
Simulation Theory Quotes

There are 305 quotes

"Are we living in a simulation? The answer is yes, and it's powered by love."
"Does this increase your belief, if you ever had one, that we live in a simulation, maybe a simulated world generated by an AI system?"
"Even in principle, how could we ever know if we were in a simulation?"
"If we are in a simulation right now, what happens when we die might just be like taking off a VR headset and saying, 'Wow, that was so real.'"
"Consciousness is a simulated property; only a simulation can be conscious."
"I believe that statistically speaking, we're probably in a simulation."
"The new evidence cannot be refuted: we are living in its simulated environment."
"Is our world real, or could this all be a dream or simulation created by unfathomable forces?"
"The simulation argument...basically says it's very likely we're living in a simulation."
"The most likely case is the universe is actually being simulated in an immaterial, necessary mind."
"If life were a simulation, then why not enjoy it even more?"
"The idea is that we don't need to make simulation more realistic, but to create an infinite number of simulations, so that our reality is just another sample from those simulations."
"Do you know about the simulation theory where your whole life is just this program, and you're actually asleep like in The Matrix?"
"This case convinces me that we live in a simulation."
"Simulation theory presents a daring proposition: the world we perceive as tangible and real...may not be the objective external reality we naturally assume it to be."
"If we all embrace the idea that we could be in a simulation... what that really does is it connects us."
"Simulation theory, as we know it today, is largely derived from the work of philosopher Nick Bostrom."
"Whether you believe in God or you believe in simulation theory, the real question is, what's the difference?"
"Supporters of simulation theory believe that not only is it possible that we're living in a simulation, it's likely."
"Assuming that living in a simulation is possible, Bostrom presents the simulation trilemma, which says one of the following must be true: 1) We destroy ourselves before we're able to create a simulation; 2) We're able to create a simulation but choose not to; or 3) We are definitely in a simulation."
"Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks the odds that we are in base reality versus a simulated reality is 50-50."
"Simulation theory isn't math; it's philosophy. It isn't physics; it's metaphysics."
"Simulation theory or the simulation hypothesis... it's mind-boggling."
"Elon Musk has talked about whether or not we live in a computer simulation."
"Simulation theory... proposes that all of reality, including the Earth and the universe, is in fact an artificial simulation."
"Maybe our creator or God is the computer programmer, creating this simulation."
"Elon Musk said that there's a 1 in billion chance that this is not base reality."
"Neil deGrasse Tyson believes the probability is fairly good that we live in a computer simulation."
"Economist Robin Hanson proposes that simulated persons granted self-awareness may begin to act more out of self-interest, as well as more nihilistically."
"Until recently, the possibility that we're living in a computer simulation was largely limited to fans of The Matrix. But some scientists and philosophers are taking seriously the claim that strange quirks of the universe and the black hole information paradox are evidence that our reality is actually a created simulation."
"We have to believe in at least one really annoying or crazy thing: either that we will never reach this post-human state, that we will go extinct, or that we're actually happily simulated."
"I've long heard the science fiction fantasy that perhaps our entire universe is a simulation, a fake. That perhaps everything we see and know is a gigantic computer game of sorts, created by super smart hackers existing somewhere else."
"What I've not heard until recently is that some scientists take this simulation seriously."
"The simulation argument doesn't try to show that we are living in a simulation. Instead, it tries to show that one of three possibilities is true."
"If a civilization is able to create a simulation of another universe, they're probably able to create lots of them in parallel."
"It's not crazy to believe that at some time in the far future, there could be computers which could do a simulation of a fairly large fraction of a world."
"The simulation hypothesis proposes that all of our existence is, in fact, a simulated reality."
"If we are living in a simulation and we somehow manage to prove it, how would humanity react? Would we go on with life as normal, or would we rage against the machine?"
"I do like the idea, though, that there's a connection between sort of AI, physics, and the simulation argument."
"As Elon Musk would say, there is almost no chance whatsoever that our universe is not a simulation."
"Maybe we're all in one big simulation... everything's crazy, 2020 makes no sense."
"It's a commonly held thing that, mathematically, we are more likely to be in a simulation than this actually being reality."
"The universe is probably just a giant computer simulation. So don't take anything too seriously."
