
Unfairness Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"We have record levels of income inequality, and there isn't a push to fundamentally restructure the unfairness of our existing economic system."
"There is sorrow and sadness and unfairness in the world, and we can't fix some things."
"Everyone has suffered unfairness... we're all sinners."
"Everybody steals your stuff and never gives you credit. It's just the way it works."
"In the world of solos, there's no such thing as a fair game, only winners and losers."
"Gluttony is said to be one of the seven deadly sins... but this deadly sin in particular is just not fair."
"Nessie knows from experience that life is not fair, but she is inspired by Lou and Leo every day. Way up in the stars, they are inspired by her."
"How unfair it was that he chose to change Morgan's life and how unfair it was that Ryan chose to negatively affect so many other people's lives including mine."
"It's a constant and endless barrage of unfair disingenuous misrepresentations."
"It's just becoming a quarterback-only award and it's kind of unfair."
"Fake, fake news. I've seen people destroyed, and I think it's very unfair."
"Stop expecting these people to be fair. Just know you're in a fight."
"It's crazy how I can't even explain how much they hate people from social media because they view it as unfair."
"This is honestly one of the most cruel unfair and sadistic games I think I've ever played."
"This isn't right, this isn't fair, we are still young and we are not going to spend our lives and our money into this place."
"Just like the mist and always does and normally does the man cheated and found a way for me to lose without me actually losing."
"It's corporate socialism. It's a bailout for those who are connected and it has nothing to do with merit."
"Death is unfair, unforgiving, it comes for people who don't deserve it far too soon."
"The headline has to be that Arsenal have been robbed."
"Sometimes life just is not fair. If life was fair, it'd be boring as hell. So let's get a miniature violin and have a pity party for Papa. I mean, we need to get over it, move on."
"It's not fair, it's not right, what she did, and what happens for so many people to get affected from this, it's insane."
"It's crazy, the Patriots got screwed by the referees."
"It's actually an unfair comparison and why so much confusion is being created through this."
"Everybody loses people dear to them. It's never fair, and you never want to let go."
"They really feel like it's unfair that they can't be with you, they just feel like it's not right."
"The game doesn't play fair, so I don't feel bad about not playing fair either."
"I killed everybody except for that guy, dude. This is not fair."
"It's not fair, Abby. Life is not fair. Obviously in the Abby Lee Dance Company, it's not fair."
"It just feels like this system is just a big mess. It feels completely unfair."
"The feeling of getting completely robbed in a video game. With unfair results and server drops and unstable gameplay is seriously mentally draining and harmful to the user."
"This is so not fair, why did it have to blow up everything? I spent hours, okay?"
"You are literally the physical embodiment of unfairness."
"Life sometimes will just suck, even if you do everything right. The universe being unfair just doesn't seem fair."
"That's huge, oh God, LeBron no, that shouldn't count, a 98!"
"That's like, criminal. That's crazy."
"It's almost as if The Hunger Games was rigged from the start."
"Life is often unfair and facing unfairness never feels good, but accepting a momentary loss and humbling yourself in the face of adversity is a better way forward."
"Sometimes terrible things happen to the most wonderful people."
"I don't need to be here, I don't need this, this is not fair."
"You're the star of the show, you save the account, some other [person] is going to take credit for it."
"Despite the huge size of the pack house with its luxurious bedrooms and bathrooms, I was given a small empty storage room to stay in."
"It's sad to know that she really didn't do nothing wrong, but she was the one that got [__] at the end."
"Life is really unfair and unexpected."
"Brynn faced unfair criticism from the fandom."
"A theme that has been prevalent throughout the season: being born a woman is terribly unfair."
"This is rigged against us, that whole thing."
"it was one of the ugliest and unfair conclusions to a playoff series that the league has ever seen."
"Josh dobs is the physical embodiment of why life isn't fair."
"We've got supercars, it's unfair. But you've seen me drive, okay?"
