
Mood Enhancement Quotes

There are 296 quotes

"Listening to music...always puts me in such a good mood."
"Move your body every day... it moves your mood."
"When you celebrate people, your nervous system and your brain recognize it, and you get what he calls a positive drip of dopamine, which either calms your brain and the stress or it amplifies your mood."
"You are a very welcome addition to this dreary place, my friend. I owe both you and RK a great deal."
"Mood improvement and euphoria, increased sense of humor, laughter, minimal anxiety, and music enhancement are some of the benefits."
"After a few days, people experience a fasting-induced mood enhancement… decreased anxiety, depression, fatigue, and improved vigor."
"Artwork is such a great way to highlight a mood or a color scheme."
"Affirmative, having something to eat together always increases my mood."
"Feelgood Inc is more than just a song...as you really feel good when listening to this song."
"Electro swing is wonderful for that because it is super, um, super cheerful, it's super upbeat, it's, you know, if you're in a bad mood it's really hard to be in a bad mood when you're listening to something like that."
"Serotonin is the happy hormone, lifts our mood, makes us feel energized."
"I'm the illest rapper that you saw, bruh, get you lifted like you smoking under zaza."
"Prioritize warmer lighting... there's something about it where I just really love the way that it makes me feel."
"It's used by a large amount of folks just for its energizing and mood-elevating properties."
"When you win and then you're in a happy mood and everything comes to you but you need to keep working, keep being humble."
"I just need what is essentially an uplift book right now."
"The only thing I insist on is it's got to be fuss-free, easy to cook, and so delicious it puts you in a good mood for the rest of the day."
"There are so many songs that every time they come on I think man, I'm in a good mood."
"Rain weather at large is a wonderful tool for furthering that atmosphere and mood."
"MDMA primarily leads to a better mood... people often find themselves not just feeling happier but feeling at ease in the world and pleased with anyone they're surrounded by."
"Sing us a song, you're the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well, we're all in the mood for a melody and you've got us feeling all right."
"Monopoly feels good to be back. Let's roll the dice. I'm trying to elevate the mood a little bit as we get started here."
"It doesn't matter what your friends say, having all of those house plants can brighten your mood."
"Get comfortable with one light, then start adding on based on your comfort level."
"Fake sunlight on a cloudy day... I love doing that."
"Listening to music can put you in a better mood."
"His solo really fits the mood and extends. It does what a solo is supposed to do."
"Seeing these plants really elevates one's Spirits."
"They'll put on a happy Pleasant song just to help you to get out of that limited box that you're in."
"Music does motivate people, it gets people in the mood."
"Essential oils can do a lot for mood and lifting; they're amazing."
"Dark chocolate, rich in polyphenol antioxidants, boosts brain function and mood."
"It's one of those albums that can always put me in a relaxing sort of mood and vibe."
"For the following few days or sometimes even up to a week or longer you feel good... it's like you're in a constant better mood."
"A spark of inspiration, a spark of just feeling better about yourself."
"You are never fully dressed without a smile, so turn that frown upside down."
"The flower petals, the softness of the colors, their dancing, it's so cute, it's one of those songs that just makes you feel like your life is beautiful."
"It is such a happy color I always feel so happy and positive every time I wear this bag."
"Can we talk about something that makes us feel good please?"
"Being in the sun generally tends to be helpful and it's like a nice way to help reset the nervous system and potentially your mood if you need it."
"Having a bunch of RGB lights that reflect onto the chair adds so much to the vibe."
"Mood puts an end to guessing games, okay? It's 100% federally legal Delta eight and Delta 9 THC."
"This is the class I look forward to all year because it's a way for us to review, learn from it, grow from it, reframe it."
"This mimics sunlight to enhance your mood, energy, sleep, possibly focus."
"Trust in the plan. You've planned enough, prayed enough, thought about this long enough. Now it's time to trust in the plan."
"Vision boards are the biggest mood shifter for me."
"Coffee is important, it makes people happy, it wakes them up!"
