
Pisces Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"People are admiring you from afar, Pisces. You have that star quality."
"Pisces end up like straight-up, some of them end up like psychic more."
"It's a shift into an altered state, a higher state of being, and that's what this very Piscean, Neptune full moon can give us."
"Pisces... they give the best presents because they're always from the heart."
"Pisces is known as the most spiritual of all the zodiac signs."
"Pisceans are the most sensitive souls, extremely sensitive, sensible, understanding, extremely intuitive, and so spiritual."
"I feel like there's a need to unleash... let it rip, Pisces, whatever it is you're trying to do."
"Pisces are fascinated with creativity and the artistic process."
"It's very important that we allow the feeling emotional and spiritual energies of Pisces to wash around us."
"Trust your intuition and navigate through this month with an open heart."
"By staying focused, seizing opportunities, and remaining true to their intuitive nature, Pisces individuals can make significant strides towards achieving their professional goals and securing a prosperous future."
"You are a star in the sky, Pisces, it's time to own yourself."
"Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in your tenth house, indicating positive career developments and increased visibility for Pisces."
"Pisces, in your seventh house, you'll come across dignified status, prestige, and prosperities. Be active, dynamic, and driven despite challenges."
"Pisces make very bold fashion choices and honestly, a lot of times the stuff that Pisces wear does not look good on anybody but a Pisces."
"Be open to this new energy that's coming in, Pisces."
"Trust your intuition and stop doubting yourself, Pisces."
"Pisces dislike close-mindedness and negativity."
"Pisces are turned off by rigidness and rules."
"A Pisces has to learn how to really speak their mind because they're already living in their heart."
"A new beginning, we have a new moon on the 13th of March happening in Pisces."
"This person did not plan to fall in love with you Pisces, that was not part of their plan."
"You're beautiful both inside and out, so I feel you will notice a lot more eyes on you Pisces in the next couple of weeks."
"God's son feeds his followers according to Matthew 14:17 with the two fishes, the two fishes of the zodiac which the constellation of Pisces."
"Could you possibly be looking here for some of you Pisces at a strategic career development?"
"It's a good year wealthwise for most Pisces Moon and ascendant."
"You won't be indecisive long about anything you're going to shoot from the hip straight to the point. This is what Pisces see this applies to see like it can go and boom and then what's gonna happen is a lot of things will be eliminated eliminated."
"It's time to move in the direction of your plan, Pisces. Take your crown back."
"There's a major upgrade coming for you, Pisces. It's time for something different."
"You have a new love interest around you already, Pisces."
"Something long deserved I feel like is in the cards for you Pisces, something that you have always known yourself but now the world's gonna see it."
"What it looks like to me is that's all for you, my Pisces, it's a beautiful spread."
"Humility... is one of its core principles for Pisces."
"Pisces are not a combination of the rest of the signs, but the sign does love to embrace contradictions."
"...there's also a humbleness here and it's looking at where this Pisces energy knows that it's safe to be humble and there's an honoring of what you've learned along the way because of it."
"With Pisces, it's the desire for all these different conflicting levels of being and layers of time and parts of the mind and soul, and body to establish, not a peace but a harmony between them."
"Pisces rules the 12th house, and so the person you meet is going to be very spiritual."
"They themselves will have very Piscean-like traits."
"It's your ability to love when things look most discouraging which is the beautiful virtue of Pisces."
"Music is like everything to Pisces."
"They connect to music on another level."
"Happy birthday Pisces, I wish you a beautiful 2024 year."
"Pisces energy is extremely intuitive, spiritual, mystical, and empathic."
"It's important for Pisces to set boundaries and prioritize self-care."
"Pisces energy represents the afterlife, the most intuitive and spiritual sign."
"This could be you know Pisces, your Pisces, you could be rising Pisces, Stellian Pisces, Moon Pisces."
"Nothing serious is going on here Pisces, this is exactly everything that you've wanted, it's like this is something you've been dreaming about for a really long time."
