
Practical Advice Quotes

There are 1783 quotes

"The most practical thing you can do... is to start meditation. Meditate for 20 minutes every day."
"The best way to learn a language: immersion. Living where the language is spoken and using it every day."
"It isn't about being confident or feeling confident or any of that, it's about knowing bloody well how to negotiate. Start with small things."
"Battleship gray will work. That's what I've used for before."
"When you take out a loan, you pay off your debt. I know this is totally crazy."
"It's the two chicken farmers story. The first chicken farmer went into the shed to collect the produce from the night before. He filled his basket full of chicken shit and left the eggs in the shed to rot... The second chicken farmer... he put eggs in the basket and left shit in the shed. That's a smart chicken farmer."
"As a good rule of thumb, it's good to have multiple batteries."
"In a fantasy scenario, having it on your back and accepting the fact that you won't be able to carry a backpack, you might just have another shoulder bag slung across the other side."
"The best way to think of things is in terms of cost per use, i.e., the overall cost divided by how many times you actually use that item."
"The best camera is the one you have with you at the time."
"Better safe than sorry, right? If the worst-case scenario is that you go to Walmart, you pick up a couple of 5-gallon jugs of water and put it in your basement, keep it safe, you buy some dry food that lasts a couple of years... that's the worst-case scenario."
"Know the numbers, get a calculator, live by the calculator, and live by accountability."
"It's a lot easier to change yourself than to fix the world."
"Every homeowner should have a shovel. They really dig yourself out of a situation."
"The best way to find a job at a hostel is just to show up in person."
"If you need to milk your phone's battery, you can just turn on the low power mode."
"The honest answer every time someone asks me, 'Should I upgrade?' is, 'Well, what's wrong with it?'"
"You can't paint from the can when it's full because all you can do is dab the paint and then wipe it off. There's no paint inside the brush."
"Use an IPA or isopropyl alcohol solution... to help promote a better bonding of your glass sealant."
"If you guys were wondering if you went for it, don't forget this is the best way to take out screws."
"Skimp on shirts if you had to, but never on footwear."
"If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there's no point." - Ashton Kutcher
"I don't tell patients like you have to buy this one hundred and twenty-two dollar serum in order to protect your skin; I tell them to use sunscreen."
"This, in my opinion, is actually the most practical thing that somebody can do to help a young black male save his life."
"If you're watching this video hungry, I'ma suggest you go and find something to eat and then you come back."
"Our houses are not gonna look like luxury 75 million dollar mansions overnight...but hopefully I'm able to give you some tips that take your home to the very next level."
"Everything we tell you is not going to be applicable to you, but there ought to be enough nuggets in this video that you too should be able to lower your energy bills."
"If your refrigerator is old enough to vote, you might think about replacing it."
"We're gonna walk through each section and I'm first going to talk about the practical changes you can make."
"That's why I'm in the gold business...wealth never disappears it just ships location."
"That's one very important thing. When you are designing any API, think about who's using it, what is it being used for, right?"
"The simple practical answer is you have to pause ask and then react to the situation."
"If you never want to run out of gas, realize that it's just as easy to keep the top half of the tank full."
"The best way to plant a tree is to start now."
"If you have the technology, just use it to find out what your issue is."
"If all you want to do is file storage, the way to go is really one of two main options."
"Knowing where to go, knowing where to look, knowing who to trust, knowing what to look for, and not getting screwed, that's the main thing I'm trying to accomplish here."
"No debate, the mistake here is not doing rock first then sand."
"Hope for the best but prepare for the worst."
"Don't be stupid with the money—make it work for you."
"Don't knock those Quick Service options till you try them."
"Use what you got till you get what you want."
"Just experience in the car, knowing procedures."
"I'm going to give you the best Insider tips for 2022 and 2023 to get your trip as close to perfect as possible in Disney World. We're in the Parks every single day making tons of mistakes so that we can make sure you don't make the same ones."
