
Economic Change Quotes

There are 447 quotes

"We're not talking about heading in some bold new direction when we talk about fixing income inequality; we're talking about returning to what has been the standard for pretty much all of human history."
"America is realizing that they messed up by demonizing blue-collar work... now, they're paying really good money for trades."
"I think we have to plan for a future where our resource might not be as in demand as it is today."
"China was a bankrupt country in the 70s, now we're borrowing money from them. Something ain't right."
"We bid farewell to the era of cheap laborers and welcome the era of cheap university students."
"We are in a once in a lifetime financial transition."
"It's going to be the largest distribution or redistribution of wealth in all history."
"The revolution will not be televised... It's an economic digital revolution."
"Having a big family has gone from being a foundation of our economic model to a luxury item."
"A reminder that the federal minimum wage has actually decreased in value over the past several decades. We're paying people less in purchasing power than we did in 1970."
"Our entire economic system has been predicated on more and more oil that is roughly the same affordability every year. That is about to change."
"The spirit of personal independence in the women of today is sure proof that a change has come … the radical change in the economic position of women is advancing upon us…"
"The reset is here; it's happening. It's the largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history."
"By the block reward having taking place...Bitcoin would then increase in price."
"Small town America has died over the past 70 years... money was kept in the community and people were paid more proportionately."
"In the time from 2010 to 2018, the price of wind has gone down by 66%, Solar has gone down 80%."
"Once again, the technology genie has escaped from the bottle, summoned by an unknown person or persons at this uncertain time in human history, giving us another kick at the can, another opportunity to rewrite the economic power grid and the old order of things, and solve some of the world's most difficult problems, if we will it."
"The Millennials were faced with all-time record property prices, all-time record equity prices, all-time record credit prices... Then 2020 came along and it changed everything."
"When you move into town, you have fewer kids because they're no longer free labor, they're more of a luxury good."
"It's about how do we drive the cost down so these things can replace everything in our global economy and completely transition the world to a sustainable energy economy."
"How do we think about jobs, money, the economy, if machines can do most things better?"
"The ability to amass equity and the American dream... is going to go away."
"Everything that has spelled Chinese success since 1980 has now come violently unwound."
"We're having a real structural change in the economy."
"The reality is that income changes over time, and there are an enormous number of people in the United States by percentage who are able to rise from poverty to middle class."
"We need changes in workplaces, whether it's worker cooperatives, profit sharing, things like that."
"People actually have options now, which is changing the workforce, it's changing the way people look at work, and it's changing the way that our whole economy is running."
"Getting away from pensions basically drew a line in the sand and said we're no longer loyal to you in the same way."
"Yes, advanced are radical, and change is always frightening, but the truth is that the wealth and assets act has made more than 90% of the population wealthier."
"Freedom is liberation for black bodies and black communities to make economic change through political power."
"A working man could pay for the family, the mortgage, the car, the dog, the fence...those days are long gone."
"I suspect Optimus is going to be more valuable than the car long term. It will turn the whole notion of the economy on its head."
"A new form of money for households to pay for goods and services."
"People are going to start connecting the dots and realizing these amazing companies are just more efficient than the old economy peers."
"Technology can indeed be disruptive, but it always has and I submit always will produce more jobs."
"Russia can no longer rely on oil and gas to be the drivers of the economy."
"The silver lining toll of this American decline is that Jen and I were able to afford this unicorn pool floaty."
"78 of all the money that is in the u.s was actually created in just the last 10 years."
"Is it time for you and I to consider having universal basic income?"
"The future of money is here, family, and it's clear to see."
"We gotta all stop comparing where the market is now to where it was a couple of years ago when it was like you could have missed that."
"Once you decouple money from work, it's a game-changer."
"Imagine a $20 Android landing in a village in Kenya... it's a bank."
"Until we have system-level change, until we see the economy change, we're not going to be able to rectify the vast majority of the problems that keep mounting."
"This is a wealth transfer of 12% of the economy in just two months. Twelve percent of the annual GDP has been redistributed from the average person to the financial sector."
"I have something that can really change things financially for Black people."
