
Guilt Quotes

There are 2474 quotes

"The more adept you get at sitting with the feelings of shame and guilt, the more immune you are to people who try to capitalize on all your resources through making you feel shame and guilt."
"Every day I have to live, knowing that I survived and so many others didn't."
"She hasn't forgiven herself... it will never let her forget her sins."
"Forgive yourself for anything that you hold guilt and remorse in your heart for, but also allow forgiveness of others so that you can be free."
"Every guilt I ever had involved the fear of being found out or a fear of consequences."
"I've never intentionally hurt him or made him feel any type of way, and that's why I'm so hurt because of how I've made him feel."
"You killed them, David. Their blood is on your hands."
"A modern day woman is someone who wants to do what they want when they want and doesn't want to feel guilty for it."
"Guilt is a very powerful motivator, especially for people who are essentially ethical."
"Guilt and shame have been plaguing me of late. All my sins, my flaws, my failings... These dark thoughts distract me from my responsibilities and keep me awake at night."
"Guilt as defined by psychologists and neuroscientists is actually a way of assigning ourselves more agency, more capability of controlling reality than actually exists."
"Guilt is a gift from Allah warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul."
"The guilt had gotten to him, and he was planning on turning himself in."
"I think the best Redemption arcs happen when a character is feeling the weight of what they've done, even after it's over and they've become a better person."
"Above all, Davy Jones never stopped loving Calypso, and his sorrow not only shows us the pain he feels over her betrayal but the guilt he feels over her imprisonment."
"Eat without guilt, regardless of what society says."
"Guilt is a kind of stress, and it actually makes the brain more susceptible to temptation."
"The function of guilt is to ask 'Did I do something wrong?' and then, if yes, I need to fix it and make repairs."
"I don't feel guilty about it. I mean, this is what it is. I just always try to do my best."
"That's why I needed you. Well, as we established, the main themes are guilt, self-hatred, remorse, and grief, aspects we not only see through James's eyes but through every character we interact with."
"Their lives are miserable, pointless, and filled with a decidedly unearned guilt, but unlike so many characters, they persevere because they have each other."
"Minimalism guilt - there's nothing wrong with having things in your house that you enjoy."
"Why is this important? Because religion is sustained by two factors: fear and guilt. And if it's one subject that the church has used for a long time to keep people in fear and guilt, it is in that subject of tithing. And it has to be corrected, and it's got to be corrected now."
"There is no duvet thick enough to protect you from the chill of shame."
"I wouldn't feel guilty about my choices; you shouldn't feel bad about yours."
"Just because you did it doesn't mean you're guilty."
"Guilt is closely related to that... It helped me to develop a different relationship with the concept of guilt and how much I need to release it."
"Guilt's on one side, the bridge is forgiveness, and on the other side is growth."
"It's better that the guilty escape than the innocent suffer."
"At the core, Spider-Man isn't a total badass... he's guilt-ridden after losing Uncle Ben and wants to use his powers for good."
"We have the right to enjoy life as we are without guilt or shame."
"Oh my god, I'm cheating on my wife with a bot."
"Feeling guilty about making her upset, Masashi consoles her."
"I think you have put in the time that you need to with that guilt, and I think it's time to let that guilt go."
"It puts a lot of responsibility but also guilt on the Christian."
"My mind is deeply haunted by the action I've done. Waves of guilt wash over me each day."
"The pain, regret, disgust, and shame I feel outweigh any feelings during the action."
"I used to go to bed early and everything, and I used just lay awake in my room, thinking about all the bad things that I did."
"You did nothing wrong if you are putting your energy and your focus into taking care of yourself."
"Guilt can be so overpoweringly crippling, it distorts of my mental faculties and in one translation they say when you bear one's guilt, you go mad."
"Guilt is a feeling that is not so bad; it keeps us on track."
"He felt guilty for the loss of life in the Estabul Kingdom and the Roland Kingdom."
"Even though it was an accident, after breaking Drew's hand, I felt horrible."
"Guilt is not a strategy, but repentance is different than guilt."
"There's no way to get rid of guilt until you first of all acknowledge that you've done wrong."
"Guilt. It could work for you, or it could work against you."
