
Graduation Quotes

There are 822 quotes

"For example, for the undergrads, you are the first graduating class to have persevered through a global pandemic."
"Anybody can toss their hat in the air. We see it at every graduation, but few have dared to make it actually fly."
"Congratulations, MIT class of 2023. You totally got this."
"Done feeling like some lost little kid. I'm gonna say goodbye and move on and enjoy every last day till graduation with my buds here."
"Congratulations to all of our graduates out there, congratulations and best of luck in your future endeavors."
"Graduations...your Sims will go there and then they'll come out and you can hang out with all the other Sims who are graduating."
"People that weren't allowed to have a graduation because of a pandemic, I mean, in 20 years, that'll probably sound crazy."
"Years go by so fast. I mean, I'll be graduating next week. Like, that's how fast this year feels."
"Once the student has passed 12 classes, they will have enough credits to graduate."
"We're graduating this year, so if you don't tell him, he'll never know how you feel."
"Parents, today is a big day for you too. You have significantly lowered your chances of your kids moving back home. It could still happen though, so don't get cocky. Okay?"
"She's set to graduate from Russia's renowned Bolshoi Ballet Academy this month."
"I graduate college in 19 days but who's counting?"
"I'm excited, here's the Graduate. Very proud of you son."
"We could have high schoolers who are all graduating with the requirement that they have some level of financial literacy."
"Congrats to all the 2023 grads, but particularly those who took the long road."
"You raised me when no one in real life was there. Now, I'm 18 and just graduated."
"Tonight is for you. We honor twelve years of your hard work, the studying, the tests, early mornings, and late nights."
"Graduated university, finally Fox has reached this milestone achievement and is on top of the world." - Fox celebrates his academic success.
"We did it, you guys! We are finally graduating."
"It's weird... I don't remember walking on the stage. Like it happened so fast, dude."
"Congratulations class of 2020. You've officially made it."
"Congratulations to our parents, friends, and loved ones, without whom today would not be as special."
"Nothing can take away from this extraordinary moment, this moment which marks your entry into the company of learned women and men and the beginning of your life as a graduate of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health."
"Simple, straightforward unconditional love carries any seeker through graduation with flying colors."
"Oh my gosh look at my girl in her graduation robes what an absolute babe."
"Congratulations, Alex and Lizzie on your graduation."
"I'm using very light pressure, basically tickling the panel."
"Last year when I graduated from my undergrad, I was feeling the Elle Woods vibes as well."
"Bro, this is it, this was such a cool day to graduate here." - Reflecting on the significance of graduation day.
"I can't be unemployed right after graduation. Should I do what everyone else is doing?"
"Congratulations on graduating high school, that's big, that's big baby."
"Thank you to everybody for making these four years literally the best four years of my life."
"Achieving success: The Class of 2022 graduation ceremony."
"As this student was giving his graduation speech he couldn't have imagined that his dad, a US Army Sergeant, would come home to give him a hug."
"I want my virtual convocation, I think people should go for it."
"All I'm saying is if you showed up at my door to pick me up from high school graduation looking like this, I would definitely be impressed." - Robbie
"Kudos to the hard-working mother and her daughters who graduated."
"No one feels bad for you. You're about to graduate, be an engineer or a race car driver. Your future is bright, right?"
"When they walk across that parade deck on training day 70 and they graduate, they're no longer recruits; they're Marines."
"I just finished high school and now I am a graduate, meaning that I can finally do what I always wanted to do and that is to focus on my YouTube."
"If you think graduation is messed up and trading is not messed up, you need to really grow the [ __ ] up."
"If you're graduating right now, this is a great time, you're in the driver's seat."
"Congrats on the graduation! That'd be awesome."
"Congratulations on graduating through spooky monster creeper thing school!"
"Congrats grad, Beau has successfully completed high school, he can venture forth into the world with his head high and doors open."
"It's so funny that someone designed a hat like this for people to wear presumably after being smart for four years to make them look stupid just so."
"I'm doing my best to view any time that a person chooses to graduate... it's not a funeral."
"You're finally graduating from whatever this has been."
