry through."
"He loves you like literally; he sends you flowers on the most random days with little teddy bears that are holding like a tiny balloon."
"One never knows; the world can throw up unexpected things."
"I got so many surprises for them. It's going to be so much fun."
"Omumu reminds us that the universe will always surprise us. In the near future, we will surely detect more anomalies just like the Martian canals, fast radio bursts, Boyajian's star, or the Wow! signal."
"Learning how to cope with surprises has benefited you so much."
"This person is going to be a very pleasant surprise."
"Every time we think we got those bugs figured out, they do something crazy and we're like, 'Wait, what do you mean you can live on a nuclear reactor? Wait, what do you mean you can live two kilometers down in a subsurface?'"
"I love surprises when I don't know they're coming."
"Most of the surprises in my lifetime came from things that never happened in my lifetime but happened many times before."
"This anime is full of surprises. A girl the size of an ant stopping a guy the size of a skyscraper."
"In the world of surprises, every layer reveals a new piece of joy."
"Sometimes you see an ending in a video game that makes you think… No way is that the original ending!"
"Life is full of surprises, embrace the adventure."
"It was my old childhood friend, Artie. If I had made a list of people I was sure that I would never see again, Artie would be top of that list."
"It's an example of that done really well where you're introduced to characters and throughout the game, as a viewer, as somebody that knows Spider-Man so well, you're constantly surprised."
"Once you've been together for so long, you kind of just know when they're trying to surprise you."
"Sometimes you stumble into a hidden jewel that you weren't quite expecting."
"Life is full of challenges, life is full of surprises."
"We must continue to follow the facts where they lead us and ensure that there are no technical surprises."
"This game has the craziest choices we've ever had to make in a Roblox story and has twists and turns that we never saw coming."
"The best surprises are the ones that you don't plan for."
"It's not that we're bad at predicting; it's that we're actually very good at predicting, except for the surprises, and the surprises tend to be virtually all that matter over time."
"If you do any of these tests, you should be prepared for the possibility of uncovering surprises."
"Is this broken, mates? Is this broken? We just got a ghost without ghost specialization. Paul samurai operator, and it just destroyed him."
"Sometimes the best things are surprises, and we have to just roll with that energy."
"Small acts of kindness wrapped up in spooky surprises."
"He confessed that she already moved in without telling him."
"Let's open a new door and show what else is going on."
"James Cameron is one of those people who is full of surprises... we're glad he did because we're not sure we want to live in a world without Jack and Rose." - James Cameron
"They want to surprise you, they love the act of just spontaneous surprises."
"Don't be surprised if some heart-based actions, gifts or surprises come your way."
"You never really find out who you're marrying until after you got married."
"I really liked all the surprises in this movie."
"Astral Chain surprisingly makes it to my number one spot."
"I actually have a huge announcement to make, you do? Yes, I do."
"Kind of difficult to be completely surprised if you know it's inevitable."
"Set some really cool intentions for yourself; you'll be surprised at what could happen."
"Every moment Zoro gets, everything Zoro does is a pleasant surprise."
"This game is easily on this particular type of surprises my favorite game."
"Human behavior is so surprising and I'm always interested in the surprises."
"Let's just be open-minded and check... because we might be surprised."
"Students at one Michigan school surprised their former teachers."
"Two or three years from its release players will still find new and surprising delights."
"True, actually true. The boomers are impressing me."
"There's a couple of surprises that have not been completely out there."
"Life is full of surprises when you follow your gut."
"I shocked myself with how much I enjoyed it and I also shocked myself with how much I loved my little droid."
"Summer of Champions: Always full of surprises."
"Triumph over obstacles, good surprises are coming your way."
"It's like there are actual hidden Pathways that these people are taking advantage of to get the drop on you."
"Are they singing? I'm gonna, I'm gonna tune, we're here, their surprise egg man pals are sorry to burst your bubble but we all know about your scheme, you know the one with the gold medals and the trick to get back to the real world."
"Adult Secret: It's all intentional. Nothing will prepare you for how fun it is to watch a teenager's face as you dab at them."
"When you least expect it, you're going to be having some really cool people pop into your life."
"Some of you are going to get a shocking position or a surprise opportunity that puts you financially in a better situation long term."
"Your new project might come with surprises – good or bad – but every challenge is an opportunity for transformation."
"These games are pretty deceptive... sounds really boring... you realize it's incredibly addictive and fun."
"I don't think sorry is going to be enough. I'm planning to surprise you with something better."
"I don't want to spoil anything, but I think we might experience a couple surprises."
"That one day where things are just going as usual, and then all of a sudden, bang, it pops off."