"Music is probably one of the best tools that I use to shift my mood."
"The music gets you in the mood to just chill."
"Have a go-to song...something that is gonna put you in a good mood and make you feel amazing no matter what you have going on in your life."
"It's going to put you in a really good mood, okay? I feel like a lot of you guys are definitely receiving some form of clarity."
"This vape is certainly brightening my day up."
"I hope this video can just make a day a little bit better."
"A round of applause to everybody who finished Inktober and a round of applause to everybody who tried their best."
"Exercising itself releases endorphins that just improve your overall mood."
"These big ass windows staring out here just gives me so much serotonin."
"It's amazing, truly the power of makeup and application, what it can do for the spirits, what it can do for your outlook."
"The thing makes everything better, it's called coffee."
"Smile for no reason, look at yourself in the mirror and smile for no reason. It'll change your mood."
"Bold colors give us a much-needed boost to combat the current Grim political and economic landscape."
"That'd improve my mood like crazy, you're funny, she's gonna scrap like a little bone, yeah, that's very cute."
"I love me some damiana. It is an anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory. It boosts your sexual organs and definitely will have you feeling a little saucy."
"It's so special when you wear some color. It really brightens everything up."
"What you listen to really affects your mood, so you might as well listen to happy music that lifts you up."
"Thank you all. Just wanna everyone you guys really, really put me in the best mood ever. I am grateful for this community."
"Fermented foods pull out toxins from the body and make you feel happier."
"The movie benefits greatly from an art direction as spot-on as this one every small detail adding so much to the overall mood with an atmosphere that feels truly Fantastical."
"When I focus on things that I'm grateful for, it really brings my mood up."
"String lights can totally transform a space and create a really nice ambient mood."
"There's something about high-quality chocolate that makes everything better."
"Nothing that a nice warm spicy fine dining menu couldn't do to lift your spirits."
"Music can actually change your mood and help you adapt to stress."
"As you can see, I am wearing this sweater, this sweater brings me serotonin."
"Bright colors... are so cheerful and beautiful."
"Since it is spring and we feel like it's all about color..."
"Dude, all this snow falling from the sky got me in such a good mood."
"Sunlight boosts mood, enhances skin, and contributes to mental and physical glow-up."
"Fragrance is the one way that you can instantly lift your mood and change everything. They are that important."
"The music is somber, and it really adds to the mood."
"Definitely need coffee, that always puts me in a better mood regardless of the circumstances."
"For players with the base game, I love pondering chess moves, the shower and mirror interactions to get in a specific mood, then boost that with a happy buff from a quick bite of produce from my Sim's inventory."
"When you listen to something so upbeat and so up-tempo and so uplifting, it just makes you feel so good."
"If you weren't feeling Christmassy already, that has got to have done it."
"I'm gonna be in a fantastic mood because I have so much to do."
"I feel like we're all feeling that a little bit at the moment, and having maybe like a new tracksuit to lounge around the house in, or a new tee, or something like that to put on your Instagram might kind of boost people's spirits."
"She's funny she knows how to lighten the mood."
"Doesn't sunny weather just make you feel good?"
"Bringing in greenery can make a space feel more livable and boost your mood."
"Sun's out two days in a row. Crazy. It's crazy how it makes you feel. It energizes you and gives you more incentive to get stuff done, right?"
"When there's a happy ending like this once in a while, it puts me in a good mood."
"You can't be sad listening to soca. And if you were sad and you listen to soca music, that's it, you're gonna make you happy, oh absolutely."
"Blast your favorite playlist... you'll be good, trust me."
"These guys need to get some other vibes going on."
"Just applying a lip will totally change your whole mood, your vibe, your look, everything."
"The words and the socialization trigger your mind, get the circuitry going, elevate your mood."
"One of the best ways to shift your energy frequency and vibration is to put on some music and dance along with it."
"Truly the world is our oyster when it comes to beauty and that's kind of a magical thing so if you're feeling sad my friends just dawn a beautiful face of bronze summery makeup and you'll instantly feel better."