"Don't let the burden of change and graduation step in the way of your ability to be all that you're possibly able to be."
"You're graduating from something and moving on to something bigger and better."
"I'm glad to be done with the Imperial Academy and change the world one planet at a time."
"It's decided by a majority vote. So just don't think about it. Press 'graduate'. Don't you want to go back home?"
"I think that's what we're gonna do tonight because we both want to celebrate me finishing school... we're kind of celebrating the both of us today."
"Everyone was so proud of Pannar for graduating from university."
"Thank you for supporting me through my studies, I'm gonna graduate this month and I'm gonna be a full-time YouTuber."
"The four agents who made it to the final round were declared graduates of the academy."
"You're graduating from the previous cycle and moving into a new one."
"Graduation means now the real work begins."
"Congratulations to all of my graduating glamazons out there."
"I'm going to graduate just for her."
"I wish the best of luck to any of you who are graduating or are job hunting, I know the struggle is real."
"I can't believe that I'm graduating in a month, a little over a month, it's all so surreal."
"Graduating into a recession is a uniquely bad situation for any generation."
"I'm graduating this year on my birthday. That's God, that's lit."
"You're entering a new stage in your life because you have graduated."
"After graduating from University, she passes her professional Physicians exam."
"You're gonna graduate early at this rate."
"Graduation marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another."
"You don't have to get something just because you graduated."
"Gradually graduating is exactly like retirement, taking the turn from Japan's idol craze. Graduating technically means aging out of an industry and moving on to another step in one's career."
"Yup, Dexter coming in clutch with a little bit more details. YouTube's most super chatted V-tuber, Kurei Coco, has graduated from Hololive."
"I graduated from high school with 55."
"I dropped a box of spaghetti on the floor and accidentally graduated from art school."
"She just made a mystery for her daughter to solve. That's kind of lit. It's the ultimate Holmes test. This is how you graduate."
"Maintain those grades so that you can graduate and go to all the events and just try to enjoy as much as possible."
"Senior Year my mindset is like I'm so excited for college like I can't wait to graduate I can't wait to leave all these people and I'm totally forgetting to just like live in the present moment and enjoy."
"I'm gonna walk across the stage at graduation in one way or another."
"It's not for all subjects, but this should be enough to let them go out."
"Wow, that should be my graduation quote. Oh wait, I never graduated."
"Isn't this fun set? It's like towel material. Boom on our way to graduation like we're just why not just a little party bucket for the weekend. I'm on fire."
"I'm about to head to dinner with my family. I graduate tomorrow and I will be doing a whole graduation vlog wearing this fun little dress from Revolve."
"I love you guys so much subscribe for more graduation and honestly more school content and then it's summer soon love you guys bye."
"He feels that Suma has the same desire that Shomia had when he graduated from the academy."
"This is a good principal fingers that we're missing graduations I mean amazing God live your life if God we showed F High School leave high school behind."
"I've been skinny my whole life, bro, like scrawny, bro, like I graduated at 120 pounds, oh wow, I was 18 years old, 120, right?"
"Wikipedia! You're the reason I graduated."
"Graduation is only a few days away the Marine Corps wants killers they trying to become Killers today you are Marine the training is finished every Marine is your brother most of you will go to Vietnam."
"We all get laid before we graduate. Okay, dude, it's not like I haven't been trying to get laid."
"I'm going to face my feelings and sort them out before you graduate from high school, Nagisa. I'll try to sort things out properly, so please don't tell me that you're leaving."
"Like that, we made up, and a few months later, Nagisa graduated from high school. And I will protect her smile for the rest of my life. That's what I vowed to myself."
"Once you graduate this Academy or once you get kicked out of this Academy then we're going to see who stays together."
"My little baby is about to graduate."
"I am sure you feel the same way that you of the graduating class feel today. I too am leaving the school never to return."
"You graduated, you made it, you survived."
"March Madness cannot mean sadness at graduation. March Madness must mean gladness at graduation."
"I'm actually going to graduate with my degree in sports science."
"Seniors got out close to a month before the rest of the school, so with only a few days left, I was really enjoying the time I had left with my friends in that class."
