
Economic Equality Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"So long as the services to life are gatekept behind access to wealth, we need to make sure everyone has access to wealth."
"We should all benefit; everybody in this economy should benefit."
"There's enough money on this planet for everybody."
"The best way to deal with gun crime in inner-city areas would probably just be to address the economic equality there."
"My talented 10th must be more than talented and work not simply as individuals. Its passport to leadership would be its willingness to sacrifice and plan for such economic revolution in industry and just distribution of wealth as would make the rise of our people possible."
"We're not trying to make everybody rich; we're trying to create a fair distribution of wealth."
"The unemployment gap between black and white Americans has been closed for the first time in American history."
"We don't want a society that is economic desperation, but you have to pay attention to the cries that people have."
"There are some things that should be economic or social rights."
"We're going to demand that the wealthy and the powerful start paying their fair share of taxes."
"We must work to create an economic system that benefits us all, not just the wealthy."
"He'll build an economy that rewards work, not wealth."
"I've long said that we need to reward work, not just wealth in this country."
"We've got to stand up and fight for an economy, a political system that works for all, not just a few."
"Let us have the courage to stand together and fight back against corporate greed...and create an economy and a government that works for all, not just the one percent."
"It's great for America because the wealth does need to be more evenly distributed. It can't just go to tech and finance elites in California and New York."
"I make no apologies for defending the right of every hard-working American to afford a decent life for themselves and their families."
"And if the Black community has more money, this country has more money."
"One job should be enough. That is not a radical idea."
"We need an economy and a government that works for all of us, not just the 1%."
"Bernie Sanders' agenda, if it was implemented, would do more to redress and redistribute and even out an economic playing field."
"Raising the federal minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour is essential."
"If we are going to create a financial system in this country that works for all Americans, we have got to stop financial institutions from ripping off the American people."
"The same investments needed to tackle climate change are the same investments we've needed to tackle income inequality."
"We believe we should be rewarding work not wealth in this country."
"Bitcoin removes the ability to gain an unfair advantage."
"It's long past time the wealthiest people and the biggest corporations paid their fair share."
"Medicare for all policy is gonna help the majority of Americans in this country, especially the middle class and the poor."
"Unions raise workers' wages, increase home ownership, retirement savings, access to critical benefits like sick leave and child care, and reduce inequality."
"We need to stop weighting economic value with human values."
"I think that lifestyle should be attainable to every single person in this country I think that is 100 possible with the wealth and the resources we have."
"UBI should basically be about evening the bottom few rungs of economic viability."
"We want to help you get wealthy, not just the individuals who are running these companies or shareholders."
"Social housing is about housing as a right for all, not just about making a small number of people wealthy."
"A strong middle class can only exist in an economy where everyone plays by the same rules."
"We can settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do exceedingly well, or we can build an economy where everybody gets a fair shot and everybody plays by the same set of rules."
"We will make the largest corporations in this country and the wealthiest people stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"Nobody should own an item of clothing costing more than the minimum salary of their country."
"Every American should share in the gains. If you have Amazon, you have to give a tiny slice of every M is on sale and put it in our hands."
"The only way we're going to get the economy to work for everybody."
"We must fight for economic fairness and economic justice for everyone because that's what makes a stronger America."
"We should redistribute the wealth of the massive corporations and give it to everyone."
"We shouldn't have an economic system that lets someone become a billionaire while their employees are reliant on food stamps."
"The question is not whether Nigeria is open for business, the question is how much of the world is truly open to doing business with Nigeria and our African neighbors in an equal mutually beneficial manner."
"The day when black people participate in the economy in proportion to our talent we will solve every problem that we have."
"Unionization helps to balance the disproportionate share of overall company profits."
"If anybody needs to be carrying more of the load right now, it is the wealthiest and corporations."
"Create wealth so that you know you can spread it around and break the Monopoly of this Elite these mafias."
"We have to ensure that everyone who works is able to live in dignity."
"Our farmers didn't want that money, they just wanted a level playing field."
