
Religious Diversity Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"All religions teach people to be good; all religions are the same. It doesn't matter what religion you believe in, as long as you believe or as long as you follow the teachings. And I think this is not in line with the teachings of the Buddha."
"Our fundamental religious disagreement means that central to our friendship is the idea that there's not unanimity in our thought."
"Wicca is such a diverse thing; everybody does things differently."
"We have this concept called Ishta Devata, which means 'my preferred deity,' but my preferred deity is a manifestation of the same divine as your preferred deity."
"When Jesus sent the apostles out, he didn't send them out to start 12 different churches, 12 different religions, 12 different beliefs."
"Jerusalem today strains at the close of the 20th century with the voices of many faiths."
"I want to see the right-wing Muslims and the left-wing Muslims and the ex-Muslims and the liberal reforming Muslims. I want to see them all debating and disagreeing, in a civil way of course."
"Early Christianity was not a single monolithic structure. There were many branches to early Christianity."
"It's neither Pagan nor Catholic, it is now part of Americana."
"The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race, and language are willed by God in His wisdom..."
"Christianity is not just one monolithic block of religion."
"The early church lived in a world that celebrated whatever deity you wanted to worship."
"Eventually they’re going to get Muslims on Mars."
"Most people would like to believe they're one out of 10,000 that got it right amongst all those different religions, and it's just a lottery at this particular point in time."
"There are many Muslims, Hindus, and people from various faiths who diligently seek God and find Jesus."
"Let's make a distinction between Islam as a doctrine and Muslims as fellow human beings who are incredibly diverse."
"We have almost polytheism instead of monotheism."
"But today, many religious people are siding with the scholars who say there were many authors."
"Religious freedom means a bunch of people can believe stuff about religion that you don't yourself believe."
"God's religion has to be multiple and has to have respect for different views, different interpretations."
"India's ongoing religious tradition offers a different perspective, especially in contrast to Abrahamic religions."
"Maybe we don't have a bunch of different Protestant faiths as it pertains to the socio-political environment, but I think that we would all have to agree at the very least that America has become a system of cultural paganism." - Candace Owens
"And it was mind-boggling, I thought that I would be the only Latino Muslim in the world, but it's not the case, Alhamdulillah."
"All religions find different ways to adapt the diversity of early Christian texts."
"When a kid's movie acknowledges that other religions exist."
"Ben Shapiro is a Jewish person in a primarily Christian conservative movement."
"Just because this site isn't an important site for a western religion or a religion that you hear about all the time doesn't mean that it still isn't a sacred site."
"A melting pot and mosaic of the cultures and religions."
"If you can't have a non-Christian president, then maybe one day if we're lucky."
"These books were later included in the biblical canons along with deuterocanonical and extra-biblical manuscripts that preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in late second temple Judaism."
"Since your city is regarded with affection by the adherence of three of the great religions of mankind."
"Religious studies can be for anybody, regardless of religious affiliation."
"Religions change over time and are internally diverse."
"It's important to note that not all newly created faiths have access to the same tenets... finding the right balance for your needs is up to you."
"If there can be millions of planets and billions of universes, there can as well be millions of gods and goddesses also."
"There's never been and is not now a single Christianity; there've always been Christianities."
"Christianity is not a white man's religion; on the day of Pentecost, there were Africans present."
"Jesus Christ preached the gospel of love, not the gospel of hate."
"You know what? I don't just believe in one God."
"Recognizing the richness of diversity in religion."
"It's symbolic power can kind of affirm and represent just about any kind of religion or philosophy."
"God Wills the diversity of religions on Earth."
"People have many gods... when we propose to them Jesus is the Lord they have no difficulty they accept."
"Islam is as complex as Christianity and Judaism and Buddhism and Hindus."
"There is value in exploring different religions, sciences, and paradigms."
"Religious plurality is one of the bedrocks of our society."
"Jesus was not a European Caucasian person; he was a person of color."
"So my perspectives are shared by many liberal Christians and so my my closest friends tend to be Christians and we share social and political views up and down the line even though they're Christian and I'm not."
"There are four major schools of Sunni thought."
"Show me in the Bible where everybody got to be like our organization when the Bible says they are different in administration."
"Even non-Catholics were saying, 'Please keep the Latin Mass going.'"
"In modern times, various polytheists, those who practice nature worship, and others who embrace spirituality but reject the world's largest religions, have reclaimed paganism as a concept and made the word their own."
"Certainly, we would never have come here if it hadn't been for a handful of finds deposited by a group of people worshiping a completely different set of gods two thousand years ago."
"Ganesha is revered by people of all native religions of India."
"You are so welcome, whether you are a Mormon, Christian, atheist, agnostic."
"What are the odds that every single person happened to be born in the right religion with the right ideology?"
"I don't know if it's a carpenter named Jesus, if it's a fat dude named Buddha, if it's an eight-armed elephant, if it's Shiva."
"You'll never get 100% of Baptists to agree 100% on Doctrine. That's why our constitution says that churches must closely identify, not completely identify, with our confession."