"Treat investments like you treat eggs at the store."
"You need to put the solution in context to an actual problem that they have."
"Reduce the amount of electricity that your home is using, that's where I always tell people to start."
"Crop your images to the right size; it's like cutting wood for building a house."
"If you can find a shrub to hide an air conditioner, you can find a plant to hide all your flaws."
"It's important to make sure you have a right and a left rather than two of the same."
"Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."
"Networking of people you know can really come in handy when it comes time to go into an interview."
"Every election between now and when we expire is the most important election of our lifetimes."
"The only strength is right here. That's the whack. It's what's going to allow you to cut through coconuts. Please don't cut your fingers off, okay?"
"Can't you know if your house is on fire you don't go putting new windows until you've put the fire out."
"It's a no-brainer folks, it's saving you time and money."
"The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one."
"Fire extinguisher: How to use. Put out safety pin, draw out the hose so ease the level. Simple enough."
"Make things simple but not simpler than they really are."
"If a disaster actually happens, it's good to have some supplies."
"Lessons to learn like what not to do maybe more than what to do."
"Cash is king. You can't buy groceries with your nice house."
"The first rule of personal finances: have an emergency fund. Put it away into a separate account that you don't touch. That is your emergency fund."
"Something's probably wrong with it, done is better than perfect."
"If budget is really your concern, then this is probably not the best mic for you."
"You should just be able to take care of yourself, just thinking, could we cover that deep freezer with blankets if the power were to go out to hold the cold inside?"
"You learn a hundred times more by doing the thing than you do by planning to do the thing."
"Winning with money... you just have to devote yourself to basic Common Sense money habits."
"Don't tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value."
"Supplement with MCT; it doesn't take a lot of volume."
"My dad told me if you can't fix a pair of brakes by the time you're 30 on a car, you're an idiot."
"Don't hate Fiat, just trade it. Use it as a tool."
"You gotta measure twice so you only gotta cut once." - The Breakfast Club
"Honesty is in fact not always the best policy."
"Should you just blow off college and jump right into the workforce in order to avoid all that student loan debt?"
"If you've been thinking about this phone but you've been put off by either the size or the battery life, go and buy it now. Neither of those things matter."
"It's kind of like waxing your car put it on then you take it off let's try to leave your surfaces smooth and flat as possible."
"You gotta count calories and you've got to move. If you're not counting calories, you have something like my cookbook."
"Just use four layers. Four layer PCBs are very easy to get assembled these days."
"Make only those decisions that make sense to you."
"Are you tired of watching video after video hoping to find something practical about work from home jobs that you can start right now?"
"It's crucial for you to understand that a diet only works if you can maintain it for the long run."
"So, that's what you can do with status, it's super cool, super effective."
"The best advice would be to just turn off your wifi when you're not using it."
"If you learn one thing from this video, freeze your grapes."
"I got a new holster I'm just breaking it in you know leather takes some break-in that's why officer by the way here's a state law have a nice day okay that's what you say you don't have to apologize."
"You definitely want to behave... if you can't get your side panel back on because your cable management is terrible then you actually won't be able to turn your PC on."
"Footwear is way more important than you would think."
"You gotta get emergency food... actually take it seriously."
"You don't have to have the best top-of-the-line gear to create good content."
"The best camera is the one that you have with you."
"Use the right tools for the job. Your balls will thank you."
"If you're carrying soap, don't use it directly in a water source."
"Bugging out does have its application if I lived in the city of Chicago and things went sideways you gotta get out of there absolutely right."
"Feel free to use it as a boilerplate for future applications."
"Finding multiple reservations for smaller parties could be easier in the long run."
"You're probably better pulling up that link for the PDF of the manual and searching through it."
"Should you use AI tools as a content creator? If you're not, you're being foolish."
"Starting a fire can be crucial, especially in cold or wet conditions."
"There is no perfect RV. Find the one that checks the most boxes possible."
