
Grief Management Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Instead of being overwhelmed, you'll be able to gracefully accept any sadness, loss, or grief that arises in your mind because those feelings won't seem so threatening anymore."
"We should be helping them to live with the pain, to carry on in spite of their grief and with their grief."
"Because again, what this paper really points to and set off a number of other investigations related to, is that for those that can really feel the relationship between breathing heart rate, what we call vagal tone, well, those people are going to be in a better position to move through grief."
"I really admire how you've turned your grief into a superpower."
"Losing a loved one is difficult at the best of times but a bad experience with a funeral director can make it so much worse."
"No longer hold on to grief, it's time to forgive yourself."
"Isaac's journey is one about grief and how to conquer it."
"I hope that we can continue to hold up their families in support knowing that everyone grieves differently and needs their own time to process and to try to heal."
"We've created a new spiritual relationship with Lulu and Leo. We've shown Nessie and Felix and Linus how to do the same."
"Humor can sustain and hold the grief, that was the trick, well really that's what it is."
"Repression and grief, the silent burdens of a fractured family."
"Their sadness disappeared when they knew their lost ones made it to paradise."
"I'm sure if you've gone through any type of grieving or any type of thing you try to hold on to the things that are the most solid in your life and this is one of those."
"A change of scene would help her to deal with her grief."
"I hope that the good memories stay with you as you navigate the grief."
"In this time of national grief, he's going to help bring us together."
"I feel like I'm actually in a good place where I still deal with the grief and the guilt and missing him but I'm in a good place."
"Healing's not linear, grief is something that's gonna always come and go throughout the rest of your life."
"We do not sorrow like those who have no hope. You know, we all have put the body, buried the body of a loved one, and we cry and we miss, but not without hope."
"It takes a really special family, really special people, to turn their own grief and tragedy around to try to help somebody else."
"Recognize them as grief, and when you can let the feelings flow, then you may get to the other side instead of always fighting these feelings and always being mad at the world."
"Now the robot knows how to help Hiro deal with grief."
"It's the same thing when somebody passes, you want to find the silver lining somewhere."
"You're constantly paying attention to that and stuck in the grief or the loss or the denial or the anger of that."
"Running from grief seems like an appealing option, but it's not. It's a freight train bearing down on us; we just have to go through it."
"Feel it all, connect with it, grieve it, and then give yourself permission to close it back."
"The funeral industry exploits grief for profit, the average funeral costs around $8,000, but you could easily have one for a fraction of that cost."
"You never get over that loss, but each day it gets more manageable."
"Let go of the grief, set a date to stop the mourning and move on with your life."
"Part of Saturn and Pisces is understanding how we deal with grief, how we deal with letting go, how we deal with Transitions."
"Grieve, but don't allow your grief to become a grave."
"You have to keep working through your grief if you work for a company with fewer than 50 people."
"Her parents who supported and loved Molly for every second of her life chose love over hate."
"This feeling that you have right now isn't going to last forever and there is still so much joy even in the midst of the grief."
"What I found was grief and work can be compatible."
"You learn to manage grief better; you heal through grief, but grief isn't something you leave behind, grief is something you take with you."
"Do not frown; he would not want you to. Celebrate his life."
"The trauma, the grief, the pain, doesn't shrink; you just grow bigger around it."
"Though grief comes in waves, know that calm waters await ahead. Don't cling to pain; feel it fully, then exhale and let it go."
"How do you overcome that anger, that thirst for vengeance? How do you not fall to that dark side of grief?"
"Grief is a necessary part of loss, but if not taking care of it becomes very selfish."
"You do what you told me to do when Maggie died. You get up, you go to work, you put one foot in front of the other, and then one day, you smile."
"...grief isn't about getting over the loss of someone it's how do you integrate it, tolerate that pain and still be you..."
"The ability to move through grief by focusing on something else and the ability to move through grief by feeling grief intensely."
"That's the way they can do it and not want to not live anymore, let them do it."
"I will never move on, but I have to move forward."
"We can't take the grief away, but we can control our response."
"You need to find a way to say goodbye to him, you need to do something that honors him and your daughter and what the three of you had together, otherwise this is going to haunt you forever."
"The grief doesn't shrink, you just grow."