
Natural Laws Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"We live in a very abundant world. The laws of money and flow are eternal and natural."
"There's this continuity between the stuff of the world, the inanimate stuff of the world, the inanimate stuff of the heavens, and us. We all come from the same fundamental ingredients and the same fundamental laws."
"The success of the evolutionary game, as he puts it, was written into the fabric of the universe."
"The only laws that actually are impenetrable are the physical laws."
"Islam posits that God ultimately created and sustained all things; He is infinite, unlimited, self-sustaining, and alone measured out the numbers of things and apportioned all the regularities we call natural laws."
"The laws that dictate how things work in the universe are the ultimate arbiters of what is or isn't in our best interest, whether we know it or not."
"The most basic law of physics states nothing can be created from nothing."
"We are built by the laws of nature by birthright to be happy, strong, and healthy."
"The Law of Equivalent Exchange is basically a roundabout reference to the laws of thermodynamics."
"Dinah psyche, the programmed study and practice of achieving success by the planned application of important but little understood natural laws."
"What we call luck is, in fact, a direct result of the correct or incorrect application of natural laws anyone can use effectively if he knows how."
"The universe, in some way, calculates the laws of nature...all our fundamental theories are mathematical in nature."
"The universe is sort of a mechanism... obeying rules."
"The laws of nature are naming certain fundamental constants that the scientists are operating out of, that's the epistemological context in which scientists are operating."
"Nature has no evil intentions; things simply follow from laws acting all around us."
"The law that entropy always increases holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature."
"Our universe exists as it is because of the Planck constant."
"Here the universe itself does not mind using its own amazing laws to create something spectacular."
"We discovered the laws of nature, we don't invent them."
"Just because someone is making a lot in income doesn't mean they're good with money."
"Spiritual body is a body that got the behavior of the spirit and still can function as natural."
"Gravity is your ally, laws of physics govern speed."
"Life, death... and the world around us all follow a set of laws..."
"The simple laws of nature are not permanent restrictions. If you're willing to strive, you can go beyond that."
"What is more likely that you, the individual, were deceived or that the laws of nature were suspended?"
"Scientific laws are observations about how things actually work."
"You know the law of gravity has not been repealed the law they're not still what it is this is not going to end well."
"A miracle is where God trumps the natural law to accomplish something that is in His will."
"The human animal bond is deeply entrenched, probably right up there with gravity."
"In the end, there is no escaping entropy, the ultimate move from order to decay and disorder that rules us all."
"It's precisely because of the second law that all this exists... it's possible to harness this natural flow from order to disorder..."
"Knowing the fundamental laws of nature does have ramifications for the observable behavior of nature."
"It is really brutal, nature has its own rules."
"Everything on Earth, there's a set of laws to govern it and we are the ones who supposed to follow the practice the law intending as caretakers of the Earth."
"The resistance of water is necessary for ships to float, the resistance of air is necessary for a plane to fly, the resistance of gravity is necessary for you to walk."
"Miracles aren't impossible because they violate the laws of nature... possibility needs to be demonstrated as does impossibility."
"Life arose as an inevitable result of natural laws."
"The speed of light is a constant. It doesn't change under any circumstance."
"Every ending heralds a new beginning. This is simply a law of nature. Nothing is ever truly lost, things simply transform."
"The constants of nature are statistically improbable, on a razor's edge such that even a slight deviation would likely result in no life as we know it in the universe."
"We've seen a ton of positive feedback on this decision from players who appreciate being able to play at their own pace."
"Morality is necessarily about the well-being of thinking creatures and that it is bound by the physical laws of the universe that we inhabit."
"The law of cause and effect: for every material effect you see in the world, there's a cause that came before it and is greater than it."
"Re-indigenizing minds is about bringing realign people back to natural time, natural laws."
"I believe life on this earth was created by God okay I believe that God is the author of all of the natural laws that we have okay so if you can and remember the origin of life is something that Darwin did not really speak about."
"Everything came down to one of Nature's most sacred laws: Penguins do not wear pants."
"These are the laws our planet itself obeys as we, glued by gravity to the surface of the earth, hurtle through space."
"Every action in nature has an equal opposite reaction."
"The laws of physics applied to that primary: for every action, there's what? An opposite and equal reaction."
"All exponentials come to an end. It's just a question of when."
"True freedom only comes with a conscious cooperation with natural laws or God's laws."
"The truth doesn't change, water will always lay flat and level."
"This truth of the universe... it's the way it's meant to be... it's a natural law of the universe."
"Taking into account our knowledge about natural laws, we can predict what the conditions on the astronomical body's surface are like."
"The existence of such a something would render all natural laws ineffective, and would plunge the universe into chaotic disorder and lawlessness."
"The laws of the universe are just unfolding perfectly."
"The universe is just doing what it does. We feel we have agency, but we're part of the universe."
"If you want to know anything about what our universe will do in the future or did in the past you need to figure out the rules and laws it follows."
"Gravity Falls has a natural law of weirdness, attracting weird things."
"Locke believed the world must make sense, that it is intelligible and governed by necessary laws."
"Our highest happiness will be best attained through our understanding of and conscious cooperation with natural laws."
"It's just physics. It's just gravity and it works. It does work."
"Physics are the laws that govern how things around us behave."
"How can it be that writing down a few simple and elegant formulas can predict universal regularities of nature?"
"God set up physical laws to bring order and consistency to our world."
"It's because we live in houses doesn't mean that we get to step outside of the natural laws of the world."
"Instead of a divine hand at work, by the time of Newton, universal laws for the operation of the solar system and physical bodies had been established."
"The fact that there's a universe with built-in regularities is one side of it that we recognize and know."
