
Breath Quotes

There are 661 quotes

"Your breath is your spirit. What happens when you die? You stop breathing."
"As long as you remember your breath, you are okay."
"I'm grateful for breath, just simply the gift of being able to breathe."
"If you want to feel better today, the only thing I can really think of is our breath."
"The end of the out-breath is basically, you've died. So see, it's a miniature death because every out-breath is a miniature death."
"We live from our breath, the breath is powerful."
"Trump wins again you know meltdowns and then very recently I started to sort of change my brain where I go maybe the funnier option is Trump loses."
"Inhale, reach all the way up, exhale, some us did the he, one more time."
"What if your breath were to be regarded as your spirit because again, after all, what happens when you stop breathing."
"Just use this opportunity to connect to the breath, connecting yourself into the present moment."
"Trust in the healing power of your own breath and the wisdom of your body."
"This practice is all about connecting to the movement of your breath as we go deep and release any tension, soreness, or negative energy within your body."
"My breath turned to visible vapor as it left my lips, and the cold air felt like an ice cream blanket on my skin."
"I breathe you in, Lord. I'm in You, and You're in me."
"Take a few moments to connect with the breath, to just ground yourself to center."
"Life is absolutely dependent upon the act of breathing. 'Breath is Life.'"
"Lack of sufficient oxygen means Imperfect nutrition, Imperfect elimination and imperfect health. Verily, 'breath is life.'"
"The breath of the spirit of life."
"The importance of the absorption of Prana must be evident to all, and the Science of Breath assumes an importance even greater than that accorded it by Western science."
"This yoga flow is all about connecting to the present moment through the breath."
"Feel your breath travel up and down your spine as you fold a little deeper with each exhale."
"Every breath feels like the rarest air."
"These keep my breath so freaking fresh."
"Super deep breath. Tomorrow, tomorrow. It's tomorrow, it's tomorrow, it's tomorrow."
"That's sort of like, if you could think about that every day, that was a part of your daily. What a wonderful thought if we could celebrate every breath that we take because nothing's a guarantee."
"Whenever your mind wanders just bring it back to the breath, just notice every aspect of the breath."
"But in the same breath, this is something that no one ever deals with, ever."
"The Holy Spirit brooding then in Chapter 2 of Genesis, you have God breathing, and the word 'spirit' and 'breath' are the same."
"Breath is life and the more that you breathe the more life fills you up."
"Once I started to learn the breath can impact neck up... when you can calm the body, it also creates... calm in the mind."
"Breath I find to be a really incredible portal to deeper meditation."
"The most simple form of meditation is just literally observe your breath."
"Taking one more deep breath in, exhale from here, press your way back up into that Warrior Two."
"Hold and breathe, finding this balance, this state of presence and focus as you breathe and bring that heart towards the Earth."
"Connecting the breath with movement."
"Explore the stretch explore what you need don't forget to breathe"
"Begin by deepening your breath. At the same time, start to relax any areas where you feel tightness or residual tension."
"Strong mind doesn't get flapped, flustered, or frustrated; just take a breath."
"Don't rush the breath. If there's one thing we cannot live without, really not even for minutes, it's breath."
"Feel your breath into your lungs and exit your lungs."
"Just keep breathing, keep holding."
"I began to breathe in unable to hold my breath any longer to my surprise instead of water filling my lungs and dying in the most agonizing way possible it felt as if I were breathing air"
"I breathed in again and wondered what other latent abilities I might have neglected to notice"
"The breath is the delivery system for accessing deeper truths and emotions."
"Breath is the bridge. It's so powerful."
"So always, always, always remembering the breath is there for you to return to again and again and again."
"How can you say that? It's very yellow and very shiny and when he breathed on it his breath evaporated off it in that very peculiar and special way that breath evaporates off solid gold."
"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord."
"The breath in the nostrils is the spirit of God."
