
Peer Pressure Quotes

There are 473 quotes

"Listen to your true feelings; don't let others talk you into doing something that you know is wrong."
"Despite Rodriguez declining every time she was asked, Quigley continued to pressure her to participate and made Rodriguez feel judged for declining to lead the dance cast prayer."
"If your friend jumps off the bridge, you don't have to do the same."
"You don't have to do something just because other people are doing it."
"If your friends are bullying someone, you should tell them to stop. Do not pick on anyone."
"Don't fall for this peer pressure BS. If you're right and a hundred other people are wrong, you got to stand by what you're right about."
"Please read this out loud so my friend Jason will donate as well. Give in to the peer pressure, Jason."
"Being original, and saying no to peer pressure."
"It's a little risky, not everyone's gonna bite me, but I'd I need it, I need to try and keep up with everybody."
"If the people around you are like, 'No, you're not allowed to join our kayak race if you're not gonna let us hit you in the head with an oar,' then it's okay not to participate."
"Don't let peer pressure rule you into something that ain't that fun."
"I had questions about Mr. Murdock's guilt but voted guilty because I felt pressured by the other jurors."
"Know your limits and don't give in to peer pressure."
"Being in an MLM makes you do some insane things that you would never otherwise do."
"Peer pressure nowadays with social media is literally like peer pressure on steroids."
"Do you if everyone else is going to 37's and you are completely fine with 35s, stay with your 35."
"You're going to mess yourself up, it's gonna take a decade to recover from this peer pressure induced purchase that the math says no to."
"You don't need to be peer pressured into making your own mistakes."
"You guys are better than that, fuck peer pressure!"
"Peer pressure is the most dangerous thing in the world, bro."
"If you become one of the canceled culture mob, they leave you alone."
"You don't have to just because other people are talking about certain things... go at your own pace."
"My love of Hannah Montana and love of Miley Cyrus, when I got into middle school, definitely got locked inside a box and became my own torrid, little, guilty pleasure because I was desperately trying to be cool."
"Transparent demand and supply tension push prices up."
"You shouldn't let people who try and shame you or try and bully you into using what they want you to use or not use what they don't want you to use."
"I feel like I have to do it now as well to just like keep up with you, dog."
"You are going to lose yourself trying to be accepted by people."
"Don't do stuff that's potentially dangerous just to try to impress people. It's not worth it."
"A man doesn't give into his peer pressures he doesn't seek validation or approval from others."
"No is a full sentence. Mark was being pushy and an [__]. Peer pressure isn't cute when you're teenagers and it's especially ridiculous as adults." - Fanny Dog Monster
"You're going to have people asking you why don't you play affliction you know you are choosing the wrong spec you're bringing the group's dps down you're not being a good team player."
"There's no such thing as peer pressure when you have many friends in many places."
"Hit that subscribe button, do it, do it right now, give in to peer pressure, do it, do it."
"I buy into the catharsis of a jock discovering interest in an arcane hobby that his social circle would likely bully him for having."
"I wish I could tell my younger self, hey, these girls are putting you down because they're threatened by you, and they don't want you to look prettier than them (beep) them, wear and look however you want."
"When I do experience peer pressure, I always think to myself, 'Do these people know me better than I know myself? Likely not.'"
"You cannot back out of a dare. Somebody dares you to do something, you gotta do it."
"If you bend to the will of the mob, then you're always bending."
"I got kind of cyberbullied into watching it but yes, it does live up to the hype."
"Straight edge because it's a you know everyone's going to be offering you drugs and alcohol throughout your life."
"I can't be unemployed right after graduation. Should I do what everyone else is doing?"
"It becomes problem if everyone wants to match. It's fun but trying to force someone to match who doesn't, it's not fun."
"Don't just buy the phone just because, 'Oh no, I gotta be able to tell my boys I got the Snapdragon 8 Generation One.' Uh, you still got the peasant 888. Don't do that."
"They're afraid of being canceled and ostracized, it's very cultish."
"We're good, damn they're really like on you bro, it's cool."
"There's another way to be cool; you don't have to drink."
"You feel the absinthe? No? Come on, what are you, an amateur lightweight?"
"How MLMs not only do the worst things to us but also bring out the worst in us and then encourage us to bring out the worst in each other."
"I just wanted a freaking iPhone so I could feel accepted."
"Guys will literally fall in line and do literally anything."
"We've all pretended to embrace ideas we didn't have or be someone we weren't for the sake of scoring social brownie points."
"Any group that tries to dehumanize you for acceptance isn't worth your time."
