
Personal Decisions Quotes

There are 505 quotes

"Your intuition, your feelings are on point; do what you feel like, not what other people say you should be doing."
"As hard as breaking an engagement is, it can be for the best. I broke off my engagement three weeks before the wedding. It's not too late to walk away and find someone who loves you."
"Having healthy boundaries means deciding what you want to include in your life and what you don't, and who is going to be in your life and who you want to let go of."
"Real joy and happiness comes from honoring your individuality and making decisions for yourself."
"Make sure you like your reasons, and then you don't have to justify your decisions to everyone else."
"Don't make a decision because it's what somebody else thinks is best for you, make a decision based on what you think is best for you."
"You're gonna have so much love for yourself because you'll know you made the difficult decision."
"If I get married in three years or seven years, what difference does it really make? What's really important is if I feel like I'm marrying the right person."
"I think it's always good to be able to walk out on your own terms."
"It is one of the rights which fall under a general right to privacy, which is the right of people to make personal decisions regarding intimate matters."
"You have to ask yourself, is this taking me towards my forever or away from it?"
"I'm a firm believer that everyone ought to make their own financial and investment decisions and that each person's situation is very different and oftentimes quite complex."
"She was an adult and could do as she pleased, but she would have never left her parents worrying."
"People wonder why I wear a helmet, and I'm like, it makes sense, dude. Why wouldn't you?"
"Nothing will come of this situation. It will help you exercise your discernment, and no matter what decision you make, just know that you can do no wrong."
"But when you live your life a certain way every single day, you waking up like this, you with your homies every day, that's how y'all living, and then you, like, literally cut it off 100%... it's one of the hardest decisions I ever made in my life."
"You're not your friend, don't follow their example if it's not wise."
"You made the right choice to leave behind what was no longer for you, despite how other people feel about it. That's not your business."
"Does God have a political party? No. Does God have principles? Yes. Do you have to decide how those principles apply to modern-day politics? Absolutely."
"A lot of people are just reevaluating their lives."
"The best decision I ever made was leaving you."
"Conservative women have bigger balls than liberal men."
"We've been playing games with ourselves. When you make a decision, are you doing it because you're afraid to be judged, or because you truly want to do it and it's your highest frequency?"
"Supporting Ariel now and in the future, whatever her decisions are."
"Corcoran advised against public appearances to regroup, but Bennett's family pushed for them."
"You can't say that's a good decision you've made, I'm really proud of you."
"Everyone's dating everybody but right now I need Shane to tell me what he wants."
"Follow your intuition, do what's best for you, and don't rush yourself to make a decision."
"Take the leap of faith when it comes to Gemini."
"Life happens to you. I think it's cool that she did this on her own terms."
"You gotta do what's best for you and your family."
"I regret doing it a little bit, but part of you was glad you did."
"Do you think I did the right thing by listening to my heart?"
"Two very important choices are going to be mind-blowing in so many different ways."
"Make only those decisions that make sense to you."
"I would go for this, is what I'd say to you."
"He was going to study medicine. Making the Man."
"I'm more so on the lifestyle now, like it's so pointless for me to just have sex at the moment, like it's extremely pointless."
"We aren't planning to have kids for another like five years or so, so that we're more like concrete and familiar with our lives now."
"Taking a leap of faith, taking a chance with this."
"Standing in your power and really deciding what's best for you basically."
"He cared about the show, but it was time to move on."
"Either you're going to take the sacrifice to drop out of college because it is a sacrifice."
"It's not anyone's business what that livelihood is or the decisions that they make."
"You gotta decide what you're gonna let come between you."
"Will you take your husband's last name is not a crazy question."
"I do not want to make people choose between air conditioning, coffee, and bacon and eggs. That's just an unfair thing that I have to make people choose for, so I don't want to do it."
"To better myself, I'll take accountability for my bad decisions."
"I'll make my wife happy going to settle for fifteen thousand dollars for the bike and then I'm gonna buy another motorcycle."