"That is so cool. I love that. I also love that you graduated high school in the midst of all this, like hard work."
"Congrats to Jimmy for graduating."
"The day after I graduated from the Naval Academy, we were married."
"I'm kind of excited but also scared. Graduating because I am gonna have to start this new cycle of my life where I'm working a lot, but I'm excited because I feel like it's gonna discipline me and give me a really good work ethic."
"That's brilliant, I thought it was happy graduation day, everyone."
"Look at this boot of me walking across the stage, look at that."
"This is a cutthroat challenge to see how far these players will go to be the first to graduate."
"...I'm so happy. I'm officially done with my Master's Degree. All the forms have been signed and now I just have to wait until graduation day passes..."
"To everyone graduating seniors, please move your tassels."
"Congratulations to you guys, graduate."
"Graduating is cool, getting your diploma is cooler."
"...enjoy it before you graduate and have to get a job."
"By the time I graduated it was all worth it, I was top three in my class."
"I'm probably going to bring a cap and gown that I borrowed from someone to take a picture with my family in it because I just want that."
"I'm officially done with high school and I'm pretty excited about it."
"You should be celebrating this exciting season in your life, graduating is huge and you never get that window of time back."
"Congratulations on your nephew, it is graduation season."
"Ah, that was a memorable year and not just because I graduated high school."
"Well, we wish you the best in school and hopefully you're graduating next summer, right?"
"I don't know how I got graduated with honors with the severe learning disability that I now realize I had."
"Honestly screw graduation if I could escape it I would have."
"Take a second and think about the day you walk across that stage in your cap and gown."
"I watched them graduate and then go to the military, they went to the marine corps and got back and I was able to hear their stories."
"I actually graduated with my bachelor's, I just wanted to put that out there."
"Even if you've already started investing or, you know, like you're set to go, you're good to go and you don't think that you need his book, this book 'Set for Life' is a great graduation gift."
"Did I still pass and graduate with flying colors? Yes."
"Season 3 was centered around the senior year of many of the original New Direction members, addressing topics like the future, graduation, and the impact of leaving High School."
"You're setting yourself free, you've graduated, you've leveled up."
"Try to graduate. Give it your all for the time being. And this summer really take time to self-reflect and reset so you can start freshman year at a good headspace."
"I'm graduating this semester I'm just like [__] it."
"You have to be prepared. If you have this kind of resource out there and you don't have the mindset of doing your research and preparing, you probably don't even deserve to graduate."
"Graduation seems great right up until you realize that you're staring down the barrel of an abyss suddenly you don't really know what your future looks like."
"He graduated two years ago... making him the youngest to earn the prestigious title."
"To graduate, they must face a test of life"
"Saints end up discovering that when they get to heaven, it's a divine commencement, it's a graduation. That's all saints are. They're the ones who graduated from the school of suffering."
"I graduated from stress, heartaches, disappointment."
"I looked at it as graduation. I'm just graduating with football."
"You did it. I'm finally graduating now and entering the big..."
"...Beth proudly walked across the stage outside of Rutherford High School, signaling the closure of a significant chapter in her life."
"A successful graduate is somebody who recognizes that they are entering a profession which is noble and honorable, that they have to have that integrity throughout their career."
"Congratulations to the graduating class of 2020! Despite all the challenges, you stayed focused and achieved this milestone."
"Sebastian officially graduated from Physical Therapy. Congratulations, graduate."
"Seeing Mary graduate, we're so, so proud of her."
"There's such a sense of accomplishment that you will feel when you finally graduate."
"You cannot afford a fifth year. That means more money. Finish in four years."
"You're all Top Gun graduates, the elite, the best of the best. God, that was yesterday."
"As long as you pass all your required courses and graduate, you can leave that kind of nonsense behind."
"I will show you how I made this really cute graduation fan."
"That was little David's graduation surprise, but congratulations to class of 2023!"
"My class thought my graduation video was boring, so I decided to maliciously comply and give them exactly what they wanted, knowing the school would hate it."
