
Future Outcomes Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"All of the good that you do is going to come back to you in August."
"We are clearly in a time of uncertainty and that's the challenge, nobody knows which way this is going to go."
"This is a very uncertain world with a very uncertain set of possible outcomes, many of which are riddled with serious ramifications for a lot of people."
"Who's protecting our daughter, you know? What is this going to look like?"
"That is the key question determining what the consequences of these tumultuous weeks will be."
"Cultivating to the point where it has to come to fruition eventually."
"It's reality, not illusion or delusion, that will determine our future."
"Whatever you have been thinking about, you've been pouring a lot of thought into, you could actually see those things manifesting for you at the end of the month."
"We're either at the cusp of something great or something terrible."
"Maybe it'll go sideways. Maybe it'll go wrong in the future but it's still a good thing."
"There will be fallout. There will be consequences. There will be ramifications."
"The next question is... does it matter? Is anything going to change? What's your gut on that?"
"It feels like he's Teflon right now, but I'm curious to see what comes of this."
"Do you know that the future would turn out as well as you think it is?"
"The understanding of the past doesn't equal the future. Yes, you're responsible for the past but the past doesn't always equal the future."
"Goals describe the future expected outcomes of your plan and they focus on the ends rather than the means."
"Heading into the spring of 2023, there was a wide range of possible endgame outcomes."
"Secret sin will create a public Scandal, or your secret place will create a supernatural future."
"Ultimately, everything will be balanced, and things will be fair."
"It is often said that good things come to those who wait, so let us see what happens."
"Your job is to uplift it now or we know how it turns out."
"The West does not have enough of a strategy about what outcomes it wants in Ukraine and what post-war outcomes it wants."
"All roads lead back to your mindset, your mentality, the way that you see this thing is going to determine your future."
"I think the most likely outcome of AI is a good outcome."
"You just never know how this is going to end... anything is possible."
"Prayer is the evidence of what's coming, it's like it's evidence so when you pray, it's evident that that's what's happening for you in the future."
"The choices we each make in the coming days will have a material effect on the road ahead."
"Nobody can say what's going to happen to Liverpool because there are too many question marks."
"It's more thinking about what is the inevitable outcome."
"Once the change happens, that's when you're going to see it."
"Your circumstances tomorrow will be a reflection of your thoughts today."
"Each of us must live off the fruit of his own thoughts in the future."
"Your concept of yourself determines your future."
"Show me your schedule, show me your routines, and I can predict your future."
"Only time will tell, but something must be going right."
"It's just crazy, I mean who knows what the end game is going to be."
"Know that you can transmute something that hasn't even happened by going into it with a feeling of this is gonna be great."
"If your mind is full of light and seeds of positive thoughts, then the future will produce crops that match that vibrational frequency."
"Trust and have faith that all will work out well for the best."
"Life is literally about choices, bro. The choices you make determine where you are going to be in the future."
"Set your intentions, rise above the things that have frayed you, and watch what unfolds."
"I think 2024 is an existential year. It's going to be one of two things."
"One step in another direction can completely change your destination."
"It's either the positive or the AI timeline."
"If you make the effort to sit down and design a new life... you will produce fruit."
"I want to believe we can get something good."
"It's extremely critical and imperative for us to be able to discern who is speaking to you because who is speaking speaking to you is tied to your future outcome"
"A fear of failure every day every week every month is actually creating the future you're terrified of having."
"What we sow in this time, what we invest in this time is going to have fruit for the coming days."
"It’s what you do right now that determines your mind and how your body will operate 10, 20, 30 years from now."
"It's claim checks on future output. That's what it is."
"If there's one thing I took away from today's video, it's that you all seem to already be prophesizing the future. Don't be surprised when it comes about, because the time has come for Megadesk."
"Right now you are sewing the seeds of your next breakthrough or your next disappointment."
"I just feel like there's a lot of different ways it can go, so I'm very curious."
"For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?"
"I have seen into all of the possibilities and timelines for the outcome."
"It is what it is and you know the time will tell how this all plays out."
"Past behavior predicts future behavior."
"We're in the predictive business; it's what's going to happen next."
"This application is just one of the many incredible outcomes that will arise once advanced Neuralinks are developed."
"I'm very happy, but I'm not gonna count my chickens until they've been hatched."
"Rather than worry about how things will turn out, why not take the leap of faith?"
"I do because don't you agree that the past in some way is a good indicator of how the future might be?"
"The marshmallow experiment is a classic study of how a person's ability to delay gratification even at the age of four can predict many significant future outcomes."
"Pretty soon everything done in the dark will come to the light."
"You guys are your own psychics right now, and it's because you're tapping into the logic of what the future is a reflection of, and it's everything you do in the present."