"Supplements definitely have a noticeable positive effect on my mood and overall feeling of well-being."
"Just a full list of things that you like about your life and that you're grateful for just boosts your mood."
"It just instantly puts you in a better mood."
"A really great haircut can just leave you feeling so much better."
"Other things that exercise might do other than just help you lose weight would be to improve your health, create and release endorphins, boost energy and mood."
"It's just like an automatic mood booster."
"I feel like if I'm having a good day if I'm having a bad day if I'm sad if I'm happy any of these different emotions going to a bookstore either helps the sad mood or I mean enhances the happy one so I'm really excited."
"These are so cute, like anybody who sees these I tend to think these would brighten their mood."
"Pink is a happy color, it definitely boosts those dopamine chemicals in your brain."
"Oh, I almost forgot a drop of perfume for a good mood."
"L-theanine has stress and anxiety relieving effects, improved sleep quality, and alleviates depression."
"You can use music strategically to unwind from your day... in many ways you can use it like a performance-enhancing drug."
"The Aruba effect: a distinct mindset that lifts your mood and creates a happier, sunnier version of yourself."
"These movies exist to make your day better."
"If you watch this, this just automatically puts you in a good mood, get you vibing."
"If you're in a bad mood, just come here and look at all this stuff. It's gonna make you smile 100%."
"Improving that makes a huge impact on everything else, not just your body composition, but also your attitude and your mood."
"Gratitude is very, very effective. It changes people's mood, attitude, outlook, and makes them happier."
"Fragrance is the most exciting way to change your image and your mood."
"Remember when things were good? We got this chill music to go along with it."
"A little bit of sunshine always makes a world of difference."
"Quilting is therapy because it helps you no matter what mood you're in."
"French toast bliss on a gloomy day."
"Music can reset my vibe, just listening to anything that can change your mood."
"I feel like it lightens up the mood."
"This is one of those scents that provides a little bit of a comfort feeling. It's something that puts you in a better mood when you look around outside and everything is just kind of dark and gloomy."
"I feel like I'm in Harry Potter. It's put you in a chirpy mood, isn't it?"
"Music's the best. Music's my best pick me up."
"Each ingredient was added for a purpose: turmeric for inflammation, cinnamon to help suppress sugar cravings, cacao and chai for mood and energy."
"I really thrive off of change. When I change around my rooms, my environment, like my flat, it really boosts my mood."
"Music is a great way to enhance a mood. It's a great way to kind of mellow yourself out."
"Cute little touches in the background, it really is such a mood boost."
"Get out in the ocean if you're not near an ocean, get in a lake if you're not near a lake, get in the bathtub, I promise it will make your day better."
"Accessories can change the mood, the feeling, the vibe you get when you're wearing that outfit, and it can really help elevate your look to the next level."
"Something that helped me today honestly pull me out of a little bit of a negative thought pattern was to just put on a little bit of groovy music while cleaning up and it really helped."
"The sun changes everything. If it's sun shining, it's just different levels."
"Go get you some vitamin D, it will help with your mood."
"It just needs to make me feel good; it needs to resonate with my mood and my personality."
"It just awakens you, your senses, your spirits, your mood."
"At the end of the day, it's about when we wear a fragrance, what it does for us, what it does for our mood, what we enjoy smelling, being a pick of our own kind of scent bubble."
"Exercise kind of brought into my life... immediate mood boost when I started going to the gym regularly."
"Increase the number of green leafy vegetables and colorful vegetables, your mood is better."
"Mind wandering: how it can improve your mood and boost your creativity."
"Note that you will get a great workout that's going to help lower the blood pressure, lubricate the joint, and basically set you up for a better mood."
"I'm just so happy, this has put me in the best mood."
"That's the perfect way to celebrate or commiserate or just get up in the morning."
"Video games are a form of entertainment, entertainment is something that you could watch or play to put you in a good mood when you are currently in a bad one."
"It totally lifted my mood and I'm such a sun person, so I need that."
