
Life Building Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"A beautiful love story can be just about feelings, but to make a life there's a whole other set of ingredients."
"Find some way to create meaning...it's about others and it's about who you build your life with."
"Building a life, building your education, building your relationships, building your financial future."
"Real estate investing works, and it can help you build an incredible life."
"Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace."
"Marriage, to me, is not just about love; it's about building a life together."
"Education is important as the foundation, but you build the rest of your life on it."
"Build a life that is worth living. Build a life that you don't want to forget."
"The romantic part is that you met and built a life together."
"You're already building that which you seek."
"It's about so much more than just 'I love you'; it's about building my life with you."
"Create their best life from the prosperity that we are trying to establish."
"Small, intentional steps lead to big changes in building a life you love."
"Your energy is phenomenal, motivated to build the life that you want with the love that you want."
"The intensity of their feelings freaks them out a little bit."
"Find your freedom find the love that is true and that you can build a life."
"Build your life with commitment and zest, find happiness in the journey."
"I'm looking for someone to build a beautiful life with."
"Life can only be built on what is happening."
"Every morning is a new opportunity to set the stage for a successful day; it's a fresh start, a clean slate, a chance to build the life you've always wanted."
"I do want to build a beautiful life with you."
"Each day you gotta... that's what I feel like I've done with my life. Every day of my life I've put down a brick and then laid it down perfectly as to how I want it."
"If you know you love yourself, don't do that. You still have an opportunity to build your life. You still have the opportunity to have a husband that doesn't have any kids, that doesn't have any baggage. Praise God."
"If you want to build a life that you want, you have to decide at the moment of your decision."
Andre Agassi: "He provided us with the tools to build our own lives."
"We've built a really cool life together, like personally and professionally."
"I know that I have everything it takes to build the life of my dreams."
"You don't just want to look at them, you want to live with them, you want to build a life with them."
"For Meg, it's about creating a life together with him instead of expecting him to give her a life."
"Together they quickly built a life based around love adventure and friendships."
"Being present is a cornerstone of personal growth and a key ingredient in building the life you want."
"You build a life that you have some control over."
"We're going to build a really exciting wonderful life together."
"She's been through something really awful and in spite of that, she's managed to build a life for herself and her daughter."
"Live for yourself, build and renew your life."
"Money is just a tool we're trying to help you build your best life in Abundant Life."
"Entrepreneurship is a very powerful way to build a life that you want if you take the right path."
"You're sharing like you're just building something that's more constant in life."
"We build up our lives with bright moments of joy, pride, and success."
"It's not just about escaping into your arms; it's about building a life with you, intertwining your lives."
"Bring great people into your life, bring great people into your company, and they will help you build an ideal life."
"Our excitement was through the roof as we set out to build the life we envisioned."
"I've sort of attracted a community of people that are interested in trauma recovery and building a life that's worth living."
"Building my life on His love, and it's gonna be my foundation."
"Wise people build their lives on that rock."
"The potential for the life we're building here is just incredible."
"If you think there's a God, then you have to explore what that means and how you're going to build your life around that."
"I'm building my life with something that I really love doing."
"I'm starting to make a life here with you."
"I'm super excited to build a life that we want."
"Some of us compose music, some of us choreograph dance, some of us construct something beautiful, building in our life."
"We're building a life around this union, around this love."
"That was true love and companionship, and really just creating a life together."
"How do you carry on and make a life that you're proud of and happy?"
"If I am able to build a whole beautiful life out of the smallest of moments, then the regular days count the most."
"My ancestors woke up each morning and built life every day."
"You're going to add to your life a lot, achieve a lot, and build upon your life a lot."
"This is like building a life together, building your lives around each other."
"I like building a life together with you, Caroline."
"That's the life that we're building for ourselves."
"The deepest form of self-care is building a life you're in love with."
"At the end of the day, all of us can be about building a life worth living."
"She took the first step to building her life and I just love it."
