
Life's Value Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"What makes life meaningful is the fact that we're alive and there's only this amount of time that we have to live."
"Consciousness is the thing that makes life meaningful."
"You have a purpose, you have an assignment, you have a life God spared your life for such a time as this."
"Our most precious resource is time, and we don't have enough of it to do everything."
"Life is long enough, and it's been given to us in generous measure for accomplishing the greatest things, if the whole of it is well invested."
"I have only just a minute, only 60 seconds in it... It's only a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it."
"Life begets death. But here's the question that you got to ask yourself: Was this avoidable? The answer, of course not. Death is always coming, but could you have delayed it? Well, that's maybe another story."
"Life is sacred but our time on this world is just a blip compared to eternity."
"Time is our most precious asset. You can't get more of it and everyone on the planet has the same amount of it."
"The measure of your life will not be in the duration of your life, it will be measured in the donations of your life."
"Your life is wonderful because you have life. You're alive."
"Life is precious and the opportunity to bring forth the new tools of science, particularly consciousness development, is such an exciting part of our work."
"Ultimately, it isn't so important how long you live. The important thing is how well you live."
"Life isn't promised to anyone; it could end at any time, any place."
"Seconds matter and then you can't buy it. Rich folks, you can't buy it. Intellectual folks, is it PhD won't help. It all you beautiful fine people, you're so gorgeous, gorgeous people die."
"Life is so precious, that at any given point in time, anything can happen to you, to me, to our loved ones."
"All the true blessings in life are for free."
"Life is so meaningful, you think 'this is worth the suffering.'"
"Life may find a way, but life is also wonderful. It's a gift to be alive, and at the end of the day, there isn't really anything else."
"Ordinary people are exposed to extraordinary circumstances, maybe it is that period of great sacrifice or the fear that you might not live to see another day, that reminds us of what is most precious."
"There is no greater resource in your life than time."
"Your life is a precious thing. It only happens once, right?"
"You don't know what you got till it's gone. Many people have arms and legs, but arms and legs itself doesn't give anyone happiness."
"My relationships became deeper. They were less but I also understood how important and how we only live one life."
"If you are still breathing, there is so much more attached to your life."
"Life is the proof that there's God... because without life, we wouldn't have anything."
"Time's a finite resource... you have to deal with that."
"What does it benefit a man if he gains the whole world yet he loses himself at the end."
"Everything is already a treasure."
"Life had value and that he could make a difference in others' lives."
"Every life and subsequent death has meaning."
"It's the brevity of our life that ultimately gives us agency to pursue our goals and achieve them."
"How much of what you get every day really matters?"
"I do not take nothing for granted because it's so important to realize where you came from."
"Life's too short to not take risks."
"Think deeply on the issue of what can the world actually give you."
"God could have took us out long time ago, so he has us all here because there's a purpose on our life."
"Life is too short, every day is a gift, you never know when you're going to go, so live your life to the fullest."
"Without death, life becomes meaningless."
"At that moment in time, all that mattered to me was my daily bowl of soup, my crust of stale bread. The bread, the soup - those were my entire life."
"Tomorrow's never promised, so you know, you never know."
"Every day, you guys, we got to give thanks for what we have because one day we may never have it again."
"Don't take things for granted; your ability to just get up and walk outside is a lot."
"God is not prodigal; He did not waste the breath of life that He gave to you this morning."
"Life is so short, and when you really break down what's important in life... none of this matters."
"Life is a special thing; every day is a gift."
"In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: who shall declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth."
"Our time is so limited, why would I waste it away?"
"Money comes and goes, and success comes and goes, but your life is very sacred."
"I thank God for life, and for me, don't take it for granted, especially these moments right here."
"When you realize your life is in danger, nothing except your life matters."
"Live for today, tomorrow never comes - that's the big lie because tomorrow will come and you'll be dead and you'll have wasted a life."
"Life can end, and life is very fragile, it's not forever."
"I'm just glad I am alive; that's all that matters."
"It's not about the grandeur of what we have, but the depth of appreciation we hold for what comes our way."
"From the moment I laid eyes on you, every breath was a gift."
"Your number of breaths are already counted."
"The very temporary nature of this life, the finite nature of our existence, and the things we have... is what makes every single moment most precious."
"Life's really bigger than just some little ass petty ass situation."
"Life is a blessing, and if you don't live life to the fullest, you're denying that blessing."