
Cycles Quotes

There are 1074 quotes

"A human being is an emotional machine in action, cycling through emotions over and over again."
"The Divine Feminine endlessly creates over and over again, flowing in cycles just like the moon."
"Freya phases in cycle says: There is a beginning within every ending, illusions are revealed and released."
"With every ending, there's a new beginning. That is the way of the world, the way of the universe."
"Now you're at the end of this big cycle, and through that process, you have this major breakthrough within yourself as well as in some situation or relationship in your life."
"Healing happens in cycles, it's a spiral motion."
"Everything repeats, but with creative differences."
"All good times and bad times come in sequences, so just hang in there."
"History says that these third turnings always end in fourth turnings and fourth turnings is when we suddenly realize that that kind of world is not meant for survival."
"History is a series of cycles of an organizational structure forming and generating a golden age and then breaking apart."
"Demographics and cycles are how you predict the future."
"Understanding cycles is the most important thing about the world because there are cycles in everything."
"Every peak has a valley; every economic period of prosperity has had a corresponding economic drop somewhere in the future."
"Things have to get dark before they get bright again."
"We tend to have these major civic revolutions or upheavals about once every long human lifetime."
"While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease."
"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been."
"Everything repeats. There are times when the market will go into sloppy consolidations."
"The end of a tough cycle approaches. Full moon in Capricorn. A lot of diligent energy there, step by step."
"It makes it seem so predictable from a historical perspective... the rise and fall of Empires... they go in this six cycle Trend."
"Everything that you lost will come back around full circle."
"Revenge only leads to more revenge in an endless cycle."
"All human beings have ups and downs as they pass through the life cycle."
"People also observe these fluctuations in nature as the sea has both high and low tides."
"What goes up must fall back, and what goes down must resurface!"
"A brand new Sonic cycle, an ending and a beginning."
"Pluto is about breaking cycles... it kills certain things."
"Recessions are a part of our economic cycle period. They have happened in the past and they will continue to happen."
"Jupiter only does this Taurus stint every 12 years."
"Each turning is about 20 to 22 years, this one started in 2008, so roughly by 2030 you'd expect us to be wrapping up."
"They come and go many times during one orbit in this zodiacal period which is the age of Pisces."
"You're putting love into that and you're using the cycles to manifest on that."
"Every single time there is a good period of history, it comes out of bad times."
"You can only blow up so much before it has to come back. But when it comes back, that's when we unload."
"Saturn moving into Capricorn marks the start of a new karmic cycle, a rebirth of Father Time."
"Nothing will be the same after Saturn completes its cycle in Capricorn; it's a transformative period."
"Motivation and creativity will cycle itself back around."
"As the moon reaches the position of the sun, it marks the beginning of a new cycle, offering opportunities for fresh starts and renewed perspectives."
"A 12-year cycle ends okay and that there is a new beginning of course with Jupiter and Aries."
"The cycles are really based on the lows and the lows are kind of this resetting event."
"Surrendering deeply leads to the end of a tough cycle."
"It closes out a cycle and Wheel of Fortune also indicates that there's divine timing at play."
"At some point, this gets overplayed and we rotate back again."
"Cycles are a function of the space; if you're in this for the long run, accept them."
"Most of all, Dune exposes the cycles of humanity and the constant structure of giving and taking that is present throughout the universe."
"All three categories' cycles are very similar, it's just what we do is like solely based on [__] eating."
"Christianity has always had a habit of dying and Rising again."
"Nothing changes but always repeats in a cycle. One fate is tied to the next, and knots cannot be undone but can be severed."
"A month of new beginnings... fresh start for everyone."
"Starting a new cycle... with your family members."
"Repeating cycles and lessons in their hearts, revelations in your heart."
"No cycle is all good or all bad, but you always have to be prepared to weather the storm."
"What object is served by this circle of misery and violence and fear?"
"Paving the way for September... a new cycle is coming around."
"Life is an eternal ocean and death and rebirth are the rising and falling of the same wave. Attached to every ending is a new beginning."
"Rationalizing abuse just because it's family can mean lifelong cycles that hold you back."
"There's a new start here, new cycle coming in."
"I feel like you're entering into another cycle of abundance... but don't spend it all on things that you don't need."
"When a seed is planted at the right time, it breaks cycles."
"This is the beginning of a whole new 12-year energy cycle."
"The pendulum is swinging, you know. It always has to come back to the center."
"It's about cycles and trying to replace or usher in new eras where new stories and worlds can exist."
"It's related to astronomy. It's related to the agricultural cycles."
"The pride cycle can turn into a destruction cycle."
"It's cyclic, there's love in the whole cycle."
"Life's all about cycles. You win some, you lose some."
"All that is new, all that is old is new again."
"This may be the final event of the fourth turning."
