
Personal Influence Quotes

There are 1000 quotes

"Change is not just a process; it's a person. It can start with you."
"You cannot force somebody to have humility without exhibiting it yourself."
"All I can control is how my actions are going to influence the future, and that's it."
"The outer world of circumstance shapes itself to the inner world of thought."
"It's true that luck, randomness, and misfortune is going to happen to you, and you can't control everything... but it's also true that you influence the situation."
"Ken Block truly inspired me, and the news that came out this last week absolutely floored me."
"That's the most impactful film I went to... There Will Be Blood was a big one for me."
"You are the source of like inspiration and vibration in their life."
"Blaise was a person who could turn the ordinary into something extraordinary."
"The entertainment we consume shapes us and our beliefs."
"You can't control others; you can only control yourself."
"Your charisma, your charm, and your personal vibration will be better, stronger, so you have a more strong also influence on other people and a power of attraction as well on other people and not only on other people but on the good things of life."
"Write down a short list of people that you respect. These are the only people whose opinions about you should influence how you feel about yourself."
"You have a very magnetic aura where people just feel drawn to you."
"One person can change the world if they know it here and act on it here."
"I believe you, watching this right now, have the ability to make some sorta change in some small way and hey, that equals less jerks, so that's a start."
"This is the time that you have the chance to make the biggest difference just by the way you choose to live and demonstrate your values."
"Don't underestimate the influence and the power that I have."
"Daily I am thankful for you and the impact you've had on me and so many, for the clarity of the true faith."
"The future is invisible... we as Humanity can change them and even as individuals, we can change our own individual reality."
"Kobe Bryant created the Mamba mentality and that mentality helped Kobe Bryant live on."
"I think the most impact that an animated movie on me has had is... Big Hero 6."
"Just look at what Elizabeth Taylor did with her life, that's the role model."
"Money is not the root of all evil, it's purely an amplifier of who you are."
"You attract what you sow, so sow what you want to reap."
"You also have more power than you think politically to make more action and change."
"Actions inspire others, not just words." - Shoto
"You let your light so shine and every opportunity you get."
"The minute you're not playing, you have all the power in the world."
"I thought there's I thought it was six feet tall and maybe 400 pounds you couldn't put him in a box so free if not for Sameer I probably wouldn't have gone to this business the way that I did as an artist."
"It's all in our own hands to radiate that to others."
"Your life lived is the best weapon you have."
"The bigger the character, the longer the Shadow." - Graham Turner
"That's something that makes all the difference."
"You're either shaped by the relationships that choose you, or you choose your relationships..."
"The journalism thing came because when I was a kid my dad's a huge newspaper reader and huge Pacer fan."
"It starts with you because you control the narrative and then everyone else gets to spread it."
"His industries were so solidly and completely built around his personality."
"If representation is important to you, then be the role model for other people."
"Give me the Chris, Chris is so paranoid about this and he's right."
"Years ago she had unashamedly fallen for his political opponent Benjamin Disraeli whose One Nation tourism was her kind of politics."
"Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons." - Denzel Washington
"Hopefully, I've inspired a lot of young people to follow their passion and change perceptions."
"There's something memorable about him that sticks with you."
"You do have the power to change whatever you want even if it's slow and excruciating."
"Only let the things that you can actually change affect you."
"The real power to mold and shape our reality is in our control."
"Whether we realize it or not, our beliefs about the nature of existence hold great power over who we are and how we act in the world."
"The future is not set, we are creating it in every moment."
"Just to be truthful and I think with the platform I have and the years I have ahead of me maybe that's the greatest good that I can do to the world."
"I feel like this person has a beast inside them that you've tamed in their eyes."
"You're basically a thunderstorm in meat, which is to say that I could change how you think, how you act, basically anything about you as a person by manipulating electrical signals in your brain."
"Visibility is a resource in and of itself, and I can offer that."
"I wanted to impact millions of people so I looked up to people like Tony Robbins and I studied what they were doing."
"I mean, John Prine is as brilliant and as great a [__] guy as ever touched a guitar."
"Maybe the lighter side of Danny will be inspired by Jon."
"Jessie's inclusion is credited to John Lasseter's wife Nancy."
"He was everyone's champion, a real-life superhero."
"Faith can drive character, character drives people."
"You're destined to be some kind of star, even on a smaller scale where people are drawn to you."
"The reason why this topic matters so much to me is I grew up with Grand Theft Auto."
"I consider myself to be in a position of influence."
"There's something about you that makes this person insecure... whatever you touch has the potential to turn to gold."
"The more you understand your true identity and purpose soul deep, the more it will influence everything in your life."
"You can change somebody's life with a conversation."
"Jim Henson may be gone, but maybe he's still here inside us, believing in us."
"You talk to yourself more than anybody talks to you so what you say matters to yourself."
"It's like the most tiny little thing you do can really have a big impact."
"When we seen the Ramones play for free... just changed my fucking world."