"When everyone at school is doing something and you're like the only kid not doing it you tend to feel really left out"
"Don't let other parents goad you into ruining your own child's childhood."
"Peer pressure is an especially powerful form of influence because it is so subtle."
"Just say no to drugs. Just say no when people are bringing you that BS of things that you never want to be involved with."
"There are going to be people that peer pressure you and like I just want you to make the best choices for yourself. So like cool then that's on you and your family."
"The pressure becomes so great to adapt and do what everybody else is doing."
"A lot of behavior is driven just by peer pressure."
"Create positive peer pressure by challenging one another. Every environment I've created is all about everybody challenging one another."
"Hope that you continue and don't give in to the peer pressure and play the stuff that you are good at and enjoy."
"Don't let anyone you know push you into the ground for having you for embracing your body hair that's not okay."
"It's okay to not be cool like all the people in high school that you know."
"Sin is contagious, bad companions influence us."
"Don't be a sheep. Yes, the urge is strong to just go with the group, it feels right."
"He asked us if we wanted to ride with him. 'Get lost, freak!' Addison yelled, but I did want to ride with him."
"You don't confront the Mean Girls at school unless you think what they're doing to your friend is wrong."
"Honestly, we need to talk about people trying to pressure others into buying skins."
"No peer pressure, but do it. Do it right now. Hit the button."
"Let's just not do that, let's be better as an Animal Crossing community so that we can all be our own individual camo cats without the pressure of wanting or having to play the game like other people say so."
"They're afraid of social judgment... afraid of becoming a pariah in their circle."
"Don't let the internet shame you, don't let the mob shame you, you know what I'm saying?"
"Do not get peer pressured, don't do anything you don't want to do."
"If they keep pressuring you, dump them. Absolutely no reason a queer person should be telling you to come out."
"Peer pressure is a real thing. Brave Brent would do it without batting an eye."
"High school is just a bunch of scared people pretending to be something they're not."
"Never before has such peer pressure been used for such good."
"You don't have to say yes to things and do things that you don't want to do just because everybody else is doing it."
"You can't join mathletes. It's social suicide. Thanks, Damian. Way to know numbers, nerd. The limit does exist and it's your face."
"Don't feel bullied into breaking your diet if that's not something you want to do."
"This movie goes after peer pressure, you know if we thought it was hard to fit in in high school imagine having schizophrenia."
"He defied this idea of peer pressure, he crushed that notion."
"Peer pressuring your single friends in these situations is legendary."
"All you want to do is fit in, especially in high school. The last thing you want to do is be different than everybody else."
"Make sound decisions in your life and don't let fake pressure from others influence you."
"Just because everyone's doing it doesn't mean it's okay."
"Here's the moral of the story sweetheart if you're different you're gonna get left behind fit into the crowd and Bully anybody who's different from you"
"Yo, this kid's weird as [__], you're gonna leave me here, I'm like really high."
"That's huge because at my age, at 22, I would've succumbed to peer pressure."
"If you're cool, you'll do drugs. Your parents don't love you because you don't do drugs."
"If your friends are constantly going out and they're putting pressure on you to go out and they will not refuse to understand or even let you tell them I cannot participate, those are not your friends."
"High school is a lot about making memories, and you don't want to regret not doing what you want to do just because you're scared somebody's gonna bully you."
"They feel like they need to do so much just to keep up with you."
"Nobody in the company is there to kind of appease other people's..."
"She's the love of my life, but I can't be nice to her in front of the boys. I gotta be mean." - Junior
"Don't be the asshole friend pressuring your friends to drink more, buy more, and spend more."
"Don't let anybody make you different around other people."
"Please don't let people like Paul and Morgan make you feel like you have to do something that isn't right for you."
"Would I do it? Yes, because I wouldn't have any friends left."
"This is the story of a young adult who decided he wanted to start making decisions for himself and he got peer pressured."
"Don't let anybody push you into anything you don't want to do."
"Keeping up with the Joneses is the fastest way to become broke and unfulfilled."
"You never want to try and keep up with summons like with me or be free or rhyme."
"Don't worry about the haters. Worry about the friends that listen to the [__] from the haters."
"Trying to keep up with your friends financially puts you on the fast track to becoming poor."
"Don't ever do anything because you feel pressured or because others are doing it."
"Don't ever feel peer pressured into buying a shoe just because some random dude on the internet told you to or some of your friends told you to."
"I do not fall into peer pressure. I do not agree to being demanded anything."