"I just knew in the moment like but I didn't want to do this this isn't what I wanted to do."
"You don't have to finish every puzzle that you start."
"What shall be my faith, whom shall I marry, what shall be my life's work."
"If he got with this guy before he was planning on fighting."
"Rondo, Garnett, Pierce, this [__] Ray Allen really went to go get himself."
"A lot of times women have kids thinking it'll make him want to be with me. Like, facts."
"You can be trans and detransition. You can only define yourself."
"You're not running away from a person; you're choosing to walk away."
"I think this is the last time that I will be doing this, it's definitely the last time that I will be doing it at this scale."
"I already had my home, you know. I knew what I wanted out of life. I had already said, 'This is what I'm gonna do. This is what I'm gonna make happen for me.'"
"You didn't do anything wrong, but look, I'm moving away for school, and I won't be able to see you."
"It’s because of this game that I moved forward with what I felt inspired to do, rather than what felt was 'safe'."
"Don't second-guess yourself, go for something that you think you really want to explore or experience and see it through."
"Now is the time. But it was really off Little Jay saying what he said. I'm like, should I put it on my Instagram? No, I'm gonna upload this on YouTube."
"Don't let anybody else tell you how to do it or what to do for you because you know you know your best interests."
"You're that guy. I'm not. You're gonna be in Puerto Rico saving all that money and he's gonna be like, 'Hey, remember that video?'"
"People move to make life better for themselves."
"So that's it you're leaving you don't have to go."
"Some of you are about to do something, like go back to school one day."
"What did you do with that 600? I bought ammo."
"The only thing I regret is not leaving sooner."
"She was a devoted mother. Even if she wanted to walk away from the rest of her family for some unknown reason, she'd never have left her sons."
"The best decision I've ever made... I basically just made the dish okay I'm just gonna do whatever makes me more independent."
"It's not in the name, it's in the decisions I make."
"Marriage is not a sanctimonious thing. It is paperwork. It's something... it's a commitment you make to someone. But if you feel like you're not getting anything from that commitment and you're trying, you gotta go, you gotta go, you have to go."
"They need to know the truth, they need to know where they stand with you, and a lot of you are not having it, you're like 'Nope, I'm moving on, I've already made plans to do that.'"
"Judge Alden thought I should be sending that money to Betsy."
"More people stay in the wrong relationship in case it will never get better."
"If they wanted to do it, I'd just be like okay, yeah, it's your body, yeah, go for it."
"Take a leap of faith if it's just manifestation."
"This is what I want or declare this is what I'm doing and see how the pieces will kind of fall."
"It's funny, so she called me to come to this club for this [ __ ] [ __ ] I could have been somewhere else, I could be with another girl."
"Why would I cause myself the harm of that payment sooner than I need to?" - "Why would I cause myself the harm of that payment sooner than I need to?"
"Many will reach a point when they look themselves in the mirror and Ponder what they will do given the realities we collectively face."
"To be honest, Cody is really looking to relocate back to Vegas."
"I don't know but I took it and I felt good about taking it. I don't know but it certainly didn't hurt me."
"Nobody else can make them for you and nobody else can stop you from making them."
"It's okay to not want to date someone it just is it is a tough thing when it is someone you care about."
"Anyone who would make you feel badly about wanting to save money isn't really a friend. If the decision is what is right for you financially, then it's right, period."
"Break up with people because you don't see a future, not to use the breakup as a grand gesture."
"Please get your advice from a healthcare provider... this is not the path for you."
"The real question that it should pose in your mind is who are you willing to fight with for the rest of your life."
"A lot of you you have a decision to make regarding this connection the soul connection you have with this person because there is some kind of magnetic pull that you have to them."
"Karen regrets leaving her first love, Matthew."
"You are not doing anything wrong to go purchase a gun."
"Everybody else is getting married, everybody else is having babies, but you steady like, 'Oh, I'm not settling.'"
"My own son embarked on a course which threatens ruin and destruction."
