
Economic Reform Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"I'm not a defender of the system as it exists today; I want to wipe it out, I want to change it dramatically."
"Without successful reform of political institutions, reform of economic institutions cannot be carried through to the end."
"Nigeria cannot afford free education if we cut the excesses of very few people at the top."
"At the very least, we need an end to band-aids like HomeBuilder and first-time buyer schemes, and above all, someone needs to take responsibility for housing affordability."
"If you could get one policy on the table right now...what do you think would help the most? Wealth tax."
"A real commitment to economic reforms can easily forgive sins both by domestic and foreign investors."
"Our economic system can evolve to one that is more democratic, more efficient, less exploitative, and better for every member of the human race."
"Since the reforms in China ushered in in the late 1970s, somewhere between 400 million and half a billion people have moved out of poverty."
"He'll build an economy that rewards work, not wealth."
"Enough is enough. We don't need in my country three people owning more wealth than the bottom half of society. That is obscene."
"We need to end the era of shareholder capitalism."
"If we're going to have a real economy again, if we want to be self-sufficient and be able to produce the things that we consume and not have these huge trade deficits, we need to save money."
"Biden's ideology is heavily influenced by New Deal era politics with a strong desire to use government power to achieve ends of economic and social reform."
"We need to reform capitalism, or it's going away fast."
"Mississippi's plan to get rid of the individual income tax is heading to the Senate."
"Let's finish the job. Pass my proposal for the billionaire minimum tax."
"Maria Theresa transformed Austria from one of Europe’s most indebted nations to one of its most financially sound states."
"The president remains firmly committed to raising the minimum wage to $15."
"You have to write down... bad debts... a different Financial system... make credit a public utility."
"My work... has all been about how do we redesign the capitalist system."
"The great reset is not a conspiracy theory; it's a real attempt to remake the economy of the West."
"We are likely to see a resurgence of Occupy movements and Tea Party movements when arguing for better wages, safer working conditions, and a redistribution of wealth."
"There will be a national minimum wage of $15 an hour."
"Deng Xiaoping led the country through wide-ranging economic reforms, opening up China to foreign investment and the global market."
"Why save your money to buy stuff when the cost can go up between now and next year?"
"If we could bail out the crooks on Wall Street, if we give tax breaks for billionaires, we can cancel all student debt in this country."
"The worst nightmare of the banking system... interest-free money."
"We need to find a new anchor for world's financial system so we need a successor for the dollar."
"Bitcoin is an economic imperative, a moral imperative, and a technology imperative."
"Let's make sure we're paying our debts and talking about how we can make reforms."
"For those hoping to export competitive products, obtain affordable credit, find work, or fight for an Africa free from colonial relics, the CFA Franc is an anachronism demanding orderly and methodological elimination."
"Yes, the money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths."
"We have to rewrite the rules of our economy from the top down."
"Maybe we should structure an economy in which people don't have to work three jobs in order to pay their bills."
"We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history."
"The imperative is to reverse this decade-long aborted structural transformation."
"This one-time creative destruction event will wipe the slate clean in order for us to build a new and honest monetary system."
"The Green New Deal must be a project that completely reorganizes our economy and lives."
"China embarked on a path... called it reform and opening up."
"In a winner-take-all economy, decentralized applications offer hope for a fairer distribution of wealth."
"Bitcoin is not just an investment but a means to break the cycle of monopolies, corruption, and indirect taxation."
"Clearly, this is unacceptable. This trend of the rich getting richer and everybody else getting poorer is not what America is about."
"If we are going to truly take on the billionaire class and rebuild the economy, then it's important that we not only strike but that we strike together."
"Brexit is a huge opportunity for supply side reforms."
"Removing the profit incentive is a huge point."
"Our goal is to humanize our economy and our planet as fast as possible."
"We should be looking at how to reform some of the property taxes but at the same time reducing the income tax."
"We must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently."
