
Inner Guidance Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Listen to your intuition. Your feelings are real; trust that you can tune into your inner guidance and follow it."
"Follow the light within, it's your heart that's telling you where is your freedom."
"This is an opportunity to really trust in your own inner guidance and trust the universe."
"Follow your divine intelligence, connect with this internal joy, no matter what others say."
"Intuition is that subtle nudge from within that guides you towards your true path."
"When you learn to trust yourself, your body will know to look for your own guidance rather than any advice or guidance from the outside."
"Your inner guidance is real and trustworthy."
"If you can always rely on your inner guidance, you can navigate through any darkness."
"Listen to your money I am presence, your higher self, your inner being, your soul self. That's where the answers are."
"You and this person were meant to develop your inner guidance, your inner knowing."
"Listen to your gut, meditate, reflect, and turn inward for answers."
"Listen to your own inner voice. Your knowledge is within you."
"You are brave, you're strong, you're full of faith, you're trusting that inner guidance, that inner light."
"Embrace this inner conviction, nurture the vision that God has placed in your heart; let it guide you, inspire you, and motivate you to press on."
"A strong energy is propelling you forward. Follow the stirrings of your heart."
"Listen to your inner voice when making choices."
"Your soul knows exactly what to do, knows exactly what to do."
"Listen to the inner voice, whether it's a yes or no. It's there to help you."
"You have within you a guiding principle which is your duty to yourself and society."
"There's something within you that you are going to follow and you are going to trust them it will only lead you in a positive direction that you can trust that inner creative prompt."
"Listen to it. It's leading you to something that's very much meant to be where your soul path lies."
"Avoiding toxic people is not weakness, it's wisdom... just following that inner voice is also so important."
"Don't trust your thoughts, trust the seeking impulse. It's the source of all intelligence."
"You just follow the guidance of your soul, honestly you've done this before, this is within your capacity even now."
"Your higher self is always guiding you forward."
"The true inner voice guides you to the fulfillment of what you desire to experience."
"Wait for the peace, let it rule in your heart, for it's God's umpire in our life."
"Listen to the call of your soul. It will never lead you astray."
"In the choice moment, always go into your heart, step back, take a few moments to breathe in and out of your heart, and ask your heart for guidance." - Pam Gregory
"Our I AM presence has now taken full dominion of our earthly bodies and is communicating directly as an intuitive inner knowing within our hearts and minds."
"You gotta listen to that little voice in your head."
"Listen to your intuition; it's the voice of source inside of you."
"Even before you can fully see it, you will be victorious."
"Leap of faith is trusting your inner guidance."
"The void teaches you how to trust your own inner guidance and not rely on anything in the outside."
"Your heart already whispers the answer, listen."
"This is the potential when you my friend choose to listen to the spirit the the inner calling the Intuition your instincts."
"Follow the compass in your heart, pointing towards birth priest."
"Start listening to your heart start listening to that guidance more."
"It's like you have a map inside of you, you know which way to go."
"Sometimes you just need to listen to what's in your soul."
"This heightened sense becomes a kind of inner guidance endowing you with an almost Supernatural ability to anticipate future events and make better decisions."
"Listen to your higher self, channel your creativity."
"Adversity is not such a big deal when you've got that compass inside of you."
"Your gut will always know what's right and what's wrong."
"Trust your inner calling - whatever you feel like you're meant to do in your life, that's probably where you will find financial independence."
"Inner light illuminates and guides me on my path."
"You have got to trust the Holy Ghost in you."
"Inner voice: Whispers in the exploration of our inner landscape, a pivotal sign of personal and spiritual growth is the often overlooked Whisper of our inner voice."
"You may know for yourself what is true and what is not by learning to discern the whisperings of the Spirit."
"We all have Divine intelligence and now we have the tools of how to contact it."
"Listen to your heart. What do you really want? Your higher self is saying, 'I'm listening to you. I love you. I care about you. I want you to be happy.'"
"Your intuition, guidance, gut feelings, and knowing, it's all just language."
"Definitely trust your intuition and your guidance from within, you know, your gut."
"Trust your intuition like you've never done." - Advocating for trust in inner guidance and instinct.
"Trust what you know, trust the light within you."
"The guru is within you, the master is your innermost being."
"Give yourself permission to follow the urgings of your heart."
"Heeding your inner guidance, you will succeed."
"When you meditate in quietness and stillness you receive messages from your heart your higher self your guides from Gaia."
"Nature gave us a moral compass and our consciousness."
"When you effortlessly lose track of time while engaged in a creative or purposeful activity you're in a state of blissful flow Guided by your higher self."
