
Investment Return Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"The more sponsors I do, the faster I make my money back... it's probably the amount of time that I feel like I have to make the difference."
"We're usually generating about a six to eight X cash ROI on our ads, same day."
"How to turn $100 in ad spend into a thousand plus email leads within three days."
"Leverage is about getting more for what you put in."
"Earning 12% on your cash is way better than any sort of savings account or bank account that I know."
"I did it! I turned it into six figures in 16 days... for the everyday man."
"What you invest is what you get back in terms of things that help you play the game."
"Literally every single person in my circle who has been in crypto since 2017 or before are now millionaires."
"Indie developers can still stand to invest little and gain much in exposure and success."
"Bitcoin offers both with an average annual return of 300 since 2011."
"No, I said it turned from a hundred thousand to a million, yeah. So you said it five x. No, I said it ten x."
"You don't own it, you can really get your return back in four to five months... you can take that money that you made and get another unit."
"This plan will result in more than $80 of economic impact for every dollar that Nevada invests, eighty to one."
"Commercial real estate in this self-storage facility produces a return of 19 percent."
"There's 10 grand in one year that I'm spending on power but I could totally eliminate that with the solar system so now my return of investment is even quicker."
"The reach of this ministry for the number of people invested in it is just ridiculous. The return on investment's crazy."
"There's this exorbitant amount of money being pumped into something and you're getting no return in any way."
"Anchor protocol pays out a massive 19.5% APY, and spoiler alert, it's one of my favorite projects."
"If all that this did was finally give you a funnel that was profitable or you could've dollar advertising in and get two hours back out would it be worth it yes."
"Even with low investment, you can still get a lot of value."
"You could turn as little as $144 into substantial gains."
"For every one dollar spent on the Apollo program, eight dollars was made in terms of innovation, technology, and job creation."
"If you end your year having made $5,000 right where you put 5,000 in and you got all 5,000 back out of your ads that is a huge victory."
"You have to make the decision if it's worth it to you. 500 is a lot of money."
"Instead, if we invest some money in staff and equipment upgrades, the same create of weapons gets made in 7 to 14 minutes and can be sold for $7,000."
"You haven't made the money until you sell them right."
"Those hedges ended up paying out 2.6 billion dollars for Ackman's hedge fund compared to the 27 million dollar investment."
"For every one dollar that Tesla spends in a single year, they're going to bring back 40 to 50 cents."
"It was an incredible return on the investment of just one pound that had been paid for the team a year earlier."
"So we're making 5 to 10 times a cash flow just on a turn."
"Nothing will ever bring you a better return than your business."
"I always convince my friends, if you just do the math, it pays for itself."
"I believe you should hire me because I always excel in my work... I will work hard to ensure you see a positive return on your investment."
"I have no problem spending money as long as I could get that money back."
"A 10x gain is a 10x gain, no matter how much your coin costs."
"If you're spending that kind of money on your moneymaker, it's probably making you some good money."
"Realty Income has produced a very strong annual return, over 15% a year for those 23 years."
"The microphone I feel almost more than any other part of the production pays off leaps and bounds."
"We want people that will be mesh with the clan and really support the vision."
"They spent such a small amount of money and it made so much."
"Literally, if you only took advantage of the bonuses today, 11 times ROI because it costs you nothing to start."
"After we sell everything off that white car, we're gonna be in this motor for two grand."
"What kind of rate of return they've had in the last 20 years."
"We made 6,000, we spent 175 on that oven and it got us 6,000 in the game."
"ROI of Bestiary: Close to doubling your investment."
"What ROIC can you generate and how much capital can you deploy to get that ROIC?"
"The return on the investment of both time and money still made sense for people to forego income for most people for that period of time."
"When you succeed, you get all of your money back."
"The real return on a project is if you want to do something should be the first and most important thing."
"That's what makes you money if you could take three thousand dollars into a car and sell it for 69.95 buy here pay here at weekly payments at 29 I'm telling you that's where the money is."
"Definitely a ton of value there over a thousand dollars past what I actually spent which is amazing."
"Excited to announce Ripple bought back our series C December 2019 shares at a $15 billion dollar valuation in 2022."
"Return on investment is crucial in our business."
"Upgrade your device; it'll increase productivity and pay you back tenfold."
"What kind of dog [ __ ] return is that, bro? You get people to spend 360 euros and you get 36."
"The key return on investment for us is being able to do more business with more customers."
"We started off on a low ball, yeah we took a 20 and made a 50."
"You're gonna get as much back from this as you put into it."
"He charges a lot but before fee is 66 on average since 1988."
"Turning thirty-nine dollars into sixty-one dollars is going to be greater than a fifty percent return or right around that fifty percent return mark in a single week."
"Therefore, I believe Amazon stock could return around 30% over the next decade."
"The glaive god is ridiculously good—if you pour in a lot, of course."
"It felt like I was putting a dollar into the machine and getting money back. I love that."
"So what you're paying for, you're actually going to get back in return."
"I am so happy I invested in this because this is gorgeous it did not let me down whatsoever all the shades are beautiful."