"Life is full of surprises. Two years ago, I could never imagine living the life I'm living now."
"Revelations was exactly as the title said, constant reveals."
"But those folks forgot one thing: nothing is ever what it seems when Paul Verhoeven is at the helm."
"Something I didn't realize is that apparently this game actually has its own twists."
"Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what Megan you're gonna get."
"Guys, these glitches and myths are getting crazier and crazier."
"That myth is actually true, they actually put a duck in Choo-Choo Charles!"
"Like when you get to those surprises bad things happen."
"The answer may shock you, you know, the answer is what we kind of don't want."
"Season 11, the changes to the emergent world, mean that regardless of short or long sessions there's always something waiting just beyond the horizon to take you by surprise."
"There's a sense of new possibilities now, things that weren't possible before show up now, and those can be the surprises."
"Unexpected surprises can turn even the most uninspired work into something enjoyable."
"In any case, it's always remarkable when something that seems incapable of getting any better does just that."
"We need some surprises left in our lives. And I know I say that as an employee of New Rockstars where we come to let's go and clip to try to spoil everything possible. Boom, did I surprise you? You did."
"I'm shocked, to be honest, of how crazy this stream has been."
"I was happy with what I came out with honestly, really liked the car and the tank was a fun little surprise as well."
"Steve brought over four entirely different characters into the game. Alex was obvious but Zombie and especially Enderman were great surprises even though Enderman had to be shrunken down to fit Steve's model."
"What happened next took everyone by surprise."
"Not all surprises are negative; some lead to something better."
"Especially towards the end of the week, Saturday especially surprising encounters can happen."
"Machines can surprise us. Even if they follow rules, a complex system can behave in ways beyond our intuition."
"Stay open to be surprised in a happy sort of way."
"You're going to be reaching some really good surprises."
"I think that we are in for something that is gonna be fan pleasing but in surprising ways. I think that's what he wants to do."
"Manifestations may lead to unexpected outcomes."
"Even if it ends up being a disappointment in the end... this was a nice surprise."
"For some of you, getting an unexpected message from this person like out of the blue."
"It's the little random picks like this on these motorcycle trips that surprise you."
"Motorcycle trips bring you many surprises, I can tell you that."
"Honestly, these two were some awesome last surprises that made sense as supporting cast members."
"Microsoft's K. Rool addition was unexpected but welcomed."
"When it does something that surprises me or is unexpected... there were a lot of surprises and things were better than I expected them to be."
"A fun way as a young adult to do stuff for yourself is you know buy yourself a gift group and I think an advent calendar is a really fun way to give gifts to yourself because it's like a surprise still."
"It's what's on the inside that counts, especially when it's a sweet surprise."
"I'm surprised how few compromises, almost no compromises."
"There are hundreds of unique items in store for season 1 with more armor coatings accessories and other surprises underway for season 2 and beyond."
"Analyze for yourself. Wow, there was a red phantom on the other side too."
"Don't sleep on private party, they've proven time after time again they could just shock the world."
"Manifesting a happy surprise: Make room and hold space for new opportunities."
"I am very pleasantly surprised by the end results."
"Disney has arranged some crazy special surprises for us."
"Everything took me by complete surprise in the best kind of way."
"Just imagine, you might bump into an experience where you're like 'oh that exceeded my expectations.'"
"I think something like this could surprise us when it sells."
"Some of the observations were kind of what we were expecting to see and others were complete surprises, things that are going to reverberate through cosmology for years to come."
"It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits."
"There are still surprises in store for you yet."
"You will surprise yourself, but it's going to be a good surprise, a delicious surprise indeed."
"It wasn't a haunted house where the man's long-dead corpse hung from a set of gallows. It was a fun house."
"Surprise! We're not going to pick up a race car. If you want to pick up 20 tons of statues, wow."
"How ancient DNA has yielded a great surprise."
"Surprises are more fun when you wait for them."
"One of the things Crash fans have been craving is the opportunity for the franchise to surprise them."
"The tower carries such a bad reputation, but this can certainly be a surprise."
"All those themes that they mentioned and imagine something fast that develops, something surprising, something new."
"Gift bandana? Well, I have some good news for you."
"Welcome everyone, we have some special stuff for you today, I can't tell you what it is but somebody might."
"I got us all matching pajamas, what, no way what did you say what did you say and I almost did that, I got us all matching onesies, bro to be honest y'all ain't ready for the Christmas that I created."
"Expect the unexpected - Power Rangers still has surprises up its sleeve."
"I guess life is like a box of chocolates, I mean, you never know what you find."
"Valheim is full of surprises playing with friends."
"Expect some surprises, really pleasant ones, in terms of career and projects."