"The age of Pisces, it's a water sign, so that one of the things that tells us is it's an age of emotionality."
"The age of Pisces was an age when there was really an awakening of conscience."
"Pisces, you want to make your dreams happen this year."
"The hardest part is over, Pisces. This year is meant to be different."
"This is truly Pisces—a year where you say yes to you."
"Pisces make a superb educator. You are here to give guidance, you are here to give knowledge. Without doing this in some way in your life, it doesn't have to be formally teaching, you won't be fulfilling your destiny."
"You can't escape your dreamscape, Pisces."
"You can do this, Pisces. I don't know what it is, let me know in the comments, like what sort of leap of faith are you hoping to take?"
"Pisces men are probably, yeah probably the most romantic sign in the Zodiac."
"You're not here to compete, Pisces. You are here to rule."
"Pisces are really the witches of the zodiac."
"Pisces and Virgo are like the lock and key of the zodiac."
"Pisces people are so supportive that they will ignore red flags."
"For Pisces, rarely get angry but when they do, they're outright horrifying to be around."
"You're releasing something, Pisces, where you're letting something go, making room for something better."
"Pisces is very much about learning what is in your control what's outside of your control and letting the universe handle things and going with the flow."
"Everything begins to brighten up in your life, including most especially your relationships, Pisces."
"Love for a Pisces woman is unbounded, doesn't play by society's rules."
"Pisces women are hopelessly incurable romantics."
"At the end of the day, Pisces women are truly otherworldly goddesses."
"I think one of the things about Saturn and Pisces is that there's richness in looking at the sad broken longings and complicated emotional spaces."
"The truth of the matter is that Pisces is the most imaginative, spiritual, and compassionate sign."
"Pisces wants money to finance their giant enormous beautiful gorgeous phenomenal dreams."
"Pisces are usually extraordinarily generous with their money they usually can give away their money quite easily."
"You're calling in a balanced union, Pisces. Six of Pentacles indicates an unexpected surprise of generosity from the universe."
"Keep your emotions in check, Pisces."
"Pisces could be considered daydreamers just because they're always absorbed in their thoughts they're very creative they really like to feel grand things and escape into huge worlds."
"Pisces have very pretty eyes, and you might have freckles or beauty marks that people like."
"I think this is an incredible time to make amazing changes in your life Pisces please take advantage of it."
"Pisces, especially Pisces moon, is the most psychic of the signs."
"Pisces are so psychic because they are really open."
"Pisces is the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac, but of course, it's sort of the most mysterious; it's all 12 signs in one."
"Pisces are all about sensitivity and not sensitivity like the cancer, not sensitive as an emotional per se, but literal sensitivity, they feel everything."
"Pisces pick up on everything... they pick up on your whole energy."
"When you're in the presence of a Pisces rising, you just feel this love."
"For Pisces, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is love."
"Your Inner Strength here, Pisces, there's a part of you that needs to come to the Forefront and show itself."
"When you bask in the love of the Pisces rising, you will understand what it means to be divinely loved."
"When you're loved well by a Pisces rising, you will know the difference."
"Pisces is extremely in tune and receptive."
"Pisces are romantic, nurturing, understanding, can be elusive, they're very adaptive and intuitive, they're compassionate, trusting, subtle, they're sensitive, sweet and can be artistic."
"You're crafting the world in the way you want it to be; it's that Pisces brain, baby—dream it, think it, believe it, do it."
"Pisces have this unique blend of many personality traits that gives an overwhelming feeling of familiarity."
"Pisces tend to be selfless, they wanna help others without expectation of getting anything in return."
"There's a new start here, there's a new beginning that you're headed towards, Pisces."
"A new start, Pisces, a new beginning."
"You don't even have to do anything, Pisces, because they are going to show up in your life at the right time."
"Awaken your heart center and let love in, Pisces."