"Your intuition is becoming stronger, so trust it."
"You must trust your own intuition. You're going to have a really powerful spirit with you."
"Inner authority, intuition, turn your gaze within."
"Listen to your third eye, listen to your heart."
"I will listen only to the voice of my ideal."
"Listen to your intuition, drop down into your body, and let your inner voice guide you."
"Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance. It's going to lead to a miracle."
"I felt the guidance flowing from within, from my own inner self."
"Trust yourself, listen to your inner guidance."
"Listen to your inner voice... warnings, visions telling us to prepare."
"It's the internal energy that will guide you to the way forward here."
"Listen to your inner intuition, trust in the mystery of the universe."
"Do not doubt it, listen to that instinct that is within you."
"I trust my intuition and inner wisdom to guide me where I need to go."
"Intuition means that we are guided from within."
"Trust your inner guidance system or intuition."
"Your inner guidance will help you decide what needs to end to move forward."
"You probably have some inner answers... trust that."
"Your soul is craving to trust your intuition more."
"Your heart is your inner compass okay that's what they're giving me with this card your heart is your inner compass."
"Trust your intuition, it's your inner knowing."
"So don't stop don't the rest on your laurels keep asking you soul what is once what it needs keep giving yourself the love that you so deserve and remember to always let your inner compass guide you."
"Trust your intuition, your inner wisdom, your inner knowing."
"Listen to your heart; you already know the answer. Trust that."
"Healing does not come from anyone else. You must accept guidance from within."
"Following your heart is the most important... all answers are within you."
"Trust your intuition, trust your gut, trust what you feel."
"All the answers you seek are within you. Trust your intuition."
"Listen to your inner knowing because it's going to be a strong temptation."
"Your heart, your spirit's been telling you the truth the whole way through."
"Continue to listen to The Whispers of your soul."
"Listening to your intuition, listening to your heart."
"You just have to trust and follow through with what your heart is telling you."
"Following your inner guidance means trusting yourself and the world around you."
"Trust in yourself because deep inside you have all the guidance you'll ever need."
"They're learning to trust their inner guidance especially when it's time to rest, when it's time to be nourished, and when it's time to take action and go for something."
"It's perplexing that people are taught to ignore this natural capacity to navigate their journeys to access their inner guidance."
"Life really is this journey to developing a level of self that allows you to listen to inner guidance that directs your choices versus being controlled by outer guidance that controls your choices."
"The more we allow ourselves to ignore our intuition, the more we get disconnected from ourselves."
"God is waiting on you. If you feel anything, some inner impulse, say go up there, that's God talking."
"Listen to your heart. In the stillness, there is infinite wisdom."
"Trust your inner guidance and knowing."
"Inside of us is the supreme fortune teller, that within us is this power that is constantly impelling us to the fulfillment of that destiny which is best for us."
"If you are interested in the divination of any kind, be sure to center this divination upon trying to be quiet enough to let the best in you govern the rest."
"We're all born with psychic gifts and intuition; it's our inner compass."
"I had an epiphany I really can't describe it properly but something inside me knew what I had to do"
"Trust in your intuition more, you do have inner sight."
"I think we have intuition for a reason."
"The way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart."
"You know where you're supposed to be based on what is inside of you."
"There's an inner parent within all of us or an inner therapist or an inner guide. And when we start to let that part of us be the leader, our life just is so much more graceful and easy."
"You may start feeling it in your heart."
"Trust your intuition as you are guided from within to the information you need."
"Your gut feeling just tells you, you already know the answer within."
"Your answers are within yourself."
"The journey of the six is a kind of grounded appreciation and deepening of that inner stillness from which the real guidance in life arises."
"There's a suppression of following inner guidance."
"The feeling within is all the movement you need to know that it is working."
"This voice which seems to come almost from outside of me and yet speaks with unimpeachable authority."
"When you feel lost and you don't know where you're going, look to that inner child."
"Trust your inner guidance, your inner wisdom."
"You can get your answers from God, and you don't need someone else to tell you what they are. You can find your inner knowing."
"You are bowing to the light, to divine wisdom, to Garuda, the eagle spirit teacher within your soul."
"The answer is within you, the message is within you."
"The voice of your Higher Self will never guide you astray."
"Tapping into your intuition will help you move beyond where you think you're capable of."
"...I made a commitment. I said, no matter what happens, I'm gonna just go inside and listen to my inner voice and wherever that takes me in my daily life. And also in my work path, I'm going to work hard."
"Something in my heart told me to go back home."