"Great food is an experience... a good meal will elevate your state of mind."
"My mood is improved so much by the sunshine and it's staying lighter longer."
"Exercise is so incredibly powerful for changing your mood."
"Thanks so much for making my day better just for opening a SpongeBob popsicle."
"It's a great one for your serotonin, melatonin, sleep-wake cycles, mood."
"Overall, like happiness and lightness of everybody's mood and just focusing on what you're thankful for."
"It's a beautiful day out, so the sun is coming in, it makes it all better."
"I'm just looking for scents that kind of put me in a better mood, kind of chill me out, and just make me feel good and enjoy what I'm wearing."
"Something so simple can make a drastic change in whether your day is good or bad."
"A vigorous five-mile walk will do more for your mood than any other thing that we could do."
"It definitely puts me in a better mood for the rest of the day."
"If you didn't already feel much better than earlier today, or maybe even fantastic by now, this song will kick you right into it."
"It's so easy to work with them, they're always uplifting your mood, your spirit."
"Holy basil can lighten your mood and brighten your day by transforming your health."
"Research consistently demonstrates that flotation therapy has a significant impact on mood enhancement."
"A little bit of color can change the entire atmosphere of a piece."
"Sometimes opening a cute little box just to be a little mood booster."
"Tea and cucumber sandwiches are always cheering."
"I'm so excited about them, they really impact your mood."
"Among the positive effects are anxiety reduction, mood lifts, euphoria, muscle relaxation, sedation, and increased talkativeness."
"Snow really brightens up my mood because it brightens up the day, brightens up the sky, everything reflects off because it's nice and white."
"With this increased exercise, I got better mood, better energy, better memory, better attention, and a better social life."
"Let's go, even in this overcast weather, you can't help but have a smile on your face when you see the water and you see the palm trees."
"Music just, you know, change your mood difference, you know."
"It's really adding texture and mood."
"Having natural light makes such a big difference on my mood."
"Summer fragrances are not just scents; they are a whole way to just make your summer even better."
"It helps with anxiety too, it just puts you in a good mood."
"Stronger BO doesn't necessarily put women off; a derivative of testosterone found in male sweat is thought to increase female arousal, improve women's moods, and even alter their hormone levels."
"It seems to suit every mood and every moment."
"We need to change the energy in here."
"This is summer vacation in a bottle."
"It's all in your record collection, you can go ahead and pull out a few albums, you can lift your mood, you can remember times in the past."
"...cannabis increases appetite, decreases nausea and vomiting, relieves pain, improves mood."
"I really cannot stress how much different a bit of sunshine makes."
"But first, here's a kitty to help get our wholesome levels up before we bring them right back down."
"When we wear colors that make us happy, we feel happier."
"Saffron is often referred to as the sunshine spice for how effectively it's shown to boost your mood and combat depression."
"This is a mood booster type of perfume."
"Walking releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters."
"We're kicking the negative energy out of the room."
"I'm going to journal before I read my Bible because the Bible is going to put me into a better mood."
"Seeing the mountains again just like put you in a better mood."
"Vitamin D, everybody needs it, okay, and it does wonders for your mood as well."
"Music can instantly make my day better."
"It's like a serotonin booster, basically."
"Chinese herbs have been shown to elevate mood and reduce cortisol in the body."
"All his music is like if you feel better about yourself into it, yeah, it's just like happy music, it's positive, positive, how many people feel good, it's a bop."
"I don't know what it is about the sunshine, but it just makes my mood so much better instantly."
"Astaxanthin can actually help improve mood state."
"And if you didn't have a pretty good or a magical wonderful day, then I hope that seeing pictures of my dog cheered you up a little bit because dogs always cheer me up."
"When people laugh, it just makes the day nicer."
"It's like uplifting music that they play out, like that gets you into the mood."
"Sing us a song, you're the piano man, sing us a song tonight; we're all in the mood for a melody, and you've got us feeling alright."
"I feel very calm after that. I like when music changes your mood, enhances it in some way. It's important, it's necessary."