"Their energy field will be radiating so strong that you'll just know it."
"Expect surprises and unexpected romance as energy flows into your life in July."
"I want some shots at somebody that come out in Week One and surprise."
"It was like a nice pleasant surprise to actually be noticed on a date."
"I love these kinds of oh yeah by the way here let's throw this in there too we also have this and it's actually something really cool."
"It's really cool when you find things that you don't expect to find on a map."
"Don't believe what everyone tells you and you might be surprised with who gets attached to who."
"And my feeling is because we know a lot there's so much more that like exciting [ __ ] baby Yoda level [ __ ] coming like baby bosque."
"Sometimes life has an unexpected twist that can turn even the most impossible dreams into reality."
"It's amazing what you can find in these old homes."
"Crashes has been one of the most pleasant surprises I've seen in the pro scene."
"They feel like you're magical like you're just full of magic full of surprises."
"It just doesn't feel like you should be able to find these constant surprises over and over again."
"You will, I promise you, you will cry. There are some incredible surprises that I won't spoil for you."
"I don't think it's a bad thing at all to come in as an underdog and spring a few surprises."
"I just want you to have the best birthday ever, and I have a secret surprise."
"I was tripped out that David Bowie was actually not pretentious and super cool."
"Stick with me until the end of the video. I reckon this app has still got a few tricks up its sleeve that most people won't have been aware of."
"I came to the conclusion that I was going to propose a lot sooner than I expected."
"It's always fun to get caught off guard by stuff like that, isn't it?"
"I think we're gonna get some fun surprises with this one."
"Look at the screen on this thing, it's upside down!"
"The world is full of wonder, if only we can take the time to look up and see it."
"In the month of November, you are going to be recognized, or there is going to be some positive surprise for you."
"The kids will not know which type of gift they are opening."
"So much of us have really come to expect each new thing to drop just like bombshell after bombshell after bombshell."
"There's still gonna be a couple surprises coming."
"I wasn't expecting this at all, it's really cool."
"Let me know which car surprised you the most and which one was a disappointment."
"Try a different lip color, surprise yourself."
"Sometimes it's the movies you least expect that really gets you."
"It's rare that I'm surprised, usually I go in kind of knowing what to expect, but it does still happen maybe once every two or three months that I show up and I'm just blown away."
"Surprise, now Monica and Tom own the amusement park."
"She hugs me and she whispers, 'I'm naming my baby after you.' And I was like, 'Oh, oh.'"
"My favorite moment/memory of the month was definitely surprising my parents with my tattoo."
"Nothing world-shaking to me, like a few little surprises here and there."
"Sometimes good things come in small packages."
"You do what you want, you go where you want, you hit a random wall and it becomes a bonfire."
"What would you want to get in a mystery box?"
"Don't laugh at the house until you see what's inside."
"They make sure that you know that you're their world... expect flowers as a surprise, expect little gifts out of nowhere."
"Things just kept falling on our laps, it was eventful week, been tweaked very cool."
"Like there was no trick and magical [__] did actually happen."
"Guggenheim hinted at more surprises for Crisis: 'We still have a few tricks up our sleeve.'"
"As colorful and innocent as it appears on the surface, things can unexpectedly spiral into very dark places."
"Loki season two: Chock full of Easter eggs, ready for a wild ride!"
"I just love it, and I did not expect to love it this much because when I saw it online, I was like, that's a little bit plain."
"Nobody is so good it caught me so by surprise I thought it was just going to be a very very simple hopefully fun just a little action here but it was so much fun."
"This time they are magic boxes, oh wow, okay magic boxes."
"This time it's lucky in love for you. An opportunity is coming in, and it's going to be quite a surprise."
"I never expected it to... become such a big thing."
"The way City fans react to people saying they play boring football is really surprising."
"You may be surprised how much you have in common on certain levels."
"Sometimes new circumstances make a town interesting to revisit, and there can be random surprises in the fields…"
"What you don't see coming is that you have some type of divine intervention."
"333 means you're reaching an important stage, but you are going to have a turning point which is completely going to surprise you."
"You can plan as much as you can but then again the beauty of life is like certain things that keep on popping out and surprising us."
"Pay attention because there is a certain dream that is going to surprise you."
"Confidence is your key to success. Look at this miracles, it's just a nice surprise."
"The real highlight is there are people that surprise you."
"Let's hope that Jeff sells us some. That was nuts, dude!"
"A story that's a Russian nesting doll of ineptitude, failure, and bizarre surprises."
"I think it’s indisputable that the art direction they chose for the remakes was definitely jarring, and came as a massive surprise to say the least."