"Trust your intuition. Trust these inner nudges. Trust what you feel inside because it will lead you to your truth."
"Christ is the divine imagination within us that wants to lead us through various levels of revelation into the divine life."
"...the commitment of listening to your inner guidance and don't give your power away."
"Stay faithful, stay obedient to what your inner wisdom is telling you."
"You have someone living in you who knows the will of God for your life. If you want to get to know the will of God, get to know the Holy Spirit."
"Consult your higher self; it is always in touch with higher intelligence."
"Listen to your own inner currents."
"Our intuition is the greatest asset that we have."
"It's that intuition we all have, it's a god-given gift for us."
"The answer that you seek is within your heart right now, be open to giving and receiving love."
"Your body has all the answers, and you will always be able to hear 'yes' versus 'no' when you are connected to it."
"How can you invite a deeper connection to that inner teacher to the rest of your day, evening, week, month, life?"
"Listen to your heart, listen to what your heart is telling you."
"The master within sees beyond our objective senses."
"And to remaining open and responsive to the guidance of the master within."
"You need to trust your intuition, you need to trust your heart."
"Always follow your higher self and the guidance you get from your own guides and your own feelings more than anyone else on Earth."
"You are your own inner Guru, and your heart knows the way, and your soul already knows this."
"The answers are within, so trust your intuition."
"When in doubt, remember to check with your inner voice for the next action because clarity increases with action."
"The guru is not outside of you, the guru is within."
"Trust that feeling in your stomach; that little feeling in there is there for a reason."
"Being tuned into your god-given intuition... there's an intuition in there that really does tell you things."
"Trust your intuition, trust what your inner voice is saying to you."
"Your intuition will never steer you wrong."
"Trust your intuition; guidance is from within."
"I am a clear channel for messages from spirit."
"This is the seat of your intuition; in this place resides a wisdom that can guide you through difficult moments."
"It's a sense of listening to that still small voice that gives us the highest guidance."
"The spirit of understanding is at work in you."
"The spirit of counsel instructs you and guides you from within."
"Snuggle up to that inner voice, get hot for inner teacher and keep going."
"Your intuition is your divine protection."
"Listen to the small voice because the small voice is often right."
"Trust that gut feeling, that intuition, because there's a reason that that's happening."
"It's living from the inside out, as opposed to the world telling you from the outside in how to behave."
"Destiny is the inward GPS that God has placed on the inside of us."
"The rule Giver lives inside of you."
"Learn how to tap into awe, tap into your higher self, tap into your deepest inner wisdom."
"Live a life by how God thinks and sees, that part is really within us."
"Trust your intuition, trust your guidance, but also go within and follow what is in your heart."
"Follow your inner impulse and whatever comes to you, follow it faithfully."
"You connecting with source, allowing your inner guidance to navigate you through the Matrix."
"Listen to your instincts; this is about the brain shutting down and the soul energy flowing."
"The real teaching which is within the inward man has already instructed your spirit."
"Your own inner heart just guiding you through the inner divine."
"...you have the answer on the inside of you, the Holy Spirit."
"I listen to my intuition and trust my inner guidance."
"Follow your intuition, follow this mysterious energy that you feel."
"Follow the light of your inner Compass, the blue star, it will lead you to the truth that resides within your soul."
"Your inner being will offer you impulses of thought, and when you receive the thought from your inner being, it always feels good."
"Listen to your inner light because it is guiding you guys towards better situations."
"Your intuition, your heart, is really how Spirit, how God, how the universe communicates to you."
"It's not about taking the path of least resistance, but it's the path of least resistance that is to do with your higher self rather than your ego self."
"Follow your heart energy, follow your bliss energy, don't be distracted from the thing that you truly want."
"You hold all the answers you need within your inner wisdom."
"Continue seeking that inner knowledge, that guidance."
"Listen to what your heart is telling you; trust your inner guidance, the time is right."
"Once you get connected more with yourself, you will instantly start to see changes and movement in your life."
"Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice."
"Going deep within using your intuition, that inner wisdom."
"It's an energy of intuition, trusting your intuition."
"Go after what feels right to you within your heart and your body and in your soul."
"Clarity on your life purpose, in your heart, you know what to do."
"The most high God needs you to accept your inner voice will always guide you correctly."
"Hold on to that intuition, that sixth sense."
"Trust your intuition; go within if you have to."
"Listen to your inner light; it's already guiding you."
"Your intuition is your ancient soul residing inside of you right now, trying to lead you in the direction of your best and highest good."
"It's time to trust what's going coming to your heart, what's in your heart because that's where spirit is speaking to you."