"The best thing somebody can do when they're feeling dysregulated is to sit with the feelings for a short period of time and then get connected to their body and their breath."
"You are literally the breath, you expand and contract, you give and receive from life."
"I want everyone to take a deep breath with me."
"Just waking up in the morning and taking your first breath is enough."
"I love hearing a breath in a song because it just makes it gives more life to it and the fact that it's in the middle of a sentence."
"Every time you lose it you just gotta stop for a second I stop and I follow the breath with the tip of my nose like on the Subway or something like that and immediately all of this plane just loses its grip on me."
"Breath is one of the ways to tune in on prana. Pran is all energy, breath is merely one of the corners of it."
"We are not our problems, we are not the concerns of our day, we are not our thoughts, our true self can be located in our inhalation and exhalation, somewhere at the bottom of our breath."
"Every breath you take, you find yourself going deeper and deeper down to that perfect place of peace and tranquility."
"Everybody catching their breath a little bit."
"Life is not measured by the number of his years but by the number of his breaths."
"Every time God breathes, a life comes out. A breath of lives. So you are a library of lives."
"Connecting with our breath is going to be crucial in today's practice."
"Just stay with your breath and you'll make it through."
"It's good to marry the breath with the action and the action with the breath."
"Your breath is really your anchor that helps you stay present."
"And last time, with the sound of your breath, follow it. Beautiful."
"Seal our practice with one big beautiful releasing breath together, inhaling through the nose and letting it go through the mouth when you're ready."
"Just bring your awareness to the sound of your breath here, use it to anchor your mind, your thoughts."
"One physiological difference between anxiety and excitement: the breath."
"Our breath is the anchor, the thing that links us to our movement, to this moment in time."
"In our Vinyasa practice, our breath is the anchor, the thing that links us to our movement, to this moment in time."
"Let's just take one more breath in. Altogether, inhale in deeply. And long exhale. Namaste."
"The desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing. To hold your breath is to lose your breath."
"Feel your breath, as you inhale, the lungs expand, as you exhale, the lungs deflate."
"We're actually addicted to a lot of things that seem inherently good for us and are actually the foundations of life and breath."
"Thou breath fights freshness as much as thine own enemy."
"Let your breath be your anchor for the next 60 minutes or so as we move and breathe together."
"Here you can turn your attention to your breath, simple sensation that we feel all day long."
"The breath is our window into the nervous system. By slowing down the breath, we can calm the nerves so that we can move towards our full potential."
"Breathe in, stand up a little taller."
"have you ever noticed mccready is breathing out and you can see his breath but child's is breathing and you can't see his"
"Every breath we get to take is just truly a blessing."
"It's how we get longer, by making space, and not just in our muscles, but by getting a bigger breath on the inside."
"Speak to us now, use my mouth to speak your words, breathe on me breath of God, fill me with life anew that I may love what now just love and do without dusty."
"Every single breath is a gift wrapped in a beautiful bow."
"Prana is nothing but a vital force that runs in our body using breath as a vehicle."
"How healthy do you look? My breath has been taken away."
"Each of your breaths is a priceless jewel, since each of them is irreplaceable and once gone can never be retrieved."
"So the next time you breathe, remember you're not just inhaling oxygen; you're inhaling life."
"Our breath isn't just a biological necessity; it's a bridge, a link, a conduit."
"Breath in this way serves as a bridge, connecting us to the present moment and offering us a direct route to mindfulness."
"Your breath is your ally, your bridge to a calmer mind."
"Breathe in life force and Universal energy, and breathe out all that no longer serves you."
"When you see a really good swimmer, breathing is everything."
"Pause here. Stay for a couple breaths."
"Life begins with breath. Breath carries you through all of your days."
"My breath is gonna smell pretty ripe by the end of this."
"Fear is just excitement without breath."
"Every single breath is a new beginning. Every moment is a new beginning. It really, in some sense, frees us from a lot of the sort of prisons of our own creation."
