
Emotional Validation Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"We all want to feel like our feelings matter to our partners."
"It's okay to be sad, it's okay to be mad, it's okay to not understand."
"Validate how they're feeling non-judgmentally."
"It's okay to feel that way; it's appropriate to feel that way."
"It's okay to feel all of the things that you feel."
"I just try to like humanize the toddler, humanize the baby. It's okay that they feel this way."
"I think the most hurtful part of it all is being dismissed about how you feel."
"Your fears, your worries, your concerns are not silly, and we all care about it."
"Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad for expressing your traumas, fears, or feelings. Your feelings are valid."
"People need to be heard, they need everyone to hear it and validate them."
"Your butt looks good, you are valuable, and your feelings are valid."
"You're allowed to be upset about that, like what the [bleep]."
"Saying that someone shouldn't be upset because someone has it worse is like saying they shouldn't be happy because people have it better."
"If you're angry today, I'm here to tell you be angry. I'm furious."
"Reclaiming anger as a valid emotion can be viewed as transgressive for women, asterisk included."
"The situation sucks, I agree with you. You shouldn't invalidate her feelings."
"This reimagination of 'Jolene' is just wow, it's a standout."
"Don't invalidate someone else's feelings just because you don't see anything wrong with the situation."
"You're not alone, you're not the only one that feels that way, and you are human, and your feelings are valid."
"Your feelings are very valid, but like you're gonna be fine."
"Your hard work is paying off, honoring your feelings here."
"For some of you, it's about being heard, feeling respected, and making people listen."
"You're right the way you feel, you have a reason for feeling that way and it's okay to say that."
"I feel like my thoughts or feelings or experiences are being invalidated or trivialized."
"We're not originally and still probably driven by wanting to feel special, loved, validated."
"Validating your kids' emotions is really helpful... children are human beings like adults."
"He has the right to feel the way that he feels... it's just like telling him why he's feeling that way."
"It's okay to feel pain. Some of you need that permission."
"It's like validation in a way, a completely gratifying experience."
"Your emotions are valid, but they're not permanent."
"Feeling angry, sad, or overwhelmed is normal."
"Everybody wants to be loved and have some kind of validation."
"Your love is a privilege... do not let anyone invalidate your feelings... this person and whatever they've experienced with you is extremely lucky to have experienced that."
"You can just because your situation is not as bad as the next person does not invalidate where you are."
"Your feelings are valid because I was a mess yesterday."
"Scripture does not say to have real grief over real pain is illegitimate."
"Everything you're feeling is okay. It makes you a good person."
"My emotions are valid, my feelings are valid, my fears are valid."
"She expressed gratitude and said that she burst into tears feeling the validation that her trauma was real."
"I just want to give us all a little permission to be angry."
"Women's instincts towards emotional attachment in sexual relationships are valid and should not be suppressed." - Louise Perry
"It felt like I was being heard, and being heard, that's what mattered."
"Just acknowledging that what she was feeling was valid."
"Dudes are valid, dudes listen, your feelings are valid."
"It's like I'm not going to write it off as hormones, I don't care where the feeling comes from, I just have the feeling."
"It's not okay to just dismiss somebody's emotions because you just want to hear a hot track."
"Nobody should ever tell you that your feelings and your boundaries are wrong."
"You're not being too sensitive, your feelings are valid and they're important and you did go through some shitty stuff in regards to your company."
"Imagine being gaslit like you're trying to talk about what your feelings are and it's like according to all of the biometric data that we're collecting on you in real time you're lying to us."
"Everybody just wants to be seen, heard, loved, and acknowledged."
"It's okay for childlike wonder and dumbfounded happiness to win on occasion."
"You don't need to write a college thesis for your own feelings to be justified."
"You are lovable and you deserve to be loved no matter how much you might feel the other way sometimes."
"An emotional response to something said or done is no less valid than a purely logical one."
"These feelings you are real and worth experiencing guys the feelings that you're having surrounding this past person like nobody's trying to deny your feelings if you're holding on."
"Your feelings are legit nobody's denying your feelings it's just that you have to have faith that something better is to come."
"Whatever emotions the other person's feeling, they're valid, they're real emotions."
"All of your feelings are valid, I validate all of this."