"These changes are long overdue reforms that will actually benefit the private sector and average Chinese consumers instead of the rich and powerful who run the country."
"We are used to revolutions in poorer countries; we have seen currency reforms in poorer countries, and it could very well be that later this decade it could come to the industrialized democracies."
"Reform of the labor market and the land markets seem to be elite projects, but they're the source of sustainable growth."
"Economic adversity is a terrible thing to waste. It offers a scope for substantial reforms, if there is a will."
"We need to move to that kind of economy rather than an economy based on rents."
"We need to engage in that new generation of reforms."
"The current economic situation needs fixing not just for its national leaderboard rankings but to improve the lives of its citizens."
"Decommodifying one-sixth of a predatory capitalist economy."
"We are bringing in commercial mining in coal sector. That garment monopoly is now being removed."
"Democratic socialism to me is creating a government and an economy and a society which works for all rather than just the top 1%."
"Love and joy are the only things that really matter."
"But when Deng Xiaoping rose to power in 1978, he began opening China up to the global market."
"We need fundamental changes in the way we do politics in America, the way we do economics in America, the way we do energy in America..."
"Instead of giving tax breaks to billionaire friends, we are finally going to create a tax system that forces them to start paying their fair share of taxes."
"Let's get the money now. Let's get the policies in writing. Let's get the changes now while it's happening."
"The Real Plan sought to completely transform the reality of the Brazilian economy."
"We have to find a different way, come back to price discovery, risk and reward."
"We're going to cancel all student debt through a modest tax on Wall Street speculation."
"Universal basic income is a redistribution of power in a world of billionaires."
"We've just enacted the most significant tax cuts and reform in American history."
"Universal basic income would very quickly disentangle... the mixing of economic value and human value."
"Reimagining socialism: the need for workplace democracy."
"Public banking could be a financial revolution."
"He repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats 'He who is first will be last, he who is last will be first.'"
"This package is on track to represent the most fundamental shift in supporting hard-working families over the wealthy in modern American history."
"I think that labor markets really are the key to fixing capitalism because if you get labor markets working right and people can get a job where they can earn a living wage you fix a lot of this."
"The so called VISION 2030 is Bin Salman’s plan to bring Saudi Arabia into the 21st century… at least, when it comes to economics."
"Enforcing antitrust... that would go a long way towards reinvigorating the heartland of this country."
"Redefining economic progress to actually line up with our own human goals and values."
"We are on the brink of a dramatic change... we're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting."
"It's time for a jubilee: the erasure of debt and a rebalancing of power."
"We cannot have an economy that only works for the top 10-15% of people."
"UBI is a stopgap measure to a better system."
"It's not enough just to decarbonize sort of existing capitalism with all its inequalities and failures and inefficiencies, actually it's about building both a decarbonized but also a democratized economy."
"Even in the midst of crisis, there's potential for amazing positive repercussions."
"An effective lasting economic reform must at the same time be a radical reform of society."
"Eugene Debs put forward socialism as the cure for the sicknesses of the Gilded Age."
"The Populist Party aimed to correct the concentration of economic power held by trusts and banks."
"Joe doesn't just want to get back to where we were; he finally wants to make some long overdue changes so that our economy actually makes life a little easier for everybody."
"Tax capital at the same rate that you tax ordinary income. Take that corporate tax rate up to 28% and you would generate the revenues you need to pay for the programs we're talking about."
"The party's over; we need to clean house, restructure the economy, and create a foundation for growth."
"We have the ability to eradicate poverty... And I believe we have a moral obligation as a country to do so."
"We can't make the real changes that need to be made until we're willing to address the economic inequalities at their heart."
"The best green tax for the planet is to distribute the profits of the military industrial complex."
"They'll remove the asset limit, add inflationary benchmark, remove the income exclusion, and remove the marriage penalty."
"We need to achieve socialism when most productive resources are held publicly owned."