"I'm happy now because every decision that most people thought would be tough, every business I walked away from, every person that I walked away from, every person that I punished, everyone told me not to, I'm glad I did it."
"If that means you leaving someone behind because you want balance in your life and because you want equality and because you want fairness it is what it is."
"He's just gonna buy her some ice cream instead. I don't think your uncle Harry would approve."
"Look, Will Smith, if you're listening, look, you're gonna have to drop her ass like a bad habit. She is a bad habit and you've been hooked on her for a long time."
"I need to stop focusing on other people's opinions and what does easy want to do."
"We co-create with the higher self that is your original, guiding force."
"I feel like you need to make a move towards this person."
"Accept an offer for something you want to do."
"Abortion is one thing but this really boils down to us being able to make our own health care decisions."
"Choosing yourself is never going to bring in a bad situation for you."
"I've already decided. I want to live each day without regrets."
"The best and wisest thing for me to do is to marry Ernest."
"Spirit is saying now you have to make a break for it because your marriage is here."
"You just so brainwashed. Of course from an outsider looking in it's easy to be like, 'Why don't you just leave?'"
"I personally have absolutely no regrets. I'm so glad I did it when I did it."
"Someone's coming in with some love in their heart, okay you knew you would be supported what would you do beauty and devotion choice an old friend or an ex or next."
"Our instincts will tell us when somebody or something isn't right for us."
"I'm done with it and I kind of knew that it was the answer I needed."
"At the end of the day, don't make any decision just for other people. Follow your heart and what your gut's telling you to do."
"Every single decision I made for probably a solid six years revolved around gymnastics."
"I feel like you're making some type of decision here to move on, to move away from a situation here."
"I did it anyway, and that turned out to be a really good career decision."
"I'm pro-choice on these things, but each one of those times it was because I asked her why didn't you just take the morning after pill."
"I'm gonna come out of retirement... the last thing I'm gonna say is California."
"Who are you really when your opinions and decisions for yourself are based on who you are?"
"Even if you stay, at least you will do so with your eyes wide open and not believing that this is going to change."
"It's all up to you in the end to decide when to go and how to do it."
"If they're doing it for the kid, you just gotta do what you guys want to do."
"He was left with the tough decision to either choose Barbara or choose Sherry, and he chose Barbara."
"Trust me, I know what's best for me and I'm gonna make the best move."
"My relationships be perfect until I'm ready to leave."
"Congratulations, Marie, I think you made a good decision."
"The only person's approval that you need when it comes to doing things for your life that impact you is your approval."
"She traded in her baby, she traded in her soul for a career."
"Don't have a kid if you think it's going to fix some part of your life."
"I convinced her to marry me when she was young."
"I probably did a good thing for him, but I feel like that's painful."
"It feels weird to me like Tom Brady owes it to himself to do exactly what he wants to."
"Don't get caught up in this, Mike. This is the wrong way."
"Let's get to making babies. Like, that's it."
"I never thought I was going to go into politics."
"The moment you walk away from somebody is the moment they decide to come back into your life."
"I respect her decision. I'm sure she respects mine. I wish her the best."
"Picking a dad is not something that you do because you like his hair."
"Now I see why he moved out so he could do this [ __ ] by himself."
"There's not enough money in the world that you could pay me to be Jason Whitlock."
"I think it's, right now I'm just really, I think I want to go weird."
"Just meant to try to make you feel a little bit more in control or empowered when it comes to your own kind of choices."
"I fell in love with that person. That's why I'm going to quit being an idol. I'm going to be a singer."
"Incredibly, it looks as though the strong-willed Edward IV has married for love, or at least for lust."
"No matter which way you go, my point is here is that it's not going to either you have this ex coming back wanting to marry you again or you have this new person opening up wanting to marry you so one way or another you know."
"So as a result I kept going freelance... it was during this time when I was making these decisions that fanatic came to me with the offer."
"I'm 100 for people making their life choices."
