
Selling Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"Love, kindness, and charisma are what you're really selling."
"Selling is just helping. I've always looked at it about putting myself in the shoes of another person and asking a simple question: Can I help this person? Can my product help them?"
"It's just about timing you gotta decide to know when to be in and out and selling we're always selling i'm always selling yeah it's hard for me to hold because i want to always be selling along the way."
"Every 85, every inform that comes out, they do sell and you can make profit."
"I sold some things... the market's been somewhat euphoric."
"Starting a business, running it, making it beautiful in everyone's eyes, and then just selling it, that was the one."
"The richest people in the history of mankind are people who sell."
"I've gotten rid of so many things but I've also sold some things which is something I usually didn't do. It's been really fun."
"I could sell that and there is the one million dollars I've been waiting for."
"I thought about selling some of my old stuff that people might want."
"Expression is going to sell every idea."
"Artistry is the perfect place to do that. It's completely free to make an account and you get to keep 100% of the money you make from the pieces you sell without any processing or platform fees."
"Clean does sell; it can be the biggest return that you have."
"$220,000 our new top seller of the auction. Wow, what a car!"
"I'm finally done, and this is everything I'm going to be selling on my whatnot."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I sold my YouTube channel."
"How awesome is that? I think these are going to definitely sell."
"I can't believe you sold our house."
"I sold that for $88.99 over on eBay plus shipping it's almost $100 out of a book there are good books out there um they're just generally not Danielle Steel."
"If you sell fast, they know if they don't get their bids in, they will lose out, and that spells action."
"...some of it will sell for good money."
"It's a really good idea to sell that thing on eBay and offset the cost of the upgrade."
"Look at the completed items and if you're looking at the completed items and they're all in red all the ones in red are items that did not sell the completed don't the completed items that sold will be in green."
"The Booker's goal, the Booker's job, the Booker's aspiration is to come up with an angle that people will actually believe and that will sell tickets."
"Pawn shops, a place where you go to buy or sell valuable items for cash."
"$997,000 out the door it goes into the sunshine."
"If you want it gone and you have the energy to sell it, price it to sell."
"Bunch of freedom, that's what I'm selling."
"Open houses sell houses, about one in five listings is sold at an open house."
"This house nearby on a quieter side street sold in just 18 days for 97% of the asking price."
"I think I'm going to leave them behind, not seeing any similar, would they sell? They might, but $13 is a high buy-in price."
"Thrifting is definitely not selling, buying is not the same thing as selling."
"That's everything. If you are interested in buying or bidding on any of this, text me."
"I did sell these nightstands for $450. They went to a beautiful family that had just moved to Tennessee from Hawaii."
"We sold the bed, we sold the butler's table, we sold the lamps."
"I really strongly believe that kitchens are one of the most important rooms in the house when you're selling."
"She doesn't even care, she's just selling half of it to murder."
"Then you saw the stars coming to Jack, sitting Courtside, and Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall back then, and oh, you had those two Dynamics. So they sold."
"I'm going to donate what I can, give away what I can, and sell what I can."
"Sell high, buy low. Real estate 101 again."
"One of the most valuable skills you can develop in selling is to get the person you're selling to give your presentation to themselves."
"If you can't sell, you're always afraid of losing your job."
"The final straw had been reached though, and it was time to sell."
"And they're just selling this to people. You just turn up with money and you can have it."
"What if I could pay you cash, close quickly, you don't worry about closing costs or commissions, what would be the best price you would consider?"
"The number one reason you're going to want to sell on Creative Finance is more money."
"We sell most of our stuff in stocking but the better stuff we pull out go to Danza like clothing unless it's really good."
"I'm excited to be almost done with this Locker I want to sell it move on to the next."
"They probably tried to sell it before they put it in storage."
"They're foolproof, there's no way you can lose money unless you sell the stock for less than you bought it."
"Your photos are so important. You've got milliseconds in which your buyer decides whether your house is gonna be amazing."
"In conclusion, if you want any of these they're all available, I'm selling all of them so I can buy an actual autograph of Otani."
"There's Mr. Dibbler," said Ludmilla. "What's he selling this time?"
"It was worth giving Tracy's programmes a try, a general auction, but they didn't meet the reserve that she wanted."