"You know, optimism in my view is is a force multiplier and you got to be optimistic about how this will work after we fix this problem but we ought to all work on fixing the sound money problem that's my strong belief."
"In fact, structural adjustment had worked as a kind of bloodless coup."
"The only solution here, the only proper solution that actually saves the Republic, is a solution that addresses the core problem—economic despair."
"The only solution is to fundamentally transform the system and the way that wealth is produced and shared by the people who produce it."
"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy."
"One of the things is to make sure the capitalism works for the majority of people."
"If you don't deal with the money, you cannot change the conditions that black folks have had to face in America."
"Fixing the lack of proper monetary system is essential."
"Big corporations and super wealthy have to start paying their fair share of taxes."
"At its core, it's an initiative to restore silver and gold to the monetary system."
"Democratize the enterprise finally bring democracy to the workplace where it should have been all along."
"If we want the situation in this country to improve, if we want public services to be improved, we can't just wave our hands around and say 'reform will do it.' No, we have to actually tax rich people to get some money to do it."
"We need overwhelming voter force. We need to fix the economy. We need to weed out the corruption."
"We need a new capitalism, a more sustainable and more just capitalism."
"Fix the economy. The survival of people depends on it."
"In a rational economy, companies harming society should be out of business, with care for workers' transitions."
"The 90s becomes a time of rich development of cosmopolitan thinking."
"This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change."
"We want to break the cartel and free up American productivity."
"Why do they so rarely stand up to corporate power... abandon prescription drug pricing reform... give up on politically popular populist issues like hiking the minimum wage?"
"I think a lot of people will find convincing the idea that if we advance these fundamental changes to the economic policy of the US, that will inevitably help to eliminate or drastically reduce these inequalities."
"Fix the money fix the world you need to fix the pricing mechanism particularly the pricing of opportunity costs that exist when you make these economic decisions."
"When you fix the money you even fix those things right."
"Changing the monetary system is critically important."
"It's still capitalism, but with rules and practices that favor the outcomes that we need as a nation."
"The financial system as we know it today is over."
"We need to ban the central banks and get the government out."
"This tax the rich motive is off the charts popular."
"What the economy needs is a radical transformation... That's what I think is needed, a transformation of the economy." - Richard Wolff
"President Biden's tax plan includes closing a loophole in capital gains tax that many billionaires have been enjoying for a long time."
"American employers are addicted to low-wage service jobs and we have to break that addiction."
"China is leading the challenge against an oppressive monetary system where is the ummah of Muhammad Ali gave that you should set the example for mankind."
"To save ourselves, it's time to rethink our economic system."
"Instead, he tries to jumpstart the entire Galactic economy by carrying out a once in a Thousand-Year industrial reform project."
"On Day One, if I’m president of the United States, you’re going to see the end of Trump’s tax cut for the top 10th of 1%."
"Now is the time to stand up and fight back against corporate greed."
"We need to rewrite the rules of the 21st-century economy."
"If we're going to truly take on the billionaire class and rebuild the economy so that it starts to work for the benefit of the many and not the few, then it's important that we not only strike but that we strike together."
"This freedom dividend I'm championing was actually proposed by Andy Stern who used to run the SEIU and he said that this would be a game-changer for workers because it would just make us much much more free and harder to push around and exploit."
"This is the only place in the country where people can actually overpower the money and rewrite the rules of the economy to work for us."
"We need to rediscover our roots and fight for an economy that shifts power to our regions and nations."
"The American people want Congress to address corporate greed, income and wealth inequality, and end a tax system where some of the wealthiest people do not pay a nickel in federal taxes."
"Democratic party needs a spine... stand up for fundamental economic reform."
"Creating an economy that works for everyone."
"All the bad debt will start to disappear and people will realize that this whole fiat system was just one big scam."
"I believe what we need is people in his position to continue to address the wealth gap."