"In this country, we don't leave the decision of guilt or innocence up to the governor, the attorney general, the prosecutors, or the presiding judge; you, ladies and gentlemen, make that decision."
"Guilt is an emotion, a momentary emotion; it's the indicator that you have done something which you do not want to repeat."
"Marie finally opens up on her own saying that she let her friends die in a dungeon before but she will make sure that none of them die here this time."
"You deserve breaks. We should not feel guilty about relaxing and resetting."
"The West has done absolutely awful things in its history but it's also the only society that's felt guilty about it and tried to change."
"I think I did something I shouldn't have done."
"Not surprised they pled guilty after all this evidence; it would have been very tough to defend."
"You wanna know who killed Laura? You did. We all did."
"Nobody is guilty simply because of who they are...that used to be one of liberalism's bright lines."
"Eating a cupcake does not make you a bad person."
"You're not guilty for anything you didn't do. You're guilty for things you did yourself."
"I'm done with feeling guilt, I'm done with apologizing for things I didn't do, I'm done with being told I should feel shame."
"Moral injury is kind of goes hand in hand with PTSD but it is that sort of sense of survivor's guilt where you feel like you could have done more."
"The culture of teaching is so guilt-tripping and gaslighting."
"Just because you have an evil thought, even if you really want it and even if you really believe it on some level, doesn't make you an evil person."
"What makes you good is like the fact that you feel guilty is what makes you a good person."
"We spoke with many of your victims. They live in pain every single day. Do you not feel any guilt? I'm not a psychopath, of course I feel guilty."
"There's a lot of guilt here. They feel bad because they do understand that you deserve a lot more."
"Guilt isn't beneficial unless you do something about it."
"My parents spent their life savings on a stalled real estate project...I'm scared of being blamed. This is something I could feel guilty about for the rest of my life."
"If killing others is what you're feeling so guilty for, why do you still carry a gun?"
"I grew up with this sense of having deserted my children I'd let them down that um I knew that if I possibly could find them I would."
"It's like a murder scene with the fingerprinted gun left behind with a confession note."
"You're not guilty for what you couldn't do or couldn't have control over." - JD
"Pizza should be a treat. But also pizza should be a treat with strict rules that I'm very shameful about."
"It's not your fault, so do not put that shame on yourself."
"I don't ever want nobody to feel like it didn't happen because of me."
"I felt like everything that I had been through was a fraud. That it was just false... And that, you know, if I'm... I was supposed to save her. I felt like I was responsible for her death."
"Freedom from the prison of guilt is in sight."
"If I'm guilty of anything, it's guilty of exposing you."
"Forgiveness. No guilt. Don't blame yourself."
"Sometimes what you hold a guilt for, there was a greater reason to it that can allow you to lift some of that guilt off your shoulders."
"You deserve good things; don't feel guilty when they happen."
"Yuta proceeds to cry, saying keeping Rika around and all the people getting hurt was all his fault."
"It's just terrifying to even allow this in or they feel very guilty that they didn't admit this that they didn't talk through things with you."
"People shouldn't be made to feel inferior or guilty because of the situation they were born into."
"I feel guilt and I feel shame, and the only thing that I've thought about since all this has popped off was hit something as hard as I can."
"I dream about Ethan and Jessica every night. You should, you apparently left them on earth."
"However, Emily declares she doesn’t want to go, and the reason she’s feeling guilty is because of choosing her new lover over her mom."
"I feel super guilty about it like when I was dating my ex-boyfriend this summer, he was a very sweet guy but I just felt like I also wanted more. It was like a natural instinct I couldn't control."
"There's always that guilt isn't there? Associated with having a day off, or taking time when you've got deadlines to make." - M
"Just for a quick minute you still feel guilty though."
"I had left him locked outside to die. What kind of monster was I?"
"Food is not something which should make you feel guilty, you know? There's always balance in life."
"This one is for interest but also for shame."
"One of the greatest barriers between people's miracle and their life is the sense of guilt and shame and condemnation."
"Guilt decreases feelings of personal worth and peace of mind."
"Guilt is a useless emotion. It detracts and makes you wallow. What motivates you is a principled understanding that you could be doing better."
"The curse of our times is guilt by association."