"...everything sells so have a look around the house find some stuff that you no longer want and make that be your first listing."
"I found him but then I sold him and I sort of regretted it."
"I hate the idea of sales but I love selling."
"That was all on eBay like an hour later."
"You don't need to be a fancy photographer to sell stuff on eBay."
"There's basically two ways that you can sell your stuff."
"Selling on Poshmark is simple... do these five steps over and over again."
"When selling options, you keep the premium as long as the stock stays within certain price levels."
"So I'm not a clothing seller. I'm a turn four dollars into 25 seller that sells clothes."
"Putting best offer on your listings now, the majority of categories... you probably need to offer a best offer option."
"Ebay selling limits is something that you need to know how to increase and the bigger your limits the more you'll be able to sell in profit."
"Sometimes I think I sound like a commercial about selling on eBay, but with selling online, I think this is one of the greatest opportunities."
"One of the best parts about eBay is it's completely free to set up and it doesn't take very long."
"Every item that I buy I really want to be getting a good sell-through rate and a really high average sale price."
"If you can do those two things along with a competitive price, you're going to get a very, very good chance of making some sales relatively quickly."
"So always think outside the box, guys, because opportunities are out there. It's just how you go about things when it comes to selling."
"Sell the things you really like, and here's why: you'll list it."
"Instead of listing your item on one single platform such as eBay or Poshmark, if you can cross-list it to all the other selling platforms you are getting your item in front of more people in front of more eyes, hopefully leading to more and faster sales."
"...it sold for $100 and on Poshmark too I thought that was um an interesting piece to sell on Poshmark versus eBay..."
"...sometimes with James Pur stuff will sell for 2025 then you have stuff that sells for over $100 like those curer pants so it really just depends..."
"I have so many black t-shirts, literally there's still one with the tag on so I'll probably be selling this on my Poshmark."
"This is a very unique time in the history of selling stuff because of the distribution."
"But my favorite thing is to sell cards and I appreciate you guys watching this channel."
"How to get strangers to want to buy your stuff."
"We are going to see a wave of selling as the baby boomers and the pensions that were created around them begin to approach liquidation."
"People are searching for what we sell."
"He sold every [ __ ] line of this."
"Everything seems to be selling right now. Every day, right? You know, it's kind of insane. I sold a few things during this pandemic that I just had laying around and just like, they just disappeared in a day or two."
"This hasn't sold so I think I do need to actually put a candle in there and Stage it that way and maybe that will help it sell a little bit faster."
"These are gonna go well, I don't know if I'm going to sell these individually or if I'm going to throw these up in Lots."
"You don't need a fancy lightbox or camera to list on eBay. We'll be using our phones for the listing process."
"It's really your personality and your own unique style that's going to sell to people."
"Uncluttered homes sell faster for more money."
"Don't skip a week of listing. 94% of Poshmark sales go to sellers who have listed that week."
"Every pair of mother jeans I have sold has been for 50 60 plus dollars."
"This is a great find I'll definitely list this stuff on eBay I'm going to sell some on eBay some on Poshmark some on Facebook and some on whatnot and then the rest we're keeping or throwing away or donating."
"Love, love, love selling them, but I think somebody may have gotten the majority of them in a previous sale."
"If there are any new launches that are going to sell out, these will."
"That's also can be a great opportunity is selling a business too absolutely especially when you establish it to run on its own."
"You're not selling beans at the carnival, people pay you to do it."
"There's never just one good time to sell."
"I love to paint birds in this type of position, you know, as a selling artist, these sell really, really well for me."
"I proposed to sell everything I could... between me, my brother, and my mom."
"Disney's in the business of selling Disney."
"The look and feel of your brand matters when it comes to selling."
"They're the sort of thing we sell every week in our modern sale room and blether sofas they make 250 300 350 pounds every week."
"You need to account for your fees when you're selling."
"You need to account for your shipping."
"Real estate's still selling... If you're getting ready to sell a house, it's a great time to sell a house."
"Kate is determined to do everything in her power to sell the old house."
"Kudos to Cameron Grimes for selling the obvious fact that he hit his head on the canvas in that counter and didn't pretend nothing happened, fell into the cover nearly unconscious."