"This is sick, this is sad, and this is so unfair."
"Why is it that most guys have great lashes? Not fair!"
"It wasn't fair, not her, anyone but her."
"...setting them up for complete failure by asking them to do...this 100 commission which is just not a good experience at all for a young person starting in their career."
"It's just messed up how this kind of stuff happens."
"That's so unfair because it is such a cool site."
"Hore is portrayed as an honorable man competing under unfair circumstances."
"I think it's unfair they subsidized all their growth through AWS through the cloud services which was massively profitable."
"Life is an unfair game. It's unfair with your mind."
"Life is an inherently unfair place. But the strength and the gift that we have is the ability to change things now."
"I feel like a lot of jealousy is directed at you and you guys didn't do anything to deserve it."
"We better not talk here, can't you see how frightfully unfair it was to let them outrageous suspicions of those stupid people keep us apart."
"There's a double standard here but you don't acknowledge it."
"But do you get mad? Are you like, 'Oh man, it's unfair that people are being mean to me?'"
"It's rigged. They rig it. It's completely and totally rigged."
"They didn't deserve none of this."
"RIP to the goat. Life is not fair when the good ones die so young."
"All she could think was how unfair it was that she's dying in this way."
"This is stupid man he's coming it's not fair."
"This game is going to be anything but fair."
"So that's what was going on there it was like it looked like a warehouse that they had no idea what the size of it was going to be they just threw like some like giant lollipops in and then charged yeah was that a umaluma the umpalumpas look so sad that's really unfair."
"Life can be unfair in the worst ways possible."
"Start building your new social network because... those relationships will end and it's the worst thing... it's totally unfair but it's the truth it's just gonna happen."
"Why am I being judged just because of the actions of a tiny number of people?"
"No parent should have to bury their child, that's not fair, but it happens in this world we live in."
"Disgusting Heat is when you beat a baby face that's people like in such a preposterous and obviously unfair fashion."
"Refused to be defined by unfairness."
"It's almost just like unfair how fast you can go."
"You're firing me because the uniform you forced only me to wear flatters me? Okay, bye."
"It's unfair what people are calling my car... all of our feedback on the car is not fair to him saying the car sucks."
"It's really so unfair that my face only has two cheeks because I'd love to show you what all of these look like."
"The refs just rigged the damn game for us, that's all I know and that's all it is."
"I guess we're just appreciating the unfairness of life, chat."
"But requiring stores to have minimum purchases to stay subscribed to organized play is just, it's just a dick move."
"The idea that there are people that are walking around in sandals and AK-47s up against this team... it just seemed unbelievably unfair."
"Some companies will never hire you if you don't have a degree. Yes, it's unfair and I know the degree may not help you in performing the job but it is what it is."
"It was rigged from the beginning."
"...you leave the unfair party behind and you start to look for those signs, those messages around synchronicity."
"This game is rigged. And it does not reward people who play by the rules."
"I think it's unfair for people to be like you have to choose one."
"No, he thought, while giving his head a shake. It's not fair."
"I felt the unfairness of the situation, the thought that I was the unlucky lottery winner of random anthrax poisoning."
"Do we have to play with a computer guy? That's messed up."
"I thought he had no right to die at that age."
"It's really unfair that you are at the moment the object of so much of this scorn."
"Life is so unfair sometimes, isn't it?"
"That's just heartless. How are you not going to give someone that time off if ever there was a reason to give them time off, that is the time. And after 37 years of working there too, it's just insulting."
"This is basically the same thing as your boss firing you and then expecting you to work for free."
"This is a Witch Hunt and it's a shame."
"Truly, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. This is such an unfair situation."
"Do you know how that feels to be judged for something that's completely out of your control?"
"The game is rigged, there is no win for you."
"All of them actually she's their personal servant and they're like owed this but they never want to actually train her for anything or have her do anything it's just a losing battle for her and the audience."