"So then, man, the training just never stops. Once you're graduated from all the schooling, everything, you are go. So, okay, so how that works, so I graduated from all the schooling, wrapped up everything, and now it's like, okay, it's game time."
"That's the last time that we'll walk out of those gates for the last 4 years."
"What are you going to do after you graduate? You're going to come to Columbus."
"My mom wanted me to graduate high school."
"I've seen these 32 kids lined up, you know, all in their gowns, this beautiful Gala, and they're crying because they're getting a little bit of a failure, you know?"
"Death is just graduation for the Christian."
"I pray that every student who graduates high school or college and has read this book would view their work as a full-time missionary."
"She, for sure, made me graduate. She had my back."
"Your boy had the cap and gown and everything, my boy walked a little thing with the field of homies that took it serious too."
"It's estimated that over 11 million people will be graduating in China from university this year."
"It's the end of Reimar Nurse University. It's just time to relax in this thing."
"After today, you'll join the 25% of the United States population who have a college degree. Your diploma is so much more than just a piece of paper. Your diploma is a true testament to your ability to persevere and succeed in a multitude of situations."
"Tomorrow is graduation. Tomorrow is the big day."
"That's tight, I feel like I graduated."
"Graduating from high school is not the end but only the beginning."
"I graduated since like 50 years ago."
"Nothing is more fun than graduating people out of chronic illness back to a decent quality life."
"You have now graduated, you are free."
"Congratulations graduates and clearly I need to go back to college so I can pronounce my words properly."
"Congratulations, Soldier, you've graduated."
"I was really excited to say, 'I graduated from college.' To me, I was saying to him, 'You didn’t destroy me.'"
"I just graduated high school, y'all."
"When's the kid graduate? 2022. Wow, do you think you'll become a shaman? Potentially. I mean, that's a goal."
"...Koro Sensei congratulates the class on graduation with a beautiful smile."
"Capture this moment forever in your minds, of the day when you and your parents and your family and your friends came to this place to celebrate a new beginning."
"It's okay if you're sad that you didn't have your college graduation. Yes, there are people in the trenches, yes there are people who lost their... like, yes, all this bad stuff happened, but the bad thing that happened to you is still bad."
"This is an important day, this is an important month, graduation month, but an important day for these graduates."
"This is where I started my four years, they're about to end in a couple of weeks."
"You have all earned the badge of honor that is to graduate from the Wind Ninja Academy."
"I am excited to say that after I graduate this spring, I'll be moving and hopefully never have to experience these things again."
"...the seniors on the other side... going out for your senior year... there's no other way... you can... to be remembered."
"Instead of a mortar board or a scroll or a diploma, the Lord says, 'Now I put in your hand a different level of mass weapon for mass destruction.'"
"God has taken us through some things and he has made us more ready. It's a graduation ceremony where God is saying, 'Look, I have readied you.'"
"The biggest punishment that you could possibly deliver to Donald Trump: making him attend his son's graduation."
"I've now graduated, I am not just an anime."
"You're actually graduating to like another level of self-awareness."
"I had two mandates: graduate the athletes and win."
"Some of them you'll go and you'll work with later after you graduate."
"We're individuals today. We graduate as one."
"One of our students graduated course careers this person graduate with business degree our person is going to win every day of the week."
"I graduated from college with no real plan."
"It's graduation day. It's time to find out if everything we did works."
"I hope a lot of people can graduate this lifetime."
"I'm about to graduate from high school. Yeah, I was like, 'Dude, I'm about to burn down the barrier!'"
"You are now NYU graduates, the best and the brightest. You have great potential and possibilities, and therefore you have enormous responsibility too."
"Enjoy that cool twilight in between graduation and your and whatever the next part of your life is"
"Congratulations class of 2017. Welcome to the real world. We need you out here."
"We've been helping people get selected for three years now. Been getting a lot of messages about people thanking us and saying that they just graduated from selection and they got selected."
"IMG gets more kids that don't graduate on time than they do get out as Division One players."
"Our first graduates were in 1942 from bomb disposal school."
"Congratulations on graduating, keep up the good work."
"Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through...being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them."