
Absorption Quotes

There are 637 quotes

"The goal of yogic practice is to reach samadhi, which is a profound state of absorption."
"It's undeniable; we're looking at things that have been inherited, reclaimed, and absorbed into different cultures and civilizations."
"Sublingual... under your tongue... it's very vascular and that means that your body absorbs it very, very quickly."
"THD is lipid soluble...and it has great absorption, even better than ascorbic acid because it is oil soluble."
"Combining fiber with the other things you're eating is a very, very powerful strategy to maximize absorption."
"It's great when a song gets absorbed like that because that's where you want to end up - to be part of the fabric, part of the life that goes on around you."
"It was really nice to just get completely absorbed in it."
"I think I just, I kind of absorb that kind of knowledge like a sponge."
"Namekian fusion is less like two beings fusing together and more like one absorbing the other."
"How much protein can you absorb in a single meal? All of it."
"That ending was just beautiful, you know? Just sitting there, I didn't have anything to say and I was just kind of absorbing what just happened."
"Damp skin will absorb your skincare ingredients better."
"Even if you're not completely focused on it, and taking notes and studying, it'll still be entering your brain, and you will learn something from it."
"Most people don't really think, they just absorb."
"Our bodies are best able to absorb and regulate the intake of nutrients when they come from Whole Foods."
"All that liquid has been soaked up everything is just looking delightful."
"Mineral sunscreen that absorbs pretty fast or disappears from your skin pretty fast is always a bonus."
"Color mixing: primary pigments absorb, resulting in black."
"You need to have fat with fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed."
"Truth is, scientifically, you are what you absorb."
"Listen intensely and take it all,"
"If you have protein and fat before the carbs, it slows the absorption and you don't end up getting these spikes."
"If you have fresh cracked black pepper with your turmeric, you're actually creating a one-two punch that allows you to absorb more of the curcumin."
"If you really want to maximize your vitamin D, take vitamin D3 and K2; K2 helps with the absorption."
"When we're coping, we are absorbed in the world."
"She was like a sponge, just soaking in everything."
"You are what you eat, but it's actually more complicated than that; you're what you absorb."
"She has such a good vocabulary, she thinks a lot, she absorbs things really easily."
"I am sponge ready to absorb any and all knowledge."
"He had the power to absorb the power and the magic of all things he ate."
"It soaks into the skin like butter on a warm piece of bread."
"Skin care absorbs much better to damp skin than it does to super dry skin."
"I was already a student, but I was just trying to absorb everything. Now my focus was clear."
"Our skin is the largest organ we have, and honey, it absorbs."
"Whatever you put on your skin is going to eventually get in your body or your bloodstream in some way, shape, or form."
"B12 is highly absorbable from supplements."
"I think time kept pulling him back because he absorbed so much of that whatever was making him go through the portal."
"If you let this sit and like walk away, let's say like, like you let it sit for ten minutes and you walk away, it will suck up all of that liquid."
"He doesn't suck your blood but he does absorb your life force."
"I'm so into it like musically vocally reading the lyrics it's like I don't have time I don't even want to because it's the first time you're gonna miss something."
"...before they could do anything Majin Buu has already got Broly to come within his body and now he has also absorbed him too."
"I found that it was a fantastic way to create a huge project and be totally absorbed with it."
"It's got a good sponge to it. Absorbent."
"The right combinations of foods can actually help absorb the nutrients."
"There are no gaps between the cells, so all of the absorption actually occurs."
"Optimizing digestion and absorption strongly depends on diaphragmatic breathing, chewing food adequately, and avoiding antacids."
"Martha was engrossed in some documents absent-mindedly."
"Flow is the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter."
"Considered a national treasure by the Japanese government, Miyazaki is an artist capable of becoming completely absorbed in his art."
"Otherwise, you're not going to absorb as many nutrients from your food as you could."
"When you're eating really colorful food with all the rich vegetables, those carotenoids are assimilated better, and the nutrients from those particular vegetables absorb better when you add a little bit of fat to it."
"Liquidity just soaked up, it absorbed all that selling that was taking place."