"People just get on, so it's actually very multicultural and even multi-religious despite the fact it's in an Islamic country but it just works because people agree on those things."
"The world has benefited from all Jews, Muslims, Christians, and other people."
"There are good Jews and bad Jews, good Muslims and bad Muslims, good Christians and bad Christians."
"I didn't even know the concept of an atheist."
"Charles insisted in his coronation that he be anointed as the defender not of the faith but the defender of faiths."
"People are turning to faith from every tribe, nation, tongue, and people everywhere around the world."
"Every month a new religion and we become very Pious men Ludwig and slime light the menorah."
"Hinduism embraces many traditions and focuses on beliefs, spirituality, and stories rather than imposing ritualistic practices."
"We live in a pluralistic society, within people of many religions, many religious beliefs do not hold that life begins at conception."
"Islam is not a monolith. So the only way to fairly judge a Muslim is not by the name of their religion but by the content of their character."
"But showing characters who have a religion that they take seriously is, I think, a really good and useful thing."
"One version of Christianity, another version, you gotta respect."
"There is good and bad because obviously Tengri who isn't described as being the kind of perfect God as you have in the Abrahamic traditions."
"Easter Monday dawns bright as Dubliners, both Catholic and Protestant, rouse themselves after a day of rest and worship."
"Dedicated to honoring the Myriad of sacred Pathways to the universal creator."
"Zack Snyder's like, yeah I want Superman going so fast you can't even see him."
"Religions are a buffet. They lie before us, and a lot of what you might put on your plate is, to my eyes, not that appetizing."
"Two people can disagree on certain aspects of theology...but still have a healthy dialogue without any sort of disrespect."
"Why are there so many denominations of Christianity? The things they agree on are a lot more significant than the things they disagree on."
"Your God could be different than my God, but we can all still be in the same place worshiping whatever we think God is, whether it's nature or a god of your own understanding."
"It's like a mix of Catholic and African religions."
"Islam is not one thing... there's many versions... intertwines with local culture."
"There's no monolithic religion; ancient faiths were more open source."
"People were screaming, praying to Jesus, to Allah, it's terrifying."
"Secular Americans extend a hand of friendship amidst religious dominance."
"We try to reject the essentialization of what it means to have Shia resistance or what it means to be Salafist and Sunni."
"Islam is unquestionably the most diverse, the most eclectic religion in the history of the world." - Reza Aslan
"The church is diverse because the church is a universal body."
"What are your thoughts about God? Which God? There are millions of gods."
"Christianity has branched in many directions over the centuries, all rooted in the early church."
"Our job is to help other white people wake up with us."
"The fourth option would be to abandon the whole project of trying to come up with a name for such a diverse expression of Christianity."
"I don't deny we have a lot of theological differences, but we love the same Jesus."
"Faith is faith; you can have faith in something and not attach it to any type of religious iconography."
"But even among Christians, if you stop and ask the question, who do you think Jesus is, it's interesting to watch the different shades of the answers that come back."
"They are creating an Islam that is becoming ever more diverse."
"Some of the most brilliant and beautiful people I've met are in fact Christians or Islamic or Hindus or Jewish."
"A lot of Christians don't believe that it's the title of the door that matters."
"Just be aware that there's a lot of folks out there that are into Hebrew roots or very legalistic types of gospels."
"You can be a very conservative Roman Catholic and also enjoy the Nag Hammadi library."
"We need to get people of goodwill whatever their religious beliefs."
"There are 50,000 religions in the world, you know what that means? Somebody's going to be wrong."
"The Nag Hammadi texts paint a picture of a vibrant, albeit contested religious landscape, where various groups and sects struggled for spiritual authority and legitimacy."
"it's hard to be like man why is that religion better than theirs and why is this why is that"
"Most young people today are people who don't have the same ideas about faith. There are as many atheists in this year's Harvard intake as there are Catholics or Protestants."
"...if you look at the doctrinal diversity that is present in Protestantism compared to the doctrinal diversity that is present in Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy or Oriental Orthodoxy, it's a lot bigger."
"When you really pare things down among Protestants, I think there are far less groups than certainly Rome wants to say."
"But I really want to tell you the truth. I know a lot of Quran, I've said the Quran. Were you raised up in another religion? Are you ex-Muslim? No, no, no, I'm Christian. That's what I thought."
"It is through ignorance or derision that one sometimes calls sects groups which are completely indifferent to any religious preoccupation."
"But the Jews in the Dispersion were becoming too like the Gentiles."
"The Jews were probably landowners who mixed easily with Christians."
"We have not claimed to be the one true church, and frankly, a lot of Protestants today I think we need to do better at reflecting that posture of irenicism, openness, but conviction at the same time in the midst of our dialogues."
"Why can't the liberated Muslim dwell in Jannah, the Muslim heaven? Why can't the worship of Krishna dwell in goloka?"
"There isn't just one Eastern Orthodox take on theosis either."