"Perfect. The original Ryder Wait Tarot Deck. Okay this is awesome. I love selling tarot cards they can sell for some really good money. I sold a pack the other day actually that came from this hoarders hall for 49."
"Shopify makes selling your merch so easy."
"So we sold it. Literally, the bogwood lasted about three or four days in the shop, someone saw it, asked how much it was, gone instantly."
"Your job is to find your market. That's the secret. You have to find your market. For the product that you're selling, you're going to sell different types of products in your lifetime. Each one's going to have a slightly different market."
"If they want your chair, they're gonna buy it. People who have money, if they want your chair, they're gonna buy it. I have found this to be true time and time again."
"Selling something for 80,000 over here that you only sell for a hundred dollars over here is fraud."
"I already listed it and it already sold for 78.99. Let's go!"
"So, I really need to find some cool stuff that I can sell. I normally don't sell a lot, I normally donate mostly everything I find. But right now with me not really working, I kind of need to find things I can sell."
"Printables are great because you can make them once and can sell them over and over and over again."
"Ownership is the key and you can't sell what you don't own."
"This kitchen is going to sell this house, absolutely."
"It's a really, really long process to have your car sold on bring a trailer or bear Jackson."
"So, we ended up selling the Umbreon Vmax alt art, the Moon Bon Black Label, 3700."
"Buys are sorted in decreasing order because when you sell something you'd like to get the highest price for it and sales or offers are sorted in increasing order because when you buy something you'd like to buy it as cheaply as possible."
"By selling items, you're almost able to guarantee... that the item... is going to go to a new home where it will be used and loved by someone else."
"If you're going to sell something you should do your research to know what that item is worth."
"We're selling so many choices we can't even keep up with stock."
"Never underestimate the power of emotion when you're selling your house."
"Emotions run high when you're selling because you're not just letting go of a piece of property but a piece of your own history."
"Knowing what buyers want is key to selling your home."
"So the buyer added the three to a bundle and I sent her an offer of 50 just because I wanted to move these out."
"Selling things on Facebook Marketplace allows you to have very small social interactions."
"Try messaging potential buyers, communicating with them, being friendly. This is just good customer service."
"Re-list your items to give them another chance."
"Closet clear out, the purchase price has to be 10 or more, so I never list items below twelve dollars in my closet."
"You need to stand out, sell yourself, and show how passionate you are about patient care."
"Just save up, sell some of your other guns or whatever. A lot of guys do that. They flip. I don't know how, I'm so jealous because I get married to everything."
"Selling digital patterns is a no-brainer. It is a really good form of passive income."
"Is there a difference between selling locally or internationally? No, no, there isn't. If you've got a website, it's global."
"Your time and skills are valuable. Be confident and price your beautiful work accordingly so that selling can be a positive experience instead of stressful."
"The only time I will actively end a listing and get it out of here because I think it's never going to sell is if it's taking up a lot of space and I just simply get tired of looking at it."
"I think that if someone really loves and wants this style and is willing to take a secondhand coat they might really love this so I'm gonna go ahead and list this one on Poshmark."
"He was immobile selling. He wasn't selling like if Ricky Morton's selling where he's rolling over, he's clutching something in pain."
"Some of the perks for flipping smaller items on eBay include..."
"Great flip, took about a week to sell."
"It sold within about 10 minutes of me listing it for $65 plus shipping."
"Different patterns can sell for big money."
"One of the best ways for a new man to get started in this business of selling cars and trucks is to spend a little time with someone who knows all the angles."
"Cars are always sold by going out after the customers."
"We knew also that what really was going to sell the picture was a story. The story came first at all times."
"You need a niche to start with if you want to sell anything."
"Remember, you're going to be selling a premium product in the space that you enter, so make sure you sell the story as a unique value proposition."
"I wasn't going to say anything but then I was like maybe they'll find it interesting so I'm doing TikTok shop right now like working with TikTok and I'm like selling products on a live stream on my account."
"She sells it like unlike anybody else."
"You can sell stuff, you can get your own personalized domain. Just run over to squarespace.com, cheap Audio Man, get 10 off your first purchase."