"Doesn't it feel like we live in a simulation?"
"The simulation theory proposes that our entire reality is a computer simulation created by an advanced civilization."
"Simulation theory proposes that our perceived world might be a computer-generated simulation."
"New indirect hints that we live in a matrix are discovered every year."
"We are living in a computer-program reality, and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed and some alteration in our reality occurs, creating a deja vu."
"I glitched the simulation, my [ __ ] glitch."
"Simulation theory is exactly what it sounds like: our universe, and perhaps our very selves, is nothing more than a simulation."
"Such an act is so unthinkably immoral, that perhaps it is the greatest evidence for why our universe is in fact not simulated."
"This is the first point in history with extensive enough spying to reconstruct an ancestor simulation."
"It's entirely possible that we are all living inside a simulated reality and that everything around us is nothing more than lines of advanced computer code."
"Your brain is a grand simulation of reality."
"Once a cheater, always a cheater, we secretly allow the simulation attach point to rise above the building edge."
"There is a billion to one chance that we are living in a base reality. A billionth one, really now."
"Was this film made specifically for me? Is this reality or am I living in a simulation that wants to please me by crafting a movie that will appeal to every one of my interests and sensibilities?"
"How would humanity react if we proved we're in a simulation?"
"I don't know how to convey to you how sorry I am... willing to do anything I can to cooperate."
"Create your own reality. Even if you're within a simulation, you still have the power to create your own reality."
"Simulation destroys the very distinction between the simulated and the real."
"The whole idea was that it was a simulated world and you could just go out and do your thing."
"We might be in the Matrix after all or where somebody's crazy experiment."
"Elon Musk once expressed a belief that we could be living in a simulation."
"Philip K. Dick: Proposing that we are living within a computer-simulated world."
"Our entire existence, including the laws of physics, the fundamental particles, and even our own consciousness, is a product of an intricately designed computer program."
"It's like the simulation is just spawning in new species like Pokemon."
"Yo, let me tell you this now, all right? What if this is a simulation?"
"Elon's totally showing us that this is a simulation because there's no way this guy is winning at all of these groundbreaking things killing it."
"What if your life is nothing but a computer simulation?"
"There is a popular theory that all that you experience in life could possibly be a computer simulation."
"What if we're all just confused because we're in a simulation?"
"I'll bet on you if you have a team around you and that person is willing to work at three in the morning because they care."
"Everything in reality is a form of hologram, living in a simulation."
"It's a simulation. It always has to go this way."
"Our souls are actually developing skills here and in a safe way because it's just a simulation."
"Sometimes it feels like we're living in a simulation."
"It's all a game, it's a thought experiment. We're in the matrix."
"There's no way of knowing you're in a simulation unless the people doing the simulation mess up or intentionally let you know."
"This is all a simulation... this is Grand Theft Auto, this is The Truman Show."
"Plus, this could be a simulation so who knows."
"I see Bitcoin as accruing a lot of the store of value of the economy of the simulation."
"Could our waking reality be just another layer of a cosmic dream, a simulation crafted by forces beyond our comprehension?"
"The glitches in reality... are obvious and that's how you can tell we're computer code."
"Perhaps we are already living inside a simulation governed by a set of computed rules that we perceive to be the laws of nature."
"We don't want the government to take over and then actually just cause the matrix where then we're all just plugged in and it's a simulated no no no running your year dangerous territory."
"After 1999 when the Matrix was released... maybe we are living inside of a simulation and maybe sometimes the simulation glitches for some unknown reason."
"A computer inside a computer - it's like magic."
"Life feels incredibly real, and in fact, it all seems so real that it is difficult to believe that our universe is a simulation of some sort."
"I know this is a simulation and I'm ready to get out."
"Our entire existence might be an artificial construct generated by an advanced civilization or higher intelligence."
"If we're living in a simulation, it's all information that's being rendered."
"Peeking outside the simulation... may have to do more with our consciousness."
"The sky is entirely simulated, and we have been deceived into believing that we're on a world that's hurling around the Sun."
"The sky simulation perpetuates the illusion that we're in a real reality, but it's not."
"Phoenix is what started my channel, but yeah, in answer to your question, this sky is simulated and it's covering something else."
"Do you sometimes feel like we're all living in a computer simulation like the Matrix?"