"Run away if you can avoid it, if you have options and they don't require you using your gun."
"Unless you're seeking a high fidelity historically authentic sound for your Latin, it doesn't really matter which convention you choose."
"The best tool for the job is one that is designed for the job."
"At the end of the day, if you can make money, you can make money."
"Putting your household things at higher altitude within the house, if you could take to an attic, that itself minimizes damage of property by 70 to 80 percent."
"Remember, the best camera is the one you already have. But if you're in the market, consider your needs, like what content you'll create and if you'll edit your videos."
"Instead of turning everything off, we're going to show you how to be selective about the settings that you turn off so you can maximize your battery life without losing all of the things that make your iPhone so special."
"Important because anybody can do it when you have the right mindset and you have the hustle but you need to know what to do."
"More than one way to fix a problem, obviously."
"Do you if everyone else is going to 37's and you are completely fine with 35s, stay with your 35."
"You do not become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having an undeniable stack of proof."
"Peter Lynch really has the most applicable and easy to implement advice for retail investors."
"Don't underestimate the value of a good sound worldly education."
"When you're shooting you have to get a plate for both of us because your hands are busy."
"The best camera is the camera you have with you."
"Pros and cons, you gotta weigh the pros and cons."
"Undershirts help lengthen the life of your dress shirt."
"What is the spiritual equity in the relationship? Write it down, not what your emotions say. Not what you envision, not what you dreamed about, and not what you saw in the Tyler Perry movie. Okay? That's real."
"Anyone who's owned a house and had pipes freeze and then had to deal with what happens most of the time when your pipes freeze is just going to pay the extra five dollars that month on water to not have to even remotely risk dealing with that."
"My tip for adding incredible depth of flavor is to always keep your leftover parmesan rinds store them in the freezer then add to the pan as the soup cooks."
"The biggest trick to mushrooms is simply knowing when and where to use them."
"Work smarter, not harder - starting with a simple contact form is recommended."
"If you want to make money doing what you love, first get a job and build up your dream on the side."
"My personal recommendation would be as a one-off, just buy yourself a shirt."
"Instead of a Mark IV Supra, you should consider getting the EcoBoost Mustang."
"The root cause of the mass formation is the loneliness which in its is somehow correlated to the level of mechanization of the world and the use of technology."
"If you have a problem, what can you remove from the situation to fix the problem?"
"Treat writing advice like tools in your toolbox, use what works for you, discard what doesn't."
"Be the change. This isn't Hollywood, this isn't the movies, that [stuff] isn't real."
"How do I protect the items? The first thing is if you've already been involved in kind of thinking there may be an EMP, you've maybe you've got it on Amazon and you've gotten a Faraday bag."
"If you are on the fence about power, it probably means that you don't need it."
"You don't have to be a boomer to know all of this."
"Don't let gear trip you up. If you already have a smartphone, you can already be shooting video today."
"Another great tool to have in the box if you have to do any kind of internal grooving for seals."
"Don't follow your dreams, follow your effort."
"Don't buy into trends, don't upgrade every single time something new comes out."
"Always negotiate. Ask everybody you deal with, 'Is that the best you could do?'" - Unknown
"Choose the right emulator... can make a big difference."
"Start fixing up the world by cleaning up your room."
"Stop operating based on how you think things should be, start operating based on how things actually are."
"If you don't have a backup of your backup, you don't have a backup."
"In Europe, you'll find two kinds of travelers, those who pack light and those who wish they packed light."
"You're gonna buy those foods, cook them in bulk."
"Mounting doors doesn't have to be hard if you go about it the right way."
"If you're going to be romantically involved with partners who are incapable of being faithful, it's best to have an open relationship or a friends with benefits type of a relationship that honors their true nature."
"Make it actionable, attainable, and realistic."
"It can feel like you're stuck whenever you're looking for something that's quick to cook, tasty, healthy, and cheap."
"Make sure you have life insurance, Policy Genius, the easy way to compare and buy life insurance."