"To transform a large industrial facility, let alone an entire economy, isn't something that happens overnight."
"Every little bit helps, and we need all the help we can get. A new labor movement, one that can really force concessions from the ruling class, would drastically improve the lives of average Americans."
"But that's all going to change as evictions roll out, as mortgage delinquencies turn into foreclosures, and people move into rental housing and the inventory jumps up and the pandemic's over."
"Jobs are created and jobs are destroyed... Things change and it grows and this is how the economy ends up getting bigger."
"The closing of the last bass factory marked the ending of a large Exodus to overseas manufacturing."
"Digital assets are going to create a universal basic equity."
"You have to participate in capitalism to change it."
"Coal Power is now so expensive that some utilities are buying working coal plants just to shut them down to get out of their contracts."
"We go from a 1.5% per year increase in the money supply to a 14% per year increase because of fiat."
"Every 80 years we change our financial system."
"The economy will research, and bartering will become common."
"In two years, the new Taiwan Dollar increased in value by 50 percent, leading to speculation causing stocks to increase by 12-fold while property prices quadrupled."
"The rich suddenly get poorer and the poorer get richer, and it's the situation that's gained so much traction."
"The entire world is going to go into deliberate austerity and start tightening their belts."
"A US currency backed by gold would change the game."
"That green premium... will actually go all the way down to zero in that category and that's amazing."
"The European Union has gone from a more or less balanced current account to a very large surplus."
"Russian resources are no longer available to the same degree and obviously the flow of cheap goods from China... well, that's now there's a question mark over that as well."
"Men today earn less than most American men did in 1979, a huge gender gap in education."
"Bitcoin is an economic imperative, a moral imperative, and a technology imperative."
"Capitalism... produced a big comfortable middle-class... the hollowing out... of that middle-class been going on now at least since the 1970s."
"We are in a completely different investing environment today and over the next decade than we've seen over the past few decades."
"The rise and adoption of bitcoin will do more good for the world."
"It's going to be fast and it's faster than it happened before the great recession."
"There's a plot to crash the US dollar and usher in digital money and cryptocurrency and the New World Order."
"Now fusion fuel is stupid cheap, it is the most abundant stuff in the Universe."
"This is a global financial paradigm shift, and almost no one is paying attention."
"These figures were definitely not this expensive when they first came out, but because now they're collectors items, definitely the price now."
"America didn't just lose manufacturing, we eroded our competitiveness."
"In this new world order, there will be one digital currency. No more US dollar or any other world fiat currencies."
"Autonomous ride-hailing could have more economic impact than any innovation in history."
"The transformation that we're going through economically is genuinely the largest economic transition since the Industrial Revolution."
"If there has been one significant change in the global economy over the last several years, it has been the gradual erosion of belief in the US Dollar's indefinite Supremacy."
"The safest job in america in 1995 was blockbuster manager."
"Covid really just sped a lot of things up, and I don't just mean the gradual shift towards remote working, although that's having some major macroeconomic impacts in its own right."
"The second world war basically ended the great depression."
"The financial scales are going to flip period."
"Between 2020 and 2021 the phrase one person's trash is another person's treasure really became apparent."
"This world has changed. I don't have a college degree and I'm making more than my mom made in a year in 60 minutes."
"These are people who sort of 20 or 30 years ago the jobs they have would have been able to very easily get on the property ladder and buy somewhere nice."
"Bitcoin increases in value because math caps the monetary base at 21 million bitcoin. The new world is eating the old world right now. Touche."
"There is a consensus on the need for change, but not on how to understand exactly what is wrong with the economy."
"Financial Revolution will be televised and monetized, it's our turn next time."
"If you got canceled, if you got fired, if you needed to pull your kids out of school and all of a sudden you're going from a two-income family to a one-income family, what are the different ways you can be more resilient?"
"The US economy is undergoing its biggest shift in direction in 40 years."
"As an American, I don't like it. I wish I could do something to prevent it, but I can't. But I can just take the measures to protect myself or my family members or to profit from it."
