
Life Importance Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Relationships and friendships are one of the most, if not the most, important part of life."
"I think the most important part of life is interaction with other humans."
"I thank God for music, bro. I swear to God, like music is my life for real. Like, at times it was the only therapy for me."
"Education is the most important thing in life, but this is your choice."
"Love is definitely a part of that, and that's going to be probably one of the most important things that comes up for you in your life."
"This is a public health emergency. This is a matter of life and death. The economy we can fix. You can remedy a loss of your health, can't remedy loss of life."
"Every moment of your life is important, prepare yourself."
"The human will to live is one of the most important aspects of any person's life."
"If I lose this restaurant, I'll lose my life, because my restaurant is my life."
"We are talking about the importance of human life."
"Simple basic information is the barrier between life and death."
"Five minutes left... This is the biggest five minutes of your life."
"No, I it's funny you mentioned that because I was telling him last night that um I actually started crying because I said I can't imagine you not being in my life."
"Art is an essential part of life... how to be better humans exactly."
"Love: understanding the power and importance of love in all aspects of life."
"Your life matters, your goals matter, what you do matters."
"Everything before now doesn't matter what matters is from now to onwards every day matters in it."
"Read this as if your life depended on it because it does."
"You know what? We must've lost a thousand dollars, but you know what? We didn't lose our lives."
"Every single day is the most important moment; there's no point in always fantasizing about something in the future when the only moment you can do something about it is right now."
"Without life, the universe is by definition meaningless."
"Never allow your pride to keep you from staying alive."
"Pretend like your life depends on it, because it does."
"Every little thing you do is important in this life."
"There is nothing more important than what's happening right now in your life."
"Remember the people that God has placed in your life."
"CO2 is the food of life, it is the foundation of all life."
"What you're doing right now with your life is far more valuable and important to who you are becoming into your legacy than anything else you could possibly be doing with your life."
"I genuinely cannot imagine my life without her."
"If you're in a life-or-death situation, then it's kind of a big deal."
"The right to life is the right to all of the rights. If you don't have life, you don't have anything."
"Life is as important to mental health as getting to see your children."
"This isn't a sporting event. This is life or death."
"I really encourage you to care about this your life matters and believe it or not the choices you make now even if you're twelve thirteen fourteen will affect you for the rest of your life."
"There's nothing more valuable than a human life. You take away the life of a person, you take away the experiences of that person and you take away all of their potential."
"Never underestimate how important your life is."
"Relationships are literally the core of life. They can make you or they can break you. They can elevate you or they can crush you."
"Realizing yourself as that is the realizing means it should become not only understandable but also a living experience, living a fact, the most important fact of our lives."
"My wife and children are extremely dear to me, and my life is of the utmost importance to them."
"Begin today; your life literally depends on it."
"Education is a very important part of a child's life."
"What could be more important than your life?"
"He is the light of my life, he's my heart, my soul, like everything."
"It is life that matters, life alone, the continuous and everlasting process of discovery and not the discovery itself."
"Music does affect people and it is an important thing in people's lives."
"More important than life itself is safety; you have to be safe when using resin."
"If you don't keep growing, none of this will matter."
"I don't care if it saves one life, it was worth everything that I spent."
"Too many times we put a value on money, we should not do that."
"People are more than just game pieces; their lives matter."
"I had to love myself like my life depends on it, because it does."
"Dopamine's important in life; it helps you be more happy."
"Your life is extremely important to you and to others, you may not think so, but it is, and we all have a story."
"The textbooks of biochemistry and cell biology treat water as the background carrier of the more important molecules of life; I think the opposite is true."
"Here on Earth, we live on a water planet."
"If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments."
"Women need to connect with women; it's an important piece of life."
"The most important thing is to seize the present."
"Life and breath, you're everything to me."