"We need a trade policy that benefits ordinary people, not just CEOs."
"Democracy means billionaires cannot buy elections."
"We can spread the wealth, we can spread financial security."
"It's about fairness, economic justice, and power."
"Bitcoin could be the great equalizer and help people get out of poverty."
"True justice is also more than just dealing with abuse, it's about economic justice."
"All we are trying to do is address the crises facing working families and demand that the wealthiest people in this country start paying their fair share of taxes."
"Part of the reason why everyone is in crypto is because they're trying to bridge the gap between the have-nots and the haves."
"If the [] corporations and the moneyed interests and the capitalist [] machinery are gonna have their little voices out there, they're gonna [] prop up their champions with money, then the people need to do the same [] thing."
"Democratic socialism to me is creating a government and an economy and a society which works for all rather than just the top 1%."
"We believe that solving the black wealth issue is worthy of being a lifetime mission. That's what we do, and that's what we're damn good at."
"We can do that by making sure the wealthy pay their fair share we need to make sure that billionaires are paying more into this system." - Mandela Barnes
"Jose Serrano was a fierce advocate for the poor... a serious voice on economic equality and poverty."
"If Apple were a worker cooperative, each employee would earn at least $403,000 a year."
"Imagine a world where people can't hoard resources and everyone can afford to eat and live. That's where we're headed towards."
"Workers deserve to participate in the prosperity that they are creating for others." - Senator Warnock
"We need an economy and a government that work for all the people, not just wealthy campaign contributors."
"Our task is not complicated. We must create an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1%."
"A universal basic income appeals immeasurably across demographics."
"America always had the potential to be a land of full opportunity, full democracy, and economic equality."
"Bitcoin for billions rather than billionaires."
"Let us defeat Donald Trump and let us together create an economy and a government that works for all, not just wealthy campaign contributors."
"This is not a rich-to-poor transfer; it's just seen as a universal right of citizenship."
"We definitely need more CEOs like Price to combat the one percent of the world!"
"I don't care if someone else has more than me so long as I have a system where I'm able to do okay."
"What we really need to be doing as a collective is shifting our focus into trying to make it a more equitable system overall."
"Unions wanted the United States and its citizens to imagine freedom more broadly, arguing that without a more equal economic system, America was becoming less, not more, free."
"True justice has to come from economic justice."
"Level playing field: Who are we as a society if all that's left when this dust finally clears are giant corporations? That is not Pennsylvania."
"It's not anti-business to want prosperity in every part of our country."
"It is a policy choice to allow some people to accumulate that much money hundreds of billions of dollars in the case of people in the United States before everybody has the chance to live with dignity."
"Solving class issues helps with race issues. If we eliminate income inequality, one of the most effective metrics by which systemic racism is perpetuated is now eliminated."
"There's totally an argument for fair wages and distribution of wealth."
"All work has dignity and every paycheck must have dignity as well."
"It's incredibly important to make the wealthy pay their fair share."
"We could effectively make everyone on the planet wealthy."
"Literally, if we invested as much as we vote, that would literally do more to shrink the wealth gap than any politician ever could."
"That will eliminate the wealth gap in your family."
"The costs of the climate crisis must not be borne by the poor."
"I'd rather be broke and we all be on the same level."
"A singleton could distribute wealth and help to squash inequality."
"Our job together is to create an economy that works for all, not just the people on top."
"The plan is to have prosperity for the 99, not the one percent."
"We need to build America from the bottom up, in the middle out, not from the top down."
"Significantly increasing the number of people who are automatically eligible for time and a half for working over 40 hours a week now, does this single-handedly solve the wealth Gap? No, but man, that is big."
"Unions are key to reversing stagnant wages and economic inequality."
"The only way they will close the inequality gap is because they take it upon themselves to learn how to become an investor."
"We're going to deal with deficit reduction in a responsible way, in a fair way, as you say to the billionaires in this country who are doing phenomenally well."
"Our job together is to have the vision of figuring out how we create an economy that works for all of us not just the 1%."