"She knew he lied about having a fiancée but accepts his decision on the relationship."
"I felt like I just needed to see what I wanted to do without everybody else's opinions in my head."
"A person's choice about whether and whom to marry is among the most personal and important decisions of a person's life."
"Some of you, this means you know you might realize this isn't the person for you and you might move on."
"Antonio Brown embraces this thinking as his Bucs tenure is over."
"You're putting yourself in a position where you can't even have children if you want them."
"It's not up to another human to decide what's essential for your mental health."
"She walked away from a high value man because they were going in different directions."
"Looking back, I'm really glad I did not sign up to be a Playboy bunny that would probably have not been good for me."
"I feel like you're walking away from this energy. Like, I feel like you thought you would be with this person for a long time but Ada Cups is like walking away."
"I feel like she needs to either take a risk or take some sort of leap of faith at this time."
"A lot of you guys are in this position sagittarius of knowing very well you have feelings for someone but at the same time it's like it's very tempting to just end things rather than to go through this turmoil again."
"Is divorce the right option? My take on it is to really look at your situation and have real honest earnest conversations with Allah."
"Giving people the choice to decide what sort of employment they want is a more important freedom."
"Naming my daughter after my deceased friend shouldn't be controversial."
"She should have never been with him in the first place, she should have never gotten pregnant by him, she should have never even cross paths with somebody who was so beneath her."
"I think maybe I should like walk away from the table before the house wins."
"Now another important thing of being an adult is that all these big decisions are now my own."
"As much as it's painful for everyone else, it's your right as a human being to have freedom to leave like that."
"Ultimately, he's doing what is best for him and what makes him happy."
"This is a life path, a decision to do with this holy love here."
"I just think it would be so cool, I will sell my soul like just you talking earlier in this stream about not being a yes man."
"Just because I have personally chosen not to expose this person doesn't mean that they aren't being punished in some ways behind the scenes."
"Elon does what he wants to do... He's doing the things that he needs and he wants to do."
"Your higher self wants you to make that decision and move forward."
"I would say definitely don't rush it, you know, do what feels best for you and there's definitely no rush for those types of things."
"It's not luck. It's the decisions that you make along the way."
"It's not the astrology chart's way of saying don't invest, don't fall in love, don't try, don't start that business, don't go to school. It's just saying that if this is what you're called to do at this moment in your life, honor that."
"I feel like the answer is you should value yourself enough to walk away."
"I feel like you will go back to school, plain and simple."
"If you need to drink in order to be able to enjoy your night out, you're choosing the wrong nights out."
"Trust your intuition and follow what feels right rather than what you think you should do."
"I'm making a decision about the direction of this channel that I am so incredibly excited about."
"I felt it was alright at that point to disclose it."
"Why did everyone choose their school first of all and then their specific commander from that school?"
"So many people are curious about whether I'm going to be staying in America or moving back to Canada, and the answer is..."
"It's a big risk and that's why I'm going to be listing my Lamborghini Street Fighter for sale because I want to just have like a nice cushion."
"It was worse for us telling our former employers that we were leaving... than our family."
"I ran into that, like, damn, I don't know what to do. You know what, I'll just also book a vacation."
"Perhaps it's worth quiet quitting dating in general, at least for a little while."
"If I never followed my instincts and contacted my roommate, things might have turned out a lot worse."
"I didn't do it for social media. I had to do it for my family, for my kids."
"I just made my own choice, own volition. I am now an adult."
"It's the best decision I've made at this point in my life."
"I know that I made the wrong judgment and I made the wrong decision."
"Make yourself your mental point of origin and decide who is worth your while."
"Distancing myself from david and shane and yes i love both relationships was the best decision i ever made."
"Are you going to be selling this car and getting a different car?"
"This is such a difficult decision, I mean this is like choosing which of my kids is my favorite."
"Ending a relationship is not fun, but you have to ask yourself if it's the life you want."
"You're making the decision not to just eight different people at one time and possibly get a yeast infection, wow that's policing."