
Family Planning Quotes

There are 763 quotes

"I'm just in favor of people having kids with whoever they want and loving whoever they want to love."
"After the COVID lockdown, I got clear that I wanted another kid. I discovered that my friend Noemi also wanted a baby, so we decided to join forces and become conscious co-parents."
"If you want to fight for women and families, you have to fight for women and family planning."
"We all know the ability to control the timing and number of pregnancies is vital to a woman's educational success and her ability to provide for her family."
"Different people want different things; not everyone wants to have kids."
"As people become more wealthy and have access to more institutions, they tend to have less children."
"The honorifics, the pursuit of the maximum virtue that you can achieve in society, will only be hindered by spitting out more children."
"This person loves children... they're going to want to start a family with you as well."
"The vast majority of people who do not have children had planned to; they had assumed there'd be a moment in time after education, after careers, when it would be the right time. But the right time never came."
"It's so expensive to survive, and we're planning on having kids. I don't want to live in a stressful environment."
"What we're seeing in the world today, perhaps, is overfocus on the environment is through fear, persuading people more than you would normally expect to not think of children."
"We're looking for compatibility, the thought will be just very basic, tangible things, like in romance, for example, if there's someone who absolutely wants to have a family and there's someone who absolutely does not want to have a family, okay, that would be a reason for those two people to not choose one another."
"The big wallets are gonna thrive this generation. We're gonna have so many kids."
"I'm doing fertility treatments...because I want to start a family with him."
"You say he begged you to have the baby?"
"Yes, he wanted to leave a piece of himself behind."
"The majority of people seeking abortions are already parents. They know what's right for their families."
"Make responsible decisions about your own childbearing and rearing, get married, have babies."
"We talk about that with our kids too, what do you really see, like, what do you want to see your family, what kind of time do you want to have for your family, what kind of flexibility do you want to have in your life?"
"It turned out that dad planned his escape from the family himself."
"You've got to talk about kids before getting married."
"I'm scared about it, but I think I do want to have children. I don't want to look back on my life and be like, 'Oh my God, I wish I would have had kids.'"
"I'm someone who is looking for something that is going to lead to a lifetime of memories and potentially a family."
"When you move into town, you have fewer kids because they're no longer free labor, they're more of a luxury good."
"Please don't start having kids if you know going into it that you won't be able to provide for them financially. That's just not a good idea."
"The right to decide when to start a family or not is a choice every individual should be able to make on their terms, when the time is right for them."
"I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to have a precious little beautiful baby. I support it."
"I'm preparing my body to try again to be a parent."
"You are taking on a tremendous amount of risk if you want to have a family one day, which is the nuclear family, the backbone of society."
"Yes, we knew we wanted to have a baby, but we weren't sure if it was going to be possible considering I'd just gone through a year of breast cancer treatment."
"Factoring in everything that's happening in the background, including climate change, is this the kind of world that I want to bring my child into?"
"Family planning allows parents to control the timing of when they have children, which allows them to be able to prioritize how to pursue their education and career."
"Do you want to be a mother? How do you want to raise your kids?"
"With my age right now, we want to kind of take advantage of the eggs I have."
"You should have kids if you have the resources and you're a leader."
"You want to get married? Get married. That's right, exactly right. You want to have babies? Have a bunch."
"If in the situation when you couldn't have children... you'd be looking for your alternative."
"Policy Genius gives you a smarter way to find and buy the right coverage for you and your family."
"Millennials are having kids later in life or not at all."
"We need honest moral people with good morals to just have babies."
"I don't say so much about it, but there is a child planned."
"There's over 2 million families waiting to adopt a baby. How about promoting adoption?"
"I've always wanted to be married and have kids within marriage."
"On birth control: 'I personally have a big problem with contraception.' Large families seen as blessings."
"God's plan for the Christian family: Embrace the blessings of children and allow God's timing for growth."
"Find a spouse that ideally, if you can, has genius to make super children."
"This person wants to have children with you, they see you as someone they could have a family with."
"Still pursuing parenthood is a very good thing to do."
"I do see you guys most likely having children three years from now."
"My only goal in life was to be able to afford to have kids to where they're not like struggling."