"Pisces are dreamers, they have a huge imagination that really sets them apart from anybody else."
"We're in the age of Pisces now, the age of Pisces is the symbol of a fish, which is also the symbol of Jesus. We're in the time of Jesus."
"Pisces, if they like you, they will generally express their love or their good feelings for you in a way that is non-verbal."
"Pisces is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, it represents compassion, healing, healing of the emotions."
"The full moon in Pisces is one of the most beautiful, artistic, and surreal moons of the year."
"Pisces marriage. This relationship is moving towards the sacred union."
"Pisces is mutable water, so say you've got a cup, you've got a glass, you're pouring the water into that cup or that glass, that glass or that cup is sort of what the water merges to be or into."
"Whilst the shell is Cancer's home, the entire ocean is the Pisces' home."
"Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusions, as well as Jupiter, the planet of expansion, so these people are big dreamers, huge dreamers; they're very creative, extremely creative people."
"Pisces are very very intuitive; they're very powerful, powerful just like all water signs are, but Pisces is the most powerful water sign of all water signs."
"Pisces specifically is known for their especially soft, loving, and empathetic nature towards people from all walks of life."
"Life can feel very overwhelming, ultimately Pisces risings, it's about transcendence, going beyond the physical and diving into those unconscious realms."
"Neptune is the water planet of dreams and intuition; it rules Pisces so it's very happy in that sign."
"Whatever you are doing, Pisces, you are doing the right thing."
"You are on the right path, you are doing the right thing, you chose the right thing."
"Magician is someone who can accomplish anything, pull rabbits from the hat, do impossible things, Pisces, and this is you."
"Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, and both of them have the ability to bring you what you want."
"There's a whole new start here for you, Pisces."
"Jupiter in Pisces is a very auspicious factor in any chart, especially if well aspected and well-placed."
"You've been brave, Pisces, you have been someone to yourself that no one could teach you how to become."
"Pisces will finally have it good, so finally they'll have a good year."
"Pisces, you're on fire, there's something that is absolutely taking off here."
"Pisces are like deeply emotional, artistic, creative, empathic."
"A Pisces knows there is more to life than what they can see and touch."
"I find Pisces Venus to be just like effortless beauty."
"Pisces are imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, and sympathetic."
"I've always been such a colorful Pisces on the inside since I was little."
"Being very creative can be a massive help for Pisces."
"Pisces is the wisest, so they know so much about this realm of reality."
"Pisces tend to be very, very spiritual; they tend to be the ultimate servers of God."
"Pisces, when it comes to their positive traits, they're compassionate, they're sensitive, they are adaptable, and extremely spiritual people."
"Pisces is truly in love with being in love, they live for romance and connection."
"No one can make you feel more accepted and normal than a Pisces."
"Congratulations Pisces because you guys are really intuitive and very empathic."
"Freedom feels good Pisces, and when we feel good, that's when we know that we feel free."
"Everything happens for a reason, right Pisces? You guys know that."
"Rising from glory, you're feeling really confident, Pisces."
"Pisces is drawn in by Capricorn's quick wit and tenacity."
"What a powerful, powerful month this is for you, Pisces."
"Enjoy this period, Pisces, loving light to you all."
"High functioning Pisces... compassionate, loving, they're sensitive to their partner's needs."
"Pisces in love... they have this idea of the soulmate, the soul union, it's just really what they want."
"Happy birthday, Pisceans! I hope you guys had a really great birthday."
"Pisceans are walking away from situations that don't serve them."
"Yes, Pisces, you have this feeling that you need to get out more, that you need to have fun, that you need to enjoy life."
"Pisces is a very ancient constellation and it has been observed throughout thousands of years by very ancient civilizations."
"Good morning, Pisces. I hope you woke up today feeling happy, safe, and peaceful."
"Classy, classy Pisces, you like the finer things in life."