"You're an iron balance if you're absorbing 1 to 2 milligrams net per day relative to the 1 to 2 milligrams that you're losing per day."
"License, dude. If he actually ate those cards, he's a sponge, he would absorb it, that's true."
"Slow down, absorb, and live with the novel."
"The major function of the solvent is to absorb all of the water that comes into the tower."
"Castor oil packs improve absorption, helping the body receive goodness."
"Karmic energies are there, and you're picking them up from people and absorbing them without quite realizing it."
"Hey, could you find a bucket? I need to be absorbed by something."
"If you love something and you want to learn something, of course, you want to be there and you're learning by osmosis, excellent stuff."
"...he's gone from this kind of cheeky giggly demeanor to a really absorbed fixated frustrated easy to irritable demeanor."
"No, Uroy absorbs chakra through his hand."
"So, if you are tied with capacity space and you need all the capacity, well then go and absorb. But if you have plenty of capacity left for your applications for your needs, I wouldn't recommend to absorb at all, just charge to 3.5 and call it."
"Possession is slightly worse than absorption because characters can sometimes resist it with brute willpower."
"Leather works on the principle that it doesn't try to deflect a weapon, deflect a blow. It tries to absorb it."
"As a result of all of that energy reading, we often internalize other people's feelings, you know, their engagement. We take it on in a very, very deep way."
"He finally had absorbed it, allowed it to become part of himself, to flow through his body without fear of erasure."
"He's so drunk he doesn't even need to drink the liquor anymore, wow he absorbs it through his skin."
"Take it all in, my man. Be a sponge. Absorb."
"Han was surprised when he realized that he had absorbed one of the Lizard King's skills."
"Absorb everything and then try to filter out what works for you what doesn't but never forget anything because you don't know when you might be able to call on what you've learned and support yourself."
"What it means is that a study showed that people with RA I have as many little um Villi that are on the top of their cells which are there for nutrient absorption."
"So what we're going to do is a mixture of absorption and diffusion as well as a multi diffuser on the ceiling."
"So, these are the major ions, nutrients, and substances that have been reabsorbed back into the body in these particular areas. That's very important."
"The entire time while I'm doing all the activities I described in the previous video, I'm doing an enormous amount of input and the better I get, the more input I'm doing and the better equipped I am to absorb that input."
"Earthenware is by nature porous that is it absorbs whatever liquid you put into it and that material will slowly weep through the walls."
"Maroweb was able to consume other nen users and increase his abilities."
"don't put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat because most of that's going to soak in and be in your bloodstream in 20 minutes anyway"
"It just eats up anything on the road, any little bump, any anything that's ahead of you is going to absorb everything so well and it just eats it up."
"The sun's spectrum is actually what we call an absorption spectrum."
"It's so mindless for me. I let my brain run, then and then just kind of I soak it all in. That seems to be what works for me."
"Letting the nutrients of your practice soak in, seep in."
"She won't absorb me, then I could stay as my own self."
"It's more so the point at which you do not have enough bowel to absorb nutrition appropriately or adequately is a better word."
"With plant protein, it is maybe a little bit more variable, and there are studies suggesting that absorption could actually be significantly lower."
"Cooking, actually removing some of the fiber, interestingly can increase protein absorption too."
"You take the other person, the quitter's energy. You absorb that into yourself."
"You don't have to be doing all the time, just absorbing stuff and enjoying it is really productive."
"They're waiting to come into your life, they're absorbing you."
"This meat is just going to soak up all of those juices."
"We both get a significant power-up when we absorb someone. Ominous."
"What flows through you sticks to you."
"People with weak boundaries may absorb other people's energy."
"Prana is available everywhere in the environment. It is up to your system, it is up to your efficiency of your system to absorb this prana into your body through all the other sources."
"Culture isn't just listening to music, you're absorbing the ideas of the music."
"When we consume caffeine, it's quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the brain."
"The mountains are really mountains when they are assimilated into my being and I am absorbed in them."
"I'm going to soak up everything I can."
"But where there is true happiness, this happiness absorbs unhappiness into itself."