"This campaign is about whether or not we will have a nation and an economy that works for all of us."
"This economy has got to work for the working class, not just the billionaire class."
"Every family deserves to eat, we all deserve opportunities, we deserve food for life." - Activist
"It's about time corporate America and the wealthiest one percent just pay their fair share."
"We have to bring people of all races together we have to secure their economic rights if we're really ever going to be whole as a nation."
"In a wealthy country like Australia, everyone should have what they need to live a good life."
"We can have small businesses if we help them have a Level Playing Field with the big business." - Richard Wolff
"We need to have an economy that works for everybody."
"What this proposal for the voucher scheme does is to make available to lower and middle-income parents the same range of alternatives that those of us in the upper income classes have now."
"We're going to ask the wealthiest Canadians, those with wealth of over 20 million dollars, to pay a little more."
"We all get to participate without it just being the rich get richer."
"We're proposing to ask the ultra wealthy to pay more in taxes to support lower income Canadians and middle class Canadians."
"Our number one goal is to close the wealth gap and build wealth in the black community."
"Our number one goal... is to close the wealth gap."
"The poor people and rich people will become the same."
"Socialism is merely an extension of the ideal of democracy into the economic field."
"Cryptocurrency is going to be a great democratizing force for the world because it's going to level the playing field."
"Be a part of every policy issue he approaches whether it's health care whether it's economic inequality a range of issues that's his approach."
"Give me what we are asking for: reparations, restitution, give me land, give me access."
"Now is the time to stand up and fight for an economic and political system that works for all, not just a few."
"People do want a government not controlled by wealthy campaign contributors but a government that represents all of the people and an economy that works for them, not just the 1%."
"Guys, we can force corporations to pay their fair share and rewrite the rules of the economy's work for us but we can only do it together."
"Sex workers have just as much right to earn an income, live comfortably, have enough money to pay their rent and buy food."
"It's time to get real about black wealth in America."
"I literally advocate for an ideology where everyone will have their material needs met and you won't have to kill yourself working just to live, right?"
"Redistribution of wealth and the opportunity for financial freedom."
"If you want to create an economy that works for all, not just the few, if you want to guarantee quality healthcare for all, not make a hundred billion in profit for the healthcare industry, you know what you need." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"Every black person needs to have a basic income in order to reach the economic floor so that they can compete in the economy."
"It highlights the need for ongoing conversations about racial justice, economic equality, and global connections."
"The social revolution potential now can, for the first time in history, realize economic success for all in a comprehensive world enjoyment."
"Black dollars spend just like white dollars spend. Cash registers don't know no difference. It's just a dollar. It spins. And they said they would not print a black man's book because nobody's gonna buy it. See, this is the mindset. Ain't nobody gonna listen to no black man."
"Our job together is to end a rigged economy, create an economy that works for all, and absolutely overturn Citizens United. One person, one vote. That's what American democracy is about." - Senator Sanders
"I want equal access for economic opportunity for all Americans."
"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."
"It is time we unleashed the productive power not just of London and the southeast but of every corner of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland."
"It's not communism; it just promotes like a basic safety net, people can have a good job and work and earn a wage."
"...the distribution of the resources of the planet is fair, not necessarily absolutely equal but fair."
"This is about a shift; we're talking about closing wealth gaps."
"Let's all take part of the wealth that we're generating."
"It's about time the very wealthy and corporations start paying their fair share."
"Imagine a world without billionaires, where you could actually get the full value of your work."
"We need an economy that works for all, not just the few."
"Earnings for the bottom 10 percent are rising faster than earnings for the top 10 percent."
"Everyone should have a living wage."
"We got to fight to create an economy that works for working families, not the 1%."
"We should be working to get everybody, regardless of their cultural standing, to at least a baseline economic standing where they can live with dignity and respect."
"Justice, especially economic justice, has become in quite recent times a government's true purpose."
"It's about wages that people can live on with dignity, it's about shared prosperity and universal social protection."