"Ian's name being attached to the brand has contributed to its popularity."
"In embracing this power, you will find the world responds in kind."
"No athlete in my lifetime means more to their sport than Tiger Woods..."
"The only part of that equation that we have control over is the attention."
"Inspire people by your action... crack open the universe."
"I always influence people, not realizing why I ended up in a mental institution."
"Forrest Gump, for sure. That's one of the ones that struck me hard."
"It totally changed my mind. It was the riffs, the vocals, the power, the overall feel of that album."
"Malcolm X is probably uh one of if not one of my you know greatest uh political Idols."
"Everyone thinking about this tonight has the power to change the way that they talk about this in their own life."
"Raimi spider-man has really shaped the person that I am today by living up to my responsibilities realizing that many blessings can also be a curse."
"We Define the future... to shape it in our own image."
"Edith held significant responsibilities, primarily in maintaining his regal image and adornment."
"Please use my energy to be your confidence." - Gary Vee
"You are realizing you are the influence in your life."
"You are one of the biggest reasons I am in the Hobby today."
"I loved like Hendrix, the Eagles, Pink Floyd..."
"First person that's inspired me to do YouTube was Whiteboy7thst."
"I'm seen as a person who motivates and inspires a lot of people to work hard."
"Christopher was very, very much at the heart of that struggle, and I've always been grateful to him."
"Your calling necessitates you to have Fame because through that, how you live your life would influence a generation about the image of Christ."
"David used his story and his experience to show me that I'm free to shape my future and follow my dreams, and you know that's a pretty powerful thing for a young person to realize."
"He taught me the ethics of conflict... the art of war... his version of the art of war."
"I went around and I got 12 people to buy it."
"Use your tongue to bless yourself. It is a weapon."
"She's doing more damage to Trump than I would have expected."
"Your wealth is coming from your mindset, how you show up in the world, what you think about this world."
"Don't sit through abuses—act in your immediate sphere of influence."
"Pop culture has had a tremendously positive impact on me in my life growing up and even to this very day."
"When I was a kid growing up, the guitar was the main thing that saved me from boredom."
"You changed their perspective of the world as well, and also their self-esteem."
"Part of who they are today is because of you; they kind of modeled themselves on you."
"I made a career based off of the elements that hip-hop taught me."
"Consequently, our daydreams and imaginations of desired future events largely shape our future."
"Marriage is like money, it takes on the character of the owner."
"If this doesn't make you want to get out in your four-wheel-drive, I think your heart might not be pumping."
"We all as individuals have an incredible influence on everything around us."
"Books have always been a huge influence...pop culture, insane, insane influence on me."
"Hey David, this week our house was selected at random to participate in the Nielsen ratings for most watched show. It was easy, David Pakman show by a landslide. Very powerful, I appreciate that."
"For every person that makes a video about their opinions on a game, there's like a hundred more people that don't even know that person exists."
"If I've done one great thing in my life, at least I pushed John Mayer to become a guitarist."
"She changes lives for the better, she's impacted it so much."
"Life is not a matter of chance or luck, it is largely the result of effect of our thoughts."
"And I think what you do with The Financial Diet has definitely inspired me to examine my financial story."
"I'm the voice now. Offering a voice and make a change to the world. Chicago influenced the whole world."
"Their mere presence triggers a sense of lack in others, a feeling of not measuring up to the unstated standards of charisma and presence that the chosen ones naturally embody."
"If you are looking for a world that contains all of it and you get to influence how it all unfolds, then you're probably in the right place."
"We each hold so much power to influence for good or for bad."
"Your private voice can either help you out or break you down. But it's the only voice that is with you until your death."
"The people who can make a difference on their own because their consumption habits are so ginormous that personal decisions by them actually could make a big difference."
"I found comics through superhero movies." - Kyle Higgins
"They see you as someone very stable, you inspire them to be stable, balanced, and strong within themselves."
"He fell deeply in love with Arena, under Arena's influence revealed his grandiose and depraved vision for the future."
"You will make the battle longer or shorter by your mouth."
"Steven Universe has had such a positive effect on so many people's lives including my own that I'm proud to say that it will always hold a special place in my heart regardless of how old I get or what new cartoons come in later down the line."
"Be careful what you copy from another person's life because you don't know what it cost them."
"I never ever imagined the impact and the effect that would have on Twitter on bitcoin on me personally as well."
"You're the Healer Pete's the Healer, you see. The stuff that comes out of his mouth is profound."
"It's hard because I think even I can lose it sometimes I very much wish that people would absorb thought processes from me I don't really care as much about the conclusions."
"A lot of positive energy is coming from you."
"People actually kind of see you as like their ideal. You tend to attract people who are very focused on their work."
"I read Passion of the Western mind at university back in 93 94 and I'd say it probably had the most impact of anything I've ever read."
"Celebrities I liked, but my role models were tangible people that did something admirable."