"Pisces... they're just so loving, you meet one and it's just like easy, it's easy, you feel so at home with them."
"You meet a Pisces and you just feel like you've met a rare genuine person."
"They're super understanding, the kind of people that you can tell anything to, and they won't judge you."
"Pisces are funny, entertaining, the life of the party."
"Pisces are the most empathetic of the water signs."
"Pisces wants to be in a feeling of unity and oneness of universal love."
"This is going to be one of the biggest months for you of the year, particularly you Pisces."
"You possess all these different qualities and abilities because you are the 12th sign on the Zodiac wheel, meaning you have every other zodiac sign within you, Pisces."
"You do things your own way; you're wild and untameable, Pisces."
"You were some kind of blessing, Pisces, the nine of cups is a wish come true, it's a miracle, it's a blessing in your life."
"You got better things coming in, Pisces, it's time to move forward, it's time to transition."
"There's a very fast-paced energy coming into your life, Pisces, that's going to bring a lot of blessings into your life."
"You're in your element, Pisces, you are in your power, and your gifts are starting to shine through."
"This new person Pisces is a lot of good luck, it's like a new chapter in your life."
"Empowerment: There's something strong for a lot of you Pisces being noticed about your gift, your abilities."
"You're being guided to an opportunity here, Pisces."
"It's time to make your wish, Pisces."
"You want better, Pisces. You're not willing to settle anymore."
"Success is waiting for you, Pisces. You know this now."
"You're stepping into the absolute best version of yourself, Pisces."
"You need to realize your true power here, Pisces."
"The Pisces new moon is the point where the two energies blend."
"You are magic, Pisces, especially Pisces."
"This is opening a door to a brand new chapter for you, Pisces. This is huge."
"You are rebuilding, Pisces, but this is not a challenge to you, this isn't unwanted, this is very much desired."
"Pisces, it's time for true soul mate connections, true soul mate connections and establishing yourself in career."
"It's okay to dream big because that's what Pisces does, it dreams big."
"Damn Pisces, you definitely get a 'damn' in this reading. Sorry to interrupt, but this is good."
"There's something incoming for you, Pisces, and whatever this is, it's going to bring you a lot of love, joy, and excitement."
"You are a star, Pisces, you are unique, you are rare, you are eccentric."
"You're in a very good position here, Pisces."
"We're here, the full moon in Pisces."
"You're gaining a lot of freedom here, Pisces."
"I'm sending my kiss, my grace, my love and light. Take care, Pisces."
"Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces, which means it's its most highest expression."
"Fate is definitely involved in this reading for you here, Pisces."
"You're doing something for yourself here, Pisces."
"You're coming off as very confident, very sure of yourself here."
"You're just ready for a new beginning here, Pisces."
"You're going out there and happening to life, Pisces; you're not just sitting back anymore."
"You're a hell of a person, Pisces. Confident, abundant, independent."
"Keep yourselves wonderfully safe, my beautiful Pisces."
"Pay close attention to the synchronicities here, Pisces."
"Pisces are good people, you know."
"The best is yet to come, Pisces, and something big at the end of the month is going to come in."
"You don't need to be perfect, Pisces. You don't need to be everything for everybody."
"Keep doing whatever it is that you're doing, Pisces, because someone up there sees it and is very proud of you."
"You're walking towards a life of fulfillment here, Pisces."
"You have some really good days ahead Pisces, where you just feel good."
"This is the card of someone that's paying a lot of attention to you, Pisces."
"There's something about you here, Pisces, that lights up this person's day."
"You're truly rising above the darkness here, Pisces, and shining, you're blooming."
"Positive change, Pisces, so yeah, you got, you're going to be really strong."
"You're not alone, Pisces. The angels are among you."
"As the final sign, Pisces has absorbed every lesson—the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears—learned by all the other signs."
"You got to get in the water to get a Pisces."
"Pisces are very emotional, they're very dreamy, they're very intuitive, wonderful people."