
Resource Value Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Time is our most valuable non-renewable resource; it's the only thing we can't make more of."
"With the current strife and the great rift bisecting the galaxy, this ancient technology is incredibly valuable to all parties."
"The most valuable resource that most of us have is time."
"In a post-grid down world, chances are those things are going to be in limited supply, and your gold is essentially going to be useless."
"Medieval philosophy is an incredibly rich resource well worth your time."
"Time is the most valuable resource we possess, so it's important that we pay attention to how much of our lives we trade for the various activities we allow to claim it."
"Time is our most valuable resource and the one that we can't replace."
"I do think the BBC website is very educational; you learn a lot."
"Time and attention are the most valuable resources today."
"There's a value in salt. Salt used will be more valuable than gold in a true grid down situation."
"I believe that time is our greatest asset and resource."
"Bringing things from space to earth only makes sense if what is retrieved is so extraordinarily valuable and just not available on earth."
"Buildings are very valuable resources because if we leave, we'll just be looking for another place to take shelter."
"The government restricts your ability to contribute because they understand how valuable of a resource this actually is."
"I firmly believe in oil and gas... You can't print a cow yet."
"Water is the most precious thing on the planet."
"Time is the greatest resource that you have and it's so important you see your time as having just as much value as having money because it is."
"This thing is absolutely invaluable to have on hand."
"Community and people are the greatest resource."
"Spice, in the world of Dune, it is the most valuable resource in the universe."
"Time is the most valuable resource in humanity."
"Africa doesn't need the world, the world needs Africa."
"Time and love are the most valuable resources. So, if you can combine the two, then you're doing something very special for the people around you."
"Values of the relative values of the resources in particular triangles are what keep you alive."
"Food is going to be a much more valuable resource to everybody than Gold is."
"If you want to understand the value of oil, fill up your car, run it till it's empty, and then push it back to where you started from."
"Steroid is gonna be an amazing asset to this colony."
"Intelligence is the commodity that is most in demand."
"Talk is cheap, ammunition is what expensive."
"It's worth more as a seed than it is for us as a sale because it's worth a hundred times when you sow it."
"A bottle of water will be worth so much more than literally anything else."
"Time is by far the most important commodity and resource on this planet."
"I used to have it all: wealth, a horde of goons, but most importantly, immortality. You see, hearts are the most valuable resource on this server."
"You're going to appreciate Elijah List and what they provided even more in the coming days."
"Time is the most valuable resource. You can make more money, you cannot make more time."
"Bitcoin is better than you know a bunch of lumber in the back of the house."
"Your network is the most invaluable resource."
"There's actually a lot of very good essential text out there covering prepping that are available for around fifteen dollars or so."
"If you can get a water source of any kind that your own, this is the reason why everybody actually looks for land that has water on it."
"Remember, as I said, these are going to come in handy."
"Are you the type of person that would trade tomatoes or barley for emeralds?"
"Faith as a whole is not a very valuable resource."
"Gold is, at the end of the day, the most important resource."
"If the internet goes out, what tools do you have? Shop manuals are probably the most valuable thing you could have."
"Gold and silver are easy to store, they don't spoil, and if purchased at times when they aren't overvalued, can be counted on to buy you the things that you will need in the future."
"They increased production to a level that water is right now more valuable than oil. Who would have ever thought, right?"
"Time is the most important resource that you have."
"Libraries actually have a lot of valuable information."
"Time is as valuable or for many and most more valuable than money."
"The value of tomes significantly outweighs what few options we do have."
"Food in your pantry is worth more than money in the bank."
"Lithium is poised to become one of the most valuable substances in human history."
"Your rewards for bringing a Lynel down are almost always well worth the effort. Its guts and body parts are valuable armor upgrade ingredients, and fetch a great price at shops."
"Shannon reminded us the greatest resource in this country isn't oil or diamonds, it is the potential of this young generation."
"Don't waste a moment, don't waste a drop. It's not worth it."
"The market is valuing this company at a ninety percent discount or more given its proven resources."
"The amount of gold value you're getting just from the base stats of the level alone is hundreds. It's very, very important."
"In a desert, water can be more precious than money."
"Water is more valuable than oil in every country in the world."
"One of the main reasons why some people like copper a lot is because of the electrification of the world."
"If you think about our resources, our resource is the finite number of extraordinary engineers and how much time they have in a day."
"Time is the only resource you actually have."
"IT time and resources are very valuable."