"There's no reason why at 22 you have to consign yourself to this notion that you won't be able to start a family at all."
"Each of the kids having their own personal private space was important to us."
"I married Lisa Marie Presley only because I was in love with her and wanted to have a family with her."
"This person really wanted to offer you commitment, this person really wanted to marry you, this person really wanted to have kids with you or to raise your kids together."
"To have kids and making babies is such important business to the nature."
"We aren't planning to have kids for another like five years or so, so that we're more like concrete and familiar with our lives now."
"Religious Catholics are still having kids. Orthodox Jews are still having kids. Religious Muslims are still having kids."
"If you wish to reverse this decline then perhaps our society should stop on a cultural level normalizing and championing Child free living as though it is an alternative good to choosing to have kids."
"Like, it's not even just for, I mean obviously this is a 33 year old pregnant woman, like she needs a space for the baby regardless of all the like, just humanity in that."
"Rose always wanted children and even though Judith wasn't fully sold on the idea in the past they both agreed that having another person in the family might bring them closer together."
"Around 80 percent of women had intended to have children and are left childless."
"Last piece of advice for young people: get married, yeah, get married and have a ton of kids."
"I don't want to hide this connection anymore, and I've thought about having a family with you."
"Should I still have children given the state of climate change?"
"You have a baby because you can provide the best for it. If you aren't in a position to provide for the best for it, don't have a baby. I'm having a baby because I'm smart."
"They want to grow with you, they want to expand with you. They even thought about having a family with you."
"We bought a house! A place to bring our little girl into the world."
"I just have to find the right woman and start making babies, yep."
"They really might have wanted to make a family with you."
"For instance one point broke people shouldn't be having kids because you bring kids into a life of struggle and hardship."
"We've been thinking about trying for a baby lately."
"If there's one that's supposed to stick, this is where you get serious, you grow it up, you have kids, you get married, that kind of thing."
"I feel like I want to start planning out my future, like, of like a kid and stuff."
"He wants a baby girl. I can't have another one."
"I do have a regret about not being more aggressive trying to have a child when I launched Halo... I'm working hard on letting that one go."
"We have to do it for our posterity. We have to have children right now."
"Whether you can decide when and whether to have kids is the biggest determinant of whether we're healthy, how long we're going to live, are we educated, can we work outside the home. It's a fundamental human right."
"The two of you will really find a balance where you know wanting to take care of each other, wanting to really be secure and stable and build up your wealth, your finances, have a family."
"I don't want kids. I'm sorry Ben, I don't want your babies."
"Even if you're planning on having kids someday but you're young, I might say it might not be a bad idea to go get the snip."
"She doesn't want to have kids, I don't have a kid, that's why the vasectomy."
"But if you're not in that situation it's expensive and impractical and as you say government's that the ball gets kind of finding creating the conditions that would able people have space for a family."
"Planned Parenthood was founded not simply as an organization for limiting the size of families in general but more particularly to reduce the reproduction of the black population in the United States." - Wow, people need to hear this.
"In order to be successful... graduate from high school, don't have a kid before you're 20 and get married before you have a kid."
"What am I going to do? I'm going to work hard, I'm going to be happy, I'm going to find someone, I'm going to get married, I'm going to have kids, and I'm going to raise them right."
"That seems like pure ass, like I'm not surprised there's one reason people aren't having kids, they're too damn busy man."
"What is the biggest change of our time? Well, I think it's this: babies born per woman."
"I wanted to be a mom one day... I cannot be this lazy person in the future."
"Maybe we should have got married before we had a kid."
"Birth rates are not a measure of societal collapse; they're influenced by access to happier lives and family planning."
"It's important to have children and to create the new generation."
"I just want a lot of kids. I think I'm pretty cool, so if there's like five of me running around, it'd be even cooler."
"Two people have one kid, population goes down. Two people have two kids, population still goes down."
"Don't just think about what you're trying to do before you retire. Think about what you can do right now for your unborn grandchildren."
"It allowed women to plan and balance their families and careers."
"They see you as someone they could marry one day and have a family with."
"Couples that have stayed together for quite a while before having children can often find themselves randomly falling out of love with each other."
"Every American should have the right to choose when to start a family."
"Practicality, making it practical and not filling it full of things that are just gonna be a nightmare when we have kids."