"The problem is, as a mom, when I give too much attention to Pinterest, then all of a sudden I'm struggling with mom guilt."
"Guilt could be a motivating emotion. Yeah, it's like the Erma Bombeck line that guilt is the gift that keeps on giving." - Fuschia Sirois
"It was gut-wrenching because I said, 'I'm breaking my oath, I'm disappointing my father, I'm letting people down.'"
"Guilt is I made a mistake, shame is I am a mistake."
"Regardless of whether or not they are going the length to say you should be ashamed and feel guilty for not matching the standard you are putting out there."
"You shouldn't be. I stepped on a ladybug once and cried."
"That's what I call the coward's admission of guilt."
"That's the feeling I have looking at this now, and maybe you have it too. Sinners!"
"Guilt will limit a young person to the understanding of what they did Grace will liberate a young person to become who they can potentially be."
"I shouldn't feel guilty for making myself happy when I know that I help people on a daily basis."
"Don't apologize. Don't effing apologize. That's an admission of guilt."
"And he lied about where he was. Innocent people don't do that."
"You feel guilty sometimes when you're killing in this game like in fact a lot of time actually felt guilty."
"Cobb's journey is steeped in guilt and desperation, a man driven to the edge walking a tightrope between redemption and damnation."
"Capitalism intentionally manufactures guilt."
"Greg feels guilty over putting Ginny through a sham of a marriage."
"The beginning of the show does a good job establishing Obi-Wan and Anakin, the guilt and the grief."
"Guilty though I am, that resurrection was God destroying the power of the grave."
"Putting yourself first during this time may feel guilty, but it's important for your growth and well-being."
"This is her tell she's telling us I'm not grieving because I killed him."
"This book is a function of her guilty conscience."
"Ultimately, by giving gifts, Shatner and the crew are attempting to absolve their guilt, generating heightened positive emotions upon the reveal to deny the Riverside citizens' ability to properly emotionally process the maliciousness."
"Strategically, it's a good idea to emotionally guilt the traitors about what they're doing."
"She ultimately pleaded guilty to the murder and was sentenced to 21 years in a state prison."
"When you're quiet you're just as guilty. Ah, I've been saying that."
"People like Paul Manafort, even with Donald Trump supporters on the jury, was found guilty."
"You should never feel guilty for being a good person to the wrong people."
"You never need to feel guilty for anything. If you killed someone today I would tell you let's talk about it but let's have a loving conversation because guilting yourself is only gonna fan the flames it's not gonna help you solve anything."
"Transcending that, becoming aware of that could be so powerful for your own healing and realize it may not just be your own guilt."
"Shame is falling off, guilt is falling off... you have made them white as snow."
"Here's a man who is guilty directly or indirectly of eight murders without reason."
"We should not have guilt by association and we should not be willing to be friends with people who hold diametrically opposed views to our souls."
"Are we really gonna do this? It's open. We could just leave. Not after that. We don't deserve to leave."
"Now after I have gained a full insight into all the horrible atrocities which have been committed, I am possessed by a deep sense of guilt."
"Rush into huge financial decisions without thinking them through and then you spend the rest of your life doing Penance feeling guilty about it."
"Nobody has ever nailed guilt the way I am nailing it."
"I feel like if people extend themselves and ask you to hang out like they're extending themselves to you and I feel bad being like no."
"When you drive a man to suicide, that's murder."
"If you didn't do it, you wouldn't be sitting here."
"This president is guilty of inciting insurrection."
"Just one person in a crowd whose guilt is assured the moment they pull the trigger."
"I do deserve to be executed. Bottom line. I ain't going to candy coat it. I deserve to be executed."
"I want to be human again. Maybe I need to find Celia to atone for what I did to her."
"Theon is the most human character on the show, a mixture of guilt and redemption."
"Don't feel guilty for wanting more or aspiring."
"I don't know how to have a conversation about what I did to you."
"Holiness and Purity and sin are just words used for control and to instill guilt and shame... adding nothing of value."
"Harry thinks of his own actions the night before and blames himself."
"I am a lord... A wee flame, belike, but I shoulder the world… Forgive me. Oh please… I am not to blame. I’m not."
"You really made me feel bad for consequences."