"Once we understand the mechanics of a natural swing motion, we can use the natural laws to our advantage. When we give up the controls, then we can fly."
"Natural laws are things such as Cycles or understanding the growth patterns or understanding how things work in nature so that we can apply it in our own lives."
"Nature will be thrown off. You know what I'm saying? If you drop something and it doesn't hit the ground, something's wrong. If you slap something and no sound comes out, something is wrong. Every action has a reaction. Every cause has an effect."
"Just imagine every single thing around us, from subatomic particles to the entire universe, every single one abides by the laws of physics."
"We would see creatures that would obey the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology as we understand them."
"We are ourselves a product of nature. We are ourselves subject to the laws of nature."
"God has created His Kingdom to operate under spiritual laws just the same way that the physical world operates under natural laws."
"Whatever happens has an equal and opposite reaction."
"Have the laws of nature remained the same since the Big Bang?"
"There's divine order and synergy when it comes to every single thing."
"Everything can and indeed must be explained by three things: time, chance, and the laws of nature working on matter."
"The great truths of nature are not offered to us in such a form as to make it easy to grasp them."
"The same laws that are going on in the lake outside are applicable to what's happening in my fish tank."
"The laws of nature may be more like habits that develop within the developing cosmos."
"Physics covers all the natural foundations and forces."
"The physics of magnetic levitation with superconductors is, of course, part of the laws of nature."
"I will never blame him for The Simpsons' decline, just because I blame the second law of thermodynamics."
"The laws of nature cannot be altered."
"Matter originates in accordance with laws of nature, quantum laws which must have existed before there was any matter."
"There are laws of nature; they're real according to quantum physics, they bring the universe into existence."
"If you know the laws of physics, you might still be able to figure out that if you toss a ball in the air, it will drop down."
"Laws of physics... those things don't change."
"One of Johannes Kepler's three laws, the second, reveals a most beguiling and pervasive principle of nature."
"The best laws in nature or in the world are the ones that are not based on enforcement necessarily, it's based on consequences."
"Superpowers are abilities that contradict the laws of nature and common sense."
"Which is more likely, that the laws of nature have been suspended in your favor, or that you are under a misapprehension?"
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction; a black hole sucks time and matter out of the universe, a white hole returns it."
"The universe is governed by laws that we can understand, and that this allows us to manipulate the universe in our favor."
"The laws of physics as we understand them now... are essentially universal insofar as they act through most of what we experience in the world and the universe."
"The universe somehow knows about the math and obeys the equations."
"Wherever goes up has to come down."
"There are certain principles that are almost... there are laws in the same way that in physics there are laws."
"There are certain forces in the universe that we don't get to opt out of."
"Everything that goes up will eventually come down."
"Science is not the invention of the West. Science is how nature works."
"The Earth is so generous as long as you do not violate her laws."
"There are laws of nature and you can't escape; you throw a stone into the air, it's going to fall back to earth despite all your imaginations."
"The laws of nature themselves are always kind of we're discovering more about them, we're going deeper into them."
"Fire progresses as a series of ignitions and it follows the same rules regarding topography, weather, and fuels."
"Let's see the world as it really is, we live in a world that is shaped by laws of nature."
"All natural laws fell away and the barrier between the worlds dissolved."
"The laws of nature are the same in every reference frame."
"...dedicated to breaking the so-called natural laws, a universe voiced adonis by physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and biologists."
"The world really does obey a rate of change, how fast something is changing."
"The natural laws of this universe are so precise that we don't have any difficulty today building a spaceship."
"The universe obeys these laws, in that sense the laws govern the universe, and isn't that what we mean by God anyway?"
"Our world is shaped by laws of nature."
"The rise of the various protein folds necessary for life to exist seemed to be a result of natural laws."
"Can we assume that the earth has all sorts of natural laws? Gravity, what happens when a river is flowing towards a cliff."
"We live with the spookiness and we don't think of it as spooky at all, in the sense that it obeys clear laws, it behaves in predictable ways."
"These things operate under the laws of chemistry and physics, all of life does."
"Nothing in the physical universe just happens; nothing will ever just start moving on its own."
"The universe is based on laws: physical laws, spiritual laws, vibrational laws."
"We can only see the laws of the universe; we can only see how we interact with those laws."
"So far, just about everything we've observed can be explained with a basic set of natural laws."
"Pressure moves from high pressure to low pressure."
"The laws of nature are not dictated by the stuff so much as by the background."
"Alchemy has something greater behind it that has its own laws."
"Evolution didn't just happen; there's natural laws that all of the physical parts involved in evolution are following."
"Diversity and complexity and things emerge from the interaction of stuff well within natural laws."
"Reactions that occur between elements are objective things that will occur in the universe regardless of how you perceive them."
"We are animals and we are bound by the same natural laws and physical forces that every other species is bound by."
"Those rules of old discovered, not devised, are Nature still, but Nature methodized."
"The Creator influences us by means of forces and these forces are expressed as laws."
"When it comes to the laws of nature, there are no loopholes; the laws of nature function whether or not we know them."
"The fundamental forces of nature are the same for all matter in the universe."
"The fundamental laws of nature should be orderly and simple rather than arbitrary and complicated."
"The rules of the universe say that your molecule wants to be at the lowest possible potential energy."
"Everything that happens in the natural world, everything that happens in technology, is really controlled by thermodynamics."
"Miracles are within the laws of nature, many of the laws we aren't aware of."
"Miracle simply means something that's outside of the natural laws, outside of what's humanly possible."
"So using the chemical isotope cobalt 60, she showed that the laws of nature were not always symmetrical, disproving the law that had been accepted for more than 30 years."