"Things like public ownership of our utilities higher taxes on the rich scrapping tuition fees for younger people or supporting trade unions when they go on strike that's supported by millions of people."
"I believe that if we really are going to be in or we're seeing a rollout of a Bretton Woods 2.0 at some point the curtain will be pulled back and the conversation will have to be as clear as we're having it here today."
"The creation of a new international economic order..."
"They're redefining capitalism to make everything more equal and fair for everyone."
"We actually need to rewrite the rules of the economy both from the ground up and the top down simultaneously."
"Thanks in part to the Doi Moi reforms improving the economy, football in Vietnam also took a massive step in the right direction."
"If we could close all tax havens in the world, it would be fantastic."
"Then money would not be a form of punishment and control but a form of the one thing we need most: the forgiveness of debt."
"We need to get rid of it and replace it with a more equitable, manageable, and perhaps a more efficient economic system."
"These reforms taken together and pursued across the system, with some variation across the institutions, could generate hundreds of billions of dollars of additional lending capacity."
"Saudi Arabia has embarked on ambitious economic reforms aiming to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil."
"President Carlos Salinas forever changed Mexico; he transitioned Mexico into a free market economy, assured in democracy, and was the driving force behind NAFTA."
"We must lay a new foundation for growth and prosperity -- a foundation that will move us from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest."
"We're really gonna have to rethink our entire public policy around urban economics and the economics of cities."
"Nothing short of a fundamental rethink of how we utilize taxation, contributions, burden sharing is critical."
"We are nearing a point of no return and we need to rewrite the rules of our economy so that the economy works for us."
"We need to build a trickle-up version of our economy as fast as possible, an economy that actually works for us."
"We must now take further decisive action to fundamentally and comprehensively address the root cause of this turmoil."
"We need capitalism but a better capitalism, and we need a democracy but a better democracy."
"In summary, Charlemagne is known for his many reforms, including the economy, education, and government administration."
"Capitalism has to work for more people."
"There's enough wealth in the system now, let's redistribute it to the people who need it."
"The solution to our problems is a UBI, Medicare for all, debt forgiveness, college debt forgiveness, and free college."
"Henry George... advocated the ownership of land but... to actually own the land you have to give up the right to the rent."
"We should be as active in social reform as we are in economic reform."
"We must put an end to the bubble-and-bust economy that has stood in the way of sustained growth and enabled abusive risk-taking that endangers our prosperity."
"We've really had no significant continued reforms in India to propel economic growth since 2004."
"China went from a centrally planned economy to a market-based one and women joined the workforce."
"What we need is to create a system that eliminates these extremes and brings justice to our economic order."
"The fight against Black Monday is a struggle to find a new approach within the American economy that reconciles human needs and corporate needs."
"We need to make markets work in the interests of ordinary people again."
"The marketplace has the power to create social change."
"We've accomplished a fundamental restructuring of the economy that evaded you for so long."
"Australia needs economic reform; it doesn't need just more spending, it needs systemic reform to lift business investment and to lift productivity across the whole nation."
"Without rule of law, you cannot have the kind of economic reforms that will lift our people out of poverty."
"If we can make the financial system work properly, then we can have a much better World both domestically and on a global level."
"To bring real economic democracy."
"Investing in people is how we make economic reform work; it's the answer to the productivity question and it's the foundation for long-term renewal."
"My name is Bernie Sanders, I'm an outsider, I want to take on millionaires and billionaires."
"The regime is well aware of the need to transform its economic structure in order to reduce its dependence on oil Revenue."
"All of these questions are the context of a new economics and a new economy."
"Hopefully this will influence a new form of capitalism that doesn't end up with a few rich people and a bunch of poor people."
"As Finance Minister, [Manmohan Singh] transformed India by liberalizing the economy."
"The framework I've just described represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reduce taxes, rebuild our economy, and restore America's competitive edge."
"This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform taxes, rebuild our economy, and restore America's competitive edge."