
System Critique Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"New Optimism isn't optimistic at all. If you think that the current system is not far from the ideal one, you have a deeply pessimistic view of what humanity can achieve."
"People need to believe that the system we live in now is not the best of all possible systems."
"Bitcoin fixes that. Bitcoin allows you to just exit the system."
"The matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy."
"Cynicism might not make your life easier, more efficient, or more effective, but it will help you realize that the system demanding this efficiency and productivity might not be worth believing in in the first place."
"We want to shine the beautiful spotlight of transparency down upon that system so that we can help clean it up a little bit."
"You have got to get out of the system as much as physically possible. That is how you regain your sanity and your life."
"Getting out of the mindset, as I call it, getting out of the system, is going to prepare you for all of these things."
"Get them out of the system. Bring your family home as much as possible and start working on all of these things together."
"This system is not the best of all systems; it gave us the opportunity to imagine Alternatives."
"The existing systems...have no agenda other than the sustenance of this system at large. They are not interested in real change."
"It's remarkable how screwed up everything is in our system."
"Everybody's dissatisfied with the current system."
"There's a real frustration and anger at our whole political system."
"Reducing your dependence on the Leviathan and separating yourself from the system."
"Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system."
"I'm disillusioned with the system, it needs to change."
"It is blood boiling that they would try to excuse this Behavior. This is our government, it is disgusting."
"We tested far more than anybody else. We have the ability to test. We've come a long way from an obsolete broken system."
"Crypto pulls you from that system. There's nothing they can do about that."
"The system is going to implode and there are so many ways that we as people can rise up and take control democratically."
"Fortunately through some miracle you've actually intervened and stated that it was fair use which given how broken the system is is almost incredible."
"Why would you keep paying taxes into that system? It's not financially rational."
"There is something wrong going on with this current system; it simply encourages way too many bad habits."
"It's good to point out that the current system is broken and needs to be fixed."
"The real problem here is that the education system is failing."
"Legendary acquisition was terrible. People were quitting the game because of how WoW's systems were dealt with."
"Your vote will lead to more or less the exact system you've got now."
"I think unless you're like a violent offender there's really a lot of other paths that we could go down other than the very flawed and corrupt criminal justice system in our country."
"Times are changing... more people are choosing to do their own thing, the flaws in the system itself are revealing themselves."
"Young people are feeling over both political parties, over the entire system of politics."
"The greatest trick the system ever pulled is convincing you that you cannot resist."
"Nothing happens in a bubble, everything exists as part of the same establishment, the same system."
"That is how bad the specialist system is. The thing about all of these things: the UI, the HUD, the AI bots, the specialist, the sound design, all of these are really complex systems."
"The system does not allow anybody to rise to the presidency unless they go along with the establishment narrative."
"Break away from the right-left system of unreality."
"This is the only solution to a system that's collapsing all around us."
"Independence is the new, riskier to go with the old system."
"Trump kind of used the broken system that is politics."
"I genuinely believe that government systems are designed in a way to make them unapproachable so they have to spend less time dealing with people."
"You're going to be exposing the justice system."
"I truly believe it's not just capitalism. Capitalism shouldn't be in the healthcare system like this."
"The game has always been rigged but it feels more rigged than ever."
"People will feel like they were played by the system that they had intended to upend."
"The profit in the United States... distorts our health care system."
"If it's not for someone like us... they're just going to sit in the queue forever."
"We have the opportunity to stop serving a system that is there to control us from cradle to grave."
"It's garbage. This is a garbage-ass dog [ __ ] system."
"They see the system for what it is and they want it to change radically."
"This chaotic, polluting, and unjust system is really entirely within our hands to control."
"People are sick of the corrupt system... turning inward."
"It was basically kind of like an 'Fu' to the system."
"Trials can possibly recover from the damage done by said with this terrible bounty system."
"We're going to shine that big beautiful spotlight of accountability and transparency back down upon that very system."
"It's part of that sort of criminality of the system that's been created when that's maybe the best option that's available to us right now."
"The gotcha system is going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people."
"If you hate the current system then work to improve it..."