"And then, you make $50,000 in profit a month and that's a 268% return on your money."
"This pool will reward you five percent in terms of annual percentage yield... I mean, that's kind of normal."
"That $500 turned into $2500, $3000, no problem."
"The volume is there, he's getting more engagement out of this ad versus if I were to do it, I'd be just throwing away that turned money, correct?"
"You could raise $1 trillion in revenue with a 1.7x investment in IRS tax enforcement."
"Altogether the investor putting three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars down should make about a total of twenty-two point two percent return on that money."
"You have a piece that is definitely worth more than the 150 that you paid."
"You're close to 700 bucks for 33 dollars. That's a real bargain."
"From the all-time low to its all-time high, it's technically over 160x return."
"You will recover the cost of the whole studio equipment within two or three sessions."
"So far I have invested $354 for this campaign... I profited $723 pure profit."
"After the SEC announced the lawsuit, a 10x return."
"Don't worry like a little bit goes a long way with this kind of money you put a bit into the house and it'll come back to you tenfold."
"Every hundred grand was probably worth 130 to 140,000 in literally free money."
"I'll be able to turn this $1260 investment into a profit of $3000 to $4000."
"You'd be pretty happy with 20 in six months."
"It's not bad at all really and 10 is considered average for a year's growth so I think we did pretty well."
"Even with the large marketing and special effects budget, the movie made more than enough of a profit to be considered a financial success."
"Everything that you decide to put energy into this month, I see a nice return on."
"You get a big return on this investment so it's a card that makes sense for me and looks pretty strong."
"This property cost me about seventy five thousand dollars, my profit on this is probably gonna be about twenty thousand to twenty five thousand."
"The more risk you take, the higher return you should get."
"Cash on cash return: what kind of return you're getting on your down payment or the cash you've invested." - Chad Carson
"That's honestly a very healthy return on investment."
"Oh my gosh my net worth but today because of that 2-year period of time I was buying stuff 10 12 14 cents on the dollar wow I've got stuff that's worth $10 million right now that I paid a million for."
"The more you put into it the more faith you have in it the more belief you have in it then you will get matched."
"The average profit margin when garage sale items sell on ebay is 462 percent."
"What marketing is really about is taking one dollar and turning it into two or even three dollars through effective marketing."
"No one talks about that return on invested capital number that's the stealth number that we really should be focused on."
"If I had to borrow money, you even factor that in, and if it's net cashflow positive, that is a great investment, because inflation really pushes up, equity markets really pushes up real estate, always has, always will."
"The return on invested capital for a Tesla Giga factory is among the highest in the world."
"That's the play button, man, that's the centerpiece of the house. We bought this place. That play button paid for this house."
"The American capitalist system has worked up till now. I'll take 8-10 percent KAGR for the next 40 years."
"Sheep is up a hundred percent within the last week."
"Download Seller's Playbook for low-cost, high-return updates."
"The average laundromat deal without using loans or anything else will return 20 to 25% on your investment."
"We've made 2 and 1/2, 2 and 3/4 times our money. Again, the same idea, a great business."
"The value of the property has increased by three times since I bought it."
"Return of investment in code reviews can be measured in various ways."
"I have roid or paid off the shed many times over now."
"It's the biggest one-year change in expected return on stocks that I've tracked from 1960 to 2022. It's the biggest one-year change in expected return because you got a double whammy last year."
"A 500,000% gain in roughly 17 years."
"For every dollar spent on workers, you're getting the same return as a dollar spent on machines."
"The pros to this system is it's very cost effective, it's the best return on investment."
"This stream of cash flow gives me a 32 annual irr on this stock."
"The return on investment in real estate cannot be overemphasized. Buying lands at cheap prices and leaving it to appreciate over a period of three to five years before selling it will leave you with a breathtaking profit."
"You want to make sure that you're purchasing a property that if you had put 25% down, it's at least getting a 10% cash on cash return."
"That six percent on 100k minimum still would have done enough for you to pay for your mortgage, your rent, your lifestyle, your bills."
"Five-year return on invested capital, wow, 22.3%."
"One of the highest returns on investments when you're prepping a place is paint, neutralize the paint, put new lighting fixtures."
"Value investing reduces risk while simultaneously enhancing your rate of return."
"As you increase the frequency of compounding, you increase the amount of return you're going to get."
"As yields go up, in other words, as investors require a greater return from holding a bond, their prices fall."
"Having good quality equipment down here has absolutely paid dividends."
"Think about how much money you spend and how much work you put into cycling, and if you were to sleep one extra hour every workout, your FTP would be so much higher."
"The total return over the last five years for VUG was a whopping 79.43%."
"I buy big bulk lots of paper at auctions local live ones and many times one single sheet of paper can pay for my entire purchase."
"We more than doubled the initial investment for this thing."
"The larger value you end up receiving is 75 percent."
"They paid out a great rate of return on a really safe investment."
"I'm going to get about a 33 percent return."
"If you're really going for mass scale, obviously you're not really going to see the profitability month one, but by month two or by month three, you're able to see a nice return on your investment."
"If you invest in a company with a ROE of say 30%, ultimately the long run return you will get from that company is 30%."