"We need the touch of someone who wants to build a life with us, someone who wants to better us."
"What matters is how do we build the best life possible for the greatest number of people."
"When we're together, we have a place for everyone to stay, and it's like I'm building a life."
"When I finally looked at every day, every week, every month, every year through the lens of what am I doing and how does it make me feel, that began the journey of really beginning to build the life that I live today."
"It's designed to get people in actual relationships with people they can actually build a life with."
"There's falling in love with the consciousness and building a beautiful life with a healthy person."
"They decided they were going to be on the same page together as they begin to build this life together."
"I'm excited of having this place and being able to create a new life."
"We help people build their lives; we help people create their dream lives."
"The wisdom and the knowledge and the guidance to build your best life, to construct your own Paradise, your own Universe."
"We're gonna build a life that includes joy, and we're gonna build a life full of friends and community."
"I am mindful of building wealth in my life."
"If God sends you a counterpart you can build life with, that is the prize."
"I'm 35 now, like I'm actually building a life."
"I feel understood; I'm looking forward to building a beautiful life."
"I am looking for someone to build a beautiful life with."
"Marriage is about more than just the physical aspect; it's about building a life together."
"To make a life, you glue the pieces together and hope for the best."
"Let's help each other and build our own happy life."
"Just be yourself, and you want to build a life, a real life."
"We've built a pretty beautiful life together."
"You have all the tools you need to build the life you want, you just have to actually do it."
"We're ready to help you build a better life, to build an economy."
"Focus on starting a family and building a good life which is all in our control."
"Their journey is a celebration of love's resilience and the beauty of building a life together."
"You want a partner, a genuine partner that's going to show up, see me as their person, and want to build a life with me."
"There's a kind of knowing like, huh, yeah, this is the person I want to play with, this is the person I want to be with, this is the person I want to build a life with."
"You should be trying to build a life, and they should choose based on what they value."
"There are so many young people out there trying their hardest to be able to get on and to build constructive lives."
"You guys could make a great life together, you could make something really beautiful together."
"My life really didn't begin until I stopped fighting and started building."
"They have decided to create a life that they are building and that is becoming stronger and more successful."
"You can truly build the life that you deserve, the life that you desire."
"Focus on creating your life together; it's a new life, a new chapter."
"It is a testament to how finding one's purpose and building a life and building a support system devoted to that purpose can turn a mere human into an indomitable force."
"You have to build a life what you want; you cannot sit around waiting for something to magically pop off."
"I'm blessed to have this opportunity to have met this man of my dreams and to build this life with him."
"It's actually going to be a net positive if I stay with the same person, if I have a partner, if I build a life with somebody."
"Build a life, don't live one, build one."
"You are working on you, building your life, investing in yourself."
"If you'll follow me... I will help you build a life that can endure."
"You're building your best life right now, and spirit says let's go, continue fighting."
"They trust you and you guys are going to be building a life together."
"You're building a beautiful life for yourself."
"You're like creating your own life here."
"You're building your life on a perfect and solid foundation."
"You're more focused on building up your life or focused on accomplishing a goal."
"You're the one I want to be with, you're the one that I can build stability with, build a whole life with."
"We create ourselves, we create our lives."
"You guys together are going to build a dream life."
"Your essential purpose is trying to come out and help you, your conscious mind, build the life that you want."
"You're going to take someone who you feel like you can build a life with."
"You're building the life that you want because God has blessed you with many talents."
"This is you building your Universe, building your best life."
"Building a life that you love and that means something to you."
"We've got to build that life, so go out, figure out what it is that you want to do, and brick-by-brick have the courage to build that life."
"You've built it on such a strong foundation, this could be a relationship, family, a business, it could be your life in general."
"You need to find the strength within yourself to believe that you deserve love, that you can build the type of life that you want."
"Now it's time to start building the life it is that you do want."
"Settle down, plant gardens, and build a life, even in the midst of captivity."