"Never ever ever for the balance of your lifetime ever miss a day where you don't breathe."
"Just take a breath, let the air fill your love."
"Breathe and know that the signs are your guides on the job."
"Your cleaner, fresher breath will prove it."
"It's the efficiency of breath that is so much more important than the volume."
"Best gift in life is breathing in and out, so I'm very thankful. If I had nothing, if I never saw one record, I was always taught how to be thankful for the gift of breathing in and out. Because long as you can breathe in and out, you can make it."
"Appreciating these few moments with your breath."
"Feeling the breath move in your body."
"Every sound you produce is worshiping. Let everything with breath breathe out. Every breath you breathe out, you're worshiping."
"It's all in the breath. Is that right? You taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. I'm sure I can take it."
"It's like the breath that she takes before she starts playing."
"Some people just need a breath, man."
"Allow your breath to bring you to a space of flow, inhaling deep, exhaling deep."
"When we are breathing every day and night we are releasing toxins from the body."
"Continue to use your breath to allow your muscles to soften and relax."
"It gives you energy you can eat it quietly and it doesn't cause bad breath or flatulence."
"The more challenging the pose or the series or the sequence, the more that you want to utilize your breath to be the river current to carry your body like a raft downstream."
"Celebrate that by deepening the breath, appreciating your body by deepening the breath, appreciating your spirit, your soul, by deepening your breath."
"Spending the first couple of moments here just really connecting to the breath."
"One full cycle of breath, knowing that even as we pick up the pace and we add on some really challenging shapes, that we don't lose the purpose of the practice, which is to stay with you, to stay with breath as we move."
"Allow the breath to soften your body, using any tension or tightness you may feel."
"From breath to breath, from pose to pose - find your rhythm."
"Inhale, exhale, surrender - let go of judgment, embrace acceptance."
"Steady breath, steady mind - find your center amidst the chaos."
"Take a deep breath in and on your exhale, anchor navel to spine and we send it back up, downward facing dog."
"To reconnect to your body and reconnect to your breath, slow down your heart, let your shoulders relax, and let your mind relax."
"As long as you're connecting with the breath, you're doing yoga, no matter what pose your body's in."
"Your movements will be inspired by the breath."
"Take very long, smooth, even breaths. Best way to reduce anxiety is through your breath."
"Always moving with the breath, always moving gently and mindfully."
"Let your breath deepen, and feel the depth of your breath work its way into the muscles and soften."
"Commit to stillness, commit to presence, and let your breath guide you."
"It's not about being perfect, not about the pose, just keep your breath steady."
"Your breath is always happening right here in the present moment."
"Just keep doing what you've already been doing, sinking and linking up the breath and just finding... finding a little bit of yoga, a little bit of union within every facet of who you are."
"Keep your breath nice and steady, inhales and exhales equal."
"Incorporating a deep and expansive breath into your practice."
"It's amazing how powerful the breath is at detoxifying the body."
"Such a powerful breath for balancing the left and the right side of the body."
"If you become fearful, the first thing that happens to you is you become breathless."
"You don't need to focus intently on the breath, but recognize the breath as a miracle."
"The patient should be placed in the Fowler's position. This drops the patient's diaphragm, increases chest expansion, and helps with shortness of breath."
"Breath is your medicine. If you don't take it, you die."
"It feels like the wind can blow right through to make sure that you are breathing."
"You can learn to lengthen your exhales to calm yourself so that your cortisol isn't chronically elevated."
"The nervous system activation and tonus is directly correlated to the breathing patterns."
"Breathe. That's what keeps you alive, man."
"When we move the body with the breath slowly, that encourages the breath to slow down."
"The breath has the power to control your heart rate and your brain state, can help you take a step back and observe the situation instead of going into reactive mode."
"Poetry is the only creative writing art form that builds breath into it."
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Do you have breath?"