"Loyal to our employees, and we continue to have that loyalty that pays back in terms of return on investment and improving business."
"The tree shelters make the trees grow a lot faster."
"The nuts you'll produce years earlier alone will pay for the cost of the shelter several times over."
"For every dollar invested in mental health care, there will be a four-dollar return on investment."
"Some REITs pay 10% dividends, that means if you invested $100, you will get $10 back this year just through dividends."
"For every dollar invested, we want to invest our money in whichever way gives the biggest NPV."
"This thing has paid for itself a thousand times over."
"Credit card debt should be your main priority because getting rid of that is a guaranteed 15 to 25% return."
"For every dollar I'm putting in, I'm gonna make about three dollars."
"You're going to make nine and a half percent on your money because the product's addictive and there's tremendous brand loyalty."
"The total return that you get from an investment is the income plus the growth."
"You instantly earn a 100% return on your contribution."
"The expected return on equity is equal to the risk-free rate plus the premium for the stock's market risk."
"The cost of equity is the rate of return required by a company's common shareholders."
"We expect it to pay back in 2.52 years."
"Your lifetime value for a customer should be three times your cost of acquisition."
"Investing in your people... that will be the difference between doubling next year and 5x in your business."
"After the solar panels are used for a certain number of years, then the rest of the years will be just free energy or pure profit."
"The higher the Sharpe ratio, the bigger the payoff you're getting for every unit of risk you've taken on."
"Anything I have spent on my channel, I've made back ten times."
"I'm going to have a cash flow of 64,591 dollars putting me at an 18% cash on cash return on my money."
"Seven to eight percent is a very good rate of return."
"In Georgia, we received 20% interest on redeemed tax liens, so it would take 3.6 years to double your money."
"Seven to ten percent is a phenomenal annual return."
"A 5% cap rate means if you bought this property all cash, it is going to make you a 5% return in profit every single year."
"Yield to maturity refers to the return that an investor generates if you were to buy the bond today at the prevailing price and hold the bond up to maturity."
"Earnings growth, share buyback, and market multiple expansion. These three things stack on top of it and it produces a hockey stick curve that gets your return to be exponential."
"It achieves a very strong return that is much better, in my opinion, than buying companies at high multiples."
"The social return on invested capital should be really high so that the benefit to society is very high."
"If you are an investor, you are paying 97.56 but you are getting 10, 10, 10, 100 back."
"So let's take a look at what IRR we will be getting from this."
"The expected return on a portfolio is equal to the risk-free rate plus the slope of the Capital Market Line."
"It ensures a higher return on investment and it's about managing, mitigating, transferring, or accepting a level of risk within the environment."
"When Jupiter moves through Eighth House, it brings luck to your spouse's financial situation... and during this transit, you can also expect some financial returns coming from others."
"On the other hand, if you squeeze everything you can out of the law school experience... I think you're going to look forward to a bright future as a lawyer and your investment in law school will pay off handsomely."
"It's not about quantity, it's about ROI."
"That's a pretty good return on Capital."
"I'm getting a return on that investment."
"Talent management drives engagement, so remember one point change in engagement will give us between 11 and 14% return on that investment."
"The nicer you make your facility, the more you're going to get out of it."
"What I actually got the pallet for through a liquidation broker was eighty-eight dollars and twenty-eight cents."
"The gross yield is the amount of annual rent divided by the property value, expressed as a percentage."
"A combination of our stocking rate and high fertility gives you these very high returns on your investment."
"DevOps is not something that you do overnight; it is an overall strategy to maximize the return on investment, the delivery velocity, and the quality of innovation that you can deliver off of the Salesforce platform."
"Profit after ten uses? You'll see profit after two or three uses, so that's pretty good."
"You'll pretty much make your money back after 3 uses with this type of machine."
"The idea of this system is to be able to open a trade with the maximum amount of liquidity for the shortest amount of time, making the maximum amount of return."
"I think that's a pretty good return on your investment."
"If you put that extra cash down on your mortgage at six percent, you're making six percent on your money."
"If you can get above 6.7%, which only a handful of accounts will do, then you are getting more than inflation."
"One character turned to six, so about eight keystrokes, 30% runtime improvement. Very good return on investment."
"Every unit that you build... you're making $65,000 for every single unit that you increase the density on."
"They put some money on Slavkovsky going first... at the time of their bet the odds were six to one and they put about a hundred and forty dollars. Pretty damn good."
"You own a house for three thousand dollars and you get paid 1200 to 1400 cash every single month forever."
"If you'll make an investment in me, I will reward you beyond your wildest beliefs."
"All of these features can help you improve your return on investment on Salesforce and help you future-proof your Salesforce skills."
"The average fund generated a return of 1% per calendar month."
"Return on invested capital 5 years 24%, last year's 30%."
"I just got paid 15% of my cash to wait for the stock to go a lot lower than today."
"Every dollar invested in water and sanitation made the community four to eight times richer."
"I mean, you could double your money, you know, like about 50 and a buck 50 investment, which is not bad."
"Value is only created when companies generate returns which beat their cost of capital."