"I ended up selling the Buell and made a little bit of extra money on it."
"They be selling out like hot cakes like you would think it's like a sneaker release."
"You have no idea how much easier it is going to be to sell this home."
"Potential buyers walking in can immediately picture themselves in this house, which is exactly what it's all about when you're trying to sell."
"It's much better to go all out and keep it immaculate and have as many viewings as possible and get it sold as quick as possible."
"This is the barn, you guys, this is the barn. We're gonna be selling stuff."
"Sometimes it makes more sense to sell this stuff locally, offload it locally if you can, or maybe hook up with an estate sale."
"Keep the money in your pocket, take good pictures, throw them up on eBay, you know, do the song and dance."
"If I could get about $50 for this, especially considering the price of each item here, that would be fantastic."
"Let me get inside and see what I can find to sell. Let's get shopping done."
"if you want to see what we find and what we actually sell it for"
"Curb appeal is so important when you're selling your house."
"It's a very simple rule, but one that applies to every house you will ever sell."
"Get your stuff relisted. Get them sold."
"What exactly is it that is forcing me to sell this property."
"I thought today I do yard sale and see if I couldn't get rid of some of these things and maybe pay for this week's adventure."
"The game is to sell it. These... well, these are Bob Dole's, barber halves, and goods."
"Even if you're not financially in a place where you can list lots of stuff, it's always worth trying."
"Everything from this first yard sale already sold and it happened only a couple weeks ago, so that's pretty incredible."
"...make sure you have good pictures and good titles and fair prices and good shipping policies in place like all that is very important and it does increase the chances that your items will sell."
"We need to do some work on it, but what will be great first of all is to get some buyers in here, their feedback."
"It's different, it's difficult to sell a dream when nobody's seen it."
"You're about to discover my magic three-step formula for selling a house fast in any market."
"I'm always surprised whenever someone buys it immediately...you know it's kind of like, 'Oh wow, if you actually post what you're selling then you might sell it.' Crazy concept right?"
"People are going to end up selling these houses either out of necessity or out of want."
"You can buy two watches if you sell him."
"So I'm always trying to sell into strength. Are you using strength for selling? Has that been part of your repertoire for a number of years?"
"I've actually sold these before I could, you get about 20 bucks used for this."
"This series that you are kindly tuning into, all about selling, deep diving."
"Most people that sell altcoins typically sell because their favorite influencer stops talking about it."
"There's no better place to buy and sell your parts and cars than eBay Motors."
"I've always been very critical of selling it to restaurants."
"Without selling, everybody is sending. There is something that is selling."
"Just because they're pretty worn, we wouldn't be able to sell them for too high in one condition."
"Perhaps the most important part of selling real estate is pricing it right."
"It's not every day you sell your soul twice and it sounds like that's what he's done."
"I listed it for $50, it's sold very quickly on an offer to Watcher for $42."
"Amazon is the bigger selling marketplace I actually was an Amazon seller before I was ever an eBay seller I started selling stuff on Amazon FBA and then I have dabbled since with selling um stuff seller fulfilled."
"Always have something to sell, like a little book or a CDR or something. Then people take it away, remember that they like you, and they come back. And, um, I thought, 'Oh yeah, that seems really, really true.'"
"But, yeah, that's what I did, I did sell some before they broke the 40 week."
"Sell a great company once when you can sell it twice or three times."
"This is the exact process that I use to go from an idea of an interest group to finished products posted online that will start selling."
"Hopefully, within the next couple of days, we can get this thing for sale and make some money on it."
"Maybe sell this one to somebody who can benefit from getting the parts if they already have one, but we are going to start fresh."
"This pile, which is just the golf bags, the duffel bag, a little purse, clothing rack, and then this pile is all stuff we're going to sell at the sale and that's what I got today"
"Hopefully it's been really helpful if you're looking to start out on Vinted and you wanted just to know the absolute basics of how to sell on Vintage, how to ship things on Vintage, how the shipment charges work."
"If you're gonna sell something, give it the best you can."
"I have a lot of costume jewelry and I was going to go to the flea market with it."
"In the real estate world, whenever you sell, no matter what, the biggest issue on why people don't sell or do sell is what am I going to do when I sell?"