"We're going to take a second to take a deep cleansing breath, use our will and our imagination, our visualization to draw in this Divine cosmic energy, this Prana. Picture it as white or gold light filling up our energetic body and our physical body, our Aura."
"Whenever you inhale or exhale, remember the presence of god."
"Over the past few weeks, I have learned that the breath isn't only a tool to help ground ourselves but it has the power to heal when directed."
"He didn't give you your little breath, it doesn't say that. No, he gives you his breath."
"As long as you've got breath, you've got a shot. And I'm not just saying that to say as long as you are alive you have an opportunity. No, it's bigger than that. I'm saying I want you to recognize the power of your breath."
"Prayer is to the soul what breath is to the body."
"It's a good day, we can literally see our breath outside right now."
"When the breath is coming out, at that moment, if you pay attention to your exhalation, you will find that you can access your Prana."
"Our breath is just a basic example of the flow of the universe and how everything is constantly changing."
"I hovered at the bottom of the pool until I needed air, at which point I swam to the surface."
"Each breath is becoming difficult for me to take, the anxiety can be compared to drowning in an open sea."
"Breathing in, I'm aware of my in-breath. Breathing out, I'm aware of my out-breath."
"It's in that vulnerability that allows us to take a breath, and that allows us to no longer wear the mask."
"Your breath is driving the functioning of your brain period."
"Connect with the core at the top and breathe."
"The tension sank. He drew in breath again. It was still there untouched."
"Breath plays a tremendous role, but we often are not aware of how prominently the breath functions."
"And right before she goes, she lets that breath out."
"It's crazy how much life the lights breathe into these things."
"Your body is breathing naturally, without you having to do anything."
"Find your breath in your body and let it be natural."
"Feel your breath in your abdomen, chest, and nostrils."
"Even the last in-breath and out-breath will pass consciously, not unconsciously."
"It's all about Elemental work and when you breathe out you're breathing out carbon dioxide, the yield of a fire. You're working with fire every time you breathe."
"Just this breath, awareness waking up to truth."
"Ru is breath, Ru is the thing that creates the great blast of air."
"The universe began as an enormous breath being held."
"Take a deep breath because suddenly you're watching and you realize that your chest is asking for a deep breath."
"Take a breath on inhale, uh, fish with your hands and hold them as tight as you can. Open exhale, open your hands, release the negative energy, and feel the powerful relief."
"The opposite of taking a deep breath is giving one away."
"Our breath is so intimately linked to our nervous system."
"Breath has been the number one thing. I dedicated my life to this work."
"The breath which comes in and out of my body, it's not mine, doesn't belong to me."
"Life in every breath, every life we take, the way of the warrior."
"Breathe the breath of life into me, that when I speak, the same breath that made Adam alive would flow in everything that I have."
"Notice that when you are doing something which is a little bit more difficult and uncomfortable than usual, your breath will just stop."
"Every time I slow down, every second I slow down, that's potentially a breath that maybe didn't take."
"Just return to your breath, really become aware of your breath in your body."
"Fear may make you hold your breath and you might find a tightness here."
"Follow your breath, use your breath to restore your body, use your breath to restore your mind."
"Your breath is in charge of every feeling you have."
"When I breathe it connects me to generations of breathing entities that came before me."
"Inspiration is here, expiration is up there."
"...it's gotta breathe and when you just plug it up like that I mean it's not breathing he's playing it simple these things you know need to get some air they need to breathe to get the you know that good gas mileage."
"...let me catch my breath real quick. Okay, Leslie, I love you. This is crazy."
"The breath is immediately linked to the state of your nervous system."
"So, I was in a position where you're fighting for every breath and go really, really fighting, you know, and so there's just like death is around really, it's not far away because if you can't get that breath."
"Because breath is life and I don't know how old it was, I think I was three or four when it kicked in."
"Kissing him was like learning to breathe again."
"Think about how beautiful your breath is, how strong your body is, and how focused and determined your mind is."