"Lotteries are a crappy way and an unfair way to support state government."
"It's not fair. He was an extraordinary talent. He was a lovely guy who had just unbelievable talent."
"It's when they can collaborate to have several horses in the same race and consolidate those stacks that isn't fair."
"I should have won that one. I hit a good shot. I got screwed by the bunker."
"No one believes in us. [ __ ] joke job, which is unfair."
"It’s unfair but it happens to be true."
"It's just unfair how stacked the Hidden Leaf Village is."
"Isn't it unfair? Girls have an edge over us in this lesson."
"This is a situation that I think spirit is saying needs to be rectified. It's been unfair for a while. It's been not okay."
"You're just like Cinderella, bring me this, give me that."
"He ain't gonna fight fair. He's the Dark Knight."
"It seems like the Giants always get the short end of the stick in these games with the Eagles."
"...you know the ones who played by the rules they don't get anything it's like me they get all the hard stuff you don't get anything there's other people are out there meant to be this and that they're having 10 20 year runs..."
"I wanted to tell her that the game was rigged."
"I love Nickelback. They're one of those bands that I look at and say it's not fair that retroactively people have started to make fun of them."
"They did her so dirty. She didn't deserve that."
"It's just absolutely not fair to have this much power on a bike."
"That's low-key some BS... like there's got to be something against that."
"His ultimate fate does come across as harshly unfair, maybe even more so this time around."
"It's gonna be very unfair, but it's gonna come in a different form."
"Yes, I do think it's unfair. I think it's so. I had never considered the bully being put on the team with the person he's bullying."
"It's really unfair to your spouse to enter into marriage expecting them to change."
"...the fact that it's been relegated to a name on a list of forgotten movies seems really unfair to me."
"She let it all tumble out weeping and telling him how horribly unfair it all was."
"AJ's looking good man just about five minutes left that's it five minutes just about sunset in rude drops the referee didn't see it."
"...trying to turn that setback into the setup feels like the most unfair thing in the world."
"Some people because of what you're say, I agree with you with the negative publicity and a smearing campaign and all of that it's unnecessary especially for Rich black men."
"The reality of life is a lot of people lose their job, a lot of people get fired, a lot of people get laid off, and oftentimes, in fact, the vast majority of the time, it's no fault of their own."
"It's deeply, deeply unfair. If you are a first home buyer going to an auction, you're losing to a property investor because they can use negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount to bid up the price of housing."
"There's a huge disparity and after over such a long period of time it can't just be it was luckier every year after year after year."
"Why have they done that? They did it because they understand just how blatantly unfair it is."
"Nobody understands what goes on inside me. Nobody cares. It ain't fair. It ain't fair."
"This was an unfair sentence, not in the usual innocent man put in jail type of shock, but in the way that they were clearly pushing me towards being in a particular jail."
"He became sort of the iconic representation of the mad artist, the artist whose work comes out of his craziness, which was really unfair."
"It's so not fair that's why you have an automatic win on the grill with him."
"Life can sometimes be very unfair, amen."
"That's so freaking sad because the dude has dementia, physically he's not capable. It's all [ __ ] and it's unfair."
"They did her so dirty by doing that."
"You just got like all these scumbags free tickets to the Iron Bowl."
"Just because of his resemblance to his grandfather, the Duke treated the innocent child unfairly for a long time throughout his life."
"The amount of unjust perceptions towards certain places."
"Nepotism is essentially a form of corruption."
"Life felt so unfair and brutal. I would say that this is often the case because this is not by choice. It does not happen through your will because that doesn't actually exist."
"I mean, it's unfair. Of course, it is. Yes. But you don't give a damn."
"It's so unfair that people have started calling you a bitter person, an angry person."
"Tyler literally got slaved. Like, how's that his fault?"
"how did it all come to this I just don't understand this isn't fair"
"23. She was so young, like it's just not fair. She was so young, man."