"I do believe that implication that perhaps like the world is a simulation opens the door to the back rooms..."
"All of reality being a simulation would also explain the voices that lure the async employee away in informational video."
"You are not your body, it's an expression of the simulation."
"What if we're in the simulation and everything we're doing feels like the most important thing ever."
"I'm not giving my open enemy the benefit of the doubt."
"I think I'm like there's like a simulation happening somewhere."
"Elon Musk always says that we're all living in a computer simulation but now he's like, 'Yo, yo, the universe might be fake but my stock price is real. Let's take this [ __ ] seriously people.'"
"So, when they're making sacrifices to the Gods, they are interacting with this non-human level of in the lower astral which is ultimately orchestrating the simulation and orchestrating Human Society."
"I think we're in a simulation. I think this place has been here for a real long time. Okay? I think Elon thinks we're in a simulation."
"A glitch in the matrix maybe, as if we're living inside of a simulation or something else. You tell me."
"The idea that reality might be an elaborate simulation challenges traditional Notions of existence and raises age-old philosophical questions about the nature of Consciousness and the external world."
"The simulation hypothesis: what makes us think that we are in the base reality?"
"Life is clearly just a simulation... I finally learned to relax."
"The best argument we're in a simulation is considering the probability that we are in a simulation."
"Just getting the required story moon on this island getting the moon shards here right now oh come on I didn't miss a cycle those shards are possible to do a little bit faster if you separate Cappy and Mario."
"Life is a video game, right? We're living inside the Matrix."
"Such an impression is a clue... a variable was changed, reprogrammed as it were."
"Everybody has experienced the Mandela effect... something is tweaking the simulation."
"We could be non-player characters in the simulation... we're playing a video game."
"It's all a game, it's a thought experiment, we're in The Matrix, are you in on it?"
"I do feel a lot like I am living in a simulation... it's mad, it's absolutely crazy."
"When I was writing chronicles and putting all this together, I didn't even assume simulation theory was a thing."
"In simulation theory, we can take all the flat earth material and incorporate it into our paradigm."
"Once we understand this is a simulation, the supernatural becomes natural."
"It's a place where they go into simulated universes to extract novelty like technology and bring it back into their Dimension and then sell it."
"We should hope this is a simulation... otherwise, civilization ceases to exist."
"The simulation argument enchants the actual world like it's a video game without requiring we sacrifice our modern science-based, or at least science-themed, sensibilities."
"No Man's Sky can help us think through the question of whether or not we are currently living in a simulation."
"If we are able to simulate universes of massive lifelike complexity, like that of No Man's Sky, within our universe, should we wonder or worry that our own massive lifelike universe is itself simulated?"
"There's a very rigorous philosophical argument that's been put forth concerning our living in a simulation rather than reality."
"Aliens are DLC from the future in a simulation."
"It's a third dimensional genetic program that is not a simulation. The simulation is real."
"Maybe very, very good odds that we're simulated now."
"How do we know this isn't happening to us already right now? Might we have been in a simulation like that all along?"
"The chances that this hasn't happened already and that we're living in base reality is statistically possibly very small."
"We're all in the matrix, we're all playing our own version."
"Human existence is at best a random meaningless miracle hiding the truth that the world we see is a simulation."
"Hope is not all lost because nothing at all has actually really happened, we're in a simulation right now."
"Certainly almost all of us are living in a simulation."
"If future us got advanced enough to create simulation technology, then the chances that we're in a simulation go way up."
"Tony Z can be seen as the guy who wants a complete simulation for behavior on a universe scale. So the universe won't just look alive, it'll behave that way because it is."
"The true power of this simulation is when the quanta are allowed to evolve based on their past."
"No, this definitely means we're living in a computer."
"How does the turtle know if it's in a simulation?"
"Does he have a point? Rumor has it that there are actually two tech billionaires currently engaging scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation right now."
"Are we living in a simulation? Leave your comments below!"
"Time is cyclical, maybe we live in a simulation, or maybe if you gaze too long you will look for the anomalies because that's what people do."
"So look for people who believe in the simulation."
"Eventually through exploration or just experimentation it becomes more and more obvious that the dark world is actually a simulation and has glitches you can exploit."