"The world represents brand new cycles, huge life changes."
"Change is happening here, starting a new cycle."
"They understood that we're moving into this new cycle that's going to awaken dormant abilities within us."
"Ragnarok was this endless cycle that all the gods were destined to die and be reborn."
"The funny thing about NASCAR is that if you watch long enough, everything always comes full circle."
"Real estate is cyclical, so your numbers still have to work."
"Each new cycle brings new beginnings, new possibilities for change."
"The world is the card of the completion of a cycle and the start of a new beginning."
"We've been continually reset and reset and reset."
"You are coming to the point where you're ending this cycle of confusion and pain."
"The first cycle the internet has been a part of from the beginning."
"The end of this whole process leads back to the very first step."
"There may be an ending of some sort of cycle that's been on rinse and repeat."
"The moon always reminds us that things are cyclical, that things work in circles."
"Secrets revealed, illusions shattered, completing the cycle."
"New beginnings for everything, there's no end."
"Patterns and cycles empowered by spiritual transactions."
"All things come to an end, but things also begin."
"The tide goes out, but it always comes back in."
"Drug dealing kick-starts a miserable cycle of addiction."
"Trust yourself and listen to yourself, but also because you're bringing a new cycle."
"There ain't going to be another cycle like this and if there is it'll be a bonus."
"The exercise that you could do to verify that a cycle like this is attracting, by the way, would be to compute the derivative of f(f(z)), and you check that at the input zero this derivative has a magnitude less than one."
"If there's a stable cycle to be found, that one seed value is definitely going to find it."
"The life of the world, everything in the world goes in cycles. And I believe in cyclical recurrences."
"Karma, fate, destiny—lessons and life cycles."
"The bull run usually ends basically a year after the last year four year cycle which is a 2021 but in my opinion this cycle may never end."
"Accept the wisdom of these cycles and of the universe, and as long as you show up and do the best you can do, that's half the battle."
"Control greed, control fear, they always repeat themselves."
"As long as the earth abides, four seasons will not cease."
"It's a positive completion, ending, or fulfillment of a longer cycle."
"Every cycle has been longer than the last, longer. So it wouldn't be too crazy to see a cycle go out into, you know, May of 2022, even summer 2022."
"If things go up and then they go down, then that actually means that things are always going to go up again."
"There's a karmic cycle that's come to its come to fruition and that's coming to an end."
"I don't believe in cycles. Manchester United are a massive club and they've been mismanaged for six years."
"Old cycles ending and brand new ones beginning."
"All cycles precede events, so to me, the answer to any question on the coin is I would just look at the coin, look at its pattern."
"The rise and fall of empires is a repeated part of world history."
"We start the cycle with the Libra star point, showing us what's coming, birthing something new."
"Another great age will arise, as in China it always does."
"It's like a marriage. It has summers and winters. It waxes and wanes."
"Essentially we are going to have to come back down eventually and cool down."
"The problem with this particular Saturn-Pluto cycle is that it's taken hold of boundary issues." - Rick Levine
"Any pendulum swings to the far left, to the far right, before it comes back to center. It's just something that happens."
"The completion of these repeating cycles... so much joy."
"This full moon is helping you really manifest new cycles."
"Things turn around, you know? It's kind of a pendulum."
"The wheel has turned and a new cycle has begun."
"Trust in yourself, trust the Creator again; another completion here, another circle, another wheel."
"Even as it gets dark, know that there will be another sunrise."
"Listen to your own cycles and flow with them."
"Is this the year of the boomerang or what?" - Scott C. Goule
"After the rain, there is sunshine. Things always go in ebbs and flows."
"Intelligence is realizing that things and cycles repeat... you can always benefit by counting on the cycle to repeat."
"I think if anything marriages go through cycles and ups and downs."
"Something's got to give, so the world can be a wrap-up, can be an ending, like a cycle finishing."
"What was going on last November when we had a new moon in the same part of your sky that might be coming to fullness now?"
"The more we try to fight against the naturalness of how people choose and how people have truths, the more we're going to be in these cycles."
"You're completing cycles, and I feel like you are in this position of power and strength."
"You wait and see, everything goes in cycles."
"The first thing to understand about calendars is that they're not really a measurement of time, they're our measurement of cycles."
"Something needs to be harvested, this is a time of full awareness."
"When you zoom out, corruption goes in cycles."
"Vicious cycles that may have been playing out for a very long time are going to be going through heavy scrutiny and a purge."
"We are always moving through various cycles, connecting with each in a different way."
"Like the moon, the energy in this situation will wax and wane."
"Remembering the cycle repeats itself every 12 years."
"The full moon is a time of releasing, and the new moon is about manifesting."
"He just builds you up to tear you down and what's crazy is it's the same thing every year but he gets you to believe in him."