"It's very important not to do what your peers think you should do, but to do what's inside you."
"You need to have that willpower; you can't give into peer pressure."
"Just because the other kids are doing it, that don't mean that you have to do it."
"We're doing it, I don't want to but they're peer pressuring me."
"If you're better than that and you can figure out other ways and you don't need to, then don't do it for peer pressure."
"Birds of a feather flock together. When I had bummy friends, I was bummy; when I had successful friends, I became successful."
"We try to influence each other to do different things and do things that you're not comfortable with doing."
"These might be non-harmful – like the way he’s able to feel looser and freer on the dance floor – but they also might be riskier – like accepting dangerous dares from friends."
"Ride your own ride, you do your own thing, don't try to keep up with your buddies if they got a little bit ahead."
"Don't lower your vibration to fit in with others."
"You don't have to be having sex just because that's what a lot of other people are doing."
"I'm not going to go in the pool by myself."
"Once you participate even a little bit, you're going to be pressured hard to keep doing it."
"If you hang out with just your friends all the time, you'll be a virgin for the rest of your life."
"If all your friends are doing it, what is it getting them? Are they getting the relationships they want? Are they getting the respect they want? Or are they just getting a bunch of likes and then no one takes them seriously?"
"Don't let other people negatively impact your finances through peer pressure."
"If everyone else is doing it, this must be the right thing."
"How can we help each other in removing external peer pressure and grow in the community? I think it comes back to communication and giving people grace."
"You really do not need to worry about fitting in for high school... be yourself and don't let thoughts of other people affect you."
"I just was introducing so many people to Fireball and baby carrots so like every time someone tried they're like 'do it with me' you know so I couldn't say no."
"You're not gonna persuade me to do what you want... I'm going to stand on my meeting... don't fall victim to peer pressure... be true to yourself."
"Peer pressure can lead you into depression... because you're being something you don't want to be."
"Everyone's depression stems from different things... be mindful about peer pressure... it can lead you into depression."
"You are who you hang out with. If you hang out with people who are doing mathematics in the back of the receipt, guess what? You're gonna end up doing mathematics as well."
"We're talking about gangs, we're talking about, but you might have just gone outside with your bedrooms, 'cause, like I said, I didn't join a gang, but call me a gang, like I was just on the block."
"That's big because a lot of young is be influenced by about what's going on in their environment and what's around them and the idea of what they think is cool and who is popular."
"Conquer peer pressure. Do not be afraid to tell your friends no."
"Do you really want to follow the trend? Who are you trying to please?"
"Knowing that you can be your authentic self instead of trying to keep up with some perceived expectation of who you are from your peers."
"Why are you pressuring me into drinking? That's not good, guys, don't underage."
"You know, if your homies want you to do something, you're gonna [ __ ] do it."
"oh I turned Jesus down as my savior because I was afraid of what my friends would say if I became a Christian"
"You will be known by the people you hang with, and they will influence you for good or for bad."
"I didn't experience the peer pressure that most people did because I made a decision at an early age. I don't care what you do, I'm not doing that. I'm gonna follow Jesus."
"I want this on a bumper sticker: Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people."
"Growing up in the projects like that, um, was there any peer pressure to become part of that culture?"
"I didn't know what to do, everyone was going to college."
"Lucas and Riley start dating, but then they realized they were only dating because of peer pressure."
"Are you going to surrender to your soul's knowing or the ideas or opinions of other people?"
"I just wanted to give it a try, see how it feels. Chris is always doing it, so yeah, it's all right."
"I'm trying to put the rest of my friend group on to it. My friend took so long trying to get me to watch the show all right two things the twins got us into one piece."
"...I think they probably didn't want to show, you know, they probably didn't want to show how much they liked us to be cool."
"Why do so many of us drink? The reason we will do it is because everyone else does it."
"So, once somebody got smoked, like, everybody's like, 'We're not, we're gonna smoke that guy,' like, you just turned into, like, a party."
"If your life is about like fitting in or being cool...it's really, really hard to do the right thing in those moments."
"I've never felt peer pressured or imposter syndromed or competed with during my time at Columbia."
"It's weird, I was popping pills just to fit in."
"If someone is pressuring you to do something or trying to haze you, you tell someone."
"People are less bothered by other people looking at them negatively when they don't join them in self-destructive food eating behaviors."
"Just be mindful I know the environment these boys be doing anything and everything with every everyone so when it gets to you just don't don't let them do it with you."
"Savings can be created by spending less, you can spend less if you desire less, and you will desire less if you care less about what other people think of you."