"The most important decision you'll make is who you partner with for the rest of your life, specifically your spouse, specifically who you decide to have kids with."
"You could have a kid and then also save up for a [__] epic 10-day trip."
"The desire for a child is beautiful, but that does not justify any means to get a child."
"Subsidizing contraception for areas that need it."
"His first reaction was concern about protecting me. That is how I want the father of my children to respond."
"Let's get to making babies. Like, that's it."
"If you're considering it if you want it if you have a partner that wants to have kids with you I think why wouldn't you."
"Never have a kid if you don't want to have a kid."
"What have you done for humanity before bringing another being into it?"
"I think I'm gonna have a kid this year... I think so, yeah."
"The average black person cannot afford to have children anymore."
"It really wasn't a hidden clue... Yeah, the only reason I'm not telling you guys the name now is because we're pretty certain that we are going to call him this name."
"They might want marriage and to build a family with you."
"I don't need girlfriend no more, no, no. So, I have baby by myself."
"The most important decision that you will make is the woman to have children with."
"If you are considering not having kids solely because you think there are too many humans, don't worry."
"Some of you might be thinking about having a child."
"I really want to start a family here with the ten of Pentacles energy. I've invested a lot of time in this connection, I'm ready for this."
"Host a modest wedding or spare no expense, but always focus on securing alliances and heirs."
"Everyone has a different level of risk tolerance, so it's going to be different for someone who has five different kids versus a young 21 year old entrepreneur."
"When children survive... people start making decisions... the result is smaller families and slower population growth."
"It's gonna be so irresponsible for me to have a baby right now."
"Choosing to have children is a tremendous Act of Hope."
"If you love them, stop giving birth to them, it just is what it is."
"I'm thinking a lot about reproductive rights... Everyone's right to plan when they want to have a family."
"By their twenties, most Vikings would have grown up and been ready to raise the next generation."
"I still do want to have kids, but I am NOT rushing myself, I'm 26 and I have time to have a little more fun and be young."
"We just want a healthy, happy baby. We don't care if it's a boy or a girl."
"Having a kid without financial security is like starting a business with no money."
"Graduate high school, get a job, don't have kids until you're financially secure."
"Do you want to start a family with the ace of cups, or do you want to build your empire first?"
"Blade can now focus on his wife Becky, the couple are actually expecting twins this year."
"We do still want to expand our family but the past couple months have been absolutely crazy and stressful."
"Sometimes, I feel like I could be for kids but I also feel like I can't."
"The overwhelming reason why women go down this path is because having a family is basically like a luxury good in this society."
"You never realize how expensive having a child is until you live in the developed world."
"I'm not ready for children anyways. I decided to follow my dream."
"I want a boy and then a girl, oh you want a girl, I want one girl okay, I want a boy then a girl."
"Three simple rules to escape poverty: Keep a full-time job, graduate high school or equivalent, wait to have children until you're married and older than 21."
"We're just gonna talk about our intention to have them."
"I'm still a firm believer... I won't have kids until I'm married."
"Maybe young people want to start a family but they don't know how they can afford something bigger than a one-bedroom apartment."
"Eventually, I will be having more children. I want a big family."
"She was always prepared... she had baby clothes even before her and Chris decided to try to have a baby."
"God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't."
"It is harder for a darker skinned black woman to have a baby and to secure a spouse with some resources to help take care of that baby."
"I want my baby to have a brother or sister... I want to have three kids like home."
"Oh my gosh, can't believe one day they're gonna come and sit on this couch."
"When I see guys who are over 30 and they're like, you know what, maybe I'll have a family when I'm 45, it's like, I don't hold that against them."
"People jump into relationships have kids do you see why planning for your future and not beating into baby mama culture matters."
"I always wanted ten kids when we first got married, now that we have four, five doesn't seem like that many."
"There's one way to win the culture War effectively decisively and all be all and it is for you to have like 10 children."
"Having kids is something we both want, but we're unsure about the timing."
"Now that we have an actual common threat and a goal, our survivability is under threat. People all of a sudden now start reigniting a desire to have kids."
"You don't want to live a life that you hate and then have kids and then divorce."
"Every family needs lawyers, CPAs, and estate planning."