"I might have to just let it play out the rest of the way because I'm losing myself in it."
"Being in the world is a unified phenomenon when people are at their best and most absorbed in doing a skillful thing, they lose themselves into their absorption and the distinction between the master and the world disappears."
"Empaths literally absorb the energy of other people and take it on as though it's their own."
"Maxwell's maths was telling him that changing electric currents would be constantly sending out great waves of energy into their surroundings, waves that would carry on forever unless something absorbed them."
"Even if you try not to, you just absorb."
"Listening is absorption. Listening is turning that into action."
"This primer is absorbed by my skin immediately, doesn't pull or dry it."
"You're absorbing every ounce of fat that you're eating."
"Methylene blue has a much stronger UVA absorption than oxybenzone."
"I want you to absorb it, and I want you to pray about it, and I want you to get busy."
"It not only supports bone growth and the production of the hormone calcitriol which helps to grow bones, but it also supports calcium and phosphate absorption and reabsorption."
"Animal protein is more nutrient dense and it is better absorbed."
"He's curious, down for active learning. He's a sponge, he soaks it up."
"In a perfect world, you take it on an empty stomach because you'll get better absorption that way."
"Fear is the most absorbing and luxurious of emotions. One forgets all else if one is afraid."
"Take your time with it if you can, really take in what you're learning."
"Whatever goes on your skin goes into your body."
"Can we ever become so absorbed in nature that we just lose this capacity for negativity?"
"Lipids, different mechanism again. Mainly absorbed in the jejunum."
"I love how when I put it on my skin, it just absorbs so fast and it leaves my skin feeling so soft and glowy."
"Each melaleuca tree can absorb 30 liters of water every day."
"I'm so excited, I'm so excited like this moment I'm just trying to soak it up."
"You don't get the same levels of vitamin C in the skin by taking it orally. When you apply it topically, you actually get 20 times the vitamin C into the skin than you do if you take it orally."
"So, small intestinal movement moves the contents, it mixes the contents with the gastrointestinal secretions, and it exposes the contents to the mucosal wall for better absorption."
"...it quickly absorbs into the skin without any shininess or any tackiness to the skin."
"This butter is fabulous. It helps carry water into the skin, absorbs really well."
"It was like my lips soaked it in something."
"Dark things absorb more sunlight than white things."
"I just love absorbing all the music, the lyrics and so forth, and really the creativity."
"I've just... been able to absorb so much information and then I've been able to put it back out and hopefully be decent at... all the pieces."
"Be like a sponge. Just suck it all up."
"Vitamin C is important because it also helps the absorption of other vitamins."
"The better thing I find is to just absorb abs and just become greater than the."
"Was it any wonder she had absorbed The Love Oliver had given her like a dry sponge? She'd received very little of it in her life."
"It just does so much of a better job of absorbing bumps and evening the ride out altogether."
"This is an amazing formula, it's so lightweight, it quickly absorbs into the skin."
"I wanted to show her nice and slowly because it's a lot to absorb."
"We absorbed a great deal of the same."
"It's got really great absorbency. It works so well with other skincare products."
"He can absorb any type of attack and turn it into energy."
"Pros of foliar sprays: rapid utilization. Plants can absorb and utilize nutrients much faster than soil-applied nutrients."
"It absorbs and hydrates the skin instantly."
"I've just been soaking it up and being like you know what I'll just I'll just be a Clinger right back with you."
"He allowed his flesh to become a small diamond-shaped form dense enough to absorb the living memory of Doomsday."
"He takes the rock of Eternity and he puts it into himself."
"When we get lost in a moment, we kind of forget about all of our surroundings because that one thing that we're thinking of takes up all of our mind space."
"If a lemon rots, it's absorbing the negative energy."
"You need to focus on being a good student, being a sponge."
"Children are like sponges, they soak in everything around them."
"You know how time flies when you're having fun? That's because you're so absorbed you focus so much you forget that time is passing."
"How did you do it? I wasn't frightened by the book so much as completely absorbed by the story and the characters."