"Gold exploitation will become a thing of the past, replaced by an era of progress and enrichment for Burkina Faso's citizens."
"Modern women, we do work and we most of us make more than our husbands."
"This is not jobs being automated. It's good jobs being replaced by bad jobs."
"Do not fear, you're going to transform your whole financial situation."
"One of the greatest economic revolutions... is actually taking place in crypto."
"It would make financial sense for everyone to use this new type of currency."
"They're going to be in a different position and that puts the US dollar at risk."
"The former chief of staff for AOC straight up said the Green New Deal is more about changing the economy, it is not about green energy."
"The wage premium for bachelor's degrees has skyrocketed over time."
"With the rise of the money economy, it allowed [merchants and bankers] to exercise increased political power."
"The market has changed, the most obvious thing is prices. Home prices have skyrocketed since this pandemic started."
"We will make those value-driven decisions even at the expense of what might be an incredibly popular or profitable feature."
"Gentrification progresses as middle to upper class people move down the ladder."
"If you're going to have a conflict between two economic systems, you don't want to keep paying the legacy of the old economic system."
"Hyperbitcoinization is the simultaneous rise of Bitcoin and transition to reserve currency."
"Hong Kong would remain a place to make money but as a colony of Beijing it would inevitably slowly transform into an ordinary Mainland City."
"Cryptocurrencies could change the status quo."
"Let's double down, be on the right side of change, and invest when things are cheap."
"Crypto is the largest generational transfer in human history."
"The whole game changes because then all of a sudden the amount of economically viable tasks on which we can unleash these agents on drastically changes."
"We should be trying to create an alternative economy right now; the old one's gonna go bust."
"We are witnessing the brink of a new world order, a great reset."
"We need fundamental changes in the way we do politics in America, the way we do economics in America, the way we do energy in America..."
"In every hyperinflation or economic reset, there's a period of gradually then suddenly."
"We don't have the pensions, we don't have the defined benefits anymore."
"Thousands of people being let go right now it's a great time to be an entrepreneur."
"You have recreated what is a new financial system, and that's when a reserve currency changes."
"A central bank digital currency is the digital form of a country's fiat currency."
"I like to think that after these benefits expire, some of these jobs will be appealing."
"This is really a big reset in value and potentially finances."
"Bitcoin does have a very good shot at becoming the world currency."
"Bitcoin could force that change essentially."
"Inflation, even just inflation as a paper guarantee, basically reneging on its promises, presents a unique opportunity for the world to switch to a cryptographically guaranteed way of operating."
"We're having a financial revolution going on right in front of our eyes."
"We're right there - exactly average for when the world reserve currency should change."
"They just want to squeeze every last dollar while they can, and I want to partner with them and say, you know, you're going to make just as much money, help us create a green economy."
"Florida is literally becoming the next California in terms of the cost of living."
"The pandemic changed so many things... consequences of that were we had an exploding economy here."
"Central bank digital currencies are on their way to being at the forefront of our economies."
"The reason why Donald Trump's our president today is that we automated away four million manufacturing jobs."
"This year's list of the richest Americans has been shaken up by divorce, crypto, and a presidency."
"Consumer behavior will change as automotive companies are expecting to be bringing in fat profits from their ICE vehicles for at least the next 10-15 years are in for a catastrophically rude awakening."
"We are in the midst of the greatest economic transformation in the history of our country."
"The train has left the station. It's the greatest transfer of wealth in world history."
"It's good news because it means that things are starting to change in our economy."
"When President Biden took office the inflation rate was 1.7... look where it's gone now."
"We are at the peak of a potential financial revolution."
"Our lifestyle is changing and it won't continue to change. It's gonna have to change fiscally."
"Changing from a war economy to a peace economy is as important as changing from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"The digital devaluation of the dollar is coming, and it's going to be intense."
"A political revolution without the economic transformation needed to go along with it will not succeed."
"We'll see conditions evolve over time and it will probably become more or less profitable."
"The middle class is quickly disappearing at an alarming rate."
"The American middle class is no more is no longer here."
"Bitcoin could one day replace the world's Reserve currency."
