
Readiness For Change Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Insight and awareness precede change, so pushing someone to change when they're not ready to change is never going to work."
"People are clearly fed up and they're ready for change."
"It's like saying you are basically ready... I feel like you're ready for a change."
"I am ready for the change. Change is coming rapidly."
"You are ready for change, you are ready for the new beginnings in your life."
"I just feel like I’m … I’m ready to fly, and you’re just learning to walk."
"I'm ready now for that to happen in my life."
"Take notice of your emotions and intuition. Are you ready for something new?"
"Our journey may be long, our work will be great, but we know in our hearts we are ready for change."
"Are you ready to receive love in the highest forms, opportunities, and abundance in the highest forms?"
"There's two types of people: those who know they need radical change but will avoid it at all costs because that's scary and then people who are like I know I need it, bring it on."
"You're ready for the future, you're ready to try something new, new job, new opportunity, new business idea, new enterprise and go for it."
"I do think part of it was because I hadn't told everyone yet but now that I've told everyone and now that everybody knows and everyone's been so supportive I think now I'm like oh my God okay I'm not ready anytime soon."
"Release anything that has held you back, this is your life, be ready to evolve."
"I confronted a lot in 2021, I did the work and now I'm moving into this New Year anything is possible because I am willing to change."
"We've tried to survive so long on money and sex and envy and real estate and automobiles and television and alcohol. We are so ready for a renaissance."
"Be prepared for change, relieve potential energy."
"You have to be at that point where you're open, you're ready, you can't just be like, 'Well, I need to sort something out but I'm not really into this.'"
"I feel like you're just ready for something new."
"Someone here is ready for a spiritual awakening, willing and ready to move forward."
"Change is upon you, anticipate with curiosity."
"Whatever has to go has to go because I am ready to put in the new structures."
"If you're not ready for it, don't be ready for it."
"Be ready to transform with wisdom, seize opportunities courageously."
"Change is coming... divinity knows that you are ready for it."
"Discomfort is the sign that we are ready to create some change."
"You're ready for something new. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, who gives a [ __ ]?"
"As soon as you put yourself first... the universe says, 'Right, send in the divine counterpart, Libra is ready.'"
"She was spiritually, emotionally, and financially ready." - Kathy
"It is they want you to concentrate on truly ending the previous cycles and chapters of your life so that by the time January comes through, that new beginning, you're gonna feel completely capable and ready."
"They're ready for change in their life, thinking of marriage and commitment."
"You're ready for a change that's what I'm getting, you're ready for a quick change here."
"You're gonna win, you're going to do some purging and releasing."
"Do it, make the changes you're ready for it, you've been preparing for this moment all your life."
"Be ready for change; transformation is on the horizon."
"Be ready for new beginnings and I want you to wake up and act like new beginners coming into your life."
"Once you decide you're ready, you're gonna change."
"They're ready for something different, they're ready to go down a path."
"Focus on what you can do right now so you can be prepared for changes."
"Let's keep looking... you guys are just ready to move forward with everything in your life."
"Get ready, that's what it was. Get ready. 1, 2, 3, on your march, get set, go. Powerful times of total transfiguration are upon you."
"If things are going to change, I think we've got to be willing to accept this help that's being offered to you."
"Aaron Lewis's 'The Road' was the change I was ready for."
"You have to be ready to change. You have to be ready to implement the techniques and really commit to them."
"People don't change until they're ready."
"If you are ready to hear something new, simple, new, unexpected, against almost everything you've been told till now, you're ready to hear that."
"You're not gonna change until you're ready."
"They're ready for change, they're ready for something new, something different, and in a positive way."
"Y'all are ready for change, for something new, for something different."
"The new moon represents a new cycle and if you're ready for the change when the new cycle begins, you will begin it with that change."
"You're ready for something new, and I feel like you have some kind of blessings here."
"They're ready for change, this person's definitely ready."