
Societal Foundations Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I think it's beautifully put, so thanks for saying that. You are a sovereign individual of divine value, you're the cornerstone of the community and that's the fundamental presupposition of our society that happens to be true."
"She stole sacred artifacts...that allowed humanity to exist as a society."
"The foundation of our economy and a big fundamental pillar of our society in general is property rights."
"If black people had solid foundations, yes, black people would be better."
"Good parental guidance, quality education, equal opportunity."
"This country was built on white supremacy, and the reason why she's supported is because white supremacy is still very much a part of the American fabric."
"We are expecting anybody to be able to stand up on anything. There's no foundation."
"America is racist. It's practically built on racism and I don't think anything can change it."
"The Christian religion's general principles must ever be regarded among us as the foundation of civil society."
"You still need a strong moral foundation and cultural tradition."
"Education is an investment in the future, and upon that cornerstone, we must build."
"The foundation of society: strong relationships and strong families."
"Men, women, Godly values, foundational principles, and Truth - the laws of human nature that right and wrong was created by God Almighty."
"Race is real. Race matters. Race is the foundation of identity."
"I have no problem with immigrants. I have no problem with immigration. I think immigration is a good thing that's what this country was founded upon."
"The family is the bedrock political institution."
"Without a religious and moral people, this system is wholly inadequate."
"You mean treat people like individuals? You mean the principles this country was founded on?"
"This country was built on the backbones of black America."
"Trust is the foundation of society. Without trust, what do we have?"
"Basic human needs are at the heart of absolutely everything."
"Recognize these foundations, agree upon them, and everything is not an existential crisis."
"Marriage and the nuclear family are the bedrock of every civil society."
"The great vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"If you're going to base your new society on philosophy, you should try to found it on ideals that are as inclusive and humanistic as possible."
"Religious plurality is one of the bedrocks of our society."
"Making things is at the core of human society."
"The foundation of any free society is contingent upon the freedom of speech."
"It's amazing how those dudes who started this country hundreds of years ago they figured out some just key patterns of behavior that human beings follow into and they decided to try to protect them."
"Our commitment to truth is fundamental to our ability to govern ourselves."
"The family is not a product of the state; it was created by God."
"Religious liberty, those are the two bulwarks of America: faith and free."
"Rights are the most basic fundamental block of building a society."
"Our values are old and true. They are universal because they're rooted in the fundamental belief that individual freedom enables both the greatest achievement and the gentlest kindness."
"The magic of the Western experience has been that we created a set of foundational values, including elevating the individual above the collectivist tribe."
"I think the independent judiciary has been very important to upholding the rule of law."
"Punishment is how we built everything we have."
"Freedom of speech is at the very core of our democracy."
"Civilization is not super complicated like you need three basic things: cheap energy, Law and Order, meritocracy."
"The west is built around the ideas of free speech."
"Particularly strong property rights are essential to civilization."
"The real strength of America is to be found in America's families."
"There's no new area really right when I go to like a different tree there's a new weapon new character new artifact set at the card game right."
"We have to build a society on the basis of things that are real, things that are factual."
"Having a free press is fundamental to a functioning democracy or to create a functioning democracy."
"Christianity is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy."
"Societies are always built around the idea of affection, never around the idea of fear or subjugation."
"Everything is about race because it's ingrained in the foundations of our systems and institutions."
"Without agriculture, we cannot have a city, an orchestra, a church, an army, a university."
"These institutions are the foundations of the future society."