"The livelihoods of those in these programs would be drastically changed."
"Sustainability is not a bad thing in and of itself, but when we get into a sustainable economy now, there triggers a different set of values, a different set of circumstances."
"The whole thing around money, the whole thing is going to change, the thinking, the way it's used, all of that."
"The Airbnb bubble is popping it is popping fast."
"Saving your money doesn't have the same value that it did 10 years ago or 20 years ago or 50 years ago."
"I think we are in a big transition away from an ultra loose indulgent kind of Arena where people are suddenly going to have to be a lot more Discerning with their capital."
"Creative destruction is really where you have winners and losers in an economy."
"A loaf of bread is gonna run you seven dollars, a gallon of milk is gonna run you ten dollars."
"There is a tremendous wealth transfer that will take place during this event."
"In the long run, I truly believe that an open financial platform like Bitcoin will take over most of the economy."
"The disappearance of this old guard also comes the disappearance of middle-class wages and security."
"If things do not change, another 15,000 suppliers could disappear within the next 10 years."
"Our economy, our world is on the verge of major change."
"Bitcoin came along in 2008 and shook that all up, created a better form of money."
"Negotiating a new social contract is crucial for navigating a changing economic landscape."
"The reality is that all of these things lead to a different type of world, a different type of economy."
"The post-pandemic era will usher in a period of massive wealth redistribution."
"I think cryptocurrencies are going to be the dominant form of money."
"Witnessing the greatest financial paradigm shift." - Brad Kinds
"I ended the disaster known as NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA."
"To those who say 'no no no, this is nothing, it's just a matter of economic,' wrong. This is a seismic change."
"The market's definitely changing, and I've been someone who has expected that change to be maybe more apparent than it has been."
"We're seeing the biggest transfer of wealth in history."
"The greatest transfer of wealth in a generation is taking place right in front of you."
"When I was little we lived in the apartment right above my grandfather's shop. He was a tailor who, according to Dad, used to do quite well back in the day before fines forced him to shut down."
"Finance and currencies, huge. Uranus is to do with these radical changes and things like cryptocurrencies, digital currencies."
"A silver revolution is now sweeping the world."
"Cash is now a risk asset, people are moving to money market funds."
"Mark Zuckerberg's wealth has plunged by more than 70 billion dollars this year."
"Those jobs are gone and those jobs are not coming back."
"Cryptocurrency is going to play a very important role in decoupling from the petrodollar."
"We're now in an echo of that will be based on on crypto currencies as we make this transition to crypto out of the dying Fiat."
"Events of this magnitude... they don't just come and go. They are more often than not the trigger for an acceleration of social and economic change."
"There's more. You know, property taxes are going to go up in those places. All taxes will go up in those places because their tax base is fleeing."
"Part of the ashes, I love that, and I love that we're leaving the fiat dark ages."
"Hyper bitcoinization is here. It's real. It's happening."
"Hopefully that leads to a better, you know, more sustainable future."
"We're certainly in the process of a secular change from a deflationary to an inflationary environment."
"I can imagine the financial system having a really big change over these next three years."
"Home values skyrocketed while interest rates were down."
"The greatest transfer of wealth in world history."
"The vast majority of employment shifted from farming to only needing about 2% of the US workforce."
"The progesterone Factory is closed, they laid all the workers off and then they sold the Sawmill and they spelled it for parts."
"The entire apparel industry is coming back to the United States."
"It will upend our idea of what the economy is."
"What we're seeing in the last two and a half weeks, Mario, is a revolution in the silver market."
"Historically, you could get an import into the US at around maybe 350 per kilo. Those rates are now, you know, pushing 30 a kilo easily. So it's crazy."
"What am I living in the future? Money for 100 just got that used to take 50 weeks and a day's worth of chores."
"We're much, we may not see capitalism collapse, but we're definitely going to see more repression."
"The financial burden has really changed; it's made the EV a much more cost-effective proposition compared with internal combustion."
"Money is edging closer towards its biggest reinvention in centuries."
"When the FED pivots, prices are just going to shoot the moon."
"We live in a country where single income households are really a thing of the past."