"Perfect mathematically precise absolutely totally industrialized system is incompatible with the human spirit."
"The way out of the mechanism is possible cooperation super non compliance to the system."
"Change is what they got, just not in the obvious two-party politics way."
"This entire [ __ ] has run amok and should be rethought from the ground up."
"Once we start to understand the structure of the middleman economy, then we realize that another way of trying to balance out the playing field can be creating the infrastructure that we need to build resilience."
"Everybody knows that we'd have a much better system if we had a single-payer system."
"I think something is seriously wrong with a beautiful system which develops this big, clumsy, aggressive government, huge corporations, with more influence over their markets than is desirable from the standpoint of free competitive theory."
"Nobody is happy with the current system right now."
"This is looking like a good weapon grind system and I love that I get to say that because it feels like I've been putting a negative spin on everything for the past year."
"The problem in America is that we don't have enough political parties; we only have two."
"A system where a police officer can kill three people and be promoted tells you all you need to know."
"Elections in general are going to change... it's about to break... the system itself is ugly... It's about to break and you will see what I mean with this election perhaps even the next one."
"We need to start thinking about the broken mental health system." - Unknown speaker
"People are hungry for something else, and it's the system itself... that is keeping the people from being able to express their will."
"The system is over, this iteration, The Matrix is ending."
"The gear system is laughably bad like Avengers level bad for real."
"It's a conscious decision to live my life my way not to be entirely dependent on the system not just to be a brick in the wall."
"Accept no substitutes—only single-payer Medicare-for-all can fix the grave dysfunctions and injustices of the American healthcare system."
"Mgtow is not about women... It is about the system."
"Everybody needs to know that bitcoin is the way that we prevent this kind of malicious activity happening in the traditional financial ecosystem."
"The system is not broken, it's working as intended."
"Why have we not questioned the system we live under?"
"We should not be the slave of our economic system. The economic system should serve us."
"The inability to provide efficient, flexible quality healthcare is fundamentally problematic."
"This could be a huge movement of people rebelling against the current system."
"If a celebrity who was active 19 years ago can sway the system of Korea, wouldn't that itself prove the weakness in the system?" - Yoo
"People don't like having their time wasted. These systems what they do in many regards is that they waste your time."
"Any choice that increases you and your family's independence from the system is a good choice."
"It's the end for an old system, a society that lied to its citizens."
"When the whole point is to take something that people need to survive and turn it into something that operates based on a profit motive, well, that system is going to fail."
"That's not normal behavior... that's not our system and we should not accept it."
"The system is broken that is exactly right and either the left is going to figure it out or the left is going to suffer the political consequences."
"Not every artist is willing to confront the system and be an outcast, fool them believe."
"Big changes are required, and as painful as change is, we cannot try to patch the old system. It's too far gone, it's too late."
"It's a system that's designed to keep the truth from coming out."
"This is an inhumane system, it's rotten to the very core."
"Consciously stepping outside of that control system seems to me to be critically important and not a bad place to start."
"You're opting out of a system... guaranteed to lose money."
"The system has absorbed its dissidents into its self-preservation."
"People look at them and go, well, at least I know you haven't been like thoroughly corrupted by the system as it exists. So I'll give you a shot."
"The Tories are benefiting from this chaotic, dysfunctional system."
"I've just decided I'm not going to be a cog in the machine."
"The minute that you divest yourself from the system is the minute that you get rich."
"If we can't beat the system if we can't change the system if we can't break the system we can definitely help devalue the system."
"We've been trained to believe that we need books about American history and of course it's good to know American history then it's good to know certain things but they really want you to learn about their system."
"This system is designed to stifle free speech, critical thinking, and problem-solving."
"We live in a system that prioritizes profit over feeding children."
"You need to remove yourself from the system."
"We are in this system where we're not even humans."
"I believe in criminal justice reform more than anything. What I've seen in the United States prison system... I get mad whenever I think about that."
"It doesn't really matter how much wealth you can accumulate as an individual if the average person no longer buys into the system."
"We live in a broken system and this is why we do this so that we can bring to light the insanity of the system that we are in."
