
Egalitarianism Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"If things are relatively distributed in an egalitarian manner, the male on male crime, especially homicide, is low."
"We're very egalitarian. We believe that these chains should work for people."
"We didn't spend most of our history in tiny bands, agriculture was not some irreversible threshold of progress and inequality, and our first cities were often quite egalitarian."
"Small psychological interventions, small changes to people's values, small nudges in certain directions, can restore levels of egalitarianism and empathy."
"Bitcoin is the egalitarian solution with more utility."
"The common denominator on the left is egalitarianism, not the government."
"As the country becomes more egalitarian, the differences between men and women increase. They don't decrease."
"The actual reason why these egalitarian states never work isn't because of the doctrine but because of reaction from those who are putting forward traditional liberal and conservative views."
"In a more egalitarian society, Kate has the natural connection with ordinary people that may well prove to be both the salvation and preservation of the monarchy."
"If you're looking for an egalitarian, utilitarian way for people to save money and protect their economic wealth for the next hundred years...that's Bitcoin."
"That's a huge piece of evidence in support of the egalitarian position... that's a pretty weighty argument."
"I want no advantage over other people save all of the opportunity of sharing with them my knowledge and my ability to help them to help themselves."
"Even if you're one of my heroes, everybody can get it."
"I think that it's... should be more egalitarian... enact... democratic relationships... struggling for change."
"The idea of every adult male regardless of what tax they're paying getting a vote sounded extremely revolutionary, extremely liberating, extremely egalitarian."
"When in a culture that uh, corrects for where there's what that are egalitarian that treat men and women equally before the law and in the culture the differences between men and women actually exaggerate."
"Cossack society was remarkably egalitarian for the time."
"Care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few."
"As much as egalitarian as our society would like to be, the fact is some people are just simply more intelligent than others."
"Knowledge cannot be for one class, knowledge cannot be for an aristocrat without the peasantry."
"Equality is the truth like it or not we are all in this together."
"It's rational to cooperate with others. I don't understand that. Where's the pathway from rationality to an egalitarian virtue? Why the hell not?"
"It has to be egalitarian, it has to be shared."
"...they were far more egalitarian that anything of the time or even anything that came years decades later in the American Revolution or the French Revolution."
"Even if you're an egalitarian leftist, you ought to be in favor of free speech because the opposite used to be used as a weapon against you."
"If you want to be egalitarian, then be egalitarian."
"The round table is a device that shares out leadership broadly, it's also an element that is egalitarian or claims to be so."
"It is this egalitarian spirit that should be the legacy of the real pirates of the Caribbean."
"It's a type of society which I would call egalitarian."
"I believe along these lines: that if one goes through the discussion of egalitarianism and equality of outcome the conclusion you come to, or that I come to, is the importance of distinguishing between two very different things."
"As the forms of leverage have gone from being human-based, labor-based, and being capital-based to being more product and code and media-based, most of the goods and services that we consume are becoming much more egalitarian in their consumption."
"No, not equally powerless against the gods; that is not a feature of our most egalitarian societies."
"If you're going to make that argument properly and honestly, you would take the most egalitarian societies that we know of and then you try to point out the inequalities."
"The Nordic model of egalitarian distributive practices... results in greater equality."
"...the word egalitarian actually came out in Beth's statement yep okay right so that's important because when you get to you know the issue that's swirling within the SBC..."
"I absolutely love that egalitarian society mindset."
"He wanted his art to be accessible to all without any hierarchy between the various means of exhibition."
"Humans originated as egalitarian hunter gatherers."
"The spirit of Porto Alegre is the spirit of moving towards a relatively democratic, relatively egalitarian world."
"No more elitism, I can't stand that kind of thing."
"I really like Ralph Metzner talked a lot about these kind of egalitarian groups and I think that might be a huge part of the future, making it a team sport to a degree."
"I just do kindness in my heart, let them write you know nobody's better than nobody."
"We don't practice [egalitarianism] along those lines, do we? But when it comes to religious things, well, we're all just equal. No, that's not the case."
"You can be for egalitarianism and celebrate differences."
"Human rights are not enough; an egalitarian politics that serves the majorities and that most importantly, majorities will vote for, is decisive to the future of everything we hold dear."
"I love this community and especially coming from academia I love how this world is so non hierarchical."
"Women would not start wars because the nature of a woman is egalitarian."
"The idea of creating a society with more egalitarianism is very appealing to young people."
"Egalitarianism means there's no difference based on gender in terms of how gifts, including leadership gifts, are given by the Spirit in the body of Christ."
"Life's not equal, that's not fair. Fair to me means equality, egalitarian."
"Canada is an open egalitarian society with a healthy respect for personal freedoms, the rule of law, and the environment."
"As we get further and further away from a survival scenario, the possibility of egalitarianism is possible."
"Feminism is a political theory based around the concept of egalitarianism."
"Despite the ideology of egalitarianism, you know, you wear the same clothes, you eat the same food, you fight looking pretty much exactly like everybody else in the Phalanx."
"This is an attitude totally foreign to Canadians who are unaccustomed to showing deference to anyone who could not stand firmly on his own two feet without the artificial support of wealth or titles."
"Eden is once egalitarian, its inhabitants are -- in 'naked Majesty' they're 'Lords of all,' both of them."
"I believe we could see a much more egalitarian society, but one that is still based on the principles of free and fair trade."
"For Vaughan Williams, music was egalitarian and spiritual but was also hard work."
"The indigenous egalitarian societies of Southeast Asia and Austronesia paved the way for the empowered women of the modern-day countries of Southeast Asia and the Pacific."
"The Australian style is open and egalitarian, and you try and look for commonality."
"The true free markets require radical reforms, radical egalitarian reforms."
"It would be much more egalitarian to enable people to actually buy a house rather than being priced out."
"In that meeting, it is extremely horizontal and titles mean nothing, ideas mean everything."
"Vulnerability can lead us to radical egalitarianism, to socialism, to the radical redistribution of wealth."
"He did not care about names, Clans, or ranks; he was just a natural person who understood people."
"We're an egalitarian community; we have no leader."
"I became a lot more egalitarian at that moment."
"Is a culture very comfortable with hierarchy, does it take it as a basic fact of life, or does it strive for more equal, egalitarian structure?"
"One is a belief in an egalitarian society, a belief in the moral equality of all human beings."
"I believe you can structure a relationship how you want, but to the extent that it's an egalitarian relationship."
"I'm an egalitarian, so I believe in equality, men's rights, and women's rights."
"These societies are more egalitarian than farming societies."
"A tribal Society is an egalitarian society where everybody does everything."