"All food is zero guilt, unless you stole it from a baby or a breastfeeding mama."
"They make you feel guilty... they will specifically target your insecurities."
"The selfless act of an instant can undo a lifetime of guilt."
"Just feeling guilt for anything, even if I do one nice thing for myself, I will feel an overwhelming sense of guilt."
"The burden of guilt that can only come to a man who is sworn to do no harm."
"To somehow act like the West is uniquely guilty of these things or has a special guilt where this comes is absolutely ridiculous."
"He killed his brother – one of the most horrifying things imaginable."
"How did I let a killer slip into the neighborhood?"
"Anything to avoid doing work in Minecraft, I guess. I feel bad."
"I've really struggled this summer. There's a lot of guilt and shame that I feel."
"One of the tricks of Shaitan is to come to a person who is sinful and convince them that they're too sinful for Allah to forgive."
"Lying would do you a lot of good if you're the culprit."
"I need to fix this; I need to make this okay; I need to show up and repair the damage that I have done."
"Guilt is a manipulation tactic, trying to make people feel guilty because the manipulation part is you acting in a way so that they do exactly what you want."
"It's just a human thing, so don't feel guilty if you do."
"We're always going to feel guilty, we're always gonna feel like we're not doing something well enough."
"The worst thing of survivor's guilt is you don't have an answer to why you're the one that lived."
"To be guilty is to burn away the energy of the absolute."
"'Guilty. Scotino was found guilty of multiple manslaughter, causing a shipwreck, abandoning ship, and lying to authorities.'"
"I always felt like am I just like a shitty person for thinking that?"
"I still feel a bit bad for it. Mel's forgotten all about it apparently."
"All you think is I just let everybody down. Yeah, that's the worst feeling ever."
"Even if he was 100 percent guilty, it would still be a tragic waste."
"You can be guilty of both sins, but the punishment for the sins of omission are looked at differently than the sins of commission."
"Tony blamed himself and could not believe that he had let this happen."
"He plead guilty because he was guilty and for no other reason."
"Don't let that guilt block you from feeling worthy or good enough to have something."
"Usually the person that's shouting the loudest is the one who is guilty of the sin they're shouting about accusing you of."
"Guilt arises to make us pay attention to a mistake we've made and to make up for it, but in the context you're describing, this guilt is misplaced."
"It's natural to experience guilt, but more is not always better. Embrace the rest day and realize that it's an opportunity for your body to rebuild stronger."
"This aversion to debt is a cultural trait, with the German word for debt being the same as that for guilt."
"Let go of guilt... Forgive yourself for what you think you have done or not done."
"I hate myself for liking it because it's so bad yet I can't look away."
"The hardest part is always feeling guilty for things."
"God knows his Ten Commandments... to protect us from the burden of guilt."
"Given what I've done, I'll never be a good man. I just tried to be a better one."
"If you have benefited, then soaking yourself in remorse and guilt does not help anyone."
"I didn't think God could forgive me for what I've done."
"If the world knew all of that, I'm pretty sure there'd be a new petition to start all over me to put me to death."
"This will haunt me for the rest of my life, this is torture."
"Shame says you are wrong; guilt says you did something wrong."
"Don't feel guilty about any decisions you've made; the change is for the better."
"Living with guilt is awful... guilt and regret and remorse... are a real waste of emotion because you can do something about them."
"White guilt has to happen. It's a developmental need."
"Don't make decisions based on guilt; be true to yourself."
"If you're falling short, if you're sinning, make sure you're feeling guilt."
"Actions speak louder than words and a guilty conscience will tell on itself."
"When men make bad decisions, there's a lot of guilt and shame that comes with it... It's hard being vulnerable and admitting that you made a mistake." - Jerry Fisher
"I cried out and God forgave the guilt of my sin."
"Sin causes guilt, but turning to the Lord brings forgiveness and transformation."
"Guilt and shame are powerful behavioral motivators in the toxic family."
"I honestly feel really guilty if people give me even like ten or twenty dollars because I feel like that money could go to such a better cause or would have been better off if that person just kept it."
"It's like they feel whatever happened between the two of you was their fault."
"I feel like I messed up so much and I feel like I'm unworthy."
"He was in fact guilty for his mother and his brother."