"Avoiding movement is not safe in an overprotected system."
"This is about a system that we celebrate as being the greatest system on Earth, and this is still, still going on."
"If you decide not to partake in this system that we have, however flawed it is, it's just an act of self-sabotage."
"How do you reclaim it you can't use a system to reclaim it. They system is designed that anything you do in a system proves you're imbecile in law."
"It's like an antidote to the Molek system."
"He's a piece of [ __ ] supporting a piece of [ __ ] system."
"It's built and designed to be extremely unfair to us and extremely advantageous to them."
"Every year I didn't go home, I felt like, okay, I'm gonna go home next year. For me to cope with actually knowing that the system is saying, 'Nah, you're gonna die in jail.'"
"The question isn't how to make you work harder; the question is we have a very poor system of people finding jobs that they like."
"Poverty is just like the prison system, once you get in, you can't get out."
"When the system is set up to impoverish you, when the system is set up to gentrify anyone who's not in that top percentile, then we have to stop looking at the system for solutions."
"The system is broken when it comes to the financial sphere, of course, but you can still make good individual decisions that will have a positive impact on your life."
"If you're looking for freedom, then you have to go outside that system where accolades don't exist."
"Applicants should not be made to feel as if the system is against them."
"To be separate simply means to be obedient to God and not the system."
"Stay safe, please stay safe, our system is broken."
"It breaks the whole system to have a class one drug be something as commonly available and non-destructive as marijuana."
"The school system was not designed to teach children to think for themselves."
"I don't understand the mindset of a person who becomes sincerely upset at those who found a way to crack the system, so to say, and live an easier life sooner."
"I always wanted the fame and the riches but I ain't never want to be a part of the system."
"We have a system today which is not only dysfunctional, it is incredibly cruel."
"We need a better way of resolving conflict in community with one another because the way that we have adopted our systems now is very impersonal."
"I don't think we should have a system that puts the burden on any one person."
"80% of Americans are not happy with the current financial system as it is today; they think it's too slow, the fees are too high, it doesn't serve everybody equally."
"The system can beat you down as much as it wants, but if you don't give in to the system... that's the greatest thing."
"It's never about the system, man. It's about us."
"We all know the system's broken, we aren't afraid to take risks."
"I just love it because it's people using math and smarts to just stick it to the man and wreck the system."
"If you show me somebody at the bottom and you want to blame the system, you only get to blame the system if you can first eliminate free choice."
"If you look at this system and you see that you have no real options, you understand exactly how you end up in a moment exactly like this."
"Something is deeply flawed with an education system that doesn't immediately say, 'Great, how can we help you get there?'"
"I don't think we should conform to the system."
"The system is working great if you are a billionaire; it ain't working so great if you are working for a living."
"65% of the country at this point wants a political alternative because we can sense that the current system is not working."
"It's kind of amazing to watch as this movement grows, all these people wanting better food and honestly, in a different way, away from the system."
"You can have a person screaming the actual truth, and the system just closes in and says, 'Nope, get the [__] out, you gotta go.'"
"A lot of the characters who are just like sad and uninvolved are sad and uninvolved because they see how futile and messed up the system is."
"The system doesn't want us to think, to be creative, to be successful."
"The trouble is when you get into an unhealthy system, it's when you get punished for sharing a perspective that doesn't match the story of that system."
"I liked it. I mean, I think it's easy to say that any system is completely flawed because people can take advantage of any system."
"This system can no more provide freedom, justice, and equality than a chicken can lay a duck egg."
"The system we have for describing this stuff is imperfect."
"I thought I got robbed in a fight. I won the fight, but the system was against me at the time."
"I wrote the book thinking about people that I really care for, that were sold in the system."
"If the system can survive only by imprisoning innocent people, then it deserves to be destroyed."
"You can deceive me, but compared to the tricks the system plays on people, you're simply weak."
"You are valuable, and it's not your fault that a broken system didn't work out for you."
"The premise of our system is that a person's score during her time on earth is final and inarguable."
"I threw away my hatred for the human after seeing how broken the system is."