"Growing up in Queens, it's like the number one melting pot in the world, right? That's what shaped my childhood and influenced me to become who I am."
"He was that dude growing up, that like, you know, everybody in the family just wanted to be. He was like the coolest dude I knew and he was like my idol."
"One sincere enlightened soul can change a continent."
"If we swung as far as possible away from anything that would make him feel that way...but in a way I feel like it kind of put him in the driver's seat."
"The man who helped build the Spurs empire ended up being the one to tear it down with his own hubris."
"I found his book so compelling that I began to read a lot of him."
"The world had a new center and that Center was Mary Ann." - George Bernard Shaw
"Words only have power if you give them power."
"I see value in anything you decide to touch... have a difficult conversation."
"Personal lifestyle changes are significant primarily in this fight to signal to others."
"Your voice, your message, and your ideas have that same sort of mass appeal where they can start to take off."
"Human beings have a prophetic influence upon your life and destiny whether you realize it or not."
"A man transmits his state of mind to his horse."
"It is the anointing on your life that makes the difference."
"His estate managed by his family and close friends diligently worked to preserve his legacy, ensuring that his impact on these critical issues endured beyond his time."
"What kind of influence and impact are you having upon the people who are the closest to you?"
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives."
"So I bought his autobiography, and I read it from cover to cover."
"A nightmare that was about to play out in real life."
"Time in the presence of the Lord brings power and authority. It's not you, it's who's around you."
"It is the power of Personality which Always Wins."
"Be the pressure reliever, not the pressure builder."
"People don't realize their influence... everything they come in contact with."
"When I spoke, I could get people to believe... in me."
"You're definitely a natural leader that people respect."
"We all have influence within our personal spheres of influence."
"Perhaps this image of being YouTube's most subscribed creator had become deeply ingrained."
"It's about taking action, leaving the wrong mark, and making a difference."
"You affected this person deeply and in a very positive way."
"I just want to show them something different, a different way of life, and, you know, not set the okay, 'This is what you're supposed to do,' and just set them in a box."
"When God bring order, he comes to put everything in order."
"Scorpios inspire this person. You spark transformation in their life."
"You're their change agent, it's almost like you're so inspiring to this person, they know that they can change their ways if you're by their side."
"YouTube just in general has been such an amazing thing that has impacted my life."
"She was probably the biggest role model that anybody could ever have."
"If you can affect the person, you'll affect their performance."
"She's everything that we need more of in this world. Beyond her being a dear friend of mine, she is a hero of mine, 10 out of 10, everyone should read, everyone."
"All of us do have power, and each individual can exercise that power three times a day with the choices that you make about the food that you're putting on your plate."
"Remember, this is a general reading, but you are really going to be the light in someone's life."
"You have played an important role in my life. Because of you only, I took the decision that I could get an admission."
"This book is genuinely a masterpiece, and I feel like kind of shaped me."
"Leaving a lasting impression beyond the competition results."
"I became a Christian because of your movies."
"I think you guys are always bringing something of yourselves to the roles."
"Every person's responsibility to create the world that we live in."
"I kind of grew up in this, was heavily influenced and controlled by all of his teachings."
"At the height of his fame, Elvis Presley was a man who could get away with pretty much anything."
"You are a powerful being who is even now helping to co-create the world we live in!"
"History is the voice of some kind of objectivity beyond the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of an individual person."
"When I think positive constantly, it's very powerful and it controls me. If I think negative all the time, it's going to control me too."
"Remember how cool Jordan and his brother were?"
"It's just weird because it feels to me, as the person who's introduced a lot of this to black psyche not just on YouTube."
"You want people that raise your frequency, your vibration, your energy versus people that suck you back down."
"Legends never die, they become a part of you every time you play."
"She became patron of over 300 organizations and charities and became the chancellor of London University."
"You're my number one YouTuber, your vibe always uplifts and inspires me."
"I honestly believed that X was important to this generation."
"You've had an impact on people's lives from all walks of life."
"Love is the only thing that is alive... imagine others lovingly and it happens automatically."
"There's never been a better time to lose an election."
"You scored four touchdowns - that was crazy, man."
"You have this energy where people like, 'Oh crap, I shouldn't have done that'... you are unforgettable."
"The cult of Onision already puts Onision and his self in a religious context because outside of that, we again tend to think of cults as not being religious."
"It was great to see your kiddo want to give back to something you know and recognize that she had a opportunity and a platform where she could significantly move the needle for St. Children Research Hospital." - Maddie Barber
"Mother is your first teacher, the one who teaches you how to say your first word, how to walk..."
"Riley isn't putting on as big of a facade as Gangstalicious. The music, the culture that he consumes made him who he is."
"There's a lot of power in what you say and sometimes it takes these seeds quite a bit of time to actually sprout and it's just whenever somebody is finally ready and open to awaken to expand their consciousness."
"My dad is conservative, but it was never pushed on me, you know what I mean? So I was logically conservative."