"Finally, someone who actually knows how to run a business gives a legit view on success."
"Be sensible just click through a few pages to start."
"You're always going to have to do something that sucks. Choose the thing that sucks the least."
"It's going to help prevent any weird issues."
"Saw stop saws are not cheap, they're from between $900 for their little portable version."
"The number one thing you should keep for currency or survival are antibiotics and painkillers."
"You'll probably want to go there anyway to go to Algodones to get really cheap glasses, dental work, and prescription drugs."
"Getting [ __ ] stains out of different materials."
"Yo, take that, put away. No, carry with you."
"It's better to be prepared than not prepared."
"The other thing to consider is potentially weight, you know, image stabilization, and also field of view."
"People need to at least prepare for if things change drastically."
"Do your best with what you reasonably have available to you."
"You should work smart AND hard...people who say otherwise pretty much always fail."
"Propane has to be the ultimate prepper fuel. If there was one fuel that could rule them all, it would likely be propane..."
"If you're going to line up on the parade route early, yeah, it'll be a little chilly to start your day."
"You don't need anything fancy, you don't need subscriptions to a ton of stuff."
"At the end of the day, this is one of the best options out there to quickly get up to speed in mining cryptocurrency."
"Free stuff's free stuff, so take advantage of it."
"So now is an opportunity to make sure you go out and fill up your car, save some money on that. That's a positive news as well."
"If you will learn in the 2d in the sketch mode to do position and dimension and then understand constraints, you're going to think that that fusion 360 is the greatest thing that ever happened."
"The difference between having a lamp positioned in a good spot or not is huge."
"Make sure that it's tuned to pitch or close to pitch so the tension on the strings is pretty much what it's supposed to be at."
"You have to prioritize, you see what I'm saying?"
"Nothing is gonna teach you what works for you except for actually doing it."
"It's best practice to 'lube up' your hands with some aloe vera from Ultimate or something like that while you're handling those fish."
"Focus on the quality of your Basics... you are literally going to want to save so much money."
"People always try to get whatever job they can get that gives them the most money. Whereas what they should be thinking about is what job gives me the most experience and the most relationships."
"If you find a good shoe, you buy it in a number of colors."
"Schedule your classes throughout the week, that's honestly the best advice I could give you."
"Again, it can seem tricky but when you have a formula that you can follow you will definitely start speaking fluently if you just follow the formula."
"You do book a ticket, try to fly, and if you can't, then you have factual grounds."
"Concerned, be more concerned about putting a seat belt on when you go drive to your local market."
"All you have to do is simply heat up water and pour it into a container with the food that has been freeze-dried."
"A good tools... can be priceless in that kind of situation... good tools in general can be priceless."
"Remember with a fan, but can use power gen with it."
"If you don't make dollars, it don't make sense."
"One of the only shortcuts that actually works."
"Alchemical gear and alchemical bombs are low priority."
"It would be a good idea to filter drinking water anyway, right? I don't assume that we're going to have many issues with it."
"You have to be grounded in what you're doing in order for it to work."
"I always say it's better to have a skill and don't need it than to need a skill and don't have it."
"The best camera for you is the one in your hand."
"Your pistol, the better gear... it's not going to substitute for the [__] skill."
"Using quality wood makes quality embers, and this thing will stay very hot."
"Let's get off this 'hugging and singing Kumbaya' stuff."
"Two is one and one is none, brother." - Swamp Fox Mike
"If you find a scorpion, it's just a matter of covering it with a wide enough plastic container, sliding a piece of cardboard under the container to cover it, and then transporting the guest outside."
"Extra wallets are far superior to the classic bi-fold."
"We think that the answer is not some giant leap but rather a little bit of moderation."
"Do you really need a pedal board at this point I mean it depends if you're going to do stuff live you can do it without it."
"Let's say you don't have a lot grip mat... lay the mat facedown and peel the mat up."