"Anger is not bad, it's the only sane, reasonable, responsible response."
"It's nice to hear someone say, 'I'm sorry.' It's like you feel seen."
"Weston is on a subconscious mission; His subconscious mission is to be loved and approved of and liked and validated exactly as he is without changing anything."
"You give voice to my rage and I don't feel constantly gaslit."
"Things are allowed to feel hard, you're allowed to have your human experience."
"You are a real person, and you do have real feelings, thoughts, and aspirations, and they are worthy."
"Stephan fixing everything with a joke invalidates Pink Diamond's suffering."
"I don't care about that. I care about like the people who really give a [ __ ] about me and I'm fine with the numbers being smaller if it means like I matter to those people."
"Your feelings are valid, your symptoms are valid."
"Feelings have a right to life; they're important."
"Don't apologize for your emotions, they are valid."
"Nothing you can feel is wrong, and how we respond to our feelings is a great way to reclaim our power in the moment."
"You're allowed to feel what you feel. Just know that all your hard work is going to pay off."
"Just because you're mad doesn't mean a person doesn't have the right to exist."
"Your feelings are real and worth exploring here."
"Validating your kids' feelings are important."
"Your feelings are valid, your feelings are real."
"My emotions or my need for some sort of clarity—it's reasonable."
"Don't let anyone minimize your pain or dismiss your story. Your story is yours; it belongs to you."
"Romantic feelings are real and worth exploring."
"You're allowed to feel exactly how you feel."
"There is no timeline on grief. It's okay to feel what you're feeling."
"Nobody can tell you you shouldn't feel scared when you're truly scared."
"All feelings are warranted and okay. The problems we face aren't due to our emotions, it's actually due to our judgment of them."
"Your feelings are valid, they are real, and worth exploring."
"First world problems are still problems, so don't undermine my sadness just because it's a different world or ranking."
"I owe them that, and I want the people who love me and support me that are confused or upset or angry to be validated."
"Start taking actions and acting like your feelings matter."
"This feels right, this feels good, this feels very very good."
"Don't diminish the feelings you have. Don't underrate them."
"Teaching people that their pain is valid is amazing."
"Talking with my therapist... it's okay to feel bad."
"Not anything compared to what other people are going through right now, but I think it's okay to feel things regardless of if someone has it worse."
"How you feel should be respected by other people and yourself."
"You don't have any sort of timetable or quota that you need to hit. Your feelings matter whether they make sense or not."
"There is a difference between validating someone's right to feel an emotion and making them feel safe in feeling the emotion while still stress-testing whether that emotion is appropriate or not."
"Stop making mockery of women being emotional and understand and respect the fact that women are sacred because they are emotional."
"Your emotions and your feelings are not too much if you are surrounded by someone who makes you feel like you are hard to love."
"I definitely had a lot of anger towards you and I feel like that was valid."
"Real emotion, you're allowed to have real emotion despite what some people like to say."
"Anger is not always bad, every emotion is valid and there is something really positive and empowering about each one."
"That's how you know it's real, that's love right there."
"Those feelings are very real, they're very valid, but don't blame yourself for having them."
"Not once did I feel like she didn't believe me."
"Your feelings are valid, your feelings are absolutely."
"Your feelings are real and they're worth exploring."
"I feel so relieved that Dr. Kate had a solution... I finally feel like my feeling's being validated."
"I think it's okay to feel stressed without worrying about the fact that my stress doesn't map to the greater stress that's possible because it's so unfair to our own emotions."
"The way that you emote, the way that you process, the way that you talk, the way that you express your feelings is valid."
"That feeling is a good feeling, she should not think it's a bad feeling."
"Validate that confusion, that unknowing, that shaky foot, those wobbly knees as you step in."
"All feelings are valid, no matter how infantile or weird they are."
"Give this relationship a chance. These feelings are real and worth exploring."
"Every feeling is validated you should be able to feel what you feel without the need for someone to like constantly pick and figure you out like you're just a human being."
"Insulting someone for their experience does not make that experience any less real to them."
"Everyone's emotions are valid okay I don't want to be like well you can't cry about this because someone out there has less life is a spectrum."
"She is 1,000% bullying you and is now trying to play the victim now that you've called her out on it. Don't back down, your feelings matter and are valid."