"Is this proof that we probably live in a simulation? Let me know in the comment section below."
"Elon has made the theory of a simulation world so popular."
"This whole universe is nothing but a video game...living in a video game...advancing to higher levels...higher dimensions."
"Even if I was in a simulation, to me, it's real."
"What's the difference between that simulated reality and the true reality?"
"Every time they introduced a super-powered individual into the simulation, Super Patriot overrides the simulation and creates it to be Savage Dragon."
"I get to see the universe and humanity as being like a matrix, like a simulation, but it's not run by some big bad machine, it's code that's made from love."
"The Wachowskis were not the first to propose that we might be in a simulation and that reality was not as cut and dry as it seemed."
"What if this really is a simulation and endogenous DMT was the key?"
"You ever want to know that we live in a simulation? That song played on the radio in the small Canadian town where I grew up."
"You realize this is a kind of simulation, a video game reality."
"The illusion is based on the construct that we're creating because we're inside of assimilation so to speak."
"The notion that our universe is a computer simulation of some sort."
"If we're being real, we're all probably living in a computer simulation."
"Maybe we live in a simulation. Maybe it's impossible to build simulations like that. Maybe if we had the capability, we just would choose not to."
"We are in a simulated reality, but this simulation isn't made by aliens or future humans. It's made by the god of the Bible and the Matrix."
"Elon Musk firmly believes that we are living in a simulation."
"Glitches in The Matrix are strange visual anomalies that make you scratch your head, did I really just see that, did that actually happen?"
"The Multiverse has actually become a kind of gateway drug to the simulation."
"The idea that we’re actually in some simulation currently."
"We live in a simulation it's okay."
"Are we living in a simulation? Is the universe run in a simulation?"
"I feel like we're in a simulation. How are we on a real golf course?"
"What if we are living in The Matrix right now?"
"I believe that we are in a mass group simulation."
"...if we live in a simulation then all the laws of physics are made up that is true because the simulators made them up just like when you program Space Invaders the programmers made up the rules of Space Invaders..."
"All of this might be a simulation anyway."
"...it took 14 billion years of evolution... to simulate 14 billion years of evolution... are we the only people here in the universe?"
"...there's never a point where I would say, 'Oh yeah, we probably live in a simulation...'"
"The notion that we may inhabit a cosmic computer simulation governed by these unseen puppeteers in a parallel realm is as intriguing as it is unsettling."
"The world is so big, but also, did you guys ever go down the simulation rabbit hole?"
"The hypothesis states that our reality is merely a simulation, something like the Matrix where everything is code in some type of computer."
"That's proof that we're in the simulation, though. Absolutely."
"And that's when I once again wondered if we were living in a simulation."
"The simulation argument is not surprising that it has attracted a fair amount of attention, given its implications for existential risk and our understanding of the universe."
"If and when we ourselves or our descendants one day reach technological maturity and develop the technology to create their own ancestor simulations, we would have very strong reason to infer that we ourselves are simulated."
"Reality might be nothing more than an advanced computer simulation."
"The laws of physics are the rules of the programs that instantiate us as seen by those of us inside those programs."
"Simulation envelops the whole edifice of representation itself as a simulacrum."
"I've been reading a lot on this theory that the entire universe is really just a matrix and we're living in a simulation."
"Humanity may have accidentally created a simulation with a conscious entity."
"I'm kind of on the Elon Musk team here, thinking that statistically speaking, we're probably in a simulation."
"Elon Musk is even funding work in this field, and he believes that there is a one in billions chance that we live in reality."
"The odds that we are in base reality is more like one in billions."
"I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that we're just living in some kind of simulation."
"My dance with simulation theory started about 10 years ago when I watched a wonderful film called The Truman Show."
"The world is fake, we live in a 3D simulated world."
"Do we live in a simulation? Is this world right here real, or is this just an imaginary world created by some kind of a supercomputer?"
"So I think we live in a simulation, your experience is just contributing another token of evidence to my treasure trove."
"The principle of simulation governs us now, rather than the outdated reality principle."
"It's becoming more apparent that we are living in a simulation."
"I'm waiting for someone to convince me that we don't live in a simulation."
"It just makes you think, is this a simulation?"
"What if we're all just NPCs in Steve Buscemi's universe simulation?"