"Is there a way that we can work together? I think fundamentally we have to say yes, Christians can disagree and still kick it."
"Empires Golden Age, middle kingdoms, a ton of new religions come flocking in."
"All these sects they're fighting amongst each other and they may very well just embrace like they're correct in what they affirm but they may be incorrect in what they deny about the others."
"Religion in the United States is like a cafeteria. You can believe whatever you want, pick up religions, discard them, and put on new ones."
"Would you say that a protestant is any less Christian than a Catholic? No, they're just different kinds of theologies."
"It was a powerful image to see the three people standing against Bev: the doctor, the Muslim sheriff, and the school teacher who is religious but more open-minded."
"Salvation is not dependent on the doctrinal specifics of the religion you have followed on earth."
"So in short, we shouldn't be scandalized by the fact that there are a plurality of religious or anti-religious commitments, given the fact that we as human beings are weak and wounded."
"Every religious tradition is a manifestation of the way all a unified truth of the ultimate, while the absolute truth that every religion claims is only a convenient way [inaudible] in Buddhism or relative absolute."
"... being Jewish is still an ethnic identity, so even today, a non-religious Jew is generally seen as just as much of a Jew as a religious one."
"The meeting of native-born American Muslims and immigrant Muslims creating a new stream of American Islam."
"There just has to be many ways to approach the church. We want them to be sympathetic about us as we struggle along."
"Christianity in the ancient world was so varied that the differences between modern denominations pale by comparison."
"The world is becoming more religiously diverse."
"Our country is open to a lot of religions, so that's why you learn how to accept other religions and other people's beliefs."
"The diversity of religions dispirits me."
"Every religion is unique and each has access to wisdom including wisdom about God and eternity."
"Holy envy is looking at another religion and finding things in it that I wish were in my own religious tradition."
"Cults don't have to be religious, and there are lots of religious groups that aren't cults."
"Surely, all the nations shall walk, each in the name of his god. But we will walk in the name of Yehovah, our God, forever and ever."
"Many people will encounter deities, they will encounter gods and goddesses from various cultures."
"The term 'charismatic' itself is very broad. It encompasses millions of people and thousands of denominations."
"The spiritual world, if I can use that term, the afterlife, is something that transcends any particular one religion's dogma."
"Now that I'm older, I know that there's so many other people that have all these different religious beliefs."
"There's a very big mix of religious diversity in America and I think that's cool."
"A vast crowd of people too numerous to count from every people, language, and nation will commit themselves to Jesus."
"Religious pluralism... many ways to relate to the idea of the spirit, something deeper about our essential nature."
"The first answer it seems is that some of the people coming to the Puritan colonies in fact weren't Puritans."
"The African for example did not have these monolithic religions where you would go like the Arab or the European Christians when they distorted Christianity, would go and say in the name of such and such I'm going to wipe you out."
"God created us and how we're all uniquely created."
"At the end of the day, a diverse group of people converging on Jerusalem, united in learning about God's word."
"Fiercely loyal to the Starks of Winterfell, they had brought their own Gods with them from the south."
"Though fiercely loyal to the Starks of Winterfell, they had brought their own Gods with them from the south."
"Diversity was the rule and not the exception for ancient Christianity."
"Just the fact that there's 40 plus thousand denominations of Christianity is evidence that there isn't one version of understanding the Bible."
"I think the ego too, when you find out about other religions and how similar they are... to think that your religion that you grew up with is the right one is insane to me."
"I was born in Iran, I sometimes like the joke that I come from a long line of lukewarm Muslims and exuberant atheists."
"Reality all religions are just beautiful flowers in the same garden."
"Not every religion is going to work for each person, which is why it is so great that there are so many religions and spiritual journeys available to people."
"All religions are inherently interesting. I love looking at the ideas that animate people and bring meaning to their lives."
"All doctrines are so many paths; but a path is by no means God Himself."
"The sheer diversity of religious truth claims provides the basis for a robust religious pluralism."
"All these ideas of the spiritual, the godly, as this attitude of must, and we have been laid down the laws which we are bound to follow, all this jazz, is not the only way of being religious and of relating to the ineffable mystery that underlies ourselves and the world."
"Every community, every nation had a prophet."
"This is particularly true of Islam, which like all great religions, has been shaped not only by metaphysical concerns but also by the social, cultural, spiritual, and political milieu in which it finds itself."
"Religious diversity was celebrated... it didn't stop him from being loving to other people of other faiths."
"We all believe in the same God, why do we need so many religions?"
"First century Judaism was not a monolithic Unitarian enterprise."
"We could all afford to have a little more holy Envy for the strengths that are demonstrated in other faiths."
"All of these faith systems are beautiful."
"We had secularism; we were the ones that it didn't matter what your religious background was, you could go to this country and it didn't matter."
"Religion in antiquity was very pluralistic, a world awash in a variety of beliefs."
"You can be any religion you want to and be a high-ranking Masonic individual."
"It's a true story about God's delightfully different family."
"Christianity was born in the Middle East; the majority of Christians in the world are actually not white."