"Every seven years something always happens... there's always a change."
"May is you know kind of past cycles that we've looked at, there's so many other influential scenarios that are playing out."
"You can go through the same cycles as many times as you want."
"The Wheel of the Year... is divided according to what the sun is doing and what our agricultural and farming ancestors were doing based on that solar cycle."
"You are part of Nature, and it is in understanding that and letting yourself experience those cycles that more and more healing will take place."
"New moons are all about new cycles and being in the zodiac sign of Taurus which is all about comfort and stability."
"Completing a cycle allows for new beginnings to be possible."
"It’s really opening up my eyes to this deeper level of reality and things sometimes being boiled down to numbers, and like, numbers underlying things and different periods of when planets complete and planets return to where they started."
"This isn't my first rodeo; we've been through time periods like this many times."
"The community has to order itself according to the astral cycles."
"Things can go through bad periods, but they can also go through good periods."
"There is something ending, but there's a new cycle beginning."
"The cycle idea is a big theme of the film, as many things in the universe operate in a cyclical way, but most importantly, nature itself does, living, dying, and being reborn in a never-ending cycle."
"Everything's in a cycle, everything has a lifespan. There's up moments, peak moments, down moments, and bottom moments."
"Markets move in cycles; we have periods of low interest rates and then we have cycles of high interest rates."
"One for the rook, one for the crow, one to let rot, one to let grow."
"We need to do a better job of developing virtuous cycles rather than vicious cycles."
"With death comes new life, so the same happens with us."
"The cycles of fandoms are something that was once seen as stupid and childish can later be seen as a Time of Wonder and Innovation."
"The green man dies and is reborn just as nature is reborn every single year."
"Everybody has their time at the top."
"The life and death cycle is manifested every single day with day and night, or even the winter; everything dies in the winter and then is born again in the summer."
"Venus never gets more than 48° away from the Sun in the zodiac before it turns retrograde or direct."
"A planet reincarnates when it crosses a sign cusp."
"That cycle drives everything; it's why I've been able to do so well in predicting where markets are going."
"Our economy moves through cycles."
"The ending leads to a new beginning."
"The end of a cycle here, a renewal, a new cycle coming."
"Step out of your comfort zone; the end of a tough cycle approaches."
"But sometimes those parts of the cycle especially that are ‘under the beams’ or retrograde have to do with internalization or sometimes things having to do with invisibility or even feeling invisible perhaps or being more internal."
"Having a Saturn dip back into Capricorn for the last time in July and then having that eclipse there seems really notable in terms of rounding that out and completing that sequence of events in people's lives in that area of their charts."
"Good times create weak men and weak men create hard times."
"There's no rest, no peace, only repeated cycles and instant karma."
"As we move along the length of the core, these contrasting periods of warm and cold pop up again and again."
"Something's over, some type of cycle is over."
"Don't create the cycle, so you need to break off the chains of that."
"I think we're heading for that kind of classic every several-decade correction."
"Change cycles and Transformations."
"John tells him the same reason as him stories go in circles don't they we're just going back."
"Eclipse seasons of course always open up the next six months, right? So we're opening up new themes and we're coming to new understandings of who we are and coming into new energetic waves of energy as a collective."
"The world card: Cycles are coming to an end. Maybe you've realized something that was blocking this connection."
"It's both a two and a half year cycle and a seven year cycle where things are opening up for you. You want to share your talents with the world."
"You have four cards in a row that indicate the ending of a cycle. This is huge."
"Everything that has a beginning has an end, and everything that has an end has a reboot."
"Every few years there's always an attempt to censor everything on the internet."
"Death and life: the eternal cycle of nature."
"These things tend to go in like a 10-year cycle, and we're almost 10 years out from gamergate, next year will be 10 years."
"George Martin is interested in the idea of revenge and war being this cyclical curse."
"In each World cycle, Vishnu creates the universe anew."
"History repeats itself cyclically because regardless of advances in technology, advances in civilization, human nature remains the same."
"Life is a cycle, and that's what The Railway Series is all about."
"There's no such thing as an absolute and final ending, right? For it is always followed by a new beginning."
"One of the things that you can count on is no matter what, in your lifetime, something from your youth will come back into style again."
"This is the beginning of a cycle."
"They're seeing you finishing up karma for good, closing cycles, and returning to your true nature."
"Purpose is seasonal. There's something purposeful in every season of life."
"It will be said to the earth, 'Return your fruit and return your original blessings.'"
"New opportunities, new beginnings, new potential here, new cycle here."
"What goes up must come back down."
"Incremental death and rebirth. Incremental death and rebirth."
"Astrology almost feels like it is a memory wheel."
"Penrose suggests that certain characteristics of the universe, especially its geometry, may be transferred through these cycles."
"Everything comes full circle here, there's also a completion."