"It's so unfair to the person living with dementia."
"It's almost like the best songs are reserved exclusively for... exactly which I think is unfair but, I mean, it is what it is."
"I think it is very unfair to the British people to characterize large-scale political movements as being motivated by racism in any way."
"The mentality is the people who have a tremendous amount of it, uh, are being unscrupulous or not being fair."
"Matt gets taken out due to a random twist that ends up screwing him over."
"Damn like there was no there was two coins there for some people and then two gold coins for all people and not nice."
"I'm a firm believer in equality for everybody and I found this to be truly unfair."
"Remember last year Miami thought that they should have been the team to play Oklahoma for the national championship. The guys in garnet and gold got that honor instead and that's in the back of a lot of their minds as well."
"If they get an unfair promotion and unfair pay, that's nepotism."
"No, they can't do that! That's so unfair. Why can't you stay? Please, I can try talking to them."
"Because it was so unjust, because so many injustices existed in it."
"It's unfair, it's stupid, and it's ineffective."
"Non-competes are an unfair method of competition and therefore violate Section 5 of the FTC."
"With the second diagnosis, I was like, 'This is so unfair.'"
"Things just happen that are unfair but I think it's important to know that you're not alone."
"This is [ __ ]! You take a game of skill and make it all about luck!"
"Even when the Mets do good things, they're not rewarded because of a bad call by the second base umpire."
"Life is messy, and if you have a family member or a friend who's going through a messy divorce, something like this, it's really unfair."
"Why is this goddess the girlfriend of a delivery guy? Unfair."
"Why should her life end now? It was unfair."
"It's just exhausting, unfair, and they're also never gonna get it."
"It's all the good ones that die early, huh?"
"It's unfair that some individuals in our society receive every conceivable advantage, while others, from the day they are born, never really have a chance to develop their talents."
"Miami should have had probably a much better opportunity to actually win it than they were ever given."
"Honestly, this is highway robbery, that's a fun fact."
"It's very unfair that his sons now have to grow up without their dad."
"It is the smoothest, most perfect transition to the gunway. It is so smooth, it looks unfair."
"I wish she didn't have to forget this, but she does."
"It very much was a kangaroo court."
"It's like, Dave literally said... 'you're not getting a raise because you're good at your job.'"
"That's not fair because bubble wrap's just fun to pop."
"Honestly, it feels like cheating."
"It is atrociously unfair, of course, that the Baudelaires have so many troubles, but that is the way the story goes."
"Normal everyday people weren't winning these prizes because all of the McDonald's tear-away ticket games were completely and utterly rigged."
"The world is full of unfairness, and it's a hero's job to combat the unfairness."
"Sometimes life just is not fair in the slightest, and therefore sometimes we could all use a helping hand once in a while."
"It's more common than you might think, and when it happens, it leaves a person devastated because it seems so unfair."
"You got robbed in Micronesia, and then what happened in Game Changers... it just feels like they had to find all kinds of new creative ways to get you out."
"It's Perfection, it's incredibly exciting, it's unfair but sometimes Survivor's unfair and it's a lot of fun."
"Baseball is a really good teaching tool for helping kids understand that life is full of unfairness."
"The game ain't fair, I honestly think it's broken."
"Sometimes you don't know how dangerous and how negative that is until you take a step back from it and realize, 'Oh my god, that was unfair, oh my god, that was totally dangerous.'"
"It's just so unfair what you've been through."
"We are destroying the middle classes at this stage, and it's unfair."
"It is built on unfairness and on a failure to tackle unfairness in our society."
"Favoritism, cronyism, and nepotism all interfere with fairness because they give undue advantage to someone who does not necessarily merit this treatment."
"It's like they flip it around: tails I win, heads you lose."
"Life is messed up, the world is messed up, nothing is really fair."
"Life is never fair unless you're me."
"You think we can live for 80, 90 years, why take our hair away from us in the first 20 years? Not fair."