"For everyone Otto kills, she can absorb both their abilities and memories."
"It just feels like it's marinating into the skin."
"The great value of absorption lies in one thing: you cannot be absorbed in anything and have your mind on yourself. That is the very point of absorption."
"He absorbs for the first few listens yes he just kind of star he will not dance he doesn't want to talk he doesn't want he needs to like take it in he takes it he sits since he was a baby he's done that."
"You see, you can't only be in the word. The word got to be in you."
"Having people chew a tablet of B12 and their B12 levels go up 10 times more than just simply swallowing the exact same pill."
"It absorbs into the skin very easily, almost a little too fast."
"The old pond is the depth of meditation or contemplation; when the frog jumps into that meditation, it breaks it, but to the true person meditating, they absorb it back into their meditation."
"You must study hard to absorb these things into your body, not just read, memorize, or imitate."
"...how capitalism absorbs critiques of capitalism."
"It just sinks into your skin rather than just sitting it on top of the skin."
"Your skin just drinks this up and it stays hydrated."
"Right after cleansing before anything else goes on my face, I want these formulas on my skin so that they can absorb without any disturbance."
"...it's actually just really smooth... it just does a really good job of just soaking everything up."
"Sometimes you're just in a piece."
"This just sits nice and lightweight on the skin, melts in right away."
"Flow refers to any of those moments of rapt attention and total absorption, so focused on the task at hand everything else just starts to disappear."
"I feel like sometimes I can just lose track of time."
"Does your body absorb them or do they fall off you like a reindeer's antlers?"
"Warm colors always reflect, cool colors always absorb."
"It's so entertaining that you don't realize the time that you've lost."
"If you're taking in a little bit and your body can absorb 100, it's better than taking in so much from an outside source and your body's only absorbing half."
"The idea that two and a half to three grams works in a pure whey protein, it might take four and a half to work in a mixed meal."
"Chitin is a chemical lock so you're losing all the opportunity to absorb the protein, the vitamin D."
"Absorption is an interpretation just like everything we do in this job is about interpretation."
"Your scalp can't absorb anything good or release anything bad if it's clogged up, nah I mean?"
"I was just absorbing all of that, I wouldn't speak much."
"...his videos I don't know what it is about the way that he presents information but it I just absorbed it..."
"If you could access the frequency of something and let it absorb you and become it, you could play a complicated piece of music that might take you years to master without ever having done it before."
"Both of them penetrate the skin beautifully and absorb quickly."
"I would say if you have the Tim Pierce course you should do the same thing, just let it play in the background."
"They're attracted to positive vibes and may absorb them from others."
"Magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide are among the most absorbed forms."
"Elizabeth was completely absorbed in Todd's case."
"Each of them has their application. The bigger issue with underweight is what's preventing absorption taking place."
"It's literally melt into the skin."
"So Izuku was in his backyard and he tries to take out the slime from earlier because what he's thinking is he can store whatever he absorbs indefinitely."
"The movie doesn't spoon-feed anything to you, you get to absorb it."
"Children are born with a mind that absorbs like a sponge."
"Pairing iron-rich plant foods with vitamin C can boost absorption by almost four times."
"Every time that he's swinging around as Spider-Man, nothing else matters. It's kind of like the game, like when you're playing the video game sometimes you don't want to fight guys, you just want to swing around."
"Watercolor paper has something called size in the pulp before the sheets are formed, and this is essentially glue, and it stops the paper from being completely absorbent."
"Vitamin C and citrate taken together with food increase the absorption of iron, even non-heme iron."
"Verity is a book that I read, and I absolutely devoured it."
"It's a very amazing amount of information to absorb doing this hobby."
"When we're engaged with something, time flies."
"Glucose can be absorbed anywhere in the body. Excess obviously will be stored as body fat."
"The congestion in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can impair absorption of food from the gastrointestinal tract so there's reduced absorption of nutrients into the blood because of the GI a congestion."
"I think multiple viewings is going to help me absorb the movie a lot more."
"Over the years, it's... if you hang around with musicians long enough in a studio you sort of pick something up just by osmosis."