"Feeling validated and recognized for your efforts."
"New love, romantic feelings, yes these feelings are real and worth exploring."
"They want to know if all their feelings are validated, are right, that the passion is there the intensity is there that you feel the same way even if you're not fully showing it now."
"Your feelings are real and worth pursuing. Romantic feelings are leading you towards your soulmate."
"Express yourself and validate your feelings."
"It's okay to feel anxious or on edge or not know what you're doing."
"I feel understood, I feel like I had time to think about how this actually affects me."
"If he can't leave you room to feel how you feel about something, he's not treating you like a human."
"It's perfectly normal to be feeling that way."
"The observer's problem, the therapist's problem, is to discern the emotional truth of the person's experience and find a way of allowing the person to convey his or her experience to the therapist."
"Recognizing and validating your emotional experiences without dismissing them is essential in the healing process."
"Your feelings are valid, no matter what you're feeling."
"There's such a powerful lesson to be found in you validating your deeper emotions."
"Stop invalidating your own emotions."
"Maybe that's okay. Maybe crazy idea kids, maybe that's okay. Maybe these feelings are okay. All of them, the worst ones, the worst thoughts that go with the worst feelings are all okay."
"How you feel is entirely okay and I'm not here to shame how you feel."
"You're entitled to feel hurt because your sister knew that you were struggling."
"We want to help children at this stage develop empathy without invalidating how they're feeling."
"It's normal to feel how you feel."
"Your feelings are valid, your lived experiences are valid."
"It meant a lot to him to have his feelings validated."
"Your feelings are totally fair and totally valid."
"Your feelings are valid, even if they come from nowhere."
"My feelings are valid, my experience is valid."
"Let's give them an opportunity to not just hear explanations from adults but that their feelings are important too."
"But it's not bad to be angry. Sometimes there are things a dragon should be angry about," Sundew said.
"Part of healing trust, especially between parent-child, is practicing seeing and understanding, validating that child's emotions."
"It's okay to be upset, you know, it's normal."
"It's okay to feel how you feel, it's okay to have those conflicting feelings."
"I think it's really important to not invalidate the feelings of children."
"It's okay to feel that way, it's understandable to feel that way."
"You deserve to feel those feelings."
"All the feelings you feel are valid, and you get stronger over time."
"When you're in a relationship, you should have the ability to be heard without your partner dismissing your emotions."
"Your feelings are real and must be processed."
"Our experiences matter, our feelings matter."
"Your feelings are valid, and you have every right to feel what you do, but the way that you approach it really matters."
"Your feelings are valid, no matter what they are."
"Your feelings that you felt are always valid."
"We are worthy of being sad sometimes."
"The truly good listeners of the world do more than just listen; they listen, seek to understand, and then validate."
"Validate and justify the emotion."
"Validate how you feel... then take your focus and put it on, 'But what if this is happening for me? What would it mean then?'"
"He made me feel my feelings were valid."
"No matter what emotion they come in with, it is valid and I will always address it."
"It's okay to feel things. Don't think like it's not okay to be sad because everybody gets sad."
"Start today creating a home where your kids' feelings count, where their questions count."
"You've got every right to feel hurt."
"Your values and beliefs and feelings count, they matter, they're important."
"People have feelings; let people have feelings."
"I just want to say your feelings are valid."
"Anger is a lack of feeling heard."
"What you feel is real and important, and you should never feel afraid about communicating that."
"Remember how valuable you are, your feelings are valid."
"I'm sorry that you're unhappy and by doing that I feel that it really validates that emotion for the clients."
"That was quite emotional and it gave validation to what we were doing on the day."
"It's not what actually happened, it's how they felt about it, and we make people feel the way they want to feel."
"You are allowed to feel what you're feeling, you are allowed to be upset, and you are worth living."
"Your feelings matter, you matter."
"Your feelings are valid. Stay spicy, stay assertive, work on those boundaries. It's okay to be selfish."
"Don't let anybody make you feel weird for grieving."
"Your feelings are valid. My feelings are valid. I am hurting emotionally right now, that's valid. I have to honor those feelings."
"Know that your feelings are valid."
"Your feelings are valid, breathe."
"Your feelings are valid. They are justified. And you don't owe decency to someone that was never decent to you."