"We're trying to get ideas for Lily's bedroom... new bed, new color on the walls, new pictures."
"I found myself thinking in my head, 'Imagine if I felt pregnant that quickly, it would just be incredible.' Second cycle, I did ovulate, baby Swift was conceived, all because of this little device."
"Let me tell you, like a year and a half ago, we weren't ready. Yeah, we just weren't. And I don't know what it was that clicked. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what it was that accumulated to us thinking, 'Oh, now, yeah, it's time. We're ready.'"
"It's such a hard one to answer because you don't just one day wake up and be like, 'Yeah, I'm ready for a baby.' But at the same time, it is just kind of like a natural progression, and you will know when you're ready."
"I always knew that I wanted to be engaged before we had a baby. And we had always said to each other that it would be lovely to have a baby of ours at our wedding."
"I hope to be able to get one more done before baby comes, so that you guys have at least two videos that I've pre-recorded for when I'm on leave."
"Some of you are going to be having baby news this month."
"It's easier for men to imagine a life without kids."
"He was planned, my wife and I tried to get pregnant and rejoiced when he was born. He was wanted and loved."
"I've been wanting to have kids since I was a kid like I've always wanted to have a family but we are not in a rush at all."
"Being fiscally responsible when bringing life into the world ain't a bad idea."
"Oh my god, what are we calling the baby? Blueberry Bailey big wallet, okay, that's the name but we'll get, you know, for short, blueberry big wallet."
"If the Fed was not so how bad on producing this two percent inflation while not understanding what it really is or the nature of what they seek perhaps more people would want to have kids."
"She giving me substance to talk about, she's the person that I'm learning to love unconditionally, start a family with."
"I've got this like, cute cat-themed bathroom. There's even a toddler potty, there is no toddler here, but I'm ready for when there is one."
"It's been a mad race to make sure that when I was gone my wife and my kids have the best opportunity possible."
"How are we going to make this like not only a healthy relationship but how are we going to make this like a healthy like uh like business-wise and and long-term goals family?"
"Get out of the cities, homeschool your kids, get some chickens, have as many kids as you can."
"A lot of women are choosing to work choosing in their career and they do not want children."
"Kelly revealed she wanted to expand their family but her husband does not support that desire. 'I so want another child, and my husband is like no, we have four.'"
"I definitely want to be a dad, so I cannot wait."
"I definitely want to start planning a family with Ryan."
"People should really think and decide whether or not they're actually ready for children."
"I never felt like I was that guy who like my life won't be complete if I don't have kids."
"Bringing a child into this world is a serious decision."
"This person thinks you are the pinnacle of attraction. They think about your body, your face, your personality, your everything. They envision what it would be like to have a full-fledged family with you."
"The immigration driven housing crisis is making [raising a family] impossible."
"Things would progress as usual and I could have my baby at any point. That's pretty exciting."
"Oh my gosh, we're pregnant with the 100th baby!"
"Long story short...our first surrogate was pregnant."
"The kids are not going to be named Dave and or David."
"I just want babies now, you know. I'm super at that."
"For some of your fourth house is to start a family some of you this is exactly what might be happening."
"I don't know where we're having Thanksgiving this year."
"Please do not have kids to try to fix a broken relationship."
"She's committed not just to having a future with him, she's committed to having a family with him."
"Be smart. Have kids early and not just one kid, have several. You will be happier long-term."
"I felt comfortable having kids because I'm in a safe and stable environment now and because I understand myself and my challenges well enough that I feel like I can do a good job of raising a kid."
"Plan your monthly budget... even though it may not be for a few years out or more until you're ready to have a family or you're ready to have a relative come live with you."
"Having a child when you're poor doesn't mean it's immoral; but two parents is a reasonable expectation."
"You should start taking sovereignty of your wealth that's what I did and it completely changed my family's timeline."
"I'm just so excited cuz I'm not going to lie guys when I first got pregnant I wanted a baby girl because of course you know I already have my little boy."
"I want to marriage, the kids, and everything else."
"If you wanna have children, just go for it. There will never be a right time."
"Is it wrong if you don't want to have kids? No, it's not okay."
"I know in my heart that I am gonna be married and I'm gonna have kids."