"Just because other kids do it all the time doesn't mean that you should do it."
"Stay away from peer pressure. Just stay away. Don't do something 'cause people are doing it."
"You have to be able to balance those things out and be smart with it and not get caught up in the peer pressure that comes with trying to buy."
"The only reason I do it is just because my friends are doing it and it sucks being the only sober one."
"We leaving the club. I don't know what time it is, but they want to leave. I don't want to leave yet."
"Ginger learns a valuable lesson about peer pressure and how she should have known from the beginning that her actions were wrong."
"Everybody says they want to experience something scary or exhilarating, but trust me, don't do anything that could get you hurt or even killed, no matter how cool it seems or how pressured you feel to do it."
"Just be careful and don't get sucked into 'but Mom all my friends are knitting it,' you'll thank me later."
"House Dondarrion is picturesque. Oh, people really saying S? Oh, it is good. Oh, screw it, peer pressure. Okay, fine, S tier. Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine."
"You're the type of person where like you're loving but you're also going to chart your own course if it doesn't suit you you're going to say something or you're just going to choose like a different path you're not going to be like peer pressured into something."
"If my friend jumps off a cliff and I want to jump off a cliff, then I should?"
"You don't need to [ __ ] do drugs to be cool."
"...not only were there people talking about it on their stories, but me and my friends were receiving private messages telling us that we should stop following her."
"The idea of you can't do what you want to do because what about everyone else? What if they start treating us weird because you're not hanging out with us anymore?"
"Peer pressuring him when he's not on board with the idea in the first place isn't a good idea."
"If you can monetize what it is that you do, go for it and don't let because your peers are broke and they wish they were in the positions that you're in do not allow them to talk you off the ledge."
"Most of the decisions that the young...make is as a result of the status that they think they're going to get from their peer group."
"You have to leave some people behind you wouldn't want to be if you were to come hang out with me and you were in a room with me and my five friends, you'd feel self-conscious."
"You don't have to drink too much, Allen, down the hatch, finish it, Owen."
"The problem is they have the wrong input sometimes and they're influenced by peer pressure or ads or influencers."
"I said I'll get it because I was the last ball we had, we were all in a row, and I was kind of being bullied so I didn't."
"Drugs are not cool. Don't do them because your friends are peer pressuring you to do them but because people around you do it, do it because it's something that you actually want to do or experience."
"If you're not attentive to the guys that you hang out with, they will drag you down."
"If you're around people who are drinking, you are naturally going to be pressured and feel inclined to drink."
"So yeah those are the lies where I was really telling myself that you know it's from the ground or this you used to say that yeah to myself speak it speak that on the camera I actually never drank before in my life and I honestly I've never been a peer pressure dude."
"I never saw none of my cousins, even the ones that may have been like three, four years older than me, smoke when I was out there at all."
"And even before that, when I first got my guitar, when my friends were doing drugs and then, you know, let me say, Hey, man, let's go get, you know, let's go get [ __ ]."
"Do it, do it, do it! No, you have to, like, put it all, like, hold it in your mouth and just, like, actually just breathe in. More, more, more, more!"
"If you surround yourself with new friends who find it gross to go out and get blacked out and do all those things then the likelihood that I go out and get blacked out and do all that is low because I don't want to lose all my friends."
"It's hard to be the only one not drinking and then when you feel that for the first time it's really hard to go without it later on"
"You don't need to be in a rush just because it feels like everyone else is doing it. That is the essence of peer pressure, and I don't want you to feel that way."
"You're under the influence at school with kids."
"I said I'm not going to drink no more period since I said that every weekend it's a homie birthday man it's like some [__] you feel me we celebrating at the St so I'll be me I'll be on your Snoop Dog [__] I quit smoke respect me and my respect me and my family."
"Peer pressure is the biggest influence on any child more so than your parents. Your parents can influence you to a certain extent, yeah, but your friends will always have a bigger pull. Would you say? Would you agree with that?"
"Standing up to peer pressure is actually cool."
"When you become a parent and an adult, you forget what peer pressure feels like."
"Our children are not going to be above the effects of peer pressure."
"With some of these things I've heard from so many people that I respect that these are essential items and I've sort of convinced myself that I've wanted them only to turn around and be like okay one I never use that or two I don't want it"
"It's hard to be a teenager when you have to fit in with the crowd."
"Just because other people are doing these things doesn't mean that it's right and doesn't mean that it's okay for you to do it as well."
"One of the things that keeps us really